English VII

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Bidang Study : ENGLISH

Kelas : VII (Tujuh)

Hari / Tanggal :
Semester/T.P : II (Dua)/2020.2021

I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban a, b, c, dan d yang kamu anggap benar!

1. 997, what we say for this?
a. nine hundred and one c. nine hundred and ninety seven
b. four nine hundred seven d. nine thousand and fourty hundred
2. “Four thousand Six hundred and twenty six”, Is the same as
a. 4626 b. 3356 c. 4656 d. . 3466
3. ………are three boardmarkers
a. this b. these c. which d. . when
4. Redo : How old are you?
Reni : ……… ?
a. Jl. Pertemuan No. 17 b. 26 years old c. my name is Reni d. . jakarta
5. When you need help from other people, you have to say?
a. thanks b. thank you c. you’re welcome d. please
6. “it’s my twenty first birthday”, the bold letter as the same as…
a. 30th b. 12th c. 21st d. . 97th
7. Mr. Joko ……… three cars
a. have b. has c. had d. . are
8. Joni : How do you do
Marry : …….
a. how do you do b. how are you c. fine, thank you d. . how tall
9. Arrange this sentence (is - flat - Wawan’s nose)
a. Wawan’s nose flat is c. Flat is Wawan’s nose
b. Wawan’s nose is flat d. Flat is Wawan


What kind of shape is this?

a. pentagon b. square c. line d. rectangle

11. Ratih and Rara stay ……… Jln. Kota Raja No. 34, Lebong Selatan
a. on b. in c. at d. . under
12. 8.45, What time is it?
a. a quarter to nine b. a quarter past ten c. a quarter past eight d. it’s half past eight
13. I keep my bag ……… The table
a. at b. on c. in d. . next to
14. I …… Mr. Indra
a. is c. are
b. am d. Is, am are
15. Which one below is true based on the pattern (Be+S+Someone?)
a. I am the winner c. You are Mr. Ricko
b. Is it a glass? d. we are the students
16. …… is a pen
a. These c. This
b. Those d. These this
17. Those are ……
a. a car c. Three bike
b. Three bikes d. Four Car
18. Listen to me please, what does it mean?
a. Dengarkan dia c. Tolong dengarkan ibu
b. Dengarkan mereka d. Tolong dengarkan saya
19. Berbaris, what is in English?
a. Hold this, please c. Raise your hands
b. Turn around d. Line up, please
20. Don’t make noises, what does it mean?
a. Jangan berlari c. Jangan diam
b. Jangan ribut d. Jangan nakal


1. 2.35, what time is it? (it is twenty five to three)

2. What month after October (November)
3. Meri : hallo Joko, How are you?
Joko : ……. (Fine, thank you)
4. Mention at least three, things in the bedroom (Pillow, blanket, mirror)
What the sign means … (don’t smoke)

Good Luck
Mr Foxan 2021©

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