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Philippine Lime and chlorine fluorides are locally known as calamansi and chlorine,
respectively. A lime is very abundant on a tropical countries, particularly here in the
Philippines. because it is a very common fruit here in the Philippines it seems that it’s just
normal to them to find a rotten calamansi. Did they not know the special powers of this fruit?
Maybe, a question is now coming on your mind: what could be the special powers of this
calamansi? And the chlorine fluoride or chlorine are usually uses on home and laundry to
keep our household clean.

Most of the Filipinos use calamansi on making dishes, sauces, etc. and they use
chlorine on doing a laundry and cleaning the household. That’s why we finds an alternative
way to use it during this pandemic. The calamansi and chlorine we combined it as an
alternative way of disinfectant that we called unstoppable we can use this to clean our clothes
and the things that we use outside our house to prevent on spreading virus with our family
member when we got home. The use of calamansi on our product is to prevent the annoying
smell of the chlorine and water is for the mixture of this two and to lessen the strong chemical
compound of the chlorine.

The product we are introducing can be use for sanitizing alternative to alcohol.
Because nowadays during this pandemic we are experiencing the alcohol deficiency due to
the increasing demand of it. So we create a product that can be the alternative to this alcohol.
This product can be used to sanitize Hand, Utensil and anything that been touched by human
hand because nowadays we need to sanitize everything before touching it so that we can be
safe and sure that it is clean and free form viruses. The Unstoppable can do it all this product
is created inspired to the students who experience the lackness of alcohol in the store in times
that in need due to this COVID-19 Pandemic so we start thinking what can be the alternative
to this alcohol that we can use to avoid being infected? Then this we came up with the
Unstoppable best alternative to the alcohol we bought from the store.
The product Unstoppable has the capability to disinfect equal to the alcohol we use. If
you have a hard time finding alcohol you can avail one of our products

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