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Title of poem Present a very Present creative Present title with a There is no clear title.
creative title title related to the little creativity.
related to the poem.
Follow Poem All poem is Most part of poem Some parts of the Little or no evidence of
Directions written correctly is written poem is written following directions.
according to correctly correctly according to
directions. according to directions.
Creativity A very creative Has many creative Has some creative Shows little or no
ideas and ideas and ideas and creativity.
illustration. illustrations. illustrations.
Conventions Evidence of Evidence of Evidence of limited Little or no evidence of
strong grade- adequate grade- grade-level, grammar grade-level expectation
level grammar, level grammar, capitalizing, in grammar
capitalizing, capitalizing, punctuation, and capitalizing,
punctuation, and punctuation, and spelling. punctuation, and
spelling spelling. spelling.
Handwriting Handwriting is Handwriting is Handwriting is Handwriting needs
neat with little mostly neat with somewhat neat with improvement.
visible erase some eraser many eraser marks.
marks. marks.

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