Nanotechnolgy in Electronics

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Submitted in fulfilments of the requirements for the Eight Semester of the

Degree of
Bachelor of Engineering in
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi

during the year 2022-2023
Carried out by


Under the guidance of

Prof. G V. RAJA
Department of Electronics and Engineering

Sri Sairam College of Engineering

Sai Leo Nagar, Guddanahalli Post, Anekal
Bengaluru - 562107
Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering


Certified that the Seminar entitled " NANOTECHNOLOGY IN ELECTRONICS ” is a bonafied work
carried out by VENKATA KRISHNAN.B 1SB19EC056 in partial fulfilment for the award of Bachelor of
Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering of the Visvesvaraya Technological University,
Belgaum during the year 2022-2023. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal
Assessment have been incorporated in the report deposited in the department library. The Seminar report has
been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of Seminar work prescribed for the Bachelor
of Engineering Degree.

Coordinator signature Signature of the HOD Signature of the Principal

Prof.G V.Raja Dr.A.Poonguzhali Dr.B.Shadaksharappa

It has been an honour and privilege to do my Seminar report on Nanotechnology in Electronics. I take
this opportunity to convey my sincere thanks and regards to Our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Sai Prakash Leo Muthu, and Dr. Arun Kumar R, Management Representative for offered me a
chance to study in this institute and everyone who has helped me in successful completion of this seminar.

I take immense pleasure in expressing my sincere gratitude to Dr. B Shadaksharappa, Principal, Sri
Sairam College of Engineering, Bengaluru for giving me a constant encouragement and support to
achieve my goal.

My sincere thanks to Dr.A.Poonguzhali , HOD of Dept. of Electronics and Communication

Engineering for permitting us to undertake the Seminar work and for his invaluable guidance.

I express my deepest thanks to Seminar Coordinators Prof. Raja G V, Dept. of Electronics and
Communication Engineering for taking part in useful decision and guidance and arranging all facilities.
I choose this moment to acknowledge their contribution gratefully.

I perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use gained
skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and will continue to work on their improvement, in order
to attain desired career objectives. Hope to continue cooperation with all of you in the future.
Nanoelectronics has earned prominent importance in smart manufacturing, which is considered to be the
backbone of Industry 4.0. With the advent of smart and novel technologies, together with digital
advancements, the missions and visions of smart industry can be pursued enthusiastically. Automation and
control technologies in smart manufacturing systems require highly selective, cost-effective, and
flexible nanosensor devices. Consequently, there is an extreme demand for novel materials and techniques
for sensor counterparts. This chapter highlights the substantial contribution of nanomaterials in the present
and future development of flexible nanosensors. A variety of substrate materials with distinct mechanical
and chemical properties are discussed in detail. The involvement of highly promising nanomaterials such
as metals, conductive polymers, and carbon-based materials in the fabrication of sensor electrodes are also
explored extensively. The comprehensive investigation of design, fabrication, authenticity, simulation, and
major applications of the flexible systems open up many possibilities for future development.


1 Introduction 1
1.1 History of Nanotechnology
1.2 Evolution of Nanotechnology 2

2 Nanotechnology
2.1 Literature Review
2.2 Various Applications of Nanotechnology 4
2.3 Why small is good in nanotechnology
2.4 Butterfly wings Nanotechnology
3 Nanoelectronics 8
3.1 Introduction to Nano Electronics
3.2 Nano electronic devices
4 Methodology 9
4.1 Top Down And Bottom Up Methodology
4.2 Approaches
5 Applications of Nanoelectronics 13

6 Future Scope 15

7 Advantages and Drawbacks 16

8 Conclusion 17

9 References 18

Nanotechnology deals with the understanding and control of matter at dimensions between approximately
1 and 100 nanometres, where unique phenomena enable novel applications. More specifically,
nanotechnologyimaging,modelling,measuring,design,characterization, production, and application of
structures, devices, and systems by controlled manipulation of size and shape at the nanometre scale (atomic,
molecular, and macromolecular scale) that produces structures, devices, and systems with at least one
novel/superior characteristic or property.


The nanotechnology that has become so popular in the last decade has its origin back in 1959 when the
American physicist and later Nobel laureate gave the lecture "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom". In it, he
dealt with the possible influence of molecules of the order of atoms. The term nanotechnology itself was first
used by the Japanese professor Norio Taniguchi in 1974 in a contribution to semiconductor processes and
possible applications. The imagination thus aroused by the researchers finally led to the development of the
scanning tunneling microscope in 1981, for which the physicists Binning and Rohrer were awarded the Nobel
Prize in 1986.Nanotechnology deals with the manipulation of matter at the size of 10-9 nm. Scientists did not
consider its importance until Richard Feynman gave his speech, although, in some occasions in laboratories,
they managed to create an atomic level compound with properties similar to those of current nanotechnology.
In fact, the popular belief is that at some point in history, graphene sheets and nanotubes were manufactured
that are so popular today.

In the past, nanotechnology was not studied until several books were published talking about it and its
potential. Richard Feynman's famous phrase "there is a lot of space in the background" made him an iconic
figure of the twentieth century and made many other scientists interested in nanotechnology.At the time of the
speech of Feynman, many scientific fields seemed to have reached a point of stagnation and Richard Feynman
was the first to venture to say that in the smallest (atomic level), there is a science that could give great results.
He proposed the example of the human body, in which the manipulation of atoms and life cells (DNA) that
are of great importance in the functioning of the organism could be interesting. Its correct use could give the
solution to many problems and could be very useful in the development of cures for future diseases.



In 1959, Nobel Prize winning physicist Professor Richard Feynman gave a lecture titled “There’s Plenty of
Room at the Bottom” 1. In this lecture he outlined the possibility for a new scientific field, which we have
come to know as “nanotechnology”. Nanotechnology is a catch-all term that describes any material or device
be it electrical, medical, magical – that has at least one dimension on the nanoscale i.e. between 1-100 nm, a
similar size difference to that of a centimetre and a metre – only 10 million times smaller. Nanodevices can
be as much as one million times smaller than a single grain of sand; these tiny dimensions become even more
mind-boggling when you consider the fact that this is equivalent to the size difference between that same grain
of sand and the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
Feynman’s lecture is widely believed to have kick-started the entire field, however this is not quite true: It
actually went mostly unnoticed by the science community until the 1990s when research into nanotechnology
was already well underway. Despite this, Feynman is still known as the ‘Spiritual Grandfather’ of
nanotechnology and, in that lecture, he had some interesting insights into what was to come.


In the 1950s computers needed a good few square metres of space and had internal memories of only a couple
of megabytes at most. This is equivalent to a computer taking up your entire living room (or, if you’re a
student, possibly your entire flat) but only being able to store one song on it. Comparing this to nowadays,
when it is possible to carry your entire music collection in your pocket, you can see that technology has
advanced immensely. This is due to the decrease in size of transistors– the main components of computer
chips, with over one billion of them now being packed onto chips that can be smaller than a fingernail . Since
1971, they have decreased from 0.00001m to 0.000000014m .. This may not look like a big decrease but it is
actually about 1000X smaller, similar to the size difference between a human and a midge. Improvements in
nanofabrication processes are to thank for these tiny transistors, allowing smaller computers to be made with
larger memories.

Another question that Feynman asked in his lecture was whether it was possible to write all 24 volumes of the
Encyclopaedia Britannica on the head of a pin; it turns out it is. Feynman calculated that by decreasing the
size of the writing 25,000 times it is physically possible to fit the entire encyclopaedia onto an area of about
1.6mm. This hasn’t actually been done but other works have been shown to fit on to tiny spaces. Here at
Glasgow University, Dr Stephen Thoms managed a rather patriotic feat by writing the entire works of Robert
Burns so small that more than ten of them could fit on the head of a pin .
Feynman even described possible tools that could be used to achieve this and these descriptions sound very
similar to some of the techniques that are in use today. One of his ideas is to use electrons, focusing them with
lenses to form an intense beam that is capable of marking a material. He suggested marking the metal directly
initially but goes on to say “If it doesn’t work for a metal surface, it must be possible to find some surface
with which to coat the original pin so that, where the electrons bombard, a change is made which we could
recognize later”. In fact, this is basically how electron-beam lithography works, a tool commonly used for
nanofabrication; the metal is coated with a material called a resist whose chemistry changes when electrons
hit it, causing it to either weaken or harden. The weaker part can then be removed using an acid, leaving the
rest behind as a protective layer over certain parts of the metal. This means that parts of the metal can be
removed but those bits covered with resist won’t be, allowing tiny patterns, such as letters, to be made in the
metal. Electron-beam lithography can create features smaller than 10 nm in size so it’s a pretty important tool
for nanofabrication and is how Dr Thoms ‘wrote’ the works of Burns on such a tiny space.


Nanotechnology has a lot of applications in biology and medicine but most of these are still in their infancy.
Feynman, again, predicted some of the biological applications that are currently being researched; He talked
about a “mechanical surgeon” that could be injected into blood vessels to look at the heart and use nano-sized
tools to fix whatever’s wrong. Having one device that is capable of doing all of that is a very long way off but
a lot of different types of nanodevices that can be injected into the body are in development.

A lot of research in nanotechnology is geared towards non-invasive treatments for cancer. For example, carbon
nanotubes are being researched for photothermal therapy. A nanotube is basically a single sheet of carbon
atoms that has been rolled into a very small tube. With small modifications, these could be injected into the
body where they would preferentially bind at tumour sites due to particular molecules that have been attached
to the surface of the nanotubes. When they are inside the tumour, a low energy laser is fired at the affected
area. The carbon nanotubes absorb a lot more of this energy than other materials in the body and therefore
heat up a lot more quickly than the surrounding tissue and this heat causes the tumour to start dying from
within.The main advantage of this technique is that it only kills tumour cells, thus getting rid of the side effects
associated with current treatments such as chemotherapy.

Also under investigation are nanomotors, which could have additional devices attached for diagnostics and
treatments. These look nothing like full size mechanical motors as they are much less complex devices with
only one or two components, and can be manually manoeuvred from outside the body if required, using
magnetic fields or pulses of ultrasound, for example .One particular nanomotor design (that has quite possibly
the best name I’ve ever heard) is ‘Acoustically Propelled Micro bullets’. These are tiny little conical shaped
structures that carry their own fuel source. When one of these ‘micro bullets’ is hit with a pulse of ultrasound
the fuel inside it explodes causing it to propel forwards with a velocity high enough to tear through flesh and
tissue .These could make it possible for nano surgery to become a reality, however, these technologies are still
at a very early stage of development and would have to be controlled very precisely if they were ever to be let
loose inside the body. These devices may not quite live up to Feynman’s ‘mechanical surgeon’ but they are
still leaps and bounds ahead of medicine in the 1950s.
These are just a few of the many ideas Feynman had about nanotechnology with him going on to give further
lectures on the subject during his career. Unfortunately he died in 1988 and so didn’t live long enough to see
many of his more outlandish ideas come to fruition. However, he did witness the miniaturisation of computers
as well as the development of several tools that are now commonplace in nanotech labs around the world. He
even lived to see nanotechnology researchers win the Nobel Prize in Physics. Feynman’s ideas may have
been ahead of their time but, considering the many applications that are now utilizing nanotechnology, it is
plain to see that he was right: There really is “plenty of room at the bottom”.



It is exacerbated by the rising need to preserve our climate that the world's need for energy needs are being
fulfilled. Several scientists are investigating ways of improving safe, accessible and renewable energy, as
well as ways to reduce energy usage and to mitigate environmental toxicity . Nanotechnology solar panel
experiments are more successful in transforming sunlight to energy than conventional designs that pledge
in future cheap solar power. Cheaper and easier to install, nanostructured Solar Cells can use print-like
production processes and are assembled in compact sheets, rather than separate plates . Nanotechnologies
already have a higher power density and are longer to retain the storage charge, which are being used for a
variety of new forms of battery which are less inflammable, quicker to charge, more powerful and more
light weight. In an environmentally benign production process, a new lithium-ions battery model uses a
common, nontoxic virus. In order to improve the hydrogen membrane and storage materials and the catalysts
needed to produce alternative transport systems fuel cells at reduced cost, nanostructured material is being
sought. Researchers often build a clean, lightweight fuel tank for hydrogen.




Silver nanoparticles combined with polymers are being utilised to improve the quality of food packaging
materials, extending their shelf life. It will last longer and taste better as a result. Furthermore, "smart
packaging," which detects biological changes in food, is another important application of Nanotechnology.
Various uses of nanotechnology are used in agriculture and agribusiness to ensure food safety.


We have progressed from massive television sets and mobile phones to sleek television sets and smartphones
due to technological advancements. Furthermore, nanomaterials such as Graphene have created thin,
lightweight, higher-quality TV screens that require less electricity!


Patients experience significant side effects from many therapies and drugs for chronic conditions such as
cancer, brain tumours, and so on. Nanoparticles are being used for this, and the drug will be targeted to the
affected cells rather than the entire body. A variety of nanomaterials are also being employed to improve the
efficiency of imaging systems. Nanotechnology's medical applications are not limited to the categories above
but include gene therapy, wound treatment, and other fields.


Specialised fabrics with nano-sized Silver and Titanium particles are used to make a piece of cloth wearable,
wrinkle-free, and odour-free across seasons. As a result, lightweight, thin, and breathable textiles have been


developed. In this industry, Nanotechnology is also used to make materials stain-resistant and improve


In the last decade, the automobile industry has undergone a paradigm shift. Now and then, new four- and two-
wheeler versions with cutting-edge technology are introduced now and then. This is yet another industry where
Nanotechnology can be seen in action. Several polymer nanocomposites, such as Natural Rubber-Organoclay,
have been employed to make tyres more abrasion-resistant. Adding nanoparticles to automotive fluids, such
as tungsten nanospheres, have improved their mechanical qualities.


Different co-curricular activities, such as sports, have become a popular choice for creating a profession in
today's culture. As a result, many revolutionary developments are occurring, particularly in tennis and golf.
High-end racquets, new tennis balls with slow air release, lightweight hockey sticks, and club shaft material
with better durability have been created using nanomaterials such as Silica nanoparticles, nano
clays fullerenes, and so on.


Individual nanoparticles are used on filtration membranes to improve water quality by removing chemical and
industrial waste such as TCE from rivers and groundwater. This is one of the best applications of
Nanotechnology. Nanotechnology for water filtration is highly effective and relatively inexpensive.


Space Science and Research is another area where Nanotechnology can be seen in action. Aside from
employing materials like CNT to make the exterior construction of satellites more robust and lightweight,
researchers are also looking into ways to deliver spacecraft with less fuel.


Nanomaterials are being employed extensively to address deteriorating air quality, which has become a global
issue. Membranes coated with nanomaterials such as Graphene Oxide are used to separate contaminants from
the air on the one hand. On the other hand, research is being done to increase the efficiency of catalysts that
can assist reduce the impact of air pollution from industrial facilities, automobiles, air conditioners, and other
sources. These catalysts, made up of nanoparticles, have a huge surface area on which the chemicals can react.


Various sensors have been developed using nanomaterials such as Zinc Oxide nanowires, Carbon nanotubes,
and palladium nanoparticles to detect even the smallest concentrations of harmful compounds. This is
conceivable because the electrical characteristics of these materials are improving at the nanoscale.



One obvious benefit of smaller components is that they allow you to pack more functionality in the same
volume. This is especially important for digital circuits: more components means you can do more
processing in the same amount of time. For instance, a 64-bit processor can, in theory, process eight times
as much information as an 8-bit CPU running at the same clock frequency. But it also needs eight times as
many components: registers, adders, buses and so on all become eight times larger. So you’d need either a
chip that’s eight times larger, or transistors that are eight times smaller. The same thing holds for memory
chips: make smaller transistors, and you have more storage space in the same volume. The pixels in most
of today’s displays are made of thin-film transistors, so here it also makes sense to scale them down and
achieve a higher resolution.


Glasswing butterflies have sections of their wings that are see-through. These “glass” sections confuse their
predators while they fly. This property is called optical transparency, which means all the light that goes
into the wing continues out the other side, just like with real glass. But what makes this possible? When you
look at the transparent parts of a glass wing butterfly under a scanning electron microscope, you can see a
lot of randomly sized nano-pillars. It is the random size and shape of the pillars that makes the glasswing
butterflies transparent from any direction.
Butterflies have nanostructures for other purposes too, like making their wings super water repellent and
self-cleaning. Hydrophobicity is important for butterfly wings because it allows them to weather a
rainstorm, where any moisture sticking to its wings could weigh down a butterfly and make it difficult to
fly. Like the LOTUS EFFECT the nanostructures and microstructures on a butterfly wing make them
hydrophobic and self-cleaning. Water droplets sit on top of the butterfly scale ridges, trapping pockets of

air underneath. The water droplets don’t enter the hydrophobic pockets because the interactions between
water molecules are stronger than the interactions between water and air. Also, the air pockets have an
internal pressure that prevents water from permeating through. The wings of the blue morpho butterfly
remove water even better than lotus leaves. Blue morpho butterfly wings have been shown to be some of
the most hydrophobic materials in nature. To achieve super hydrophobicity, blue morpho butterflies have
microscale ridges and veins that break a large drop of water into smaller droplets. The smaller droplets can
leave the surface of the butterfly wing more quickly.




Increasing miniaturization of devices, components, and integrated systems requires developments in the
capacity to measure, organize, and manipulate matter at the nanoscale. This textbook is a comprehensive,
interdisciplinary account of the technology and science that underpin nanoelectronics, covering the
underlying physics, nanostructures, nanomaterials, and nanodevices. Without assuming prior knowledge of
quantum physics, this book provides a unifying framework for the basic ideas needed to understand the
recent developments in the field. Following an introductory description of recent trends in semiconductor
and device nanotechnologies, as well as novel device concepts, materials for nanoelectronics are treated,
covering methods of growth, fabrication and characterization. Treatment then moves to an analysis of
nanostructures, including recently discovered nanoobjects, and concludes with a discussion of devices that
use a “simple” scaling-down approach to copy well-known microelectronic devices, and nanodevices based
on new principles that cannot be realized at the macroscale. Numerous illustrations, homework problems
and interactive Java applets help the student to appreciate the basic principles of nanotechnology, and to
apply them to real problems. Written in a clear yet rigorous and interdisciplinary manner, this textbook is
suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in electrical and electronic engineering,
nanoscience, materials, bioengineering, and chemical engineering


Besides transistors, nanoelectronics devices play a role in data storage (memory). Here, spintronics – the
study and exploitation in solid-state devices of electron spin and its associated magnetic moment, along
with electric charge – is already an established technology

Optoelectronics Electronic devices that source, detect and control light – i.e. optoelectronic devices – come
in many shapes and forms. Highly energy-efficient (less heat generation and power consumption) optical
communications are increasingly important because they have the potential to solve one of the biggest
problems of our information age: energy consumption




In top-down approach, nano-scale objects are made by processing larger objects in size. Integrated circuit
fabrication is an example for top down nanotechnology. Now it has been grown to the level of fabricating
nano electromechanical systems (NEMS) where tiny mechanical components such as levers, springs and
fluid channels along with electronic circuits are embedded to a tiny chip. The starting materials in these
fabrications are relatively large structures such as silicon crystals. Lithography is the technology which
has enabled making such tiny chips and there are many types of them such as photo, electron beam and
ion beam lithography.

In some applications larger scale materials are grinded to the nanometre scale to increase the surface area to
volume aspect ratio for more reactivity. Nano gold, nano silver and nano titanium dioxide are such nano
materials used in different applications. Carbon nanotube manufacturing process using graphite in an arc oven
is another example for top-down approach nanotechnology.


Bottom-up approach in nanotechnology is making larger nanostructures from smaller building blocks such as
atoms and molecules. Self assembly in which desired nano structures are self assembled without any external
manipulation. When the object size is getting smaller in nanofabrication, bottom-up approach is an
increasingly important complement to top-down techniques.

Bottom-up approach nanotechnology can be found from nature, where biological systems have exploited
chemical forces to create structures for cells needed for life. Scientists and engineers perform research to
imitate this quality of nature to produce small clusters of specific atoms, which can then self assemble into
more complex structures. Manufacturing of carbon nanotubes using metal catalyzed polymerization method
is a good example for bottom-up approach nanotechnology.

Molecular machines and manufacturing is a concept of bottom-up nanotechnology introduced by Eric Drexler
in his book Engines of Creation in 1987. It has given early views of how can nano-scale mechanical systems
be used to build complex molecular structures.




Two very different paths are pursued. One is a top-down strategy of miniaturizing current technologies,
while the other is a bottom-up strategy of building ever-more-complex molecular devices atom by atom.
Top-down approaches are good for producing structures with long-range order and for making
macroscopic connections, while bottom-up approaches are best suited for assembly and establishing short-
range order at nanoscale dimensions. The integration of top-down and bottom-up techniques is expected
to eventually provide the best combination of tools for nanofabrication. Nanotechnology requires new
tools for fabrication and measurement.


Graphene is the strongest known material, harder than diamond and lighter than aluminium. Most
importantly for electronics applications though, graphene is incredible conductive —13 times more so
than copper. It is also mechanically flexible, chemically stable and disperses heat.

Electronics applications include detectors, modulators, imagers, sensors and transceivers all have which have
been investigated by the research institutions and partner companies within the Graphene Flagship.


Molecular electronics is related to the assembling and utilization of basic individual atoms and molecules,
which are considered as the basic elements of many chemical and biological processes . The area of organic
compounds and their exceptional macroscopic properties for the development of organic devices has its
origins in material sciences and is also known as molecular materials for electronics.
Organic devices such as organic photovoltaic (PV) devices, organic light emitting displays, liquid crystal
displays (LCD), organic transistors, infrared imaging, and biochemical sensors are the most successful
commercial products of this area . Molecular electronics involves the designing of molecular systems that are
capable of long-distance electron transport through donor-bridge-acceptor (D-B-A) systems. In these systems,
charge transport has been extensively studied with different bridge molecules such as DNA,
proteins, porphyrins, and saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.


Nanoionics is the study and application of phenomena, properties, and mechanisms of processes connected
with fast ion transport in all-solid-state nanoscale systems. Topics of interest include fundamental properties
of oxide ceramics at nanometer length scales, and fast ion conductive (advanced superionic
conductor)/electronic conductor heterostructures Potential applications include electrochemical devices
(electrical double layer devices) for conversion and storage of energy, charge and information. The term and
conception of nanoionics (as a new branch of science) were first introduced by A.L.Despotulu and
V.I.Nikolaichik in January 1992



The term “nano photonics” is used to encompass the scientific study of the interaction of matter and light
at the nanometre scale. It is possible to design nanometre scale devices to slow down, enhance, produce,
or manipulate light by understanding how light behaves as it travels through, or otherwise interacts with,
materials at the nanometre scale. Two applications where nano photonics have had an impact on society
are devices used in optical switching for telecommunications and Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs)
used in display technology and lighting.

Organic Light Emitting Diodes are light emitting diodes that have organic materials as their light emitting
layer. The organic materials are generally classified into two categories: small molecule (SMOLED) and
polymeric (PLED). In both types, different layers are placed in between a cathode and an anode; when
electricity passes through, light is produced. These devices have already been introduced into the
commercial market in the form of simple displays on consumer products (Philips electric razor), as well
as in both cameras (Kodak) and television sets (Sony).

As the ability to effectively design and manufacture devices at the nanometre scale increases, the applications
for nanophotonic grow. There are many industries that benefit from this science and its continued advancement
including computer, telecommunication, biotechnology, and sensing. One way to picture the interaction of
light and matter in a nanophotonic material is to consider a photonic crystal. A photonic crystal is a material
that has a nanostructure which affects the motion of electromagnetic energy. Photonic crystals can be used in
different applications including telecommunications, security dyes and paints. One very colourful example is
colour changing paints. A small amount of photonic crystals is added to a base paint resulting in a coating
that, depending on the type of light shining on it as well as the viewing angle, appears to change colours. As
light travels through the crystal it interacts with the matrix of the material. The way that light interacts with
the material can be manipulated by changing the surroundings in which the crystal resides. For example, an
electric field can be applied to the material to change the speed at which light travels through it. Manipulation
of photonic materials can result in changes in frequency/wavelength as well as intensity.


Another more visual, naturally occurring pseudo-example of the interaction of light and matter can be seen in
the iridescent opal. The various colors and changes are due to the Bragg diffraction of light on crystal lattice
planes. Bragg diffraction involves the penetration of a material by some form of light. If the material is
crystalline and has different layers separated by some uniform distance it is possible to measure the distance
between the layers using Bragg’s Law. In Bragg’s Law some of the light is reflected by each of the different
layers while some light penetrates within the material. By measuring the differences in the reflected light that
comes out from different levels it is possible to determine the distance between these levels using geometry
and algebra.

While the applications of nanophotonic are broad, the central theme of the production or manipulation of light
through a material constructed at nanoscale dimensions is constant. The purpose of the science of
nanophotonic devices is to synergistically combine the intimate interaction of matter and light at the nanometre
scale. Leading areas of research include optical and electronic devices. A few examples of devices are on-chip
and chip-to-chip interconnects, optical switches, optical waveguides as well as the nonlinear electro-optic
devices, modulators, and waveguides. Ultimately optical devices are trying to take advantage of the wave type
property of light. It is possible to use both constructive and destructive interference to modulate a light signal.

Some nanophotonic applications involve interacting with light while others involve the emission of light.
Examples of nanophotonic applications that involve the emission of light include quantum dots, OLED, sensor
applications, and next generation silicon based emitting devices. Quantum dots are luminescent materials that
are currently being studied for light emitting processes. Quantum dots are typically made from inorganic
materials including cadmium, indium, lead, phosphorus, selenium, and sulfur. The wavelength of light
produced from these materials is dependent on the size of the particle that is emitting the light. It is possible
to produce light of specific colour by strictly controlling the size of the quantum dot. General quantum dot
particle sizes range from 10 to 100 nanometres in diameter.


An area in the science of nanophotonics that has been attracting attention and increasing promise over the last
fifteen years is the area of two-photon materials and processes. Two-photon nanophotonics is the process
involving the simultaneous absorption of two low energy photons by a material to produce a higher energy
state (excited state). In theory, the energy of the excited state in the target molecule is equal to the sum of the
two photons. Applications for two-photon materials include fluorescent imaging, sensitization, and next
generation nanolithography.

This absorption process is very weak and is classified as a 3rd order nonlinear optical process. The intensity
of simultaneously absorbing two photons to form a high energy state is extremely weak and requires a laser
of a certain threshold in intensity. There are many applications that take advantage of the requirements for
two-photon processes to take place. When two low power laser sources, where neither of which have sufficient
power to initiate a two-photon process, are trained on an object at a 45° angle, there is sufficient photon flux
to initiate a two-photon process at the point where the two laser sources cross. The result is a targeted activation
within an object. An application of this targeted two-photon process is the creation of 2D or 3D objects through
the use of two-photon initiated polymerization reactions. Photo Dynamic Therapy (PDT) is a well established
example of the application of two-photon processes. PDT involves using light to activate photoactive
medicines that are introduced into the body. PDT is used to treat different medical conditions including certain
types of cancer. Recent and continued improvements in the materials, resolution, and fabrication efficiency
will soon make many materials manufactured from two-photon processes a widespread reality.

Nanotechnology is a fast growing field that will continue to have an impact on the daily life of us all.
Improvements in efficiency and manufacturing technologies will allow nanophotonic based applications to be
found in every home in the future. Lighting panels based on OLEDs, light activated medicines delivered
directly to the needed location in the body, and flexible display screens that can be rolled or folded are just
some of the near-term products coming. Nanophotonics allows for the possibility of processes running at the
speed of light instead of being limited to the speed of electrons.



Spintronics is the study and application of electron spin, along with its associated magnetic moment and
electric charge. Spintronics is an established technology, and devices based on this field of study are expected
to have much higher processing power and much lower power usage because they are based on the spin of
individual electronics, as opposed to in current semiconductor devices that are based on the charges of multiple
electrons. Spintronics also play a major role in various technologies that leverage quantum behavior for


Optoelectronics are electronic devices that generate, recognize, and manipulate light. Nanoscale
optoelectronics are increasingly being seen as a way to address one of the greatest issues of modern
technology: energy usage. Nanomaterials like carbon nanofibers and carbon nanotubes are being used in
optoelectronics and atom-thick graphene has shown significant promise for use optoelectronic technology.

Including silicon nanophotonics elements in complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) circuits are

one method used to supply greater speed of information transmission between circuits.



Electrodes created from nanowires could make it possible for flat panel displays to be flexible in addition to
thinner than existing flat panel displays. Carbon nanotubes could be used to send electrons to illuminate pixels,
allowing for a lightweight, millimetre-thick display.

Quantum dots are a nanomaterial that could replace the fluorescent dots found in current display technology.
Quantum dot displays will also likely be easier to fabricate and require less power.


The era of wearable electronics is here as seen in the fast-developing range of smartwatches and
next-generation personal health devices. Those currently developing these kinds of devices are striving for a
combination of physical flexibility, a basic production process, and low power demands. In one promising
research effort, cadmium selenide nanocrystals were placed on plastic sheets to create flexible electronic

Wearable nanoelectronics will go way beyond digital watches and armbands. For instance, wearable, flexible
nanoelectronics could be embedded in textiles, enabling 'smart clothing' of all shapes, sizes, and uses.

Nanoelectronics are expected to play a major role in energy technology, with application in photovoltaics and
supercapacitors currently looking the most promising.

An alternative type of photovoltaic cells, such as thin-layer and polymer cells, will reap significant benefits
from nano electric technology. Polymer solar cells are expected to have high potential, particularly in the area
of portable electronic devices, as a result of their relatively low materials and fabrication costs, as well as their
flexible nature.

Nanotechnologies are also expected to enhance the capacity and safety of lithium-ion batteries. For instance,
nanomaterials will allow for superior separators and electrodes.



The carbon nanotubes and semiconductor nanowires that became available to scientists in the 1990s
captured my imagination and attracted me to the field now called nanoelectronics., The newly discovered
tiny building blocks were like Tinkertoys that could potentially be used to make all kinds of gadgets and
widgets. The desire to build something, to invent new structures out of them, spoke to me as a chemist,
and I’ve been fascinated by the possibilities of these new nanomaterials ever since.

thanks to Moore’s Law, however, the electronic devices produced by the conventional semiconductor process
are now also “nanoelectronics.” So what will be the role of new nanoelectronics based on chemically
synthesized nanostructures, like carbon nanotubes and nanowires? Thermodynamics dictates that chemically
synthesized nanostructures will probably never achieve the uniformity and perfection of electronic devices
carved out of silicon crystals using conventional lithography. Rather, the strength of the new nanomaterials is
in their chemical diversity and flexibility.

Those of us working on novel nanoelectronics should be trying to do things conventional technology simply
cannot do, rather then trying to compete directly with the well-established technology. There are opportunities
using physical mechanisms that have not been utilized in solid-state electronics. My research group, for
example, is working on nanoscale magnetic semiconducting materials that could enable the demonstration of
spintronics, which seeks to exploit the spin properties of electrons in computing devices.

The silicon microelectronics industry has been remarkably conservative, using only a very small fraction of
the elements in the periodic table. For a long time, after all, reducing the size of transistors, which was made
possible because of advances in the lithographic process, was sufficient to sustain the performance of devices
as they were scaled down. But size reduction itself simply cannot deliver the necessary increases in
performance anymore. New chemically synthesized nanostructures might be suitable for various advanced
functions that are difficult to achieve with more conventional silicon-based materials.

We can imagine a future for hybrid devices, combining the strength of both approaches. In such a scenario,
we would use exotic materials for new functions that are needed only at certain places on a very large-scale
circuit that is generated by a conventional semiconductor process. Newly synthesized nanostructures can also
compete in applications where perfection is not of paramount importance but cheap processing, chemical
flexibility, and function are. Electronic biosensors in which carbon nanotubes or nanowires are used to detect
specific molecules are certainly one of those promising areas, but there may well be others that we have not
imagined yet.




The advantages of Nanoelectronics are shown below

• Memory chips density increases

• Weight decreases
• In the process of chips fabrication nanolithography is used
• In integrated circuits, transistors size decreases or reduces
• Electronic devices display screens improved
• Power consumption reduced


The drawbacks of the Nanoelectronics are

• Cost is more
• Employment reduces
• Market crashes
• Nanotech Equipment installation cost is high



The field of nanoelectronics has been slowly growing in recent years and is the answer to the increasing
demand for electronics to be smaller, yet still maintain a high performance. Nanomaterial-based components
can be made much smaller than those made of traditional bulkier materials, which helps to reduce the overall
size of the electronic device. Moreover, many nanomaterials are stable in most environments, whether it’s in
a sensor within a harsh chemical processing environment, or in an electronic device that gives out a lot of
residual heat to the internal components. While there are many areas of nanoelectronics, some of the more
widely studied systems include nanomaterial-inspired energy storage and energy generation systems, various
types of nanosized and molecular transistors, optoelectronic devices, and flexible/printable circuits—where
the nanomaterials are often formulated into an ink and printed. Future applications will most likely include
various quantum technologies if they can be realized on a commercial level, and we are likely to see an
increase in the production of smaller components for classic computing systems and everyday technologies.











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