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Business- Technology assists businesses in becoming more successful, reaching and serving more people
across the world, speeding up corporate processes, increasing staff productivity, and improving product
and service quality. I believe that ICT has influenced many developments in the corporate sector, some
of which are favorable and some of which are negative. The positive influence of technology is that it
allows employees to effortlessly communicate their job progress and reports across various software
platforms. Provides the most up-to-date information and resources for learning about new businesses. It
can develop innovative market tactics based on the information gathered in order to avoid losses and
increase profits. It can provide security for individuals attempting to steal a company's data. In terms of
the negative influence, I believe that technology can distract people from becoming more productive
and efficient, despite the fact that technology can assist employees become more productive and
efficient. When hackers get access to a company's security system, they can steal sensitive data such as
client information and even shut down the business's operations. The business becomes more
dependent upon technology, which poses a danger and can be costly to keep up with. Overall, it is
obvious that technology may be both beneficial and damaging to the progress of a company. The right
and controlled use of technology benefits our organization and is clearly useful, while the uncontrolled
usage is actually alarming for both the business and the individual who uses it.

Job- In a variety of industries, digital technology aids in the creation of more jobs. It assists employees in
being more productive and learning new skills that are vital in the modern era. People with ICT skills will
have no trouble finding work. Workers can find suitable employment for their skills at any time and from
any location by using a job search engine. Furthermore, technology may result in job losses for
employees who lack ICT abilities, and we all know that in today's modern world, we have a robot, and I
think that robot will be soon to replace the employees.

Health- Our health-care system benefits from technological advancements in data collection. It has the
potential to treat diseases and lead to a healthier lifestyle. Surgical procedures are becoming more
precise and accurate because to recent breakthroughs in robots, analytics, and scanning devices.
Hospitals can also save money with the help of robots. Professional personnel can also communicate
and reach out to their patients more easily thanks to technology. However, excessive use of technology
might have a negative impact on our health. There is a lot of research and debate on the topic. Overall,
you can say that technology contributes in the improvement of our health system, and it is up to us to
regulate our use of technology in order to avoid negative effects on our health.
Lifestyle- Through instant messaging apps and other media platforms, technological improvements have
given faster means to interact. Smartwatches, iPads, and voice assistant gadgets are just a few of the
new products that have emerged as a result of technological advancements. We can do things like
rapidly transfer money and make purchases for everything from apparel to meal delivery, groceries, and
more with these devices. Technology has completely changed how we entertain ourselves, interact with
one another, and consume various forms of media. It has created amusing developments, but it has also
made significant advancements in home security and medical gadgets. All of these new technologies,
are intended to make our lives easier and keep us connected to each other.

Entertainment- Thanks to movie sites like Netflix, Solar Movie, Movies 123, and others, we can now view
movies whenever and wherever we want on the internet. The same is applicable for our music; we may
listen to music through a variety of apps. It's no surprise that the board game we used to play is now
available as an app on our phones. In today's world, we may entertain ourselves in a variety of ways
thanks to the internet. And one of the platforms on which we currently spend the most hours in a day is
social media. Also, it is fascinating how digital technology is transforming our entertainment, and it
appears that this trend will continue.

Education- We may now learn online through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) whenever and
whenever we choose thanks to the internet. We can also learn new skills and obtain credentials using
the online learning platform. Classroom walls are no longer a barrier, as technology allows us for new
ways of learning, communicating, and collaborating. Teachers' and students' responsibilities have begun
to shift as a result of technological advancements. Furthermore, technology has influenced almost every
part of life today, including learning.

1. Voice Control for Google Home
One of the most popular IoT devices nowadays is the Google Home voice controller. It has voice-
activated features such as alarms, lights, thermostats, audio control, and more.
2. Voice Control for Amazon Echo Plus
Another popular and dependable IoT device is the Amazon Echo Plus voice controller. It has voice-
activated features such as answering phone calls, setting timers and alarms, checking the weather, and
3. Oval
Oval is a multi-sensor that transmits real-time alerts in the event of theft, water leaks, and other abrupt
or gradual changes in the environment. The tiny device features light, humidity, temperature, motion,
and water sensors, and it can transmit alerts when those sensors detect slight or large changes, making
it a versatile product that can serve numerous purposes. Users can define thresholds and conditions for
when notifications are sent using the device's smartphone app.
4. Mimic Go
Mimic Go is a small security device that can be attached to surfaces or used on its own. It detects
movement and sounds an alarm. As a result, the Mimic Go may be used to monitor both stationary
locations such as a table or couch, as well as specific goods such as a laptop or purse. Instead of
cameras, microphones, or GPS, the device detects changes in the environment using an accelerometer,
magnetometer, temperature sensor, and motion sensor. It may be set up to send notifications and
sound alarms when these sensors detect changes using a smartphone app.
5. Iota GPS Tracking Device
The tiniest real-time GPS tracker available. It contains a motion sensor and a long-lasting rechargeable
battery that tracks the activity monitor. There are no monthly costs. It's ideal for pets, seniors, children,
autos, bicycles, and more. You can use your smartphone to locate anything important to you on a map
in real time. With our location history option, you can even go back in time.

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