Pather Panchali

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Pather Panchali Chapter 9

Opu looks at the large banyan tree away from his and longs for distant lands. It is the thought of his
mother that brings him back from his reveries . Shorbojaya would tell stories from Mahabharata to her
children as she is relaxing after lunch. Opu would demand for his favourite stories and he would be lost
in thoughts. He would ruminate on Kurukshetra battle and his favourite character Karna. The bravery,
selflessness and utter helplessness of Karna with chariot stuck in the mud and struck dead by Arjuna
would fill his heart with grief and sympathy. He regards Karna as the true victor who lives on in the tears
of countless generations.He would sometimes act out the battle according to his fancy using weapons
made of bamboo and branches. Durga espied him in his pastime and is amused. She then asks his help
for getting custard apples. As they are at it, she also makes him a nosegay.Durga loves doing it and Opu
dares not to resist her. Shorbojaya is happy to see the custard apples . They then hear a drum and rush
outside to see Chinibas the sweet seller. Dashahara is near and that is why the sweet seller has come.
Usually he doesn't stop at Horihar's as they never buy anything but seeing the children he stops to ask
them whether they wanted anything.He then goes on to Bhubon Mukherjee's house where children
gather around him. Bhubon Mukherji is a rich man whose wife died long back. His house is managed by
his brother's widow Shejbou. Shejbou is over forty and notorious for her shrewish temper. Shejbou
comes out to buy sweets from Chinibas and sees Durga and Opu coming in . She instructs the children to
go inside and have the sweets and take care to not to drop them on the floor. She doesn't want Durga
and Opu to get any sweet even by accident. She doesn't stop with that and insults them. Opu is upset
but Durga consoles him by saying that the Chariot festival is near and they would soon have money to
buy sweets.

Chapter 10

Opu is recovering from fever and pesters his mother for food. But when she actually gives it Opu is not
keen and Shorbojaya has to feed him forcefully..Durga comes in after her wanderings and is scolded by
Shorbojaya.Just then Shejbou comes in wth Tunu, Shotu and other children. She asks Tunu and Shotu to
get Durga's doll's box and quickly finds a string of beads from it. Shotu also finds some mangoes in the
box. They accuse Durga of stealing everything. Shejbou creates a ruckus over the matter and Shorbojaya
is humiliated. She however answers back on the mangoes and Shejbou demands the money Shorbojaya
had borrowed from her.She further calls her a thief. Shorbojaya is furious and begins to beat Durga and
pull her hair out. Durga breaks away and dashes off.. Opu knows that the mangoes were picked from the
ground and is angry with his mother for abusing Durga so.But he is afraid of her and so makes a
pretence of reading.In the evening he goes around searching for Durga.He is panicky as he cannot find
her anywhere.He even goes to the bokul tree even though he is afraid. It is getting dark and Opu is
terrified.The Potlis tell him that Durga has gone home. As reaches homes he finds that mother is beating
her again.Opu tries to get without his mother's notice but she sees him all the same.Shorbojaya scolds
him for staying away so late.Opu' s mind is full of Durga. He tries to read but his attention is elsewhere.
Shorbojaya come in to feed him but Opu is too upset to drink the milk. Shorbojaya notices it and asks
the matter. Opu tells he is sad for his sister.Shorbojaya reassures him by saying that she will send for her
at once. Horihar goes in search of herand brings her back. Durga has a quiet meal and goe off to
sleep.Opu is after her but she is angry with him for having let Shotu see her doll's box.But they soon
make up and Durga promises to take him the next day to Polit's garden to eat the berries.

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