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Geographia Polonica

2016, Volume 89, Issue 4, pp. 429-442





Robert Krzysztofik
Departament of Economic Geography
University of Silesia
Będzińska 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec: Poland
e-mail: robert_krzysztofik@interia.pl

The concept of centripetal and centrifugal forces was formally applied to the geographical sciences
by Charles C. Colby in the 1930s; and for decades, these terms have been key elements used in explaining
the development of cities and regions. Given that geographical research treats these concepts as represented
by scientific metaphors, the work described in this article has sought to look critically at relevant issues from the
physical point of view, i.e. in terms of Newtonian mechanics. Although the use of these metaphors is not always
found to reflect the reality characterising the observed elements in the socio-economic system of a city and its sur-
roundings, these may serve as an important element of explanations of ‘classical’ geography, new economic ge-
ography and Batty’s concept of the “new science of cities”, providing that certain objections are taken account of.

Key words
city-forming forces • centripetal forces • centrifugal forces • urban system • ontological approach

Introduction – What does their development and transfor-

mation entail?
A growing role for cities and urbanisation pro- – How can these systems be shaped to con-
cesses in the global socio-economic system stitute relatively optimal conditions for hu-
is an undeniable fact, as is the complexity man existence?
of the individual structures and connections In searching for answers to these three very
that make up that system (Pacione 2009). This general, if crucial questions posed as part
means that a steadily increasing role is as- of the discourse on the functioning of cities,
signed to explanations attempting to answer it is important for the background to the stud-
such fundamental questions as: ied phenomena to be borne in mind constantly.
– In what circumstances are components One of the major attributes of an ontological
of this system created, and when do these approach to the explanation of socioeconomic
components disappear? reality is a mechanistic approach whose role
430 Robert Krzysztofik

in urban and socio-economic geography has forces, and when are we faced with other
been growing for years now, mainly in asso- types of city-forming forces1?
ciation with reflections as to the role of cen- The problem of the ambiguity of the two
tripetal and centrifugal forces in creating the types of force under discussion is so important
reality that surrounds us. and timely that it may not only lead to episte-
The concept involving centripetal and cen- mological disharmony, but also in some cases
trifugal forces was applied broadly to the geo- constitute an incorrect diagnostic base in real
graphical sciences by Colby (1933). Although strategic and planning activities - unfortu-
the terms had appeared before, they took nately even at the level of national policy (e.g.
their places as key elements explaining the Poland’s Concept of National Spatial Develop-
development of cities and regions for decades ment 20302).
to come thanks to Colby’s article. Their mecha- Explanations offered in this article refer
nistic background has also found a prominent to the ontological approach. The two discussed
place among other physicalistic approach- forces have been verified, and their specific-
es, be these thermodynamic, gravitational ity from the point of view of urban geogra-
or field-related. Also constituted in this way phy juxtaposed with their nature as defined
is an important alternative in the explanation- within the framework of Newtonian mechan-
based-on-systems theory. ics. It has been assumed that such a combi-
Overall, the concept of centripetal and nation will allow for a redefining of certain
centrifugal forces has accompanied anthropo- uses of the terms centripetal and centrifugal
geography since the end of the 19th century. force. The article is therefore stricte explana-
With successive geographical approaches tory, but also discursive in nature. A further
to presenting socio-economic reality, it has part points to the frequently divergent points
undergone a true evolution. Starting from of view in terms of definitions of these forces,
foundations in anthropogeography based as well as their applicability in both the aca-
on the landscape and functionalist explana- demic forum and planning or strategic policies
tion, through the stage of theoretical concepts (regional and municipal).
important for the geography of mature cities
(1930-1970) and the founding of a new eco-
The problem of centrifugal
nomic geography (end of the 20th century),
to the recently evolving approach The new
and centripetal forces in research
science of Cities. The durability of mechanis- on urban settlement systems
tic-approach-explanations over such a long
period undoubtedly attests to their rank and The discussed issue of centripetal and cen-
position in socioeconomic research. trifugal forces in urban settlement systems
However, despite significant scientific her- has already a very rich scientific output.
itage and numerous conceptualisations, the This is undoubtedly due to the significance
issue of centripetal and centrifugal forces
in urban geography requires further improve- The term “city-forming forces” in this study en-
compasses the kinds of forces that play a key role in the
ment, synthesis and clarification. Such objec- process by which a town emerges in geographical
tives were therefore set for the work described space. It can also be defined in terms of genetic urban
in this article. An emphasis on the fundamen- functions.
tal problem of defining centripetal and centrif- The Concept of National Spatial Development
2030 considers that development in Poland should
ugal forces has been equally important, and be based on the gravity-diffusion model. Paradoxically,
in many cases offers a de facto representation gravity forces are in this case identified with ... cen-
of the so-called ‘double’ scientific metaphor. trifugal forces. From the point of view of physics, the
The research question addressed in this arti- existence of such a system at all is impossible. Does
it therefore gain verification as a metaphor with which
cle is therefore when, in geographical space, to define the principles for the development and func-
do we encounter centripetal and centrifugal tioning of a state in spatial terms?

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Revisiting the question of centripetal and centrifugal forces in urban systems 431

of the discussed issue in geographical and as a result of centripetal forces, those of vil-
economic studies, as well as the fact that the lages by centrifugal forces.
first achievements in this area had already However, a turning point in the conceptu-
been made more than 125 years ago (Weber alisation of centripetal and centrifugal forces
1889). However, the development of research as city-forming forces was reached with the
on these forces has undergone certain cycli- fundamental work of Colby (1933), with its
cal stages. Three out of four of these began first reference to the ontological foundations
with milestone publications. The cyclical of Newtonian mechanics as a background
nature reflected the fact that temporarily against which the socioeconomic develop-
increased interest in the issue was followed ment of an area, primarily in urban develop-
by dissemination. For example, with respect ment, can be explained. Colby suggested that
to the second stage of conceptual evolution, the mechanistic concept of centripetal and
Korcelli (1969: 22-23) writes: “The succes- centrifugal forces be viewed as a set of socio-
sors of C. Colby did not introduce anything economic forces experienced in real geograph-
new in later studies as for understanding the ical space.
essence of the discussed forces, especially As has been noted, the post-World War
on the existing classification; and the issue II period brought a certain relativisation
of the impact of centripetal and centrifugal of these concepts, which were adopted as de-
forces in metropolitan development became terminants, mainly in empirical and empirical-
a truism in the 1960s”. explanatory works. Philbrick (1957) had the
As abovementioned, the research and con- impact of centripetal and centrifugal forces
ceptualisations of centrifugal and centripetal ‘annexed’ to explanations based on field phys-
forces had 4 stages which were as follows: ics. Their essence had a local dimension and
– up to 1933, i.e. prior to the publication constituted an explanation of the development
of the fundamental work of C. Colby in this of the city and its surroundings as being in-
area; duced by gravity in the field of an urban cen-
– from the 1930s through to the 1980s- tre. The 1950 work of Bogue as author of the
1990s, when the dividing line was marked “concept of metropolitan development” was
by explanations of the new economic geog- later expanded on by Gottman (1961, 1978),
raphy that appeared, most especially those with account primarily being taken of the role
presented by P. Krugman; centripetal forces play in shaping cities and
– from the 1980s-1990s to the period after urban agglomerations.
2010, designated symbolically by the work New attempts and developments relating
of Batty (2013), who proposed the so-called to centripetal and centrifugal forces in urban
“new science about cities”; geography arose in the 1960s and 1970s.
– the contemporary period post-2013. Gibbs (1963) proposed a concentration-
The two most important publications in the deconcentration model based on two phases
first period were works by Weber (1889) and of development of cities and urban agglom-
Hasinger (1910). Weber’s merit was to draw erations (i.e. a ‘stratigraphic’ model); while
attention to forces he called locational. In his Friedmann and Miller (1965 [1974]) proposed
opinion, they point-fixed the so-called func- the urban field concept, one of whose founda-
tional layers in geographic space. In turn, the tions was, not merely the process or interac-
essence of the explanations from Hasinger tion of concentration and deconcentration, but
(1910) was a focus on the role centripetal and also an equivalence between them, depending
centrifugal forces play in shaping the settle- on the focus of attention of research on this
ment system as a being based on the concept development – in the spatial or temporal
of the city and the village. Hasinger’s expla- sense. From the other side, Hudson (1970)
nations generally came down to a formulation gave a brief description of the action of the
of a thesis that functions of cities are created centripetal and centrifugal forces, in relation

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432 Robert Krzysztofik

to time as well as space (the linear model). The conflicting issues, such as spatial concentra-
strong functionalist context has been under- tion and spatial balance of economic activ-
lined by Henderson (1974) and Clark (1977). ity, or spatial balance versus instability not
A milestone in research on the role of cen- caused by the concentration factor.
tripetal and centrifugal forces in urban ge- A further important aspect of the “new eco-
ography was reached with explanations nomic geography” entailed expansion of the
from R. Lawton (Daniel & Hopkinson 1996; field of research beyond the so-called circular
Krzysztofik 2014), who presented the action causation exposed by Myrdal, and explaining
of centripetal and centrifugal forces on the that, in general, manufacturing is focused
non-inertial subsystem level, emphasizing the in areas with the largest market, albeit with
spatial structure of a city in particular. the market being largest where industrial
Work done in Poland has also taken up the production is concentrated (Krugman 1993).
issues of mechanisms underpinning the devel- A novum against these explanations, regard-
opment of cities and urban agglomerations, less of their nature and course, was to take
with the factor of the forces responsible for into account as primary and genetic, forces
this development also taken account of. The that acted centripetally (the market) or cen-
most important studies in this area include: trifugally (manufacturing).
Malisz (1966), Korcelli (1969, 1974), Karłowicz Nevertheless, the most important research
(1978), Biderman (1978), Jędrzejczyk (1989) reflection of the assumptions of the new eco-
and Parysek (2011). nomic geography is the firm statement that
The third stage by which the issue of cen- “it is the interactions between centripetal and
tripetal and centrifugal forces was conceptual- centrifugal forces that shape the evolution
ised began in the 1980s and 1990s. In terms of the structure of the spatial economy” (Fujita
of time, it ‘overlapped’ with the second stage. et al. 2001: 346). This thesis has also been
In the third stage, the explanation of the confirmed by Soja (2000), who augmented
forces’ impact was largely based around it with an idea that these interactions should
assumptions in new economic geography be seen on a number of different (spatial-hier-
(Barnes 2003). However, a breakthrough was archical) scales, among which key interactions
provided in explanations advanced by Krug- include: city centre–surroundings, one urban
man (1995, 1997). It must be noted that the centre versus another of similar potential, and
efforts to clarify this issue emerged in the finally the relationship between centres placed
early 1980s, in a work by Fujita and Ogawa in different locations on the hierarchical scale.
(1982) devoted to external economies in busi- An interesting conclusion in studying urban
ness location. In this model, the forming role development forces, making partial reference
of centripetal forces is taken into account, to the assumptions of the “new economic
along with mutual interactions of centripetal geography” has been proposed by Duranton
and centrifugal forces. and Puga (2000: 540): “The forces of agglom-
However, a real breakthrough came with eration (centripetal) decide on the rational
a classification by Krugman (1995) highlight- being of cities, while dispersion forces (cen-
ing the natural and socioeconomic attributes trifugal) determine their size”. Unfortunately,
subject to the impact of city- and region- any attempt to take reality into account tends
forming centripetal and centrifugal forces. to leave this thesis looking controversial. Both
In the “new economic geography”, these forces can determine the nature of cities, and
forces, that are in the nature of genetic in- their size.
teractions simultaneously constitute, a back- The concept from Krugman has met with
ground to fundamental questions about the lively discussion, and criticism of some of the
nature of economic existence of humankind explanations presented (e.g. from Henderson
on Earth (Fujita et al. 2001). Through scientific 1995; Isserman 1995; Dymski 1996; Fujita
discourse, these were referenced to seemingly & Thisse 2002; Olsen 2002). The criticism

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Revisiting the question of centripetal and centrifugal forces in urban systems 433

has mainly focused on broader economic and The essence of centripetal

spatial interactions, as well as issues of the and centrifugal forces from
functional typology of selected cities. It should the perspective of Newtonian
be noted that Krugman’s division of real geo- mechanics
graphical and economic attributes, acting
on the basis of primary city-forming forces has From the perspective of classical (Newtonian)
been received favourably. mechanics, centrifugal and centripetal forces
The fourth and (it should be stressed) po- are apparent, which is to say that their in-
tential next stage to the development of the teractions exist only from the point of view
way in which issues of centripetal and centrif- of a non-inertial system (a subsystem). The
ugal forces are conceptualised relates to the subsystem constitutes only a fragment of any
proposal from Batty (2013), The new science arbitrarily defined ‘complete’ system. A sub-
of Cities. The essence of this proposed ap- system, in this case, is a non-inertial system,
proach is to see the development of cities and whereas the system has an inertial character.
regions from a mechanistic-thermodynamic In physical terms, centripetal and centrifugal
point of view (in which the ontological point forces interacting in a subsystem are therefore
of view is also taken as a reference). The new a consequence of the actions of other forces,
science of Cities adopts key assumptions which are primary ones like gravity or recoil
of “the new economic geography” in terms force (Knudsen & Hjorth 2000). Primary forces
of the significance of centripetal and centrifu- act in an inertial system and lack the attrib-
gal forces (centralisation and decentralisation) ute of apparentness. A classic example of the
in socio-economic and urban systems, with two types of system and apparentness of in-
distinct augmentation by the thermodynamic teracting centripetal and centrifugal forces
aspect. There is no doubt that The new science is a model showing different phases of vehicu-
of Cities combines the achievements of the lar movement. Each frame shows the inertial
physicalistic approach, the “new economic system – the vehicle and its surroundings,
geography”, and ‘traditional’ urban geogra- along with an observer and the non-inertial
phy. This point of view has been advanced system (subsystem) limited only to the vehicle
in Poland recently by Krzysztofik (2014), in his and its interior. What happens inside the ve-
discussion of the ontological approach in ex- hicle therefore is (or may be) of an apparent
planations concerning the origins of the ag- nature. Existence is only manifested from the
glomeration of towns. point of view of the inertial system. The upper
All of the socioeconomic studies presented right frame shows the phenomenon of the ve-
have the common feature that centripetal hicle braking. An external observer interprets
and centrifugal forces are scientific meta- it as a result of the absolute impact of centrip-
phors well-defined both conceptually and etal forces (braking, deceleration). However,
methodologically. In almost all studies, includ- a contrary situation applies inside the vehicle,
ing Colby’s article and Krugman’s work, there where a person experiences the impact of cen-
is not even a brief reference to the notion trifugal force (Fig.1).
and essence of these forces, as considered The lower right frame presents the interac-
from the point of view of classical mechan- tion system taking an opposite direction, from
ics. Of course, this lack is not a shortcoming. the point of view of both the observer and
However, given the complex nature of the im- a person remaining in the vehicle. This time,
pact of these forces, the neglect as regards these interactions result from the acceleration
physicalistic reflection may give rise to some of the vehicle.
dissonance in interpretation. This thesis is con- The essence of another feature of the impact
firmed by many of the proposed explanations. of centripetal and centrifugal forces in physical
So, what is the true nature of the centripetal systems is also presented in Figure 2. In this
and centrifugal forces? case, horizontal deflection of centripetal and

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434 Robert Krzysztofik

centrifugal forces’ impact trajectories are pre- The evident attribute of a scientific metaphor
sented. This is clearly an important attribute is that it does not have to include all the char-
of the two discussed types of force, and one acteristics of the phenomenon or forms of exist-
which differentiates them from gravity and the ence to which it refers. However, by knowing all
recoil force (Fig. 2). the attributes of an element to which we refer
The facts indicated are of fundamental im- in a scientific metaphor, we can acknowledge
portance, especially if we treat them as the that they do not agree with the reality de-
basis for the construction of scientific meta- scribed by the metaphor, or that there is anoth-
phors; mainly in socioeconomic geography. er favourable element to which we can refer.

Figure 1. Activity of centripetal and centrifugal forces in the inertial and non-inertial (sub)systems
Symbols: M – direction of vehicle in motion; F – direction of force; Sn – phenomenon from the point of view
of the non-inertial frame; Si – phenomenon from the inertial frame point of view.

Figure 2. Model depiction of the action of centripetal and centrifugal forces from the point of view
of mechanics
Symbols: Fd – centripetal force, F – centrifugal force, M, m, m1, m2 – mass, v² – acceleration, r – radius,
v – speed of rotation.

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Revisiting the question of centripetal and centrifugal forces in urban systems 435

Between a scientific of centrifugal and centripetal forces in socio-

metaphor and reality economic geography is that their effects are
defined as systems and subsystems. More
The above dissonances of interpretation un- specifically, a city is often considered a closed
doubtedly appear with comparative analysis system, as are its surroundings, in some cas-
of the above presented attributes of the im- es. From the ontological point of view, this
pact of centripetal and centrifugal forces, is a wrong assumption (Synowiecki 1969;
as depicted by Newtonian mechanics and Jędrzejczyk 1989; Luhmann 2012). A larger
principles of applicability of the concepts town, including its surroundings, is only a sub-
of the centripetal and the centrifugal forces system. A city’s system is an area under its
in socioeconomic geography. This dissonance influence in geographical space, given that
raises such fundamental questions as: the city is in direct interaction with this space.
– What are the centripetal and centrifugal The space perpetuates the existence of the
forces in urban studies? city and provides for its possible development,
– Are development conditions we experi- whereas the surroundings of the city are only
ence in an analysis of a specific region a fraction of the system. In many cases, the
or city always related directly to the forces surroundings do not determine the city’s
discussed? existence at all; with it rather being the city
– Which elements of geographical explana- that determines the existence of its surround-
tions relate to definitional assumptions ings (Scott 1982; Thrift 1996). The treatment
interpreted in terms of the Newtonian of a city’s subsystem as a system is particu-
mechanics? larly unclear in places where the city’s exist-
Answers to such questions are not sim- ence is determined by its strong functional
ple as many authors, when referring to the specialisation. Such a city exists, not because
concepts in question, present them against of the relatively good conditions created for
a different background and in different con- its development, but because in geographi-
texts. The differences relate not only to such cal space as broadly conceived, there ap-
distant studies as those presented by C. Colby peared a demand for specialized goods and
or P. Krugman, but also to those developed (or) services offered by this city located in this
within one research sub-discipline (e.g. new particular place. In many cases, the place
economic geography). in which these goods and services are manu-
Among the emerging epistemological dis- factured may differ from what we experience
sonances, three evoke most doubts. In each at the moment. From this point of view, the
case, the difficulty is raised by the fact that paradigm of a city’s location is secondary
a type of impact in definitive physical systems to the economic and social network that al-
differs from that in socioeconomic systems. lows the city to emerge and develop. This is-
These issues are included in the following sue is well described by Andrews (1954), Parr
questions: (2002) or Pacione (2009). Even here, the ques-
Can two systems in classical mechanics tion of apparentness in (sub)systems is raised.
be balanced by one anthropogeographic It should be understood as a potential instabil-
system? ity or potential limited durability of functions’
Can the centripetal and centrifugal continuity, and the (economic or demograph-
forces in anthropogeography be deflected ic) potential observed at a given moment. The
horizontally? durable element is the potential of a larger
Can radial zones be an effect of the impact region, country or nowadays, the world, which
of centripetal and centrifugal forces in anthro- is relatively less exposed to instability than the
pogeographical space? potential of a single specialized city.
In reference to the first question, there can In conclusion, a city does not constitute
be no doubt that the key problem in the study a system from the ontological point of view, but

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436 Robert Krzysztofik

is a dependent subsystem. It shows features is shaped by the model, which is presented

of non-inertiality and apparentness, which, in Figure 2. In this model, the impact points
in the functionalist approach, translates into are stabilized on the r axis, which is static.
dependence on the potential achieved in an in- The movement arising as a direct result of the
teraction with a larger territory, like the country impact of these forces takes place around
or the world. This reality is depicted via the ex- the circle. In socioeconomic analyses taking
ample of the observed vehicle presented previ- account of the impact of centripetal and cen-
ously. The vehicle may be braking, accelerat- trifugal forces, the situation is the opposite.
ing or in uniform motion. Only in the last case On the one hand, the movement (flows, inter-
is there compatibility of the reality experienced actions, relationships) between the two points
from the point of view of the inertial system is indicated. On the other, attention is paid
and the non-inertial (sub)system. The first two to the evolution of geographical structure tak-
situations present the apparentness of the im- ing place at these points, which has resulted
pact of centripetal and centrifugal forces. from the interactions, flows, etc. referred to.
Yet another fundamental thesis should In this case, these points are stabilised in real
be imposed here. Since only the city or its geographical space by fixed and unchanging
closest surroundings are a non-inertial (sub) coordinates, contrary to the situation reflected
system, only within it do we notice the impact by the physical model.
of the centripetal and centrifugal forces that In conclusion, the essence of the impact
are defined in terms of Newtonian mechanics? of centrifugal and centripetal forces in the
If this is the case, the question arising is: what relation between the physical model and the
forces determine the existence of a socio-eco- geographical reality needs to be seen as in-
nomic system? These will most definitely be the consistent, with the impact vector and the tra-
physical forces of gravity and recoil (compare jectory of movement specifically having con-
Fig. 2). Hence, in a settlement system, the trary attributes. However, the firmness of this
groups of typological city-forming forces that opinion is mitigated by analyses conducted
interact are: within the framework of the new economic ge-
– primary forces of gravity and recoil that are ography. It is particularly visible in the “Three-
constant for the entire system, Region Case” model (Fig. 3), as presented
– secondary centripetal and centrifugal forc- by Fujita, Krugman and Venables (2001).
es that are limited to the city’s subsystem. One of the attributes of this model highlights
Furthermore, in terms of direction, it is the the capacity of existing interactions, on the
gravity force that compensates for the centrip- economic level at least, to change trajectory
etal force, the recoil for the centrifugal force. in association with:
There is a high probability that this compen- – the existence of real barriers in geographi-
sation was one of several key reasons for the cal space,
scientific metaphor of ‘centripetal forces’ to in- – the destabilizing role of the impacts
clude gravity conceptually, and for the scien- of other places (cities) – the natural ability
tific metaphor ‘centrifugal forces’ to entail of places emitting matter, energy and city-
the impact described in the mechanics as the forming information to absorb these sec-
recoil force. ondarily, following a change of structural
The second of the aforementioned disso- parameters.
nances is the issue of a conceptual problem The third dissonance, between physi-
concerning the trajectory of the impact of cen- cal and geographical models in the context
tripetal and centrifugal forces. One of the of the impact of centripetal and centrifugal
features of these forces is the phenomenon forces, represents a problem indicated in part
of horizontal deflection around the model above. It falls within the question posed ear-
of the circle. The research question is there- lier as to whether radiant zones are an effect
fore whether, in geographical reality, the space of the impact of centripetal and centrifugal

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Revisiting the question of centripetal and centrifugal forces in urban systems 437

forces in socioeconomic space? The ques- to the development of a city and its closest
tion is especially valid in the context of the surroundings (Figs. 4a and 4b).
two most famous graphic models showing The question of the concentricity and radi-
the direct effects of the impact of centripetal ance of zones in geographical space is signifi-
and centrifugal forces in a city subsystem, i.e. cant because trajectories for the impact of cen-
Colby model (1933) and Lawton model (Dan- tripetal and centrifugal forces in the physical
iel & Hopkinson 1996), that indicate clearly model are radial. This attribute should sug-
a concentric, rather than a radial, direction gest the similar shaping of the geographical

Figure 3. The “Three-Region Case” Model. Dynamics of vectors

Symbols: 1 – dominant centres in regional development where the determinant is low transport costs,
2 – dominant centres in regional development where the determinant is high transport costs, 3 – vectors
of activity in the typical vector field.
Source: based on Fujita et al. 2001: 80-81.

a b

Figure 4a. Centripetal and centrifugal forces as basic elements impacting on the city. An original redraw
Source: based on Colby, 1933.
Figure 4b. R. Lawton’s model of urban development in the nineteenth century
Symbols: 1 – stages in the concentric growth of the city, 2 – small town that has been engulfed by the
spread of a larger settlement, 3 – developing suburban villages and centres, 4 – a middle-class sector,
5 – the action of centripetal and centrifugal forces resulting from movement/ motion: people, goods and
some social-economic linkages, 6 – intra-urban movements.
Source: based on Daniel & Hopkinson, 1996: 137.

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438 Robert Krzysztofik

dimension to reality, but it is known that this in the role of thermodynamic attributes also
is not always the case, with the concentric needing to be emphasised is the weakening
models in fact being closer to reality. The potential for exerting an impact that charac-
resulting cognitive dissonance therefore rein- terises the forces discussed. This is weakening
forces the belief that if the geographical real- results from both the distance between two
ity disagrees with the mechanistic model, that points remaining in the interaction and the
model is perhaps inappropriate for its descrip- potential barriers or ‘filters’ located between
tion on an ontological level. This thesis has not them. Figure 5 presents the initial deviation
been truly justified either. Geographical reality phase to the trajectories showing interacting
is not merely an effect of the impact of the city-forming forces. The differentiation of geo-
determinants stimulated by the city-forming graphical (here socioeconomic) space reflects
forces discussed herein (Prigogine & Stengers deviation of the trajectory characterising in-
1997; Pulselli & Tiezzi 2009; Krzysztofik teracting forces, but also the direct impact
2014), but rather is also affected by elements of thermodynamic attributes.
described by definitions of thermodynamics
i.e. the flow of matter and energy, a system’s
Discussion and conclusions
entropy and negentropy, diffusion or, finally,
the phenomenon of dissipation in space The interpretation problems presented in the
(Domański 2001). In real geographical space, previous section with regard to centripetal and
these attributes have the ability to defragment centrifugal forces in socioeconomic space do
or disperse existing structures, to homogenise not constitute a comprehensive list, though
structures, to create zone systems, and to cre- are ones that may be deemed essential,
ate primary and secondary potential clusters. in the author’s opinion. However, doubts and
Thus centripetal and centrifugal forces, inconsistencies arising as the concept involv-
together with gravity and recoil, co-create ing centripetal and centrifugal forces is used
the material, energy and information reality as a metaphor for scientific geographical re-
in the geographical space at the elementary search (as indicated in the previous section) do
level. An important determinant of growth not in any way disqualify these from the gen-
eral discourse on socio-economic organisation
in space. Their nature inclines one to consider
the actual role of city-forming centripetal and
centrifugal forces in the genesis and develop-
ment of settlement systems.
It should first be noted how the definitional
scope of the concept entailing centripetal and
centrifugal forces is also transferred onto de
facto interactions involving gravity and recoil.
This means that, in the context of geographical
research, these describe both the interactions
typical for centripetal and centrifugal forces
and those characterising gravity and recoil.
Of the latter two, only the concept of gravity
is occasionally invoked at present. The concept
Figure 5. Activity of the city-forming centripetal involving the metaphor of recoil force is not
forces in the settlement subsystem used in the geographic sciences at all. Many
Symbols: 1 – directions in which city-forming forc- analyses thus de facto employ a ‘dual’ scien-
es act within the subsystem, 2 – the city-forming
point, 3 – limits of the subsystem, 4 – secondary tific metaphor. In this case, geographical real-
(urbanised) centres participating in subsystem in- ity is described as a physical model. In episte-
teractions conditioned by city-forming forces. mological terms, this is probably a significant

Geographia Polonica 2016, 89, 4, pp. 429-442

Revisiting the question of centripetal and centrifugal forces in urban systems 439

dissonance. In practice, we merely give a new

integrative name to certain types of broader,
socio-economic interaction. However, as we do
this, we need to remember that not all ‘cen-
tripetal’ and ‘centrifugal’ forces have their
physical features, and that this is a knowledge
especially applicable to urban studies, eco-
nomic studies, spatial planning and landscape
research. An interpretation of the geographi-
cal reality that fails to recognise the specific
nature of impacting forces at the inertial and
non-inertial levels will lead to a false diagnosis. Figure 6. The city-forming point in the context
For a long period, geographical research of forces acting within an inertial frame (system)
attempted to bypass the ambiguity described Symbols: 1 – Direction of centripetal forces (A)
above by using forces of concentration and and centrifugal forces (B) in the case of their dom-
deconcentration as an analogy for centripetal ination as primary forces (in inertial linkages),
2 – forms of concentration of settlement structure,
and centrifugal forces. Concentration forces
3 – the city-forming point.
are directed inwards, towards a place capable
of concentrating matter and energy, whereas
forces of deconcentration are those that dis- to that which is, de facto, based on settlement
perse city-forming matter and energy in geo- systems of interacting gravity and recoil.
graphical space. There is evident truth in this, It is thus evident that interpretation of the
as long as the phenomena are considered forces responsible for creating specific interac-
in the context of impact, rather than the final tions in the socio-economic systems is no sim-
outcome, with cities developing and growing ple matter. Each time, study should consider
as a result of interactions between both cen- the cause-and-effect relationship by reference
tripetal (‘concentrating’) forces and centrifugal to particular elements of the functional struc-
(‘deconcentrating’) ones. This reflects the fact ture, as well as the specifics of network systems.
that phenomena associated with the so-called The latter allows for the identification of which
centrifugal forces in fact form through inter- element is primary, and which is a conse-
actions of the force involving recoil, whose quence of existing economic structures in ac-
attributes are non-unidirectionality, temporal tion. Methodological achievement based
limitation, and limitation by existing potential, around the concept of the economic base is in-
as regards concentrated matter and energy, disputably essential in the case of this issue.
as well as accumulation in an area where the However, this discourse still fails to provide
phenomenon occurs. However, the fact is that an ultimate answer to the question posed
centrifugal (‘deconcentration’) forces, and pri- in the introduction as to the true nature of the
marily impacting recoil forces impact in such centripetal and centrifugal forces considered
a way as to form cities with structures differ- from the point of view of socioeconomic geog-
ing from those arising as a result of the highly raphy. How far does the reality of the scien-
focused gravity frequently defined as the cen- tific metaphor diverge from reality, in this case
tripetal or concentration force (cf. Fig. 6). as perceived from the perspective of Newto-
An important aspect in the discussion on the nian mechanics? How far should it differ? And
development of settlement systems is that the finally, which attributes ensure that there are
centripetal and centrifugal forces are of rela- greater or lesser discrepancies between what
tively local coverage. Hence, explanations re- the laws of physics define and what is con-
garding the development and functioning of cit- tained in the definitional scientific metaphor?
ies invoke them within a limited range only. This An attempt to address these ques-
would then be an explanation complementary tions should first seek to explain the nature

Geographia Polonica 2016, 89, 4, pp. 429-442

440 Robert Krzysztofik

of centripetal and centrifugal forces referred The issue under discussion is thus by its
to in geographical research, herein focused very nature complex. Difficulties of interpre-
specifically on urban studies. tation arise largely as attempts are made
In fact analysis of achievements in this area to transfer clearly definable physical princi-
with an ‘averaging’ of the scope of proposed ples, with a view to diverse phenomena and
definitions and applications of these concepts geographical structures being described. Such
leads to the conclusion that: a procedure in fact moves beyond ‘difficult’,
– the centripetal force describes economic in the direction of ‘impossible’, in some re-
and social interactions, and those relating spects at least. Hence the contrast between
to spatial infrastructure, whose direction the physical and geographical realities is al-
is oriented from the hinterland or the im- leviated by applying a scientific metaphor
pact area of the city to the inner city, or the that need not always take full account of the
city itself; complete picture of a secondary assertion
– the centrifugal force determines the type in relation to the original statement. However,
of economic or social interactions, or inter- this truth denotes many ongoing research
actions involving spatial infrastructure, that challenges arising from issues of centripetal
are directed from the inner city, or the city it- and centrifugal forces discussed in this article.
self, towards a defined area of direct impact. A particular challenge is to improve methods
It is clear from these definitions, that what of spatial analysis to take the discussed ele-
socioeconomic research de facto investigates ments into account. This is particularly impor-
is closer to the attribute of impact (in the tant in the context of contemporary compli-
broader sense) or interaction, as opposed cating and differentiating socio-economic and
to the attribute of mechanical force per se. spatial structures.
If so, what is the causative agent behind this Further conceptualisation at the level of on-
conceptual gap? Firstly, it is the fact that the tological clarification is required where the
reality in physicalistic terms has what is pri- unification of the thermodynamic and mecha-
marily a mechanistically-thermodynamic di- nistic paradigms is concerned. Although cur-
mension. The role of metaphorical attributes rent achievements in explaining the specifics
of thermodynamics - diffusion, dissipation, of these two paradigms separately are sat-
flows, entropy and negative entropy – have isfactory, studies on co-dependence of the
been mentioned already. All of this ensures discussed elements explained using mecha-
that, in settlement systems, city-forming forc- nistic and thermodynamic metaphors remain
es exert an impact, not only on potential, but relatively under-represented. Functionalistic
also on structure. Beyond that, the human explanations should also play an important
social system is also superimposed onto this role (cf. Suliborski 2003), since these consti-
dimension. Its sociological, psychological and tute an expected keystone between typically
perceptual attributes lead to possible further empirical works and those referring to onto-
‘scattering’ of the role of impacts on a formed logical convention.
mechanistic level. A key consideration reflect- It would also be worthwhile popularising
ing the specific nature of geographical re- knowledge of the ontological basis underpin-
search, is that physical phenomena operate ning the development of cities and regions
in relation to attributes characterising solid, using developed case studies, in particular
liquid or gaseous forms. However, if they are in cases where the applicability of studies un-
to be studied academically, these forms will dertaken is made clear by their authors.
always need to be homogeneous, while in fact
geographical phenomena operate in geo- Editors‘ note:
graphical – (i.e. biotic, abiotic and anthropo- Unless otherwise stated, the sources of tables and
geographical) space that is both heterogene- figures are the authors’, on the basis of their own
ous vertically and variable in temporal terms. research.

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Revisiting the question of centripetal and centrifugal forces in urban systems 441

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© Robert Krzysztofik Article first received • October 2015

© Geographia Polonica Article accepted • June 2016
© Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization
Polish Academy of Sciences • Warsaw • 2016


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