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{lirstom*r'$ Name ";u};--*-Jt .


$ignature; ....."'..".'..: i,'. +'!-s

$tamp:... .;i.S r,ill ll;

I1. llwe hereby appiy for {rcdit facifity a$ per the following I;.rSte : o"lj:l ,)3s; *U dl*lt s++9a p*ti3 1*l drll -1 1
terms and (onditisns. ,DI6i i*-"asll

A. Payment due within ....days from the date ;o t*e; ---*-"*- ...Jli' e*rl ji*bll iLfl {l
sf invaice. .aJrjli.ll CiJii

8 i\4aximum credit at any tirne will nnt exceed a !irnrt of o.r* r t i Ir' -,ri*;j ;J *1u ;L+ii1U -r-i$, tt! {*
QR Jl+

d All or"ders will be placed against our L-F.O. with / ai {, 'r,1!-g! 1L<} 95r lea $:j J +s rrt rLll (f
':"lii }s ., i; }41 }i; o .isLS
rvitrhout Bank Guarantee I PDC t+t

beinE partneu'owner of "..."..

having trarje Iicence no..-.............."............

municipaiity hav!ng a credit limit of Qrs............".,...".
from M/s. Arctic Cooling Company, hereby
qilarantee to pay all invoices issued Lry Mls.Arctic
{ooling Company to ihe vaiue stated rhereo{r invoices within
........... f rom the date of invoice.
if'any cheque of miney'our Co. is dishounoured by bank for lack
*f fr-rnds. tsll rny I our PDC cheques will be payabie imnrediately
irrespective of the clates of the cheques.

Nanre of aLrtlrr:risetj signatory: :t+g-JL Ja*ll lwl

{f orrrpulsory Signature of l.ocal Sponsori ir.r}r '.1r*;.sr')

Pcsitior': ij :. LiJ,

Signature :t+#!

Official Stamp
Date N,.LJ1

I 3. Documents to be attached
i+'Uri ""+l oJl rl r::-ull -l f
r Copyof Trade licence ,irJ, t. : iaiJ J- i;-**: t

t Copy of Chamber of Commerce.Registration frl*,iJl &;i i)4 ii-*j f

I Copy of lD Card & Passport of Local Sponsor & authorised signatory J+SJ, &1s 9,9,i€-r"",i.Jl .ii U6" 9.-is j! 9$.i.i*] a
I .:., t1 .1; r r .,i;-.; 1
r Company Computer Card Copy

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