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Topic 3: Student Code of Conduct 1

Student Code of Conduct

Brenda Gutierrez Rojas

College of Education, Grand Canyon University

EAD 513: Shaping School Culture

Dr. Jim Hattabaugh

June 19, 2023

Topic 3: Student Code of Conduct 2

Student Code of Conduct


Jubilee Livingway is a charter elementary school that services 395 students from PK-5th

grade. The school is located in Brownsville, Texas which is on the southernmost tip of the

Texas/Mexico border. Our student population is made up of about 90% minority students, out of

those 95% are Hispanic due to our location. According to data, 75% of our students are

considered economically disadvantaged. Our teacher to student ratio is 1:20; and our 23 full-

time teachers are 100% certified.

Jubilee Values

Joy: I choose my own weather when I go to school every day and make choices that allow me to
be proactive and not reactive.
Understanding: I listen to others and put their needs before mine. I collaborate with my peers and
work in synergy.
Balance: I will balance my personal life and my academic life in a healthy manner.
Integrity: I am honest and reliable. I do what’s right even when no one is looking.
Leadership: I lead by example and encourage my peers to do the same.
Empowerment: I am in charge of my learning. I am a problem solver and will constantly work
towards my academic goals.
Excellence: I always strive for excellence. Whatever I do and wherever I go, I will do my best at
all times.

Topics List

➔ General Behavior Expectations

➔ Attendance

◆ Expectations
Topic 3: Student Code of Conduct 3

◆ Policy

➔ Dress Code

◆ Expectations

◆ Uniform Policy

➔ Use of Technology

◆ School issued electronic

◆ Personal electronics

➔ Academic Integrity

➔ Misconduct Protocol

◆ Investigation

◆ Student Conference with teacher

◆ Parent Conference with teacher

◆ Behavior Referral

◆ Parent Conference with principal

➔ Offenses

◆ Level 1

◆ Level 2

◆ Level 3

➔ Consequences

◆ Detention

◆ In-school suspension

◆ Out-of-school suspension
Topic 3: Student Code of Conduct 4

◆ Expulsion

➔ Student with Disabilities

◆ Placement

➔ Gun-free Schools Act


The purpose of the Student Code of Conduct is to inform parents and students of the

expected behavior at our school, the consequences for not following the expected misbehavior,

and the procedures used to impose sanctions. It is the duty of every staff member to uphold the

rules and regulations outlined in the Code and to foster a secure atmosphere that is conducive to


Our values is an acronym that spells out the word JUBILEE. These values are attached

to a district wide curriculum that is taught at all campuses and modeled by our teachers and staff.

Students are expected to demonstrate the “I statements” on a daily basis. Jubilee’s vision is to

become the premier choice in education. In efforts to accomplish this, we are committed to

creating a student-centered, learning environment in which students gain the ability to

collaboratively work towards a common goal, in which they take charge of their own learning,

and one which will produce future leaders. The Code was created with the idea that all of our

students will be set up for success regardless of what group they may belong to. The Code is

created according to state law. For example, there is a section that specifies the procedures on

how to handle any special education students that may need suspensions or expelling. The code

is also created in both English and Spanish with is another example of the fact that our goal is to
Topic 3: Student Code of Conduct 5

set up everyone for success. ELCC Standard 5 states that good leaders promote the success of

every student by promoting good behavior and protecting their safety.

In efforts to create a Student Code of Conduct that is fair and unbiased, the

document will be updated on a yearly basis. This will ensure that teachers and staff provide their

feedback about its content and are involved in the process. According to the article, and to my

experience in teaching, we know that in order for something to be of value to others, they should

be included in the process. This helps them feel more invested and will more easily follow and

apply the guidelines in the Student Code of Conduct.

Topic 3: Student Code of Conduct 6

Reference Page

Meador, D. (2020, January 25). How to develop a complete student code of Conduct for your

school. ThoughtCo.

Paterson, J. (2018). School Safety: A Principal Concern. Principal Leadership, 19(1), 34–39.

Sprick, R., & Knight, J. (2018). Involving Teachers in Schoolwide Behavior Policy: For

your overall student behavior management strategy to work, give teachers a voice--and

some autonomy--in the process. Educational Leadership, 76(1), 48–53.

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