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Discrepancy Description/Corrective Action Needed

Date QCS initials (Very Specific Actionable Comments)

Top Nav - Services - Sub-navigation - ONSITE SMES:

5/10/2023 bpd, MM Change "ONSITE" to "ON-SITE" by adding a hyphen.

Top Nav: when rolling over the sections with the sub-navigation (About, Training, Services,
Logistics, FMS, Careers), sometimes the sub-navigation did not close (disappear) when rolled off.

Please see video titled "AHA_DevSite_Homepage_TopNavIssue_2023-05-30" for a visual examp

5/10/2023 bpd, MM of the issue. Video examples located within the same folder as this excel spreadsheet.

Training Section - Core Competencies: Of all the blocks in that section (SDIT, IFIT, Mobile Learning
Flash to HTML Conversion, and SCORM, xAPI, cmi5 Compliance) does not land to the correct
section on the training webpage.

After being clicked, the section on the training page should be consistently open and the user
should not have to scroll to get to it.
-SDITs words get cut-off by the top-navigation.
-IFITs words get cut-off by the top-navigation.
- Mobile Learning opens on the middle of the page.
-Flash to HTML opens to the top of the training page.
- SCORM, xAPI, cmi5 Compliance opens at the bottom of the screen and is cut off by the bottom-

Please see video titled "AHA_DevSite_Homepage_CoreCompTrainingIssues_2023-05-30" for a

visual example of the issue. Video examples located within the same folder as this excel
5/10/2023 bpd, MM spreadsheet.
Services Section - Committed to a Higher Standard of Support Services: Some of the sections in
the carosel do not go to the correct section on the services webpage.

- Cybersecurity opened to the section title instead of the INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT
- Administrative Managerial Services opened to the top of the services webpage. It should go to th
- Program and Project management opened to the ON-SITE SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTISE section.
should open to the PROJECT/PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SUPPORT section.
- Electronic Classroom setup opened at the ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT section. It should
open at the INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES section.
- Subject Matter Expertise opened at the INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES section. Is Should open at the

Please see video titled "AHA_DevSite_Homepage_SupportServicesCaroselIssues_2023-05-30" fo

a visual example of the issue. Video examples located within the same folder as this excel
5/10/2023 bpd, MM spreadsheet.

LOGISTICS/FMS - Mobile/Tablet View Only: Please remove the second reversed dimond
background image located behind the FMS section. The one on top of the logistics section can sta

Please see reference image provided within the same folder as this excel spreadsheet. Image title
5/30/2023 MM "AHA_DevSitre_Homepage_LogisticsFMSsection_MobileImage_2023-05-30".

CONTRACT VEHICLES: When "View Our Full List of Contract Vehicles" is selected, the About page
opens but not at the Contract Vehicles section.

Please make sure after clicking on "View Our Full List of Contract Vehicles", the page lands on the
5/10/2023 bpd, MM Contract Vehicles section of the About webapage.

CONTRACT VEHICLES: Top of the dark gray box has an orange square. Currently there is an icon
inside the square. It should not have an icon. Please remove icon. I am unable to do it in the admi
5/30/2023 MM panel.
CONTRACT VEHICLES: Background image of ships.

Please replace with lower resolution image provided within the same folder as this excel
5/30/2023 MM spreadsheet. Image titled: "aha-contract-vehicles-ships".

SAM ASSERTIONS: When "View Codes" is selected, the About page opens but not at the SAM

Please make sure after clicking on "View Codes", the page lands on the SAM ASSERTIONS section
5/10/2023 bpd, MM the About webapage.

Footer: Selecting Corporate Reel takes user to the About page but instead of opening the video
5/10/2023 bpd, MM reel, it opens on OUR MISSION

Reel: Important parts of video content gets cut-off unless in full screen.

5/11/2023 bpd, MM Please change current cover to contain to object-fit.

CONTRACT VEHICLES: The SeaPort-NxG pop-up info box is formatted entirely differently than all
the others (font style, color, and positioning).

5/11/2023 bpd, MM Please make sure content in box is visually the same as the other boxes in that section.

CONTRACT VEHICLES: Background image of aircraft.

Please replace with lower resolution image provided within the same folder as this excel
5/30/2023 MM spreadsheet. Image titled: "aha-contract-vehicles-aircraft".
AHA QA Comment Sheet - Website Part 1 Final QA Check
rective Action Needed
able Comments) Corrective action taken QAV (QCS initials)

Home Page

Good. MM 6/6/23

-navigation (About, Training, Services,

on did not close (disappear) when rolled off.

opNavIssue_2023-05-30" for a visual example I have not encountered any

e folder as this excel spreadsheet. issues. Good. MM 6/6/23

ks in that section (SDIT, IFIT, Mobile Learning,

ompliance) does not land to the correct

hould be consistently open and the user

Most worked well now. Only one

did not work optimally.
When clicking on "Flash to HTML5
Conversion" It went to the
m of the screen and is cut off by the bottom- correct section on the training
webpage, however the animation
would not play. Instead the entire
oreCompTrainingIssues_2023-05-30" for a container with the animation
within the same folder as this excel blinked black and white. MM
Program & Project Management:

- Cybersecurity: Goes to goes to

the IT Support section which is
good. BUT the Cyber Security
f Support Services: Some of the sections in Support should be active.
rvices webpage. Currently the System Admin is
active. Please change to the
the INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT Cybersecurity Support animation
op of the services webpage. It should go to the
- Admin Management: Good.
NT SUPPORT section. - Electronic Classroom setup went
TRATIVE MANAGEMENT section. It should to Instructional Services section
which is good. I should have
ONAL SERVICES section. Is Should open at the specified, Can you please have
the "On-Equipment Instruction"
tab be active?
upportServicesCaroselIssues_2023-05-30" for
d within the same folder as this excel - Subject Matter Expertise: Good!
MM 6/6/23

emove the second reversed dimond

he one on top of the logistics section can stay.

e folder as this excel spreadsheet. Image titled:

bileImage_2023-05-30". Good. MM 6/6/23

ntract Vehicles" is selected, the About page

of Contract Vehicles", the page lands on the

Good. MM 6/6/23

n orange square. Currently there is an icon

remove icon. I am unable to do it in the admin
Good. MM 6/6/23
within the same folder as this excel
ps". Good. MM 6/6/23

he About page opens but not at the SAM

page lands on the SAM ASSERTIONS section of

Good. MM 6/6/23

out page but instead of opening the video

Good. MM 6/6/23

About Page

nless in full screen.

Good. MM 6/6/23

box is formatted entirely differently than all

as the other boxes in that section. Good. MM 6/6/23

within the same folder as this excel

craft". Good. MM 6/6/23
Part 1 Final QA Check

Corrective action taken QAV2 (QCS initials) Corrective action taken

Issue still exists for me. (Desktop)

I checked on mobile as well and It just went to the top

of the training webpage. It did not go to the
"Conversion" section of the webpage with the "Flash to
HTML5" section open.

Please see video titled "2023-06-

14_AHA_Homepage_FlashtoHTML_Issue_Desktop" for
a visual example of the issue on the desktop.
See video titled "2023-06-
14_AHA_Homepage_FlashtoHTML_Issue_Mobile" for
the visual example of the issue on mobile.

Please try all of these homepage training section links to

ensure they are working properly on desktop and

MM 6/14/23
Cybersecurity: Worked on desktop for me. When I tried
on mobile the animation did not play. I had to tap off
the cybersecurity section and then back on it for the
animation to play. Please check on this.

See video titled "2023-06-

14_AHA_Homepage_Cybersecurity_Issue_Mobile" for
the visual example of the issue on mobile.

- Electronic Classroom setup: Issue still exists on the

desktop. I tried on mobile as well and it did not work.

Please see video titled "2023-06-

op" for a visual example of the issue on the desktop.

MM 6/14/23
QAV3 (QCS initials)

Looks good on desktop and mobile.

MM 6/15/23
Cybersecurity looks good on desktop
and mobile.

Electric classroom set-up looks good

on desktop.

In mobile view, the "electronic

classroom set-up" goes to the correct
section on the services webpage BUT
the "On-Equipment Instruction" tab
should be open. Currently the tab is

Please make sure the "On-Equipment

Instruction" tab is open when the
user is navigated to that section.

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