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Assessment Front Sheet

Plan and explain the key components of making a

Assessment Title successful presentation
Qualification Module Code and title
Advanced Diploma in Business HP79 48 Presentation Skills

Student ID Assessor’s Name

Ms. Ama De Silva

Cohort Submitted on
FA20 2ND, SP21, 08/06/2022
SU21, SP212ND

No. Learning Outcome Task no

1 Plan and explain the key components of making a successful

2 Prepare a screen based presentation on an agreed topic 2

3 Deliver and evaluate a screen based presentation 3

Learner Declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this Assessment is my own and research sources are
fully acknowledge.

Student Signature:…Isuru Upadya Epage… Date:…08/06/2022…..

YouTube link

1 Assessment Version 1.0

Assessment Brief

Module Code and Title HP79 48 -Presentation Skills

Qualification Advanced Diploma in Business
Submission on 7/06/2022
Assessor’s Name Miss Ama De Silva

Assessment Title Online presentation assessment

Assessment instructions
You are required to deliver an online presentation on a topic to be agreed with your
assessor. This presentation should be 10 minutes long (+/- 3 minutes) and you have to
arrange for at least 4 people to be in your audience. The arrangements for this presentation
may be facilitated by your assessor. This audience should be briefed on your topic
beforehand, and be prepared to ask questions and provide you with feedback. You should
select a topic that interests you and should relate to a unit you have been studying.

You are required to conduct this presentation via zoom with at least 4+ people to be in
your audience (zoom participants) where both the presenter and the PowerPoint slides
needs to be visible. This online session needs to be recorded and submit it via YouTube
link (functioning).
Task 01 Planning your presentation

As part of the planning stage you have to prepare a brief for your assessor. This brief
should include:
I. your chosen topic
II. a description of the key components of making a successful presentation
III. a description of how the practicalities of your presentation will be managed
IV. an explanation of why a screen-based presentation is most suitable for your
audience making reference to possible alternatives
V. an explanation of why the chosen presentation method is most suitable with
reference to the audience, possible resources that could be used, the resources
available to you and any other relevant factors
VI. a strategy for dealing with audience questions, including how difficult questions
can be responded to
VII. a range of coping strategies for presentation nerves and techniques that will assist
in managing your audience
VIII. details of how you plan to gather audience feedback

Your completed brief should be submitted to your assessor and a planning meeting
should be arranged to discuss it. Your assessor will check that you have met all criteria

2 Assessment Version 1.0

pertaining to planning and explaining the key components of making a successful
presentation prior to progressing to delivery of the presentation.

Task 02- Producing your presentation

You can use any appropriate software method/s to facilitate your screen-based
presentation. There are a number of technical features that must be included as follows:

I. 5 presentation software features

II. 2 (or more) multi-media
III. 1 dynamic link
The number of slides you produce should give your audience appropriate information
about your topic area effectively, and should be formatted consistently.

Slides should make appropriate use of layouts and themes available in the software you
are using.

The number of slides within the presentation must allow you to conclude the
presentation within the 10 minute (+/-3 minutes) time limit, and formatting of all slides
must make effective use of space (ie be neither too cluttered nor too bare).

You will submit an electronic version of your presentation (including speaker’s notes) to
your assessor.

Your assessor will use a check that all technical features have been applied to your
presentation. You should annotate your presentation to show that all the technical
requirements have been met

Task 3- Delivery of your presentation

The delivery of your presentation will be assessed according to the following criteria:

I. voice projection and control

II. pace of speech
III. tone and clarity of message
IV. manage audience interaction/handling audience questions
V. responding to audience questions
VI. software features effectively supports the presentation
VII. multi-media used effectively and complements the delivery
Your assessor will use a checklist to make sure that you have met all the above

3 Assessment Version 1.0

Evaluation of your presentation

After you have made your presentation you should evaluate your performance and
carry out an analysis of this evaluation. This analysis should be presented to your
assessor by updating your initial brief to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses.

You should include any recommendations for future presentations, justified by these
findings. You can select any appropriate method of evaluation.

Your assessor will check that you have evaluated your performance and analysed the
feedback you have received effectively

Checklist — Planning

4 Assessment Version 1.0

Learner ID number 02001034

Date of planning meeting 30th May 2022

Described how the Practice the slides before hand, probably being fluent with the
practicalities of the contents of the slides.
presentation will be Speaking loudly, practice some speech exercises.
managed Feeling comfortable on the day without any unhealthy occurrences.
Managing body languages and nerves, a great option for peer
evaluations are to speak with them before hand to be comfortable
around them.

Explain the rationale for Using basic techniques so everybody can understand the main points
the presentation and topic without any unwanted attention.
methods to be used Using a great pace of voice for better communication.
A summery of information in bullet points rather paragraphs.
Knowing the audience for nerves and the most suitable strategy.

Describe the strategy for

dealing with audience First listen very care fully, ask again for a second time to make sure
questions (including you heard it right and to take time to grasp the question. Talk slowly
difficult questions) and say what’s most suitable, taking time to answer is a must.

Describe a range of
coping strategies for Breathing Exercises, Believe your capabilities, Giving real life
presentation nerves and experience without describing everything in the presentation.
techniques that would Drinking water. Be in a comfortable area, and also seated
assist in managing the

Checklist — Production

5 Assessment Version 1.0

Learner ID 02001034

Date of submission of evidence 08/06/2022

Presentation topic Digital Marketing Approaches for Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen

Sri Lanka.

Completed Description
5 (or more) presentation
software features used 1, Pie Chart Pie chart for the figures collected using Social Media
2, Animation comments on Popeye’s.
3, Hyperlink Hyperlinks for Parent company, Popeye’s, 3rd party
4, Bullet Points delivery app Uber eats and Popeye’s Facebook page.
5, Picture and a Bullet points were used to point out contents.
Video. Two Pictures and Video is used.
6. Design and The background theme, slide edits, font edits, design
templates. and templates.

2 (or more) multi-media Picture, Popeye’s Logo, A short Video for Advantages of
used in the presentation Gif/ Video Digital Media and a “Thank You” picture at the end.

1 dynamic link used

Yes. Yes You Tube like as follows.

Slides formatted
consistently Sliders were Peel off system was easy and clean. Although the
moved to the pages are stuck on two occasions due to connection
next by using issues, for not longer than two seconds.
the Peel off

Appropriate use made of Background

layouts and themes to theme. A simple theme was used to demonstrate the
support slide content. Font and Font presentation, Two fonts are being used for the first
Colors. two slides and the rest.
Peel Off Slides. The presentation is made in a yellow background,
dark orange font.

Slides make appropriate

use of space and are Everything was The pie chart could be a little smaller. Other than
consistent. okay. that everything was okay.

Speaker’s notes
Satisfied about Satisfied with the presentation, it was 13 minutes
the long. Although there was a problem playing the
presentation. animated video as my connection was slow.
References included References
(where appropriate) were given

6 Assessment Version 1.0

regarding the
content taken
from the use of
social media

Checklist — Delivery

Learner ID 02001034

Date of presentation 08/06/2022

Topic; Digital Marketing Approaches for Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen Sri Lanka
Venue At Home Via ZOOM MEETINGS. _

Number of slides used 12 Slides in total with 10 slides consisting information
effective to convey message regarding the topic.

Size of audience 4 peers.

Time management 13 Minutes.

10 minutes (+/- 3 minutes)

Delivery skills
▪︎There were few connection issues due to which my voice
 Tone was breaking a few times, but still was clear.
▪︎I mighty be talking a slightly bit faster, but it was
 Voice projection understandable.
 Voice control ▪︎Some words were hard to pronounce, such as Digital and
 Pacing Strategic. I slowly repeat them again.
 Message conveyed clearly ▪︎End of the session the message was clearly delivered.
 Use of prompts ▪︎Took time to explain without being blunt, the
presentation was smooth.
▪︎Voice control, projection and Tone was fairly good.

Audience interaction

 Rapport Two questions were asked during the presentation,

1. Problems may occur by using digital marketing
 Holding interest approaches.
 Question handling 2. Market position of Popeye’s restaurants in Sri

7 Assessment Version 1.0

Technical skills

 Presentation software 1. Animations (2)

2. Pie Chart
features used effectively
3. Bullet Points
(5) 4. Hyperlinks (4)
 Multi-media used 5. Video
effectively (2)
 Dynamic link effective

Checklist — Evaluation

Learner ID 02001034

Date of submission of evaluation 08/06/2022

Topic Digital Marketing Approaches for Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen Sri Lanka.

Evaluation method appropriate
Peer Evaluation.
Self Evaluation.
Lecturer Evaluation.

Analysis of evaluation
Overall a good evaluation has been given by the peer group
evaluators for other and following points.

Focus maintained during the presentation, Clarity and

informative content, Clarity of the presentation, Effective
use of data- stats and facts, Grammatical errors made, Slide
designs, use of images, Clarity of Voice projection and
volume control etc.

Strengths and weaknesses

identified Weaknesses; Speaking aloud, Organizing everything until
the last minute, Didn’t prepare for last minute problems.

Strengths; Less nerves to speak in front of people, managed

the presentation well, prepared the content thoroughly.

8 Assessment Version 1.0

Recommendations made for
future presentations
▪︎Should speak aloud.
▪︎Should finish days before the deadline.
▪︎Should check everything before the actual day of the
presentation, Ex; Power Cut Schedule.

Evidence Evidence
Summary of the evidence required by students
Checklist Checked

I. Describe how the practicalities of the presentation will be

II. Explain the rationale for the presentation method/s to be
Outcome used.
01 III. Develop a strategy for dealing with audience questions,
including how difficult questions can be responded to.
IV. Describe a range of coping strategies for presentation nerves
and techniques that would assist in managing the audience.
Outcome I. Slides should be formatted consistently and make appropriate
02 use of layouts and themes.
II. The content of each slide should be appropriate; neither
excessively plain, nor visually overwhelming for the audience.
I. Deliver a presentation for 10 minutes, within a tolerance of +/-
3 minutes, to a group of no less than four people.
II. Demonstrate delivery techniques; voice projection and control,
pace of speech, tone and clarity of message being conveyed.
III. Manage audience interaction by handling questions from the
audience, responding in a clear and coherent manner with
Outcome appropriate information and/or clarification.
03 IV. Presentation software features and multi-media are used
effectively to support and complement the delivery of the
V. Use a suitable method of evaluation and carry out an analysis of
this evaluation. The analysis should identify areas of strength
and weakness and make recommendation(s) for future
presentations justified by these findings.

9 Assessment Version 1.0

Sources of information
Report guideline
 Use Harvard referencing style for reference
 Need to submit the soft copy to the (Moodle)

You are also encouraged to use facilities such as the internet, journals, or library resources as well
as the teaching material given to you during the Unit.

10 Assessment Version 1.0

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