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In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management


Manalo, Kristine Erika P.

BSBA-MM 3202

Mr. Niño Lasin Briones, CHRA, MBA

May 15, 2023

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation


Last May 06, 2023 exactly 9 am in the morning I attended an Online seminar
which entitled "Breaking Barriers: Fostering Oneness, Unleashing Potentials" the
seminar is all about to promote diversity in a workplace. This webinar was
organized by young professionals.

This seminar has a 2 great speakers which catch my attention. Even though they are
young, you can see that they have a confidence and knowledge that they also known
so that's why thery turned them into their strengths. Both speakers are a great
speakers with such a good experience for them to proudly share their knowledge to a
hundreds or thousands of watchers of their live on Facebook.

The first speaker is Carla Zante, She ask " How do you find your purpose" and it hits
me straight to the point. I ask my self How can I know and find my purpose? And I
made a super long time of thinking. I undergo Self evaluation by myself for almost 2
days and I realized that, I can find my purpose by knowing first myself. Because If I
know myself or if I am Self awared. I can easily found my purpose, in what way? It's
simply because you know yourself, you know what you can do and what you can't do.
You can easily find you weaknesses and strengths and you can turn your weaknesses
to strength too if you want and if you can. It's very important to know your purpose,
mostly when you are entering other organizations. If you know yourself and if you know
your purpose you can contribute and help to your chosen Organization.

The Second speaker that caught my attention is Marc Joseph Gabon. He spoke at the
webinar about leadership, he said that "Leadership is the ability of an individual or a
group of peopleto influence and guide followers or members of an organizations,
society or team”as I go on watching him speak. I noticed that he excecute his turn in a
good way. He had a high level of confidence but not to the point of over. It's exact for
him only to show that he is a great leader and he can be a successful leader. As I go on
watching the whole live. I realized that really confidence and knowledge are the most
important thing that a individuals like us must have. Because me, as. A 3rd year
student sometimes I'm not confident and sometimes I lose hope in life. So started after I
watched the live I realized again that being confident and having lots of knowledge is
the one that I need to have and practice for me to be successful and for me to reach
the goals I have planned in the future.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation


Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation


Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

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