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CLASS – V Subject- EVS

Name ____________________ Section ________ Roll No _____ Date ___________

Q 1 Multiple Choice Questions.

a. This is a non -communicable disease.
i. Asthma ii. Chicken pox iii. Common cold iv. Plague
b. Thematic maps are used to display.
i. Rainfall ii. Population iii. Crops iv. All of these
c. _____________ is an example of Biodegradable waste.
i. Paper ii. Vegetable peels iii. Egg shells iv. All of these
d. Antarctic circle is located at _____________.

i. 23 ½ °N ii. 66½ °N iii. 66½ °S iv. 0 °

Q 2. Answer in one word.

a. A miniature model of the Earth. ___________________________
b. The microscopic organism that we cannot see with naked eyes. ________________________
c. Number of continents present on Earth. ________________________
d. The maps used to locate mountains of a country. _______________________________

Q 3. Ratio- Relationship.
a. Plains: Green :: Water bodies : ________________________.
b. Cholera: Housefly :: Malaria :__________________________.
c. Total lines of latitude: 180 :: Total lines of longitude: ___________.
d. Typhoid: Bacteria:: Dengue:___________

Q 4. Fill in the blanks.

a. The art and science of map making is called _________________________________.
b. The equator is at ______________degree latitude.
c. ___________________ are one of the deadliest insects on the Earth.
d. We have _________ coloured bins to throw non- biodegradable waste.
Q 5. Draw diagram of Earth and label the given latitudes with degrees. Tropic of Cancer, Arctic
Circle and Equator.

Q 6. Read the passage and answer the questions that follows.

Ritu is studying a map to know about the states and capitals of India. This map does not show any
mountains, plains and valleys but has major towns, cities and borders of a country. These maps
are colour coded to differentiate between different countries or states.
a. Which kind of map is Ritu studying?
b. Why are colours and symbols used on a map?

Q 7. Define Probiotics.

Q 8. Write 3 limitations of using a map.


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