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TOPIC Social Justice ant True DURAT

Religion N
SUB- Social Justice


The Bible
By the end of the lesson, Student should be able to:
1. Define social justice
2. Mention the issues that Amos was trying to address.
3. Explain the opposition against Amos by Amaziah
4. Mention some vices condemned by Amos which are still rampant in our
society today

Students have been taught Trur religion by Amos

Social Justice (Amos 2:6— 8, 4— 5; 1:20, 7:10 — 17,8:1 — 14)
There was a high level of social moral decadence in Israel as at the time Amos
prophesied. The focus of his prophesy was mainly injustice which had eaten deep
into the social life of the Israelites. The ordinances and statutes of God as given
by Moses were not strictly followed. In fact, there was no true fear of God in the
mind of the people. God was annoyed. Amos was therefore called by God to go
and warn the people of the punishment that await them if they failed to repent
from their evil ways. The theme of Amos’ prophecy is summed up in the book of
Amos 2:6 — 8:
“For three transgressions of Israel, and for four, I will not revoke the punishment;
because they sell the righteous for silver, and the needy for a pair of shoes. They
that trample the head of the poor into the dust of the earth and turn aside the
way of the afflicted; a man and his father go into the same maiden, so that my
holy name is profaned: they lay themselves down beside every altar upon every
garments taken in pledge; and in the house of God they drink the wine of those
who have been condemned" (Amos 2:6 — 8).
By this statement, Amos was invariably addressing the following issues:
i. The judges took bribes and perverted justice. The poor were denied justice
because the judges collected bribes from the rich and passed judgement in their
ii. The poor were robbed oftheir properties.They pledged such property to
borrow money, but when they were unable to redeem it, such
iii. The rich exploited the poor by selling to them with false weights and
measures, thereby becoming richer at the expense of the poor who they
exploited. The society was made up of "haves" and the "have not".
iv. There were also cases of forced slavery. Some poor farmers who borrowed
money from the money lenders were forced to become servants to the lenders
when they could not pay back. The poor were humiliated in various ways.
v. Sexual immorality was in the increase. In some cases, such reckless sexual acts
were carried out in the house of God. This was a great abomination in the sight
of God.
vi. Both the wine from those fined and the garments taken from those that
pledged were supposed to be kept untouched but the rich slept on these
garments and drank the wine even in the house of God.
vii. Amos called the Samaritan women cows of Bashan because some of them
indirectly took part in this humiliation, intimidation and oppression by
encouraging their husbands to bring home their ill- gotten wine for them to
(a) Opposition against Amos by Amaziah
When social injustice and religious malpractices of Israel had reached its peak.
Amos condemned the social and religious immoralities among the people. The
priest of the royal sanctuary of Bethel Amaziah reported Amos to the King
accusing him of conspiracy and sedition. Amos was then ordered to go back to
Judah where he belonged to prophesy, he pronounced the following curses on
i. Amaziah’s wife would become a harlot in the city.
ii. His sons and daughters will be slain by the sword.
iii. His land would be divided by line
iv. Israel would surely go into exile away from its land.
(b) Reasons why those who opposes God would be condemned
i. Since God is our creator, it is very wrong to oppose Him.
ii. Opponents of God are evil to other; they deceive others.
iii. They should be condemned because their teaching leads to unhappiness and
iv. They violate God‘s law, word and will.
As Amos pointed out the evils in the society, he warned the people on the
punishment that would come upon them if they failed to repent.
i. Amos said the Samaritan women would be taken into exile in hook that is, fish
hook and they would be cast into Harmon. As they took part in the oppression of
the poor by encouraging their husbands to do evil, they would be humiliated in
like manner and taken to exile. (Amos 4:1)
ii. Those who exploited the poor to build for themselves houses of hewn stone
would not dwell in the houses nor like to drink the wine of dwell in the houses
not like to drink the wine of the vineyard they planted. They would all be taken
to exile as punishment for their numerous sins (Amos 5:11).
iii. “In all squares, there shall be wailing; and in all streets they shall say, 'Alas!
Alas!” (Amos 5:16). This shows that the punishment that would come upon them
would be so great that the people would weep bitterly.
iv. “Your wife shall be a harlot in the city, and your sons and daughters shall fall
by the sword.” (Amos 7:17). All these statements point to the fact that the Lord
would raise a nation that would fight Israel, defeat them and take them into
v. All the people hoping on the business thatthey would carry out over the years
and possible exploitation of the poor would have their hope dashed while their
feast would be turned into mourning. (Amos 8:1 — 14)
Vices Condemned By Amos Which Are Still Rampant In Our Society
i. Oppression of the poor by the wealthy: Low wages are paid to the poorfor
services rendered to their masters or employers.
ii. Injustice in the courts: The rich bribe their way through in the courts and the
poor rarely receivejustjudgement.
iii. Cheating in business: Some rich and influential business men have perfected
the art of edging or pushing the poor out of business.
iv. Luxury: With much of the national revenue in the hands of a rich few who
daily become richer at the expense of the poor, the rich build palaces and own
expensive limousines and enjoy all forms of luxury at the expense of the poem

STEP I: the teacher reviews the previous topic on true religion .
STEP 2: the teacher introduces the new topic by telling them what social justice means
STEP 3: the teacher explains the issues Amos was
trying to address.
STEP 4: the teacher explains the opposition against
Amos by Amaziah
STEP 5: the teacher explains the punishment that would come upon the people if they fail to
Amos warned the people of Isrealites of the imminent danger due to their failure to repent and serve the
Lord in truth and spirit . He equally gave a message of hope that if the people would repent and turn from
their evil ways; God would also repent from the evil He intended bringing upon them.
1. Define social justice.
2. Describe any three practices which Amos condemned in the religious life of Israel and indicate three things
he recommended in their places.
3. Enumerate the various social vices in Israel which Amos addressed in his prophesies.

1. ' I am neither prophet ,nor a prophets son; but I am a herdsman and a dresser of sycamore trees" give an
account of the event that led to this statement.


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