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Name: _______________________________________________Course, Year & Section: ______________________

Explain briefly. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

1. What are human rights? (5 points)
2. Is there any hierarchy among human rights? (5 points)
3. Do individuals, as well as Government, have obligations? (5 points)
4. Is it possible to realize human rights when resources are limited? (5 points)
5. What is the difference between collective rights and individual rights? (5 points)
6. Is Human Rights a Right or a Privilege? (5 points)
7. State Article III, Section I (5 points)
8. State Article III, Section 6 (5 points)
9. State Article III, Section 5 (5 points)
10. State Article III, Section 4 (5 points)

TRUE OR FALSE. Read the sentences carefully. Write T, if the sentence is correct and F, if it is

_______1. The Congress convened at the Barasoain Church in Malolos, Bulacan.

_______2. The appointment of officials was done for the Congress leadership.
_______3. The Malolos Constitution established a democratic republic where "sovereignty resides
exclusively in the people."
______ 4. The Malolos Constitution has two branches, executive and legislative.
______ 5. The Malolos Constitution stated that the executive power is in the hands of the president
and the seven secretaries.
______ 6. The Malolos Constitution stated the recognition of freedom and equality of all religions,
as well as the separation of the Church and the State.
______ 7. Pedro Paterno was the one who prepared the draft of the Malolos Constitution.
______ 8. Congress disapproved of the establishment of the Universidad Literatura de Filipinas.
______ 9. Under the Malolos Constitution, Supreme Court and other courts established by law
would take care of legislative matters.
______ 10. Malolos Constitution is the present constitution in the Philippines
______ 11. The Agrarian Reform Program is founded on the right of farmers and regular workers,
who are landless, to own directly or collectively the lands they till,in the case of other farm workers,
to receive a just share of the fruits thereof
______ 12. Agricultural land refers to land devoted to agricultural activity.

______ 13. Malolos Constitution is composed of one hundred one articles divided into fourteen
titles, with transitory provisions in eight further articles, and with one un-numbered additional article
______ 14. The 1935 Constitution, which featured a political system virtually identical to the
American one, became operative.
______ 15. There are 22 sections in Article 3 Bill of Rights.

IDENTIFICATION. Write the correct answer in the space provided before each item.
______________________ 1. It is defined as the rectification of the whole system of agriculture.
______________________ 2. describes a set of laws relating to domestic agriculture and imports of
foreign agricultural products.
______________________ 3. It means the cultivation of soil,planting of crops,growing of fruits
trees,raising of livestock,poultry or fish,harvesting of farm products.
______________________ 4. It refers to land devoted to agricultural activity.
______________________ 5. It refers to any controversy relating to tenurial arrangements,whether
leasehold,tenancy,stewardship and etc.
______________________ 6. It refers to any agricultural land not cultivated,tilled or developed to
produce any crop nor devoted to any specific economic purpose continuously for a period of 3 years
immediately prior to the receipt of notice of acquisition by the government.
______________________ 7. It refers to a natural person whose primary livelihood is cultivation of
land or the production of agricultural crops.
______________________ 8. It refers a natural person who renders services for value as an
employee or laborer in an agricultural enterprise or farm regardless of whether his compensation is
paid on a daily,weekly,monthly or "Pakyaw" basis.
______________________ 9. It is a natural person who is employed on a permanent basis by an
agricultural enterprise or farm.


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