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Weekly Test:6 Total Marks:25

SET 1 Time:1 hour

1 Mark
1. Why a small gap is left between the iron rails of railway tracks?
2. Why do the metal utensils have wooden handles?
3. Why are two thin blankets are warmer than a single blanket of double the thickness?
4. Pendulum clocks generally run fast in winter and slow in summer. Why?
5. A copper bar is 80cm long at 15oC.What is the increase in length, when heated to 35oC? The
coefficient of linear expansion for copper is 1.7x10-5 o C-1.

2 Mark
6. Normal temperature of the human body is 98.4oF. Find the temperature of Celsius and
absolute scale?
7. Railway lines are laid with gaps to allow for expansions. If the gap between steel rails 66m
long be 3.63 cm at 10o C, then at what temperature will lines just touch? Coefficient of linear
expansion of steel = 11x (10-6) oC-1
8. Show that the coefficients of area expansions (ΔA/A)/ΔT of a rectangular sheet of the
solids is twice its linear expansivity, α.
3 Mark
9. What is the difference between black body and Ferry’s black body?
10. Define anomalous expansion of water. What is its importance?
11. A sphere of aluminium of mass 0.047 kg placed for sufficient time in a vessel containing
boiling water, so that the sphere is at 100∘C. It is then immediately transferred to 0.14 kg copper
calorimeter containing 0.25 kg of water at 20∘C. The temperature of water rises and attains a
steady state at 23∘C. Calculate the specific heat capacity of aluminium. Given specific heat
capacity of water is 4186Jkg−1K−1, specific heat capacity of copper calorimeter is 385 Jkg−1K−1
5 Mark

12.a. State Stefan’s law

b. State Wien’s displacement law
c. Calculate the temperature at which a perfect black body radiates at the rate of 2 Wcm−2,
Value of Stefan's constant, σ =5.67×10−8Wm−2K−4

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