Cesc 1st Quarter Exam

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Sur
Pandan, Caoayan, Ilocos Sur


S.Y. 2022-2023, Second Semester

Directions: Carefully read the questions and shade the letter of the best answer on the bubble
sheet provided.

1) What is community dynamics?

a. It is the diversity of a community
b. It is the process of limiting an area.
c. It is the population living in an area.
d. It is the process of change and development in communities.

2) What is community action?

a. It is an act of showing leadership.
b. It is the process of limiting the resources of a community.
c. It is an activity that increases engagement of a community.
d. It is any action of goodness
towards any member of the community.

3) Which of the following is not a factor of choosing the right community action?
a. Objective c. Role of the community
b. Perspective of the leader d. Integration of the council

4) Which of the following is not an objective of a community action?

a. Social capacity c. Creating wealth
b. Community resilience d. To provide everything.

5) What type of community do you think has greater responsibility in empowering the youth?
a. Community of Farmers c. Community of Teachers
b. Community of Engineers d. Community of Politicians

6) If you aim to be engaged in a specified activity as your main paid occupation rather than as
a pastime, what community would you engage yourself in?
a. Community of politicians c. Community of proprietors
b. Community of businessmen d. Community of professionals

7) What can you do to attain the objectives of your current engaged community?
a. Sleep late at night regularly.
b. Prioritize romantic relationship.
c. Spend time playing video games.
d. Do not procrastinate on doing subject requirements.

8) Which of the following perspectives cannot comprehensively define a community?

a.Grassroots b. Institutional c. Mathematical d. Social science

9) Which perspective talks about community as a small or large social unit who has something
in common, such as norms, religion, values, or identity?
a.Grassroots b. Civil Society c. Mathematical d. Social science

10)Which perspective talks about community as a shared set of values, from which everything
about the society emanates, and includes the constitution (or charter), laws, culture;
a.Grassroots b. Institutional c. Civil Society d. Social science
11)Which perspective talks about community as a group of people residing in the same locality
and under the same government or a group or class having common interests?
a.Grassroots b. Institutional c. Civil Society d. Social science

12)Which perspective defines community as a relationship between individual people that

bring each and everyone together in a way that allow them to do things they can’t or
couldn’t done because of isolation?
a.Grassroots b. Institutional c. Civil Society d. Social science

13)San Vicente aims to produce globally competitive citizens. Which perspective of

community is depicted in the situation?
a.Grassroots b. Institutional c. Civil Society d. Social science

14)“Bagobo tribe” continues to practice their traditions even in modern times. Which
perspective of community is depicted in the situation?
a.Grassroots b. Institutional c. Civil Society d. Social science

15)Government collects taxes to maintain wealth and provide the needs of the people. Which
perspective of community is depicted in the situation?
a.Grassroots b. Institutional c. Civil Society d. Social science

16)“Bayanihan” depicts what perspective of community?

a.Grassroots b. Institutional c. Civil Society d. Social science

17)Which of the following is not an element of a community?

a. Diversity b. Dynamics c. Processes d. Structures

18)What structure is defined as a group of people that interact together on a consistent basis?
a. Social Structure c. Cultural Structure
b. Population structure d. Economic Structure

19)What do we call the leadership structure of people and organized groups who exert
influence over different areas of the community taking a position of power?
a.Leadership b.Relationship c.dSocial dynamics d.Community power

20)What do we call the predictable pattern of interaction or communication between couples,

or we may call it a cycle in my work?
a.Leadership b.Relationship c.dSocial dynamics d.Community power

21)This community dynamics refers to the behaviour of groups, those results from the
interactions of individual group members as well to the study of the relationship between
individual interactions and group level behaviours.
a.Leadership b.Relationship c.dSocial dynamics d.Community power

22)The parents in the teacher-parents association can suggest school regulations given their
power. Do you think community power is observed in this situation?
a. No, because they don’t have the right to do so.
b. No, because they do not take part on developing the students.
c. Yes, because they provide for the necessary financial aid.
d. Yes, because the parents were able to exert influence on providing order on the educational

23)Joseph a barangay captain sticks to only one decision without looking into other
perspectives. Does this depict a fluid style of leadership?
a. No, because he is not adaptive.
b. No, because he tries to do things alone.
c. Yes, because he is adaptive.
d. Yes, because he seeks further suggestions.

24)Cruz family does regular counsel together with their children settle thing or to decide on
something important. Does this depict a good social structure?
a. No, because the kids are not supposed to know the family plans
b. No, because regular counsel is not healthy.
c. Yes, because the every member must know the family plans.
d. Yes, because it is not the right thing to do.

25)How can someone become a Dynamic Leader?

a.A leader must not ask for opinions. b. A leader must stick to his own rules.
c. A leader must be adaptive to changes. d. A leader must look only at his own

26)Which of the following is not a type of community?

a.Rural b. Urban c. Formal d.Semi -formal

27)This is considered as the people or nations of the world, considered as being closely
connected by modern telecommunications and as being economically, socially, and
politically interdependent.
a.Formal Groups b. Informal Groups
c. Local Community d. Global Community

28)This refers to community-based organizations, institutions, and initiatives, as opposed to

those operated by state government, national or international groups, or large corporations.
a.Rural Community b. Urban Community
c. Community Sectors d. Community Dynamics

29)This group are always created with intent to fulfil some official requirement. Formation of
the group is done by the management. It possesses a systematic structure, in hierarchical
a.Local Groups b. Social Groups c. Formal Groups d. Informal

30)Which of the following does not belong to the types of formal groups?
a.Task Force b.Committees c. Special Sectors d. Command Groups

31)What type of community action do you think can be provided by the health sector?
a.Deworming c. Road reconstruction
b. Unclogging of canals d. General cleaning to avoid dengue

32)Does the media sector affect community dynamics?

a. Yes, because community members tend to spend their time engaging in social media
b. Yes, because dissemination of information made easier and caused the community to
adapt to latest trends.
c. No, because each community must follow their own norms and culture.
d. No, because not everyone has social media accounts.

33)A home owners association decided to have a curfew on minors to increase safety of
everyone especially to their children. What sector has exercised their power to govern in
this community action?
a. Youth b. Parents c. Housing and development d. Law enforcement

34) How does business sector affect community dynamics?

a.Business sector get profit.
b.Business sector are the ones who govern the community
c.Business sector offer work and increase community wealth.
d.Business sector provide or conduct activities that help preserve environment.

35)Which community action do you think can’t be provided by human services sector?
a.Job training b.Law making
c. Outreach programs d. Shelter for the elderly
Direction: SHADE A if the statement is true. If not, change a part of it that makes it a false
statement or you may restate the whole statement to make it true and write your answers at the
back of the answer sheet.
1. The formal groups are deliberately created by the organization, whereas the informal
groups are established voluntarily.

2. There can be sub-groups in both formal and informal groups.

3. In a formal group, the position of a member defines its importance in the group, but in an
informal group, every member is as important as any other member.

4. The structure of a formal group is designed in a hierarchical manner while the informal
group lacks structure or say it has no structure.

5. In a formal group, the flow of communication is restricted due to the unity of command.
Same as to an informal group, the flow of communication is structured.

6. Urban communities are characterized by small scale industrialization.

7. Rural communities are sparsely populated while urban communities are densely

8. Rural communities are conspicuous by the existence of industrialization.

9. Sustainability in community programs is the capacity of programs to continuously

respond to community issues.

10. Human services sector include profit professional organizations.

TEST III: ESSAY (5 points)

46-50. Differentiate the two structures of a community.

Approaching standards Good Excellent

1 point 3 points 5 points
There is no real evidence of Some support may be Clear and well-expressed,
learning. More specific lacking, or sentences including specific examples
information is needed or you may be a bit awkward. to demonstrate what you
need to follow the directions Overall, a decent job. learned. Well done!
more closely.

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