General English Model Paper 2 - 2020

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Part A: Grammar & Vocabulary (35 marks)

Question 1

Fill in the blanks in the following text, using the prepositions given in the box. Use each preposition only
once. There is one extra preposition. ( (05 marks)

from with of along by within

Hero Dad

You are my hero, Dad

You're my secure foundation.
When I think (1)………. you, I'm filled (2)………… love
And fond appreciation.

You make me feel protected;

I'm sheltered (3)…………… your care.
You're always my true friend; and Dad,
When I need you, you're always there.

You have a place of honor

Deep (4)…………… my heart.
You've been my superhero, Dad,
Right (5)………. the very start.
Question 2

Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb given in brackets. ( 10 marks)

King Francis was a great lover of all kinds of sport, and one day he and his courtiers ,noblemen and ladies,
sat (1)…… ……. (watch) wild savage lions fighting each other in the enclosure below. Amongst the
courtiers (2)…………. (sit) Count de Lorge beside a beautiful and lively lady of noble birth whom he (3)…
……….(love) and hoped to marry. The lions (4)………….(roar), and bit and tore each other with savage
fury, until the king (5)…… ……. (say) to his courtiers, "Gentlemen, we (6)……….(be) better up here than
down there!” The lady, (7)………….(hear)hip, thought she (8)….. ……(show) the king and his court how


devoted her lover was to her so she dropped her glove down among the fighting lions, and then looked at
Count de Lorge and smiled at him. He (9)… ….(bow) to her, and leaped down among the savage lions
without hesitation, recovered the glove, and climbed back to his place in a few moments. Then he
(10)…….(throw) the glove right in the lady's face.

Question 3

Underline the correct word from those given within brackets to fill in the blanks in the following text.

( 10marks)

Long ago, there was a clever basket weaver. He could weave beautiful cane baskets. He (1) ………. (been,
being, was, will) proud of his skill. One day a friend admired the beautiful baskets. “Can you teach (2)
……….. (mine, my, myself, I)son how to weave?” he asked. “I can teach him how to weave, (3) ……….
(although, because, since, but) he’ll have to help me in my work,” said (4) ………. (a, the, an, these)
weaver. A week later the boy began to work (5) ………. (for, at, by, in) the weaver. Every day the boy had
to go to the jungle and bring (6) ………. (few, some, a few, any) cane. It was full of thorns. He had to heat
the cane, clean (7) ………. (much, many, every, it) and prepare it for weaving. The boy quickly learnt to
weave beautiful baskets. He could work faster than the weaver. The weaver notices this (8) ………. (but,
until, when, and) was jealous of the boy. One dark night the weaver killed the boy. God Sakra saw it. He
was very angry. He disguised (9) ………. (him, his, himself, he) as an old man and came to the weaver’s
house. “why (10) ………. (do, did, done, does) you kill that innocent boy?” he asked. The weaver decided to
tell the truth. “I was jealous of the boy and killed him,” he said. “You told me the truth, and you will be able
to weave beautifully, but I am going to change you into a bird,” said God Sakra.

Question 4

Underline the most appropriate word from those given within brackets ( 05 marks)

1.The girl carefully lifted the butterfly with its..................wings.( colourful, delicate, pleasant )

2.The workers rebelled against the...............behaviour of their new manager.(friendly, domineering ,helpful )

3.Farmers always work from they are hardworking .(dawn ,dusk,late)

4.If you work hard you can easily..........................your aims.(plan,accomplish ,develop)

5.Nimal was punished by the principal as he.................................damaged the school property .(angrily
,intelligently ,intentionally)

Question 5

Underline the correct word ending, selecting from those given in brackets ( 05 marks)

1. He was young and he has an attrac …………………..(ting, ted, tive) face

2. The horseman rode on stea………………………(dy, dily, dier) though slowly.

3. The appear …………………………(ing ,ed, ance) of the island when I came on deck next morning

was altogether changed.

4. The hills ran up clear above the vegeta………………………..(tion, te, tive )in spires of naked rock.

5. But the ocean cools and warms the surround………………..(s, ed, ing) atmosphere in various ways.

Part B – Reading & writing ( 25 marks)

Question 6

Underline the option that best expresses the meaning of each of the sentences given.( 05 marks)

i. Mr. Yapa has never eaten beef.

a. Mr. Yapa eats beef now.

b. Mr. Yapa does not hope to eat beef.

c. Mr. Yapa has not eaten beef at all.

d. Mr. Yapa has eaten beef several times.

ii. We wish we weren’t so poor.

a. We are not poor.

b. We like to be poor.

c. We are poor.

d. We were poor.

iii. You shouldn’t have spent so much on my album.

a. You have not bought an album.
b. You have bought an album.
c. You shall not spend for the album.
d. You have spent a lot of money for my album.
iv. He acts as if he were in power.
a. He is in power.
b. He is not in power.
c. He acts in power.
d. He likes the power.
v. She behaves as though she were a little girl.
a. She is a little girl.
b. She knows that she is a little girl.
c. She likes to be a little girl.
d. She is grown up.


Question 7

Read the following advertisement and answer the questions. (a and b) ( 10 marks)

Sale of Un used Tea Factory Machinery
(Orthodox Bulker / ECP Drier

The following unused machines are sold by a tender which can be inspected from below
mentioned factories on a prior appointment from 15/02/2021 to 21/03/2021 on week days.

Product name Description Qty Location Contact

Orthodox Tea blending system’ 1 lot Lethenty Estate 0512200225
Bulker  Feed conveyer and Tea Factory
dump station with (MF 204)
magnetic grill Dickoya
 Vertical Blender
 Discharge Conveyer
from Blending
Hopper to the final
filling hopper
 Electrical panel
board for feeding
and blending
ECP Drier Circulation type automatic 1 lot Loinorn Estate 0512333211
tea drier with firewood Tea Factory
heater. (MF 206)
Model : Y001` Bogawanthalawa
 SS Trays and
Temperature Control

Tender forms may be collected upon payment of a non refundable fee of Rs 500 from
relevant estate office. Please forward the tender forms by registered post mentioning
“BUYING TEA FACTORY MACHINERY” on the top left corner of the sealed envelope to
the following address.
(the date of opening the tender will be notified later)

Acting Chief Executive Officer,

Bogawanthalawa Tea Estate PLC,
No 153,
Nawala Road,
Colombo 5


a. Underline the most appropriate response in each of the question from (i – v)
i. How many machines are to be sold?
1. One
2. Two
3. Five
4. Ten
ii. Which of the following does not come in the description of Orthodox Bulker?
1. Vertical Blender Hopper
2. Electrical Panel Board
3. Feed Conveyer
4. Temperature Control
iii. The ECP Drier can be inspected at,
1. Dickoya
2. Bogawanthalawa
3. Nawala
4. Narahenpita
iv. “Non refundable fee” means,
1. The authority will charge it but you are not returned it
2. They will charge it and you will be returned it
3. The authority will give it to you though you pay it
4. The authority will deduct it from the amount you pay
v. For feeding and blending, the Orthodox Bulker uses,
1. Magnetic power
2. Electricity
3. Firewood
4. Gas
b. Do the following statements agree with the information given in the above text?
In boxes vii to x write True, False or Not Given
True If the statement is correct
False If the statement is wrong
Not Given If there is no sufficient information

vi. You can inspect the machines at a time you like
vii. The date of the opening tender is not given in the
viii. The Automatic Tea Drier is powered by a Firewood
ix. Loinorn Estate Tea Factory produces 20000kg of tea
a month
x. Both the machines can be inspected at Dickoya
Question 8

Write a paragraph beginning with the given sentence. Use about 75-100 words. Do not exceed the word
limit. Do not write more than one paragraph. (10 marks)

Doing exercises daily leads a healthy life………………………………………..



Paper 11

Part A-Reading skills ( 50 marks)

Question 01

Read the passage given below in which some words are given in bold type. Then, underline the meaning that
is most appropriate to the context for the words given in bold type from 1-10. (10 marks)

Even when we congratulated her, we never acknowledged what she had to fight and continues to fight. We
sanitize women’s stories and romanticized her struggle.

DIG Bimshani is also a fierce believer that women must forge ahead to change the norms. “Rule of law is
the foundation of any country. The Sri Lankan Constitution has emphasized that individuals are subjected to
the same laws in the same measure. Even though there are women in postings in the police, I think women
are still under-represented. We must change this. Women can handle tough police operations just like men,”
she opined.

“In the last few years, we witnessed a drastic change in the role of women in the society. Sri Lankan women
are now actively participating in many economic activities and contributing to the development of the
country better than how they used to do. They have proved that they can work as equally as men. There are
so many examples for that statement. It is disappointing to see several people attempting to maintain a
certain sector as male-dominant,” she opined.

DIG Bimshani expects that all Sri Lankan women are treated equally. “My expectation on behalf of all
women is that we get a fair opportunity to prove our worth. The same selection criteria, training standards
and promotions should be applicable to women as those applicable to male counterparts. It is about time this
country brings a change in the society. Regardless of the sector, women should not be deprived of earning
recognition they deserve,” she said. (18February 2021 )

1) fierce: deep vicious bad aggressive

2) forge: counterfeit forgery progress smithy
3) emphasized: stress said proclaimed belittled
4) drastic: violent rapid slow miserable
5) contributing: donating supplying controlling distributing
6) attempting: attacking trying provide decide
7) dominant: support control superior severe
8) expects: probable hopes sees reflects
9) fair : reasonable good market expense
10) earning: income acquire give provide


Question 02

Read the following text and answer the questions 1 and 2. (10 marks)

Emily Carr

Not all children who grow up inside a culture are completely influenced by that culture. Some young people
find that they are more interested in nature or the culture of other people at a very young age.

The most famous painter in Victoria's history is Emily Carr. She was born in 1871 and, as a child, she
discovered that walking in the woods appealed more to her than playing with other children. She discovered
that she was more interested in roaming the streets of old Victoria than playing at home with dolls and
spending her time brushing her hair and putting pretty ribbons in it.

Emily was a chubby little girl who spent much of her childhood in Beacon Hill Park, which was very close
to her family home. Drawing fascinated her, and she also liked to play with the animals she kept as pets.
She had ducks and chickens, and even domesticated a crow. In later life she had several dogs and a pet
monkey too! She often wandered around the streets of Victoria and was particularly interested in the First
Nations people and the Chinese people she saw in Victoria's Chinatown. Their culture and way of dressing
seemed so distinct from her own.

At the age of sixteen she began to study drawing seriously. She eventually travelled to San Francisco and
Paris to study art, but always returned to her beloved forests of the Pacific Northwest in the Victoria area.

As she became a young, strong and independent woman Emily began to go on longer and longer trips into
the uncharted forests to paint and draw what she saw. She loved the free and simple lifestyle she saw the
First Nations people living. In the summer of 1895 she went on an expedition with two other women to
explore the wilderness along the Cowichan River that runs through Duncan, just north of Victoria.

Some time later she travelled up the coast by boat to visit and draw the native villages along the way. This
required great daring and strength. This wilderness was truly wild; there were no police or Coast Guard if
she got into trouble - and no radio to call for help.

The First Nations people called her "Klee Wyck", which means "Laughing One", and she knew more about
their lifestyle and the forests of B.C. than any other European woman. When you look at her paintings, you
can sense the atmosphere of these dark, mysterious forests. Her paintings are now very famous and,
although the dark colours may not be attractive to some people, they evoke the beauty and mystery of the
deep woods and the skill of a great artist. Emily was a very brave and independent woman. She walked for
kilometer after kilometer through the woods alone, even though she knew that bears, cougars and wolves
might be her only companions.
(1) Do the following statements agree with the information given in the above text?
In boxes (Ⅰ)-(Ⅷ), write True or False.
True If the statement is correct
False If the statement is wrong


I Since the childhood Emilly Carr’s desire was to be walking around and
enjoy the mysteries of the dark forests.


II She liked to spend her time with friends more than wandering around the
the streets of old Victoria.
III Emilly had a monkey as a pet when she was a little girl.

IV She was captivated by the drawing and it was the path to her paintings
later on.

V Emilly traveled to Paris and San Francisco to learn drawing.

VI In 1895 she went an expedition with two other women to explore the
wilderness of Pacific north west .
VII Being able to travel by herself to the native villages was a sign of her
daring and strength.
VIII "Klee Wyck" is a synonym for first nations according to the text.

(2) Underline the most appropriate response to complete the following sentences.
1)"Evoke" means:

a) reason
b) discover
c) make you feel

2)"Uncharted" probably means:

a) dangerous
b) not included on maps
c) well-known

Question 03
Read the following poem and answer the questions from 1-4 (05 marks)

by Sylvia Plath

I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions.

Whatever I see I swallow immediately
Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike,
I am not cruel, only truthful.
The eye of a little god, four -cornered.
Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall.
It is pink, with speckles. I have looked at it so long
I think it is part of my heart. But it flickers.
Faces and darkness separate us over and over.
Now I am lake,A woman bends over me,
Searching my reaches for what she really is.


Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the
I see her back, and reflect it faithfully.
She rewards me with tears and an agitation of

I am important to her. she comes and goes.

Each morning it is her face that replaces the
In me she has drowned a young girl , and in me an old woman
Rises towards her day after day, like a terrible fish.
1.) "I am silver and exact" means that…
a) The mirror is made of pure silver.
b) The mirror is not corruptible.
c) The mirror takes in whatever is brought before it exactly.
d) The mirror is exact as it is made of silver
2.) What does the phrase "the eye of the little god" refer to?
I. wall
II. mirror
III. woman
IV. lake
3.) Which of the following is true?
I. The woman is able to accept the picture the mirror offered.
II. The woman wants to find her true image.
III. The woman expects the liars to hide the truth .
IV. The woman likes to see her ageing image.
4.) Write one word from the poem which means the following
a)an idea or opinion formed before having enough information ………………………..
b)a state of anxiety or nervous excitement ……………………

Question 04
Fill in the blanks based on the information given in the following passage. Use only one word for each
blank. (05 marks)
The tea and rubber industries have a history of making a major contribution to the national economy
for over a century and an extent of 340,000 hectares of agricultural land is being utilized under tea and
rubber plantations, providing income opportunities to 530,000 small holders and employment opportunities
to over 200,000 people in the large scale estates managed by the plantation companies and state institutions.


It is estimated that in all more than over 1.2 million people are being provided with direct and indirect
employment in the tea and rubber plantation sectors.
Currently around Rs. 285 billion in foreign exchange is earned annually through the export of tea,
rubber base products. This is almost equal to one fourth ( 24% ) of the country’s total export earnings. The
projected export income from these two industries for the year 2012 is Rs. 310 billion.

Tea and rubber play a vital role in the national economy of Sri Lanka. A high 1) ………………
of land is used for tea and rubber 2) ………………………... This has also provided many
employment 3) ………………… for people in the large 4) …………………. A large sum of
foreign exchange is gained by 5) …………………. tea and rubber products. This amount is equal
to one fourth of the total export earnings.

Question 05

Read the following text and answer the questions from I-V. The first sentence in paragraph (2) has been left
out. (20 marks)

1.Road rage is aggressive behaviour by drivers on the road. It has become so common that
some psychologists say it is a mental disorder. Many things can cause road rage. Some driving experts think
that road rage occurs because people watch chase scenes on TV. Others watch Formula one races and want
to copy their favourite driver. Road rage results in accidents, which can lead to serious injuries or the death
of other road participants

2.……………………………………………………………………..A driver must be alert at all times and

not get distracted by other things like phone calls and other things. When a motorist becomes angry they
often do wrong things which lead to aggressive behaviour. Drivers tend to change lanes frequently and or
increase their speed to overtake another car because they are not patient enough. Others flash their lights all
the time to show their impatience. Road rage also includes gestures or shouting towards other drivers, bad
language or threatening towards others.

3.The most important causes of road rage are bad behaviour by other motorists, getting into traffic jams,
driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, being tired due to work or stress, problems with the family
or having a bad day.

4.Fortunately, many things can be done to avoid road rage. For one you can try to calm down as far as
possible and not become aggressive yourself towards other drivers. You can also try to get further away
from aggressive drivers. You might also think about taking your time in getting to the place you are going
to. Listen to the music and drive with enough rest. You might also try pulling over for a short break and
getting some fresh air before you continue on the road.

5.Scientists in Switzerland are working on software that may help combat road rage. They are testing a
special camera that can be mounted on the dashboard of your car. It recognizes your facial expressions and
judges by the way you look if soft and calming music should be turned on.


1) Do the following statements agree with the information given in the above text?

a) In a modern society driving has become an enjoyable activity with lots of new vehicles
and roads with high technology.
b) According to certain psychologists road rage occurs due to a physical problem
c) Luckily, accidents which occur due to road rage is at a very low limit in Sri Lanka
d) Scientists in Sweden are experimenting on a software that would dispel road rage.
e) Music has the ability to calm down the drivers If they are stressful.
f) Leaving home early to reach his destination always keeps the driver on the safe side.
In boxes (a) – (f), write True, False or Not Given.

True If the statement is correct

False If the statement is wrong
Not Given If there is no sufficient information on this

11). Underline the most appropriate option to complete the missing sentence in paragraph 2?

a) In today’s world driving is a very stressful and risky activity.

b) A modern day driver has many facilities to drive with.
c) Most of the drivers engage in safe driving.
d) Having food while driving is not a good practice done by drivers.

111) In which paragraph do you include the following information if you wish to extend paragraph further?
Match the information with the paragraphs of the text and write the number of the paragraph in the relevant

Information Number of the

a. Ways to dispel road rage
b. Technology and science had ways to reduce this problem
c. Road rage can ends up a driver with an unfortunate ending
d. Self-discipline is a key role to avoid road rage
e. There are many causes for road rage

Iv) Who or what do the following pronouns in bold print refer to?
i) It (paragraph 1) ……………………………………………………....
ii) their (paragraph 2)…………………………………………………..
iii) it (paragraph 5)…………………………………………………


(v) Write one word in each blank, selecting from the passage, which means the same as the
i) Behaving in an angry or rude way that shows you want to fight…………………………
ii) A base on which something is fixed……………………………………
iii) To affect the way someone thinks or behaves…………………………………
iv) A line of vehicles waiting behind something that is blocking the road ………………
v) Form an opinion or conclusion.…………………………

Part B- Dialogues (25 marks)

Question 6

How do you respond in each of the following situations? Write only one sentence or question for each,
beginning with the word/s given. (05 marks)

1. You have forgotten to buy your English text book. Request a book from your friend
2. Your best friend was admitted to the hospital. But you couldn’t visit him/her. How would you apologize
by giving a reason?
3. You have gone for your best friend’s wedding. How would you wish him/her?
4. You want to have something to drink. Ask your friend to join you.
5. Your boss asked you to come and meet him/her. How would you enter to his/her room?
“Excuse me……………………………………………………………………………………”

Question 07
Dinesh wants to apply for a job at Bata shoe Co. Pvt. Ltd. He wants to inquire about the job vacancies.
Complete the missing parts of the dialogue between Dinesh and the HR manager of the company. Do not
use more than two sentences or questions in each blank. (05marks)

Dinesh :Excuse me, I am interested in joining your company. May I know whether there are


HR Manager: Well at the moment ,there are two vacancies for the accounts clerk. Have you sat for the

A/L exam?

Dinesh :(1)……………………………………………………………………………..


HR Manager: Have you followed your studies in commerce stream?

Dinesh : (2)…………………………………………………………………………………

HR Manager : Then it’s fine

Dinesh : (3)…………………………………………………………………………………………...

HR Manager : Well, You have to send a bio data addressed to the HR Manager.

Dinesh :(4)…………………………………………………………………………………

HRManager :Yes, you have to send the application on or before28.02.2021

Dinesh :(5)…………………………………………………………………………………

HR Manager: You have to work from 8.30a.m.to4.30 p.m. Weekends are a holiday for you.

Dinesh :Ok, thank you for the information.

HRManager : You are welcome

Question 08

You have gone a 3 day trip with your friends in your class. One of your friends came to see you and both of
you are talking about the trip. Write out the conversation you will have with your friend. Each one should
speak at least five times. (15 marks)

Part C-Writing skills (65 marks)

Question 09

Select any five words from the list of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs given below and use each one of
them in a meaningful sentence. You may use the verbs in any tense. Do not change the form of the other

Nouns commitment, harmony

Verbs bribe, attempt
Adjectives helpful, suitable, different
Adverbs efficiently, unfortunately, promptly

Question 10
The following pie chart shows the percentages of government servants using different modes of transport to
and from their working places. Study the graph and write a description with relevant comparisons. Use
about 75 words. (10 marks)


Cycle, 5% On foot, 2%

Motor Bike, 3%

Car, 15%

Train, 25%

Bus, 30%

Staff Van, 20%

Question 11

A group of students in your school took part in a Shramadana campaign to clean the hospital
premises in your area. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about it.(Use about 100-125
words. Do not exceed the word limit (15 marks)

 When you did it
 Number of students participated in
 What you did
 What you experienced
Question 12

A neighbour of yours has been dumping garbage near your gate for the past two months. Though
you have kindly requested him not to do it, he has not stopped doing it. Write a letter of
complaint to the Public Health Inspector of the Pradeshiya Sabha in your area. Explain the
situation and request him to take prompt action. Use 75-100 words.
( 15 marks)

Question 13

“English medium education is more important than Sinhala or Tamil medium

education.”Do you agree with this statement? Discuss your answer using about 200 words.
(20 marks)


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