ORD Formation: Sentences

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With Answers
5113. They had a lot of electrical . . . installed all
at›uut the house. FIT
584. He uxed to be such a restless . . . man ! ADVENTURE
585. This gymnasl was a gold at the
Olympic Games. MEDAL
586. The .. . of this painting will take a long time. RESORE
587. Both chambers voted for the abolition of
the death PENAL
588. If 1 may be . .. , 1 was the one who put forward
this plan. MODEST
589. Share prices were .. . today in active trading. BUOY
to the text was unexpected. AMEND
391. We know that the next postnl is nt 5 o’clock
in the aftcri1‹i‹›n. DELVER
592. He is a worldwide kn‹nvn nuclear PHYSICS RF.
593. Some people find white a very colour. $T ENDURE
594. His rudeness was beyond our PERPLEX
595. The lxiy locked at inc in utter
se6. Fans of famous uars fill their r‹xims with their MEMORABLE
idols’. . . INSTANT
597. Hi» reaction was tn cnver his face. AMBITIOUS
598. ) amazed at the of yc›ur project.
599. The Chinese anJ jx:nglc of” the same race SLANT
kave .. . eyes. ENEMY
6tX\. There existed great ... bctwcun thc twc clxin. NEGOTIATE
60l . The yrices of 1c1c itcms arc PERSEVERE
602. They have always admired ycur RETIRE
603. Their fnthcr died sliui fly ‹ificr h\s . . . PENETRATE
604. Cathy is a woman of great insight and . .. . MELODY
605. She used to listen to .. . old tunes. INTERVENE
606. 1 remember that her . .. was not welcomed. QUARREL
Kl7. 1 hate being around spiteful or......people. RESTRICT
60g. My friend finds living in the country .. . .
609. This writer's style is highly . . . and stimehow SYMBOI.
eclectic. PROSECUTE
blO. The .. , is just coming into court. MULTIPLE
611. Here is a tml with a .. . of uses that could do.
612. His scornful . of the evidence as inadequate DISMISS
di‹ln’i convince us.
697. Fasten your belts, please ! SAFE
b98. The idea is of serious consideration. WORTH
s Their ... refiisal to admit defeat became almost
76. I am amazed by his ... rise in fame. METEOR
701. Such a crime is by death in some countries. PUNISH
702. He unveiled the sculpture with a ... gesture. CEREMONY
703. Her son suffered from attacks o£ fever. PERIOD
704. The plumber noticed an .. . in the water pipe. OBSTRUCT
705. Queen will see you now, your . ,. EXCEL
706. My daughter is going to study DENTIST
707. The robber remained throughout ie trial. PASSIVE
708. Although the food was bad, the bill was . . . . EXCESS
76. Didn’t you know ihat his .... was prowrbial ? OBSTINATE
710 The engineer died from a massive doze o£ . .. . RADIATE
711 1 buwed my head io her in ... . SALUTE
712 You should give me the . .. equivalenu of thee
measurements. METRE
713. We must admit that his arguments were so PERSUADE
714. An wind was blowing on that gloomy morning. EAST
715. My daughter has fair skin and hair. SAND
716. This group display a son of intcllecNal ... . SNOB
717. Thix King is not to ie matters we are
discussing. PERTAIN
718. She is such an ... girl that she has few friends. ARGUE
719. Harold was accused of @ William, Duke
of Normandy. PERJURE
ti turned out tok iii .. . vcrslon of ee cluonicle. AUTHENTIC
I am exasperated by the .. . of some driven. RESPONSIBLE
722. Finding a job can he a . .. business. CHANCE
723. The girl came into the room wit an .. . of flowers. ARM
724. The seid l needed new glasses. OPTIC
725. Despite all thls terrible news, he remained ... . PERTURB
726. I know it’s hard to resist such a TEMPT
727. This book .. . ie political parties in l8th century
England. SATIRE
728. We should .. . our effons to find out the truth. INTENSE
729. Grandfather gave a ... sigh when lie got home. THANK
730. A with our rival company is out of the question. MERGE
842. The new law . .. the police to stop anybody
in the street. POWER
843. The crouxl were ... at the cnd of the game. EXULT
The weather has been quiie this week. AUTUMN
845. This knife needs . .. , doesn’t it’? SHARP
The balxl was made up A Your . .. and one singer. INSTRUMENT
847. 1 am sure that a year in the army will . . . him. TOUGH
848. The opening of parliament is a . . . occasion. CEREMONY
849. There was a .. . between him and his neighbour. RECONCILE
830. £or sute benefits are more and more
numerous. CLAIM
ssi We should always trr to show ... to other people. TOLERATE
852. The diamonds of her bracelet in
the candlelight. SPARK
853. This is a situation . . . in the history of our
854. She gazed in at the masterpiece in front
of her.
855. In the end, the salesman proved to be a .. TRAFFIC
B56. In Dublin one can admire .. . old buildings
in Georgian style STATE
857. She will be . . . with him if he is late again. FURY
858. lt’s surprising that so many old laws are still ... OPERATE
859. Tllis sentence was a last minute ... INSERT
860. You’re very .. . when it comes to finding excuses. %GENUITY
861. That young man war noted for his ... . CiALLANT
862. We found a ... in front of our house. BkG
863. Your sister has made a remarkable .. . after
her illness. RECOVER
864. . of water is very common in this part
of the world. SHORT
865. I have to ... the chicken before cooking it. FROST
866. 1 always use a ... cream before going to bed. CLEAN
867. The people murdered their vicious ... OPPRESS
868. Some people develop altitude . . when climbing
high mountains. SICK
869. 1 have no .. . to talking to him even after what
happened. AVERSE
895. Smoking is . . . to health and yet so many
people keep siiiokiiig. INJURY
596. My br‹›iher has recently been promoted to .. . INSPECT
597. He is a highly revered nd the National TRUST
Gallery. 898. 1s dinner ready '? I’m . ,. after so much RAVENING
work ! 899. How can one write a book which . .. the
horrors GLORY
of’ war '!! REFfiR
She mnde several . .. to your remarks. TRANSCEND
Al . He showed great interest in ...
902. What mosi of us remember from &oks CLIMAX
history the events.
H3. Suddenly we saw a ... figure in the GHOST
darkened room. SILENCE
EU. His gun wax fitted with a ... . REFINE
9tl5. Josephine is a u›man of great ... . LEARN
9IX›. His grandfather had been a man of great .. . . PREDICT
RI7. This time he had an......reaction. FANTASY
90b. Alice l‹xiks . . . in her new drees.
9U8. My hrother enjoys . . . so much I think he’ll never BACHELOR
get mai i ice. MUMDER
910. In this profession men .. . womenQ two to one.
911. The ctiuoiers burst into laughter when they JEST
thc .. DIRECT
912. We tried to mud her telephone ix Ie PARACHUTE
telephone FARCE
913. My son’s dream is to become a ... . TRUANT
914. li was he whu had such a.....idea.
915. There’s heen an increase In ... rstes laiely.
91b. The of this document willuke about
minutes. twenty TRANSCRIBE
917.1 have a large ... in this HOLD
918. Lundon Promenade Orchestra is one of the most .. . obvitius.
in the world.
919. Mother always has me prepare the . . . for
the Christmas turkey.
920. All these g‹x›ds are easily .. . .
921. We can say that the colours of her clothes.......nicely.
922. When she saw the results ot the exam, her was




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