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E-mail: buklodkabayan@hotmail.





In a repeat performance of the 1986 last Friday, 19 January to force the
People Power revolution that top- resignation of President Joseph
pled the late dictator Ferdinand Estrada. The beleaguered Estrada
Marcos, hundreds of thousands of left the Presidential Pala ce the next
workers, students, peasants, church day as thousands surrounded the
President Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo (above) speaking
to the press after she was installed as President by
and NGO workers and professionals palace.
people power (below). gathered at the EDSA shrine last The spectacular last minute
photo finish defection of Defence
Chief Angel Reyes hastened the de-
‘SALO-SALO PARA SA PASKO’ parture of President Estrada and
turned the tide for the assumption to
by Marian Victoria Hernandez power of former Vice-President
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
Some 250 people attended the Pocholo Angeles motivated the However, in the final analysis it was
‘Salo -Salo para sa Pasko’ organised audience to sing Filipino Christmas the critical mass of people —people
by the Steering Committee of the carols bringing childhood memories power composed of workers, stu-
Filipino Community in cooperation when we go carolling to usher the dents, church people and profession-
with the Philippine Mission held at Christmas festivities. als that made another heroic chapter
the Salle de la Tour last 2nd of De- The most interesting and much
in Philippine history. (jys)
cember. This gathering was intended awaited part of the programme for the
to bring the Filipino community to- children was the giving of gifts. Led
gether particularly the children, to ex- by Egay Guitierrez disguised as Santa
perience and celebrate the season of Claus ,who gave each and every child COME and ATTEND
Christmas the Filipino way. their Christmas presents. The food
An enactment of the Nativity of was delicious and plentiful. The chil-
Jesus was part of the programme dren enjoyed the games, the pro-
role-played by the children. The gramme, the singing and their pre-
proud parents were happy and anx- sents.
ious watching their children play And the participants wanted to stay
their roles in the Nativity which was on and continue the fellowship. A
directed by Aurelia Constantinescu. Swiss guest commented that the event OUR VALENTINE’S
Christmas carols were sung during was a very warm and joyous Chris t-
most part of the evening. The Notre mas celebration not comparable to DINNER - DANCE
Dame Filipino Choir headed by Elisa other Christmas parties. 9 February 2001
Andamo infused the solemnity of the Kudos to the organisers. One can at the Hotel
spirit of Christmas through the rendi- be sure that next year’s celebration President-Wilson
tion of their songs. The Filipino would even be better.
youth group KKK and lead singer Sponsored by the Steering Committee of the Filipino Community in
Geneva in cooperation with the Philippine Mission
Buklod Kabayan
Sister Olive chosen YEAR
Published by the
Steering Committee of the
Filipino Community in Geneva
2000 Banaag Awardee
by Marian Hernandez

Sister Olivia Racinez has been chosen as the
Manny GOYENA, Marian Victoria Banaag Awardee of the Year 2000 Presidential
HERNANDEZ, Joseph SYCIP Awards. She works with the Mission Catho-
Contributors: lique Philippine of the Congregation of Sisters
Sheila AESCHLIMANN, Annie MILNE, "Workers for Christ theWorker" ( WCW). Sister
Sr. Olivia RACINEZ, Nena M. VAUGNAUX, Olive has been in charge of the canonical mission
Logo Concept & Design: Joseph SYCIP for the pastoral care of Filipino migrants for all the
territory under the jurisdiction of the Swiss Bish-
Layout & Design:
Joseph SYCIP ops Conference since 1994.
The Banaag Award is one of the five Presiden-
Articles, opinions, letters to the Editor, and
other manuscripts are preferred to be in
tial Awards given every two years. The Presidential Awards are
Filipino or English, typed in Microsoft Word given to Filipino individuals and organisation overseas who, by
and sent to: their exceptional achievements of humanitarian efforts, have given
The Éditorial Board, Buklod Kabayan form and substance to Filipino excellence and time honoured val-
P. O. Box 2548 CH-1211 Geneva 2 ues of pakikipag-kapwa, pagtutulungan and pagkakaisa. Award-
ing ceremonies are held every December.
The views and opinions expressed by the The other previous awardees from Geneva are Dr.Ferdinand Lit-
writers are solely their own and do not taua, Banaag Awardee 1991; Rodolfo de Guzman, Pamana ng
necessarily reflect the position of the
Steering Committee of the Filipino Pilipino Awardee 1993; and the Association Philippines Interna-
Community in Geneva tional of Geneva, Kaanib ng Bayan Awardee 1996.


Letters to the SHARE YOUR FAITH! by Sister Olive Racinez

Editor Love greetings in Name of the those who hurt us or those who
Lord! gossip about us.
During the last Christmas sea- Sometimes it is difficult! But when
son, as we prepared the list of we daily strive to attain peace in our
gifts to give this Christmas or pre- hearts and minds then we are able
We have heard of the great news pared the clothes to wear to the to do to others that we wish others
that an IT group has sponsored a different Christmas parties we at- would do to us. Or, to treat others
learning centre for Filipinos to learn tended, l hope that we also pre- as we wish to be treated by them.
computer. Can we have more stories on pared ourselves to receive the In- And therefore give love everyday.
these to be featured at ABS CBN news? fant Jesus in our hearts. Like the Let us love everyone. Let us be
refrain of the Christmas song close the first to love, to make the first
to my heart, ".....the real meaning move, to be the first to smile, to
Yes, we have already forwarded your of Christmas is the giving of love greet, to converse, be the first to for-
request to the Balik -Aral Programme. everyday......". give and to seek pardon. For we all
We are thrilled that the ABS-CBN is Advent is the season of prepara- have one Father in heaven and are
interested in covering this com puter tion for the great event. What bet- all brothers and sisters in Christ.
learning centre for migrant Filipinos. ter way to prepare than to follow Let us be one with the others, to
the great commandment, "Love comfort and to console. For joys
one another just as I have loved shared are multiplied while sorrows
Inquiry: you" (Jn.13:34). shared are lessened. Let us be glad
Is Buklod Kabayan accepting Love...what does it mean to love with the good fortune and success
advertisements of business? Or one another? We were always told of others and thank the Lord for
coverage of business events? to love everyone...... whether he or them.
-Bodo G. von Alvensleben she be good or bad, beautiful or Jesus is born to give us His love!
ugly, tall or short, old or young, ap- Let us welcome Jesus by loving and
At this point, this question is under
study by Steering Committee. proachable or non-approachable, being united with one another.
rich or poor. Even our enemies,
Happy New Millennium!
2 Buklod Kabayan No. 4 - Jan- Mar 2001
News briefs
There is no stopping.... just because it's A Dinner-Dance fundraising event for
A new youth group is being formed for
winter! The Steering Committee of the street children in the Philippines will be
Filipino Community in Geneva in coop- held on the 7th of April, at the Le Bol Qui young Filipinos living in Geneva. Its
eration with the Philippine Mission is Riz Restaurant in Meyrin. main purpose is to act as a catalyst for the
muscling its might to gather the Filipino Dinner will be SFR 35 excluding drinks. Filipino youth community’s varied inter-
community in Geneva to its first activ- After 22:30 in the evening, entrance will be ests (arts, music, sports, social work, etc.).
ity for the millennium. An ambitious 5 SFR 5. Tickets for this fundraising Its primary objective to form a base or
Valentine’s Party is lined-up to offer an event are available at the Mabuhay ASEAN support group needed for the realisation
evening with a different ambiance to- store and at the Bahay Kubo Restaurant. of projects in the above areas of interest.
For inquiries contact Mr. Efren Reyes at The group came to existence as a re-
gether with a buffet dinner and an eve-
tels: 076 385 4242/3854242 sponse to a challenge by Atty. Ding Ba-
ning of ballroom dance on Friday, 9
February 2001 at Hotel President Wil- gasao. During one of our tete-a-tete , he
asked us if we would be capable of unit-
son from 7:30 PM. Funds raised during ERAP RESIGN ing the Filipino youth or at least awaken
the evening will support projects by the
Steering Committee on migrants work- GROUP STAGES their sense of patriotism. We said “yes”.
The following morning, we began work
ers in Geneva.
Tickets for the buffet dinner-dance will with our first project: a concert cum get
sold be at CHF100. A cash bar will be together. We pulled it through, and came
open for drinks. For reservations, Some 40 persons belonging to the out of it a bit wiser.
please contact Lydia Stransky-Heilkron “ Concerned Filipinos in Geneva” Now the group is looking for writers art-
at or Linda staged a picket last 13 December in ists and musicians for our upcoming
Cacdac at (mvh) front of the United Nations calling for youth newsletter. E-mail at Saintjamais
the immediate resignation of President or contact Poch or Paolo
Joseph Estrada. at (022) 733 5241. We’ll hear from you.
DOMESTIC WORKER The group converged at the “high (jamie hernandez)
chair” at around lunchtime with ban-
OF RP DIPLOMAT ners and placards assailing the alleged
FALLS FROM 5-STORY “juetengate” scandal and the “moral Balik-Aral Programme
bankruptcy” of the present administra- bares expansion plan in
A Philippine domestic worker fell from a
The programme started with the sing- Berne and Nueva Ecija
ing of the Philippine national anthem.
5 -story building in Meyrin while trying to The Balik-Aral programme is opening two
This was followed by a prayer, some
escape from her Philippine diplomat em- more computer learning centres in the can-
ployer last 5 December. According to BK poetry, and the reading of the group’s
statement. ton of Berne and in San Leonardo, Nueva
sources the Filipina, Dinia Baliton was Ecija in the Philippines. This was revealed
rushed to the Hopital Cantonal and was A smaller delegation delivered the state-
ment and were invited to a dialogue recently by its spokesperson, Dennis de
placed in the Intensive Care Unit. When Guzm an. According to de Guzman, the
interviewed by BK, consular officials said with officials of the Consulate led by
computer centre in Berne is scheduled to
that the cantonal hospital authorities up to Ambassador Samuel Ramel. open sometime this year. In the Philippines,
the present have prevented them from visit- The group’s spokeswoman, Patricia the Rural Bank of San Leonardo has invited
ing the patient . Sadie told Buklod Kabayan that they the Balik-Aral to set up a similar centre for
In a report filed at the Consular Affairs originally planned to picket the Philip- the peasant youth.
Office of the Department of Foreign Af- pine Mission but were not allowed by The free computer learning center, a
fairs last 11 December, it was revealed that the police. However, the police issued a joint project of Habi Foundation and the Ge-
Ms. Baliton wanted to move to another permit for them to demonstrate in neva Forum for Philippine Concerns first
employer but was allegedly prevented by front of the UN. They vowed to co n- opened in Geneva last July 2000.
Ms. Teresita Paran, her employer who Its success has brought a lot of inquiries
tinue their protest actions until Presi-
works as a communications person at the and requests from Filipino groups in other
Philippine Mission in Geneva. According to dent Estrada is ousted, resigns or is im-
peached by the Philippine Senate. (jys) parts of Switzerland and Europe on setting
the report, Ms. Baliton tried to escape by up similar migrant computer learning cen-
tying together pieces of cloth which she tres.
used to slide out of the building. Unfortu- Meanwhile, the computer courses starts
nately, it snapped and she fell straight into

again on the 8th of January. The Balik-Aral

the pavement. programme is appealing for support in
As of press time, it was confirmed that the whatever form. Volunteer teachers, second-
the domestic worker is now out of danger hand computers, and other computer para-
and will be out of the hospital soon. The phernalia would be highly appreciated.
Philippine diplomat on the other hand, was For inquiries, call Dennis de Guzman at
sent home or “recalled” as part of a discipli- 076-5820127. (jys)
nary action. ( (jys)

Buklod Kabayan No. 4 - Jan- Mar 2001 3

Dear Kabayan,

We take great pride in informing you of the birth The Steering Committee hopes to publish the Buklod
of a newsletter intended for the Filipino community in Kabayan on a regular basis as a service to the Filipino
Geneva. In case this has escaped your attention, Buk- community. It is for this reason that we appeal for you
lod Kabayan has already come out with three issues, to get involved to keep the newsletter sustainable.
including the maiden issue timed with our Independ- Concretely, we invite you to participate by giving finan-
ence Day celebrations last June 2000. We are now cial contributions through focal persons in your organi-
looking at a 2001 edition. sation or through any of the members of the committee.
Buklod Kabayan is intended primarily to inform With the editorial policies set by the Steering Committee
the public about current developments, events, activi- and the usual journalistic standards, we promise to give
ties and other vital information and services that con- you an informative and creative newsletter.
cern the Philippine community in Geneva. It is a pub- We look forward to your continued participation
lication of the Steering Committee of the Philippine and support.
Community in Geneva, a non-formal but nevertheless
serious and regular core-group of Filipinos in Geneva,
whose membership is open and on voluntary basis.
The contents and editorial policies of the newsletter
are very reflective of the objectives of the Steering Sincerely yours,
Committee that is to be of service to the community (sgd) Rodolfo A. de Guzman
and to encourage a productive and supportive interac - Chairperson
tion between and among members of the Philippine Steering Committee of the Filipino Community
community. in Geneva


Mula sa Pangkat Pang-editoryal

Kamakailan lang ay Pasko. Naalala ay mas grabe daw, mas lalu na sa mga pagdaos ng pasko- ang pagkikita-kita
natin nuong mga panahon na kaunti depressed areas, at ang mga nasalanta ng mga pamilya at pagbabati ng dat-
pa lamang ang problema ng ating ng digmaan sa Mindanao. Lahat ng ing nagkakatampuhang magkapatid,
bansa, septiembre pa lamang ay tao daw ay nakikinig sa radyo, hindi ang walang takot na paglabas ng mga
maririnig mo na ang mga christmas sa mga christmas carols kung hindi sa bata at matanda sa madaling araw
carol sa radyo. Alam na alam nating impeachment proceedings. Kahit na upang magsimba sa misa de gallo, ang
ang mga palatandaan- mga batang anu daw ang mangyari, masama pa rin pagbibigay pagkakataon sa kabataan
nagkakaroling sa mga bahay bahay, ang ekonomiya. na makapaglaro imbes na mamalimos
bonus sa mga empleyado, maraming Bakit kaya ang diwa ng pasko ay lagi o magwatch your car.
aginaldo, walang humpay na kainan na lang nakatali sa karangyaan. Wala Isang katanungan lamang-paano natin
at inuman, walang patumanggang na bang alternatibong paraan na ma- idadaos ang kani-kaniyang kapasku-
shopping at pag-ubos ng kita at iba't sayang pagdaos ng pasko ay hindi han? Nasa sa atin ang kasagutan.
iba pang pagsunod sa layaw at nagdedepende sa laman ng ating pi- Inaasam at ipinagdadasal ng mga pat-
pasarap sa katawan na parang wala taka? Nasa atin ang kasagutan nito at nugot ng Buklod Kabayan at ng
nang kinabukasan. kung kaya natin na paminsan-minsang buong Steering Committee, na nawa'y
Marami din namang tumamang trahe- itigil ang ating karaniwang ginagawa bigyan tayo ng liwanag upang magka-
diya sa ating bansa sa loob ng na- at isipin ang mensahe ng kaunauna- roon tayong lahat ng mga Makahu-
karaang dekada, na dulot ng unos ng hang pasko- ang pagdating sa mundo lugang Pasko at Mapagpalayang
kalikasan, at ganoon na rin ng ating ng ating dakilang mananakop na nag- Bagong Taon.
kapuwa Pilipino. Kung ikaw ay uuwi alay sa atin ng dimapag-imbot at wa -
ngayon, mapapansin na hindi na gas na pag-ibig. Kung lagi sana nat-
ganoon karami ang mga christmas ing naisasa-isip ang pag-unawa at
lights sa mga bahay, ang mga batang pagtingin sa karapatan ng ating ka-
nagkakaroling ay hindi lamang sa ba- puwa, hindi lamang sa araw ng
hay-bahay kung hindi sa mga sa- linggo at ng pasko, kung hindi araw-
sakyan na natatrapik. Ang bonus ng araw, malamang na uunti ang prob-
isang empleyado ngayon ay hindi na lema ng ating bansa. Marami na ang
ganoong kalaki, at kung minsan, bigas makakabahagi sa yaman ng bansa at
na lang ang binibigay-imported na hindi na kailangang mangibang-bayan
bigas, dahil daw mas mura kaysa ang Pilipino. Babalik na rin siguro
katutubong bigas natin. Sa probinsiya ang simple nguni't makahulugang

4 Buklod Kabayan N0.4 - Jan- Mar 2001

Editor’s note: but to do this, we have to improve our discover that these funds dry up within a
The BK news team met the new Philippine marketing skills, learn to be versatile, get short while, and they can end up destitute
Ambassador, Samuel Ramel in his office and
was pleasantly surprised with the candour and used to taking risks and not just stick to safe or applying again for an overseas job. In a
lack of officiousness that characterised the inte r- investments. sense, both Ambassador Custodio and I are
view. A former Director of the Foreign Service How would you describe the present European also overseas workers, and we are also
Institute, and an old Asia hand, Ambassador position towards migrants? thinking about what we will do when we
Ramel brings to his present post, the expertise
and diplomatic savvy required in an increasingly Due to the increasing influx of migrants both go back to the Philippines and retire.
complex globalise community. But behind all into Europe, the sentiment is towards more May we know what you will do when you retire?
this, Ambassador Rame l considers himself as restrictive policies because of the threat Well there is this property in Nueva Vizcaya
an ordinary overseas Filipino worker, and not of job competition with the locals and that I inherited. I will probably do some
unlike the majority of the Filipino Community
here in Geneva, looks forward to an eventual potential danger to security. Before, there agriculture and also play a lot of golf.
retirement in his Philippine hometown. were countries like Germany and Spain, Would you consider your golf handicap a state secret
Here are some excerpts. which did not even require visas for or would you be able to share it with us?
Filipinos, but not anymore. It is 18.
In general how would you describe the responsibilities What do you think of the overseas voting bill? Thank you, Mr. Ambassador.
of an Ambassador? It is a citizen's political right under our Postscript.
An ambassador seeks to promote trade and Constitution. It is about time that our
always acts to protect his country's interests legislature approves the bill. You know the
within the range of manoeuvrability and saying, " No taxation, no representation".
strictly inaccordance with instructions from The objections appear to be that we lack the
Home Office. resources to implement such a law. That
Where would you say your expertise lies? may be true but the legislature cannot keep
Probably Asian affairs, because it is in Asia on denying this right to our citizens just
where I have spent a considerable part of my because we lack resources. It is also a
diplomatic career. Although I miss being in question of priority. We have learned that
Asia, there will be many opportunities here in the version of the bill in the Senate excludes
Geneva to interact and consult with other Filipino permanent residents’ abroad from
Asian countries, through the Asia Group and voting. I am not sure if that is valid.
the ASEAN-Geneva committee. Suffrage is an attribute of citizenship, not of
How do you find your present post? residence.
Exciting. My previous postings have mostly Are there any thoughts relating to your job that you
been in bilateral relations. The post of would wish to share with the Philippine community
Permanent Representative to the UN in in Geneva?
Europe is multilateral, hence, it presents We should encourage constructive dialogue
different challenges and opportunities for and avoid petty bickering amongst our-
learning as well as contributing to the wealth selves. As your diplomatic representatives,
of knowledge in the present community of we welcome criticism from the community, Revitalising the relationship between our official
nations. The post also includes critical but when you do, please be ready with your government representatives and our community in
negotiations with the World Trade suggestions or alternatives Geneva is most timely considering the crisis our
Organisation, an agency whose activities have What can the Philippine mission do regarding some country is going through. Mr. Ramel’s thoughts on
far reaching economic effects on our people. reported abuses against Filipinos that they receive the long-awaited right to vote of overseas Filipinos
I am however secure in the thought that while under arrest or detention? are very encouraging and his advice to our Filipino
Ambassador Edsel Custodio, who is a veteran We can make the proper representations workers to save, plan for their return and study
trade officer, is our principal representative to with the authorities, but these reports models of entrepreneurial success wherever they are,
the WTO should be properly documented in order may perhaps be the key to transforming the
How would you characterise our country's that our representations will have some traditional perception of OFWs as simply dollar
representation with the WTO? basis. earners and remitters. BK anticipates that concrete
Complex. Many of our entrepreneurs and Is there any message you would wish to relay to our initiatives will soon be undertaken to strengthen the
industry owners still cannot accept that migrants here in Geneva? partnership between the community and our
economic protectionism can no longer work While we are abroad, we should not only try government representatives in Geneva. BK notes
in today's global economic environment. The to earn money, but also learn how other that a few days after this interview, the case of an
Philippines has to comply with its obligations people do things and how we can improve arrested Filipina who was allegedly not given any
under the WTO convention and the challenge on them. Studying from others include food during the first day of her detention was
is to comply within the context of the treaty, identifying successful business concerns as reported to the Philippine Mission, which promptly
but doing so at the least harm to our possible models we could use in our made enquiries with proper authorities on the
industries. country. While sending money to relatives condition of the arrested person.
What would you prescribe to strengthen our country's is necessary, we should realise that most of
trading position? us are here only on a temporary basis and
Our people should depart from the tradition will one day return and still need a regular
of being just "rent seekers", and become means of livelihood. Hence it is wise also (The BK Team is composed of Ms. Marian
"true" entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. to save and accumulate capital that can be Hernandez, and Messrs. Manny Goyena and Ding
We should also do our best to learn from placed in investments or better still, in some Bagasao.)
others and improve on what we learn. We small business that can bring us regular
have to increase our export capability, Buklod Kabayan No. 4 - Jan- Mar 2001 5
income. A returned overseas worker who
API’s 12th Anniversary Dinner Dance:


by Annie Milne

Welcome world to this big beautiful country, the From the brightly feathered - headdresses and
Philippines ……. so goes the popular Philippine song intricately patterned garments to the simple loin
chorused by the guest entertainers during the clothes and body painting, guests were entertained by
Association Philippine Internationale fund-raising din- the range of varied cultures from the Philippines’ 7,107
ner-dance last 30th September at the Noga Hilton Hotel. islands.
Indeed, this year affair was a record breaker with more
than 270 guests with a lot of surprises in store for them.
Guests from London,


Germany, Prague and a
big group from neighbour-
ing Lausanne, all dressed
in their finest, came to
celebrate API’s 12th year

anniversary. API was

honoured to have two Phil-
ippine Ambassadors grac-
ing the affair .. newly ar-
rived Ambassador Samuel
Ramel, the guest speaker
for the evening, and Am-
bassador Edsel Custodio.
Jay Ibot of Philippine Is -
lands Connections Travel
and Tours specially flew in The audience was also won over by a tiny winsome
from London with his tal- girl, not more than 10 years of age, who belted out
ented and beautiful group song numbers incredibly well for such a tender age.
of performers to provide Not to be outdone, regular mainstay Marivik Balchim
the excellent cultural show dazzled everybody with her sultry singing and
for the evening. magnetic stage pres -
“The Journey” , a musical dance and fashion show, ence. And charming
took the audience from the highland tribes of the Moun- and lovely Katheryn, in
tain Province all the way down to the Muslim Filipinos a riveting duet song
and the Badjaos , the sea gypsies of the South. number with Marivik
exemplified freshness
and innocence.


The numerous tombola
prizes attracted the
audience’s attention so
much that API could not
cope with the demands

for the tickets. For the

first time, all tombola
tickets were sold out
with many guests clam-
ouring for more.
The successful turnout
of the evening has
enabled API to replen-
ish its funds after its
ambitious project two years ago with the ILO, the
INDISCO Zambales Project. The Committee is at pre-
sent studying some Philippine projects with the aim of
continuing its commitment to help their less fortunate
Ambassador Samuel Ramel, Ambassasor & Mrs. Edsel Custodio together with Annie
Milne, President of API and Lydia Stransky

6 Buklod Kabayan No.4 – Jan-Mar 2001

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