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A Florida police officer is under investigation for allegedly shoving a black protester who was kneeling

during a protest. But one of his colleagues, a black woman on the force, is receiving praise for
appearing to reprimand him after the shove.
Seorang perwira polisi Florida sedang diselidiki karena diduga mendorong seorang pengunjuk
rasa hitam yang berlutut selama protes. Tetapi salah satu koleganya, seorang wanita kulit hitam
di kepolisian, menerima pujian karena tampak menegurnya setelah dorongan itu.

The Fort Lauderdale Police Department confirmed to CNN that Officer Steven Pohorence was relieved
of duty and placed on administrative leave pending the results of an investigation into the incident.
Departemen Kepolisian Fort Lauderdale mengkonfirmasi kepada CNN bahwa Petugas Steven
Pohorence dibebaskan dari tugas dan ditempatkan pada cuti administratif sambil menunggu
hasil penyelidikan atas insiden tersebut.

It happened during a demonstration in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on Sunday -- one of the dozens held
nationwide over the past week after the death of George Floyd in police custody. Many of them have
been peaceful. But some have turned violent.
Itu terjadi selama demonstrasi di Fort Lauderdale, Florida, pada hari Minggu - salah satu dari
puluhan diadakan secara nasional selama seminggu terakhir setelah kematian George Floyd
dalam tahanan polisi. Banyak dari mereka yang damai. Tetapi beberapa telah berubah menjadi

In a video captured by Instagram user @Illustrious.CEO, a videographer who asked CNN not to use his
name out of concerns for his safety, the accused officer is seen approaching the protesters and telling
them to back up.
Dalam sebuah video yang ditangkap oleh pengguna Instagram @ Illustrious.CEO, seorang
videografer yang meminta CNN untuk tidak menggunakan namanya karena khawatir akan
keselamatannya, petugas yang dituduh terlihat mendekati para pengunjuk rasa dan menyuruh
mereka untuk mendukungnya.

Some protesters got on their knees and began chanting, "Hands up, don't shoot," the videographer told
CNN of the moment. The officer then appeared to shove a protester who was on her knees. "That's
when the turmoil began," the videographer said.
Beberapa pemrotes berlutut dan mulai meneriakkan, "Angkat tangan, jangan tembak," kata
videografer itu kepada CNN saat itu. Petugas kemudian muncul untuk mendorong seorang
pengunjuk rasa yang berlutut. "Saat itulah kekacauan dimulai," kata videografer.

But as the officer retreated back to his squad car, two other officers quickly ran after him. One of them,
identified by the department's public information office as Officer Krystal Smith in an email to CNN,
appears to yell and scold him with her finger.
Tetapi ketika petugas mundur kembali ke mobil patroli, dua petugas lainnya dengan cepat
mengejarnya. Salah satunya, diidentifikasi oleh kantor informasi publik departemen sebagai
Petugas Krystal Smith dalam email ke CNN, tampaknya berteriak dan memarahinya dengan

The man who shot the video didn't hear what she said, but said Smith, a black woman, "looked upset."
Pria yang merekam video tidak mendengar apa yang dikatakannya, tetapi berkata Smith,
seorang wanita kulit hitam, "tampak kesal."

"You could tell she was snapping on him," he said. "She was upset that she had to witness that."
"Bisa dibilang dia membentaknya," katanya. "Dia kesal karena dia harus menyaksikan itu."

Fort Lauderdale Police Officer Krystal Smith points at Officer Steven Pohorence after he shoved a
kneeling protester in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on Sunday, May 31.
Petugas Kepolisian Fort Lauderdale Krystal Smith menunjuk Petugas Steven Pohorence setelah
ia mendorong seorang demonstran yang berlutut di Fort Lauderdale, Florida, pada hari Minggu,
31 Mei.

Police and local officials commended Smith for her actions in two separate news conferences Monday
but said the incident occurred when tensions were already high between demonstrators and police.
Polisi dan pejabat setempat memuji Smith atas tindakannya dalam dua konferensi pers terpisah
Senin, tetapi mengatakan insiden itu terjadi ketika ketegangan antara demonstran dan polisi
sudah tinggi.

Fort Lauderdale Police Chief Rick Maglione said the incident occurred about an hour after the main
protest ended when one officer told her colleagues she was surrounded and felt threatened, and
another officer who was in her vehicle said she came under attack. Police are still piecing together a
timeline, he said, but they believe the officer was filmed pushing the protester sometime during that
police response.
Kepala Polisi Fort Lauderdale Rick Maglione mengatakan insiden itu terjadi sekitar satu jam
setelah protes utama berakhir ketika seorang petugas mengatakan kepada rekan-rekannya
bahwa dia dikepung dan merasa terancam, dan seorang petugas lain yang berada di
kendaraannya mengatakan dia diserang. Polisi masih menyatukan timeline, katanya, tetapi
mereka percaya petugas difilmkan mendorong pemrotes suatu saat selama respon polisi.

Still, local school board official Rosalind Osgood thanked Smith for taking actions "to check her
colleague" when he acted "out of the norm," and Maglione commended "the other officers that were
there for identifying that there was an issue rather quickly."
Tetap saja, pejabat dewan sekolah setempat Rosalind Osgood berterima kasih kepada Smith
karena telah mengambil tindakan "untuk memeriksa rekannya" ketika dia bertindak "di luar
norma," dan Maglione memuji "petugas lain yang ada di sana karena mengidentifikasi bahwa
ada masalah dengan agak cepat."

The police chief said the officer will "remain home" until the Florida Department of Law Enforcement
completes its investigation. When that's complete, Fort Lauderdale Police says it will conduct its own
administrative investigation to find whether he violated police protocol.
Kepala polisi mengatakan petugas itu akan "tetap di rumah" sampai Departemen Penegakan
Hukum Florida menyelesaikan penyelidikannya. Ketika itu selesai, Polisi Fort Lauderdale
mengatakan akan melakukan penyelidikan administratif sendiri untuk menemukan apakah ia
melanggar protokol polisi.
CNN attempted to reach Officer Pohorence through his union, the Ft. Lauderdale Fraternal Order of
Police, but they declined and offered no further comment, citing the "open and on-going investigation."
CNN berusaha menghubungi Petugas Pohorence melalui serikatnya, Ft. Perintah Polisi
Persaudaraan Lauderdale, tetapi mereka menolak dan tidak memberikan komentar lebih lanjut,
mengutip "penyelidikan terbuka dan sedang berlangsung."

“We don’t have the capacity to eradicate 400 years of racism in one fell swoop. So, if we think this is a
seismic shift, I hope people don’t feel like nothing is going to happen once we figure this out. I have
been known to quote Dr. King, I’ve said, ‘The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards
justice.’ We bend it, all of you have bent it over the last four, five, six, 10 years and we are seeing the
fruits of those labors in the degree of awareness that is out there. Think about some of the people who
have unequivocally spoken out against what happened in Minneapolis, you have, I just saw Jim
Harbaugh… the coach of Michigan Football, marching today. That is not something that was happening
five, six years ago, although Jim I know have been on the right side of this for quite some time. You
have unlikely participants because all of you have worked so hard to raise awareness, that is the
progress that has been made, that doesn’t mean everything has been solved.”

“Kami tidak memiliki kapasitas untuk memberantas rasisme selama 400 tahun dalam satu kali
kejadian. Jadi, jika kita berpikir ini adalah perubahan seismik, saya harap orang tidak merasa
seperti tidak akan terjadi begitu kita mengetahuinya. Saya telah dikenal mengutip Dr. King, saya
telah mengatakan, 'Busur alam semesta moral itu panjang, tetapi membungkuk ke arah
keadilan.' Kami menekuknya, kalian semua telah membengkokkannya selama empat, lima, enam
terakhir , 10 tahun dan kami melihat hasil kerja keras mereka dalam tingkat kesadaran yang ada
di luar sana. Pikirkan tentang beberapa orang yang dengan tegas menentang apa yang terjadi di
Minneapolis, Anda tahu, saya baru saja melihat Jim Harbaugh ... pelatih Sepakbola Michigan,
berbaris hari ini. Itu bukan sesuatu yang terjadi lima, enam tahun yang lalu, meskipun Jim saya
tahu telah berada di sisi kanan ini selama beberapa waktu. Anda memiliki peserta yang tidak
mungkin karena Anda semua telah bekerja sangat keras untuk meningkatkan kesadaran, itu
adalah kemajuan yang telah dibuat, itu tidak berarti semuanya telah diselesaikan. "

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