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Circle the Correct Option

1. Logical results of hypothesis are called;

(A) Law (B) Deduction (C) Experiment (D) Problem

2. The bark of which tree was found very suitable for curing malaria?

(A) Cactus (B) Cinchona (C) Pinus (D) Cedrus

3. Plasmodium is the cause of malaria" This statement is;

(A) Hypothesis (B) Deduction (C) Theory (D) Law

4. An effective drug for Malaria is;

(A) Theragram (B) Quinine (C) Actified (D) All

Write short answers of the following

1. What is incubation period?

2. What is biological method?

3. What is hypotheses?

4. What is the meaning of these words "mala" and "area"?

5. The medicines of malaria were carry where from?

6. Give any four observations about malaria?

7. What is theory?

Write detailed answers of the following

What is meant by theory, law and biological problem.

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