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A Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the

degree of Master of Business Administration






REG. NO: 2227327

Dataset name: Employee-Attrition-Rate
Dataset link:


The given dataset talks about the demographics, satisfaction level of certain factors,
experience, levels of work-life balance, attrition status, etc., of company ABC (IBM) employees.
All the columns were for independent variables except the last one, which was a dependent variable.
The independent variables were Age, Department, Distance from home, Education (where 1-Below
College; 2-College; 3-Bachelor; 4-Master; and 5-Doctor), Education Field, Environment
Satisfaction (where 1-Low; 2-Medium; 3-High; and 4-Very High), Job satisfaction (where 1-Low;
2-Medium; 3-High; and 4-Very High), Marital Status, Monthly Income, Num Companies Worked
(where the employees worked before company ABC (IBM)), Work-Life Balance (where 1-Bad; 2-
Good; 3-Better; and 4-Best), and Years At Company. The dependent variable was Attrition (where
0-No; and 1-Yes).
Dashboards and stories:
Dashboard 1

● Context of the business problem.
Out of the total, Company ABC employees present in the Employee-Attrition-Rate dataset,
approximately 16.12% had already voluntarily left the organization. And the company surely does
not want the remaining 83.88% of employees to leave the organization. So here in this dashboard,
there is a comparison between the various factors present in terms of employment in the
organization. The people who have left company ABC and those still working are compared on the
level of work-life balance, environmental satisfaction (corporate culture), and job satisfaction.

● Management theories in the cross-functional setting.

Work-life balance, corporate culture, and job satisfaction are the three management
concepts being examined based on their level of fulfillment amongst the former and existing
employees in Company ABC.

● Evaluation of business environment.

The attrition at company ABC is not a good sign for the company, as attrition can increase
their overall costs & expenses. These costs and expenses will mainly be constituents of the
organization's new hiring, training, and development needs to compensate for the loss of sufficient
talent to keep processes and the system running. By fulfilling the deficient positions' fitments, the
firm can be more effective in beating its competition and optimizing costs and expenses. Moreover,
the Work Life Balance vs. Attrition, Environment Satisfaction vs. Attrition, and Job Satisfaction vs.
Attrition graphs all highlight that more employees who have, left the company compared to the
ones who still work with the company ABC, who rated the attainment level of all these three factors
to be less.

● Recommended solutions for their Managerial problems.

The best solution for company ABC regarding this issue of non-attainment of the three
factors is to take constant feedback from the employees and empower them to be heard in finding
better solutions to resolve the higher level non-attainment of the factors.
Dashboard 2

● Context of the business problem.
Here in this dashboard, the graphs Attrition vs. Years At Company, Monthly Income vs.
Attrition, and Monthly Income vs. Years At Company are meant to know other factors (years at
company and monthly income) that can be the possible cause of such attrition at company ABC.

● Management theories in the cross-functional setting.

Here, it can be seen that Herzberg’s Motivation Two-Factor Theory is being tested where
the hygiene factor is the salary while the motivation factor is the years at the company ABC.

● Evaluation the business environment.

The Attrition vs. Years At Company graph shows that more people have been in the ABC
company for a lesser time (<6 years). And, also among them, there are more of them leaving the
organization compared to the ones who remain with them in this category of employees.
The Monthly Income vs. Attrition graph shows that the maximum number of people leaving
the organization are low earners with a monthly income of less than 5,000. The Monthly Income vs.
Years At Company showed that a maximum of the employees at the company had less than 15
years of tenure there and earned less than 12,500. This concerning the earlier two graphs clarified
that the people with the lowest income and lowest tenure among the majority of employees were
more prone to leave the organization due to the lack of hygiene and motivation factors.

● Recommended solutions for Managerial problems.

To resolve the issue of lack of sufficient quantity and quality of hygiene and motivation
factors, the company can train or upskill their employees to be fit for higher roles with greater
compensation through internal job posting and recruiting, adopt a performance-based variable pay
system (if not) and can have succession planning apart from having other motivation and retention
interventions taken for them.
Dashboard 3


● Context of the business problem.

Now this dashboard is trying to find the effects of some demographic variables that may
also affect the attrition of employees. Namely, the demographic variables of education, distance
from home, and marital status are being taken to conclude their impact on attrition.

● Management theories in the cross-functional setting.

Among the various training methods, classroom training, case discussion, workshops
regarding industry practices, internships, live projects, etc., can be a part of formal education at
various levels and fields. A larger distance of the office from home may make it difficult for some
of the less paid employees to commute who have some budget constraints and surely may eat up
some share of their disposable income compared to their counterparts. Also, such employees may
not be able to save more time for work or life which might add to their job dissatisfaction.
Marital status also plays an important role in deciding future growth and promotions and
present performance. Especially married female employees with kids, apart from work, have also
run their household chores. At the same time, any disturbance in marital life or divorce may also
hamper the employees' work-life balance.
● Evaluation of the business environment.
Going with the education level of the employees who left company ABC, more than half of
them from all the fields of study were not master's or doctorate, which meant they might have left
the company for higher education. The distance between the office and home of the employees who
left and the existing ones were somewhat equal in proportion, so something could be determined
regarding attrition when distance is considered. Most of the people who left were single, followed
by married and divorced. They might leave for education, marriage, or any other reason but not
with security can be determined here.

● Recommended solutions for Managerial problems.

The company could give sabbatical leaves or sponsor higher education to deserving
employees if they need to be promoted to retain them and better utilize their capacity and

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