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What do you call the indigenous knowledge system or practice?

The indigenous knowledge system or practice is called "Banaue Rice Terraces.

What is that indigenous knowledge system or practice?

The Banaue Rice Terraces are traditional rice terraces located in the Cordillera region of the
Philippines. They were created through a remarkable engineering feat carried out by indigenous
people using traditional tools and methods. The terraces were carved into the mountainside and
serve as a sustainable agricultural system for cultivating rice.

What is the scientific explanation of the knowledge system or practice?

The scientific explanation of the Banaue Rice Terraces lies in the principles of hydrology and
soil conservation. The terraces' design effectively manages water runoff, preventing soil erosion
and enabling efficient irrigation. The stepped construction helps slow down the flow of water,
preventing it from washing away fertile topsoil while allowing gradual infiltration. This
indigenous knowledge of sustainable land management aligns with modern scientific practices in
agricultural engineering and environmental conservation, making it relevant to scientific and
technological development in the Philippines.

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