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Sudlon 2, Cebu City 6000

A Business Proposal of Intellectus - A

As a Final Requirement in Culminating Activity


Owned by:

Balili, John Lemuel F.

Ejares, Nathaneil B.

Gaberza, Jerson H.

Responde, Earl Christian L.

Panaginip, Johnvince A.

Timan, Kenth Carlo C.

Soribio, Lloyd Roy

Mondin, Josriel E.

Submitted to:

Dr. Virgnia L. Jaca

Culminating Activity Teacher

School Year 2022-2023



Sudlon 2, Cebu City 6000

A Business Proposal of Intellectus - A as a

Final Requirement in Entrepreneurship

Sudlon 2, Cebu City 6000

Owned by:

Balili, John Lemuel F. Timan, Kenth Carlo C

Ejares, Nathaneil B. Soribio, Lloyd Roy

Gaberza, Jerson H. Mondin, Josriel E.

Responde, Earl Christian Panaginip, Johnvince A.

Submitted to:

Dr. Virginia L. Jaca

Culminating Activity Teacher


This component of the business plan gives the description, location,

funding requirements of the business, as well as potential financing

sources for the business.

Proposed name of the business

The proposed name "BioSyncRD” has been carefully chosen to convey the

nature and unique characteristics of the business. This name holds significant

meaning with the vision and values of the company. The term "Bio" in BioSync RD

represents the word "bio" has a deep connection with the essence of life. Derived

from the Greek word "bios," meaning "life”. This simple yet powerful term

encompasses a multitude of meanings and disciplines that revolve around the

understanding, and preservation of life. The word "bio" also finds resonance in

the field of "biometrics," which involves the measurement and analysis of

biological data for identification and authentication purposes. Now, let's transition

to the second part of the name, "Sync." The word "Sync" signifies

synchronization, harmony, and integration of technology to the wearer’s health

and overall life. While “RD” is an acronym that means “’Robotics Development”
which resonates with the business, as the business deals with the development

of technology to incorporate to life.

Address of the business

BioSyncRD is a company that creates wearable technology and it is

located in Sudlon National High School in Butong St., Cebu City. The street

where it is situated is lively and full of energy, making it a great place for a

business that cares about its customers' well-being. The business is located in

Cebu, Philippines, and its coordinates are latitude 10.22.33 and longitude

123.47.10. By choosing this location, BioSyncRD ensures that customers can

easily find and reach them, which makes it more convenient for everyone. Being

close to residential areas and commercial centers also means more people can

discover the business and potentially become customers, which is good for its

success and profit.

Name of the Owner/s

BioSyncRD is a visionary business ventured owned by Nathaneil B. Ejares,

a passionate entrepreneur with a deep understanding of the industry and a strong

commitment to innovation. Alongside him, a group of talented and esteemed

individuals including Jerson H. Gaberza, John Lemuel F. Balili, Kenth Carlo C.

Timan, Earl Christian L. Responde, Johnvince A. Panaginip, Josriel E. Mondin,

and Lloyd Roy Soribio have become valued shareholders and business partners,

investing their capital in the form of share purchases.

The ownership structure of BioSyncRD is founded on the fundamental

principle of shared responsibility and collaborative decision-making. In this

framework, each shareholder's ownership percentage directly correlates to the

shares they have acquired, reflecting their level of financial investment and

dedication to the business's triumph. This inclusive and collaborative approach

guarantees that the interests and perspectives of all shareholders are duly

considered in shaping the company's strategic direction and making operational

decisions. By fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual accountability,

BioSyncRD empowers its shareholders to actively contribute to the growth and

success of the business, creating a solid foundation for long-term prosperity.

Funding Requirement and Source of Funds

We need 25 million pesos to bring the Life Cuff RD to the people in the

Philippines and expand our operations. This money will help us with important

things like research, manufacturing, marketing, and distribution.

Currently, we have received 10 million pesos from investors who believe in our

vision. However, we are actively looking for more funds to achieve our goals and

make the Life CuffRD widely available.

Here are some ways we can get the funding we need, including the possibility of

collaborating with Elon Musk:

Venture Capital: We can collaborate with local investors who specialize in

healthcare and technology. They can provide the money we need and help us

with their knowledge and connections. If we can join forces with investors or firms

associated with Elon Musk, it could bring even more resources and support.

Strategic Partnerships: Working together with established healthcare providers,

insurance companies, or technology companies in the Philippines can be a good

idea. They can invest in us and help us reach more people. If we can form

partnerships with companies or individuals connected to Elon Musk, it could

provide unique opportunities and benefits.

Government Grants and Programs: The government sometimes offers money

to support projects that improve healthcare. We can apply for these grants to get

the funding we need. Additionally, exploring philanthropic initiatives or companies

associated with Elon Musk could potentially provide additional funding


Crowdfunding: We can ask regular people in the Philippines to contribute

money through crowdfunding platforms. They can support us and get a special

reward, like early access to the Life Cuff. Promoting our project to Elon Musk's

community may also increase the chances of attracting contributions from his


At BioSyncRD, we are open to different ways of getting the funding we need. Our

focus is to ensure the success of the Life Cuff RD in the Philippines, and if

collaborating with Elon Musk or his network can help us achieve that, it would be
a great opportunity. Our goal is to make the Life Cuff RD accessible to as many

people as possible and improve healthcare outcomes in the country.

Executive Summary

In a concise and informative manner, this section explains our vision,

mission, goals, objectives, business and product position, wealth improvement



At BioSyncRD, our vision is to empower individuals to take control of their

health and detect life-threatening diseases before they become serious.


Our mission is to achieve our vision through innovation and cutting-edge

technology, creating products that make a real difference in people’s lives.


Our goal is to make an affordable product that can be used by everyone

while delivering the best quality possible. A product that is convenient to use that

gives an accurate diagnosis of the wearer’s health.


The following are the objectives of our company:

1. Develop an Accurate and Reliable Detection System: Our foremost objective is

to create a bracelet that can effectively detect life-threatening diseases like heart
attacks. We will focus on improving the accuracy of our device through research

and development.

2. Make the Bracelet Easy to Use for Everyone: We want the bracelet to be user-

friendly and comfortable for all individuals. Our aim is to ensure that people of all

ages and backgrounds can easily use and benefit from it.

3. Collaborate with Healthcare Partners: We will work closely with healthcare

providers, hospitals, and medical research institutions to gain valuable insights

and conduct real-world trials. These partnerships will help us validate the

effectiveness of the bracelet and make it more widely available.

4. Meet Regulatory Standards and Certifications: We are committed to meeting

all necessary safety and privacy regulations. By working closely with regulatory

bodies, such as the FDA, we will ensure that our bracelet meets the highest

industry standards.

5. Build a Recognizable Brand: Our goal is to establish the bracelet as a leading

device for disease detection. Through targeted marketing, branding, and public

relations efforts, we will create awareness among the general public, healthcare

professionals, and potential investors.

6. Improve Public Health and Healthcare: Ultimately, our objective is to positively

impact public health by empowering early disease detection and prevention. By

making the bracelet widely accessible, we aim to reduce the burden on

healthcare systems and improve patient outcomes.

Business and Production Position

At BioSync, our mission is to revolutionize healthcare by introducing the

game-changing device, the Life CuffRD. We firmly believe that early detection and

proactive monitoring are the keys to improving health outcomes and saving lives.

The Life Cuff is at the forefront of this vision, offering individuals a powerful tool

for real-time health monitoring and early disease detection.

Unlike traditional healthcare approaches that often rely on reactive measures, our

device empowers individuals to take control of their health proactively. By

wearing this sleek and comfortable wearable device, users gain continuous

access to vital health information, enabling them to make informed decisions and

seek timely medical attention if needed.

The Life CuffRD combines cutting-edge sensor technology and advanced

algorithms to track essential health indicators such as heart rate, blood pressure,

and other vital signs. Our intelligent algorithms analyze this data in real-time,

providing personalized alerts and actionable insights, thereby assisting users in

understanding their health status and making proactive lifestyle adjustments.

We differentiate ourselves by not only offering a sophisticated wearable device

but also by prioritizing user experience and seamless integration into everyday

life. The Life CuffRD is designed with user comfort and convenience in mind,

blending effortlessly into various lifestyles and ensuring an uninterrupted health

monitoring experience.

Our business operates at the intersection of healthcare, technology, and

innovation. We collaborate with esteemed medical institutions, leverage the

expertise of talented professionals, and continuously invest in research and

development to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and effectiveness of our


By positioning ourselves as leaders in proactive healthcare, we aim to forge

strategic partnerships with healthcare providers, insurance companies, and

technology pioneers. These partnerships will enable us to reach a broader

audience, maximize the impact of our product, and revolutionize healthcare on a

global scale.

At BioSync, we are committed to transforming healthcare through our innovative

Life CuffRD. By empowering individuals with real-time health monitoring and early

disease detection capabilities, we aim to improve health outcomes, enhance

quality of life, and make a lasting positive impact on the world. Together, let us

embrace a future where proactive health management is within everyone's reach.

Wealth Improvement Approaches

The following are the wealth improvement approaches:

1. Reach More People: We can expand our market by making the Life Cuff RD

available to a larger audience. This means targeting more individuals who are

concerned about their health and making it easier for them to access our product.

2. Partner with Others: Collaborating with trusted healthcare organizations,

insurance providers, and wellness programs can help us reach more customers.

By working together, we can offer our health monitoring solution to their members

or clients, which benefits both parties.

3. Offer Additional Services: We can create subscription-based services that

provide extra features and personalized health insights to our customers. This

way, we can generate recurring revenue while offering more value to our users.

4. Share Our Technology: We can license our innovative technology to other

companies or allow them to use our brand on their products. This opens up new

revenue streams and allows us to reach more customers through partnerships

with existing companies.

5. Collaborate on Research: By collaborating with research institutions and

universities, we can contribute to scientific advancements in disease prevention

and early detection. This can lead to research grants and additional funding


6. Expand Internationally: As more people around the world become health-

conscious, we can consider expanding our operations to other countries. This

means adapting our product to meet different regulations and establishing

distribution networks in new markets.

Environmental Analysis

This part involves the SWOT Analysis and PEST Analysis of our business.

SWOT Analysis


 Research and  Collaborating
 Our team has a  Competition from
development can with healthcare
lot of expertise in bigger, established
be expensive. providers and
the healthcare companies is a
 We currently insurance
industry. challenge.
have only one companies can
 Our unique
product to offer. help us reach
product has the
potential to be in more people.
company has some strong points that make us well prepared for success.

Our team has a lot of experience and knowledge in the healthcare industry. We

have experts in different areas like technology, medicine, and research. This

helps us create new and innovative solutions that meet the changing needs of

people. Our unique product, the Life CuffRD, is very special and has the potential

to be in high demand. It uses advanced sensors to detect diseases early, which

can help people take better care of their health.

However, there are a few things we need to work on. Research and development

can be costly, especially when we are creating new and advanced technology. It

is important for us to find the right balance between cost and keeping our

products competitive. Right now, we only have the Life Cuff RD as our main

product. We need to think about expanding our product range so that we can

offer more options to people.

There are also some good opportunities for us to grow. Working together with

healthcare providers and insurance companies can help us reach more people.

We can join forces with them to make sure our products get to the right

customers. This can also help us with things like marketing and finding ways for

people to afford our products.

However, there are some challenges we need to be aware of. Bigger, well-known

companies in the healthcare industry can be tough competitors. They have a lot

of resources, strong brand names, and many customers already. We need to find

ways to stand out and show that our products are better. This means making sure

our products work well, having good marketing strategies, and building strong

relationships with our customers.

To sum it up, our company has strengths in our team's expertise and our unique

product. However, we need to address challenges like research costs, expanding

our product range, and competition from big companies. By doing this, we can

grow our business and achieve our goals.

PEST Analysis

There are certain rules and regulations in the healthcare industry that our

company must follow. These rules cover things like healthcare standards, privacy

of data, and the use of medical devices. Our company needs to make sure that

the Life CuffRD meets all the necessary certifications and approvals to comply with

these rules. Additionally, government support is important for our company’s

growth. The government can provide funding and support for healthcare

innovation, which can help our company develop and improve its products.


The economy has an impact on how people spend their money, including

on healthcare products. Our company must take into account several factors,

including the disposable income of individuals, the unemployment rate, and the

funding allocated for healthcare.

These factors can affect how many people want to buy healthcare products like

the Life CuffRD. Additionally, the availability of healthcare funding, both from the

government and private sources, can affect how affordable and accessible our

company’s products are.


In recent years, more and more people are paying attention to their health

and well-being. This is good news for our company because people are

interested in products that can help them take care of their health. The Life

CuffRD, with its advanced disease detection and monitoring capabilities, can be

very appealing to people who want to be proactive about their health. Additionally,

as people get older, there is a greater need for healthcare solutions and
monitoring devices. Our company can create products specifically designed for

older adults to meet their unique needs.


Technology is always advancing, and this has an impact on our company’s

business. New developments in sensors and wearable devices can help our

company improve the Life CuffRD. For example, they can make it more accurate,

increase its battery life, and add new features. Artificial intelligence (AI) and

machine learning are also being used in healthcare to analyze data and provide

personalized insights. Our company can use these technologies to make their

products even better. However, it is important for our company to protect people's

privacy and make sure their information is secure.

Business Description

Nature of the Organization

BioSyncRD is a company that wants to change the way healthcare works.

We believe that technology can help us detect dangerous diseases before they

become serious problems. That's why we created the Life Cuff RD, a special device

you can wear. It uses sensors to keep track of important health signs like your

heart rate and blood pressure. If there's a risk of a heart attack, stroke, or other

serious health issue, the bracelet will let you know right away.

Our company is based in Cebu City, a place known for its technology innovation.

We have a talented team of engineers, scientists, and healthcare experts who

are all passionate about using technology to improve people's lives.

But we need some financial help to keep going. We've already received Php 10

million from a group of investors who believe in our mission. Now we're looking

for an additional Php 15 million to continue our research, make more bracelets,

and spread the word about our product. We're open to working with venture

capital firms, partners who can help us grow, and anyone who shares our vision

of making healthcare better.

In short, BioSyncRD wants to make a big difference in healthcare. We've created a

bracelet-like device that can warn you about dangerous diseases. We're based in

Cebu City and have a great team. We just need some money to keep going and

make our product available to more people.

Product Description

Our flagship product, the Life Cuff, is a wearable device that is

designed to help individuals detect life-threatening diseases before they

become serious. The Life CuffRD acts as your vigilant companion, alerting you

to potential health risks such as heart attacks, strokes, and other serious

conditions. By detecting early warning signs, it enables you to take proactive

measures and seek appropriate medical attention, potentially saving your life or

minimizing the impact of these life-threatening events. The Life CuffRD

represents a new era in healthcare, where technology meets proactive health

management. It not only gives you peace of mind but also equips you with the

tools to take control of your health journey. Embrace the power of early detection

and stay one step ahead of life-threatening diseases with the Life CuffRD.

Equipment and Materials

The Life CuffRD is made using advanced technology and high-quality

materials to ensure accuracy and comfort.

1. Special Sensors:

The bracelet has special sensors that can measure important health signs. These

include sensors for checking your heart rate and measuring your blood pressure.

These sensors are designed to give you accurate and real-time information about

your health.

2. Smart Computer Chips:

Inside the Life CuffRD, there are small computer chips that can process the health

data from the sensors. These chips use complex math to analyze the data and

give you personalized health advice. They work quickly to provide you with

instant results.

3. Wireless Connection:

The Life CuffRD can connect wirelessly to a mobile app. This means that the

bracelet can send your health data to the app so that you can easily see and

track your health information on your phone.

4. Comfortable Materials:

The Life CuffRD is made from materials that are both strong and comfortable. It

may use lightweight metals like aluminum or stainless steel, as well as soft and

breathable materials like silicone or fabric. These materials ensure that the

bracelet feels comfortable to wear throughout the day.

5. Rechargeable Battery:

The Life CuffRD has a rechargeable battery that powers it. The battery is designed

to last a long time between charges. You can easily recharge the bracelet using a

special charging dock or cable.

6. Quality and Safety:

During production, the Life CuffRD goes through strict quality checks to make sure

it meets the highest standards. It also follows safety regulations to ensure that it

is safe to use.

By using advanced equipment and quality materials, the Life CuffRD is built

to be an accurate and comfortable device for monitoring your health. These

components work together to provide you with reliable information and help you

take control of your well-being.

Personnel Requirements

At BioSyncRD, we need a talented team of people who are passionate

about using technology to improve healthcare. We are looking for individuals who

have different skills and can contribute to our mission in various ways.

a. Researchers and Developers:

We need experienced engineers and scientists who can work on developing the

BioSyncRD. They will use their knowledge of technology and healthcare to make

the bracelet better and add new features. They will also analyze data and come

up with innovative ideas.

b. Manufacturing and Quality Control:

To make sure the BioSyncRD is made correctly and meets quality standards, we

need skilled people in manufacturing and quality control. They will oversee the

production process and make sure everything is working properly. They will also

ensure that the bracelet meets safety regulations.

c. Software and App Developers:

We need software engineers and developers who can create a mobile app that

works with the BioSyncRD. This app will allow users to see their health information

and receive alerts on their phones. These developers will also make sure the app

is user-friendly and secure.

d. Marketing and Sales:

To let people know about the BioSyncRD and sell it successfully, we need people

who are good at marketing and sales. They will create marketing plans, run

advertising campaigns, and build relationships with healthcare providers and

stores that will sell the bracelet. They will also communicate with customers and

answer their questions.

e. Healthcare Professionals:
We value the expertise of healthcare professionals in our team. Doctors, nurses,

and other healthcare practitioners can provide valuable insights into patient

needs and help us create algorithms that are relevant to healthcare. Their

experience and knowledge will guide us in improving the BioSyncRD.

In addition to specific roles, we want people who can work well together, adapt to

changes, and have an entrepreneurial spirit. Joining BioSyncRD means being part

of an innovative team that wants to use technology to make healthcare better.

Organizational Plan
This section covers the form of business organization, liability of owners,

organizational structure, roles and responsibilities, and sallary requirements.

Form of Business Organization

BioSyncRD is a privately owned company organized as a Limited Liability

Company (LLC). This means that the company is separate from its owners,

providing them with protection from personal liability for the company's debts and

obligations. The ownership is divided among the founding members, who are

engineers, scientists, healthcare professionals, and investors passionate about

revolutionizing healthcare. The company is managed by appointed managers

who oversee day-to-day operations and make important decisions. Profits

generated by BioSyncRD are distributed among the members based on their

agreed-upon terms, and the company's tax obligations are passed through to the

individual members. This form of organization offers flexibility and limited liability

protection while ensuring fair distribution of profits.

Liability of Owner/s

As business owners in a partnership, we have limited personal liability for

the company's debts based on our financial contributions. But there are other

important things to consider in our partnership.

To make things fair, we have clear agreements and rules for how we distribute

money, assets, and responsibilities. This applies to different situations, like if we

decide to end the partnership. We divide up the company's assets and debts in a

way that's fair and follows our agreements or the law.

How we split things up can be based on our ownership percentages or other

rules we agreed upon. This helps us make sure everyone is treated fairly.
It's not just about money. We also share the responsibility for paying the

company's debts. By sharing this responsibility, we reduce the pressure on any

one person and show our commitment to making the business successful


By having clear rules for how we distribute money, assets, and responsibilities,

we create a fair and cooperative partnership where everyone knows their part in

making things work.

Name of the Incorporator Liability of the Incorporator

Nathaneil B. Ejares Limited Liability
Jerson H. Gaberza Limited Liability
John Lemuel F. Balili Limited Liability
Kenth Carlo C. Timan Limited Liability
Earl Christian L. Responde Limited Liability
Johnvince A. Panaginip Limited Liability
Josreil E. Mondin Limited Liability
Lloyd Roy Soribio Limited Liability

Here under is a table of all incorporators with their corresponding liability to

the company:

Organizational Structure

Nathaniel B. Ejares
Jerson H. Gaberza Kenth Carlo C. Timan Lloyd Roy Soribio

President Marketing Manager Sales Manager

Earl Christian L. Responde Johnvince A. Panaginip Josriel E. Mondin

Production Manager Production Assistant Graphic Designer

Roles and Lemuel F. Balili
Software Developer

1. CEO/Owners

 Ejares, Nathaneil B.

The owners will be the highest policy-making body in the corporation. are

responsible for overseeing all aspects of the business to ensure its success.

They will be developing and executing a strategic plan for the business, including

setting goals, identifying market opportunities, and allocating resources


The CEO/Owners responsibilities includes: 

a. They will establish investment, capital structure, and dividend policies; 

b. They will approve the company's initiatives, objectives, and budgets; 

c. They will establish and maintain the company culture, supervise recruitment and

personnel management, and guarantee that all team members are aligned with

the organization's vision and goals;

d. They will participate in the creation of new product lines or the enhancement of

current ones, collaborating closely with the production and design teams to

guarantee adherence to the company's quality standards;

e. They will take the accounts on the responsibilities of recognizing and minimizing

risks to the business, encompassing legal, financial, and operational risks. This

could entail collaborating with legal or financial advisors to ensure that the

company is in compliance with relevant laws and regulations;

f. They will communicate with stakeholders, including employees, customers,

suppliers, and investors. This may involve regular updates on the company's

performance, as well as addressing concerns or issues as they arise; and

g. They will consistently strive to enhance the organization's products and

procedures, while concurrently staying current with industry trends and


2. President 

 Gaberza, Jerson H.

The President is an important function in any small firm, serving as the

company's head and decision-maker. The President must wear several hats to

ensure the success of the firm, from monitoring the manufacturing and

distribution of the journals to handling the financials and marketing activities. 

Among the obligations of a President are as follows:

a. They will have the primary responsibility of creating and implementing a strategic

plan for the company; 

b. They will be well-versed in financial management, including budgeting,

forecasting, and financial reporting; 

c. They will lead by example and inspire their team to achieve the company's goals; 

d. They will have a keen understanding of the sales and marketing processes to

drive revenue growth for the business; 

e. They will oversee the daily operations of the business, including managing

inventory, production, and logistic; 

f. They will build and maintain strong relationships with suppliers, vendors,

customers, and other stakeholders; and 

g. They will think outside the box and encourage innovation and creativity in the


3. Marketing Manager

 Timan, Kenth Carlo C.

The marketing manager will be the one who will promote the business and

its products to potential customers, as well as build brand reputation and

awareness in the market.

Among the obligations of a Marketing Manager are as follows:

a. They will take on the task of formulating and executing marketing strategies that

are in line with the company's comprehensive goals and objectives; 

b. They will create and oversee marketing campaigns across multiple channels,

including social media, email, and advertising; 

c. They will oversee the company's social media accounts, which includes

composing and planning posts, interacting with followers, and examining

engagement metrics to evaluate the impact of social media campaigns; 

d. They will develop and manage the marketing budget, ensuring that campaigns

are cost-effective and aligned with the company's overall financial goals;

e. They will work closely with other teams, such as sales and product development,

to guarantee that marketing campaigns are in line with the company's

comprehensive strategy and objectives; 

f. They will conduct market research to identify new opportunities and trends in the

market; and

g. They will have to assess and present reports on the performance of marketing

campaigns, utilizing metrics such as return on investment (ROI), cost per

customer acquisition, and customer retention rates.

4. Sales Manager

 Soribio, Lloyd Roy

The sales manager will assure the success of the business, as they are

responsible for driving revenue growth and ensuring that the company meets its

sales targets.

Among the obligations of a Sales manager are as follows:

a. They will set sales targets for the team to achieve; 

b. They will manage and lead the sales team, providing guidance, training, and

support as needed; 
c. They will develop and implement sales strategies that align with the company's

overall goals and objectives; 

d. They will manage the sales pipeline, ensuring that all leads are properly qualified

and nurtured through the sales process; 

e. They will report on sales performance, providing regular updates to senior

management and other stakeholders; 

f. They will build and maintain relationships with key customers, ensuring that they

receive the highest level of service and support; and 

g. They will manage the sales budget, ensuring that all sales activities are properly

resourced and that expenses are kept within budget.

5. Production Manager

 Responde, Earl Christian L.

The production managers will be the one who is in charge of assigning

labor resources, managing production schedules, and making cost changes. 

Among the obligations of a Sales Manager are as follows:

a. They will establish and oversee a production schedule that efficiently allocates

resources and guarantees timely delivery of finished products to customers; 

b. They will be responsible for sourcing the necessary raw materials for production,

negotiating prices with suppliers, and maintaining optimal inventory levels to

ensure a consistent supply of materials; 

c. They will oversee all stages of production, from printing and binding to

embellishing, to ensure that products meet both quality standards and customer


d. They will ensure that all production equipment and facilities are properly

maintained and in good working condition; 

e. They will be responsible for recruiting and training production personnel,

including printers, binders, and embellishers, to ensure they possess the

necessary skills and knowledge to perform their duties effectively;

f. They will ensure that all production processes comply with safety and quality

standards, including those set by regulatory bodies; and 

g. They will manage production costs to ensure that the business operates within

budget and maximizes profits. 

6. Production Assistant

 Panaginip, Johnvince.

The production assistant will assure the works as part of the production

team and under the supervision of the production manager. 

Among the obligations of a Production Assistant are as follows:

a. They will assist the production manager in overseeing the entire production

process, from raw material procurement to final packaging; 

b. They will ensure that production is carried out in accordance with the quality

standards set by the company; 

c. They will work with the design team to develop and test new designs and

production techniques; 

d. They will be responsible for managing the inventory of raw materials, ensuring an

adequate supply to meet production demands while minimizing waste; 

e. They will operate machinery and equipment used in the production process,

ensuring that they are functioning properly and safely; 

f. They will train and supervise production staff to ensure that they follow safety

procedures and production guidelines; and

g. They will monitor production output and quality metrics to identify areas for

improvement and implement corrective actions when necessary.

7. Software Developer

 Balili, John Lemuel F.

The software developer will be the one who will do the coding to achieve

this futuristic product.

Among the obligations of a Software Developer are as follows:

a. Development and Programming: Your primary responsibility is to bring our

software applications to life. You'll be tasked with writing code, testing it

thoroughly, and ensuring that the software functions flawlessly based on the

specified requirements and technical specifications.

b. Technical Expertise: Your in-depth knowledge and expertise in software

development are crucial. Staying up-to-date with the latest programming

languages, frameworks, and tools relevant to our business is essential. Your

technical prowess will drive the efficiency, security, and scalability of our


c. System Design and Architecture: Collaborating with our team, you'll contribute to

the design and architecture of the software system. Your insights will help

identify the best approaches, patterns, and technologies to create a software

solution that excels in performance, user experience, and maintainability.

d. Integration and Compatibility: You'll be responsible for integrating the software

seamlessly with various hardware components, sensors, and devices embedded

in our bracelets. Ensuring compatibility and enabling smooth communication

between software and hardware elements is key to our success.

e. Testing and Quality Assurance: Thoroughly testing the software to detect and

resolve any bugs, errors, or performance issues will be part of your obligations.

By conducting comprehensive unit tests, integration tests, and user acceptance

tests, you'll ensure a reliable and robust software product.

f. Collaboration and Communication: Effective collaboration with cross-functional

teams, including designers, engineers, and product managers, is vital. Your

ability to communicate clearly, actively participate in meetings, provide updates,

and seek feedback will foster a collaborative environment aligned with our

business objectives.

g. Documentation: Documenting the software code, technical specifications, and

any relevant user manuals or guides is crucial for future maintenance,

troubleshooting, and knowledge transfer within the team. Your detailed

documentation will facilitate seamless continuity and support.

h. Continuous Learning and Improvement: Keeping pace with emerging

technologies, frameworks, and best practices is essential. Actively seeking

opportunities for professional growth, attending workshops, and continuously

honing your skills will enhance your contribution to the success of our business.

8. Graphic Designer

 Mondin, Josriel E.

The graphic designers will assure to utilize applications on computers or

by hand to develop visual designs that inspire, inform, and fascinate customers. 

Among the obligations of a Graphic Designer are as follows:

a. They will create visually appealing designs for the bracelet that reflect the brand's

aesthetic and appeal to the target audience; 

b. They will work closely with other teams, such as the marketing team, production

team, and sales team, to ensure that the designs meet their respective

requirements and are aligned with the company's overall strategy;

c. They will conduct research to stay updated on design trends, understand the

needs of the target audience, and gain insights into the competition; 

d. They will develop marketing collateral such as flyers, brochures, and social media

posts that promote the brand and its products; 

e. They will create designs for the product packaging that are both visually

appealing and practical; 

f. They will develop the design of the company's website and digital content, such

as email newsletters and blog posts, to ensure that they are consistent with the

brand's uniqueness; and 

g. They will maintain brand consistency across all design assets to ensure that the

brand's messaging is clear and that customers can easily recognize the brand.


Salary Requirements

a. Salary and Payment Schedule:

Employees will receive their wages either directly deposited into their

bank accounts or handed to them, based on their preference. The payment

frequency (weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly) will depend on their position in the

company. Salaries will be determined based on expertise and performance, and

any salary increases will be discussed individually.

b. Working Hours:

We establish reasonable working hours by considering factors like sales

predictions, manufacturing schedules, and customer service expectations.

Typically, we operate from Monday to Saturday, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with

a one-hour lunch break from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. During busy periods, we

may need to extend working hours, and overtime work will be compensated


c. Medical Allowance:

Employees involved in product production will receive a monthly

allowance to cover emergency medical expenses.

d. Professional Development:
We set aside funds to support employees' professional growth, such as

attending training programs or workshops to improve skills and job satisfaction.

e. Compensation and Benefits:

We offer competitive compensation and additional benefits, including

annual bonuses based on performance, employee discounts on our products,

and adherence to legally mandated paid time off.

Our goal is to provide fair pay, promote personal growth, and create a supportive

work environment that ensures employee well-being and satisfaction.

Production Plan

This section provides the production schedule, production process,

processing plant and equipment, source of materials, and production cost.

Production Schedule

Phase Duration Tasks

Phase 1: Research 6 months - Study the market
and Development to understand what
people want in a
bracelet that
detects diseases.
- Work with doctors
and experts to
make the bracelet
better at detecting
- Create different
versions of the
bracelet and ask
people to try them
out and give
Phase 2: 2 months - Finalize how the
Manufacturing bracelet will look
Preparation and work.
- Find good
suppliers for the
parts needed to
make the bracelet.
- Talk to
manufacturers and
make deals to
produce the
- Make sure the
bracelet is made to
Phase 3: 8 months - Start making the
Manufacturing and Life CuffRD based
Assembly on the finalized
- Make sure the
process is done
right and meets
quality standards.
- Test each
bracelet to make
sure it works well
and can detect
- Put all the parts
together to
complete each
Phase 4: 1 month -Create attractive
Packaging and packaging for the
Quality Assurance Life CuffRD.
- Check each
bracelet to make
sure it is working
properly before
Phase 5: Ongoing - Collaborate with
Distribution and stores to sell the
Marketing Life CuffRD in many
- Promote the
bracelet through
campaigns to let
people know about
- Train store staff
so they can help
customers with the

At BioSyncRd, our production schedule is essential for smoothly running our

operations and meeting the needs of our customers who rely on our amazing

disease-detecting bracelets. We begin by studying the market, customer

preferences, and past data to predict how many bracelets we will sell. This helps

us figure out how many we need to make, so we can fulfill orders on time and

avoid running out of stock.

Once we know how many bracelets to produce, our production schedule tells us

what materials we need. This includes things like sensors, circuit boards, sturdy

wristbands, and other parts. By keeping track of the materials we need, we make

sure we have enough and can make the bracelets without any problems.

To meet the growing demand, we are always looking for ways to improve our

production process. We explore using new machines, making our work more

organized, and hiring more people if needed. Our goal is to make more bracelets

efficiently, while still making sure each one is made with care and works properly.

The production schedule helps us stay on track and make enough bracelets to

meet customer demand. We want to make sure that every disease-detecting

bracelet we create at BioSyncRD is of the highest quality and gives our customers

the peace of mind they deserve.

Production Process
The production process for the Life CuffRD involves several key steps. First,

we gather all the materials needed, such as sensors, circuit boards, straps, and

packaging. Next, we set up a workspace and ensure we have the necessary tools

and equipment for assembly. Carefully, we put together the circuit boards by

assembling the electronic parts and testing each board for proper functionality.

Then, we add the sensors to the circuit boards, ensuring they are connected

correctly and conducting tests to verify their accuracy. After that, we build the

bracelets by attaching the circuit boards with sensors to the straps, making sure

they are securely fastened and water-resistant. Quality checks are implemented

throughout the process to ensure each bracelet meets our standards. Once

assembled, the bracelets are packaged in attractive and protective packaging. A

final inspection is conducted to ensure the quality and accuracy of the bracelets,

and a sample is tested for disease detection. The packaged bracelets are then

stored, and inventory is managed carefully. When ready, the bracelets are sent

out to stores or customers with proper packaging, labels, and documentation.

Ongoing support and maintenance are provided to address customer inquiries

and feedback, leading to continuous improvements in the production process.

Processing Plant and Equipment

The processing plant for the Life CuffRD is set up in a way that makes it

easy for workers to assemble the bracelets. There is an area dedicated to

assembly, where workers put the different parts of the bracelet together. They use

tools like soldering irons to attach electronic parts to the circuit boards. Another
area is specifically for checking the quality of the bracelets. Workers inspect each

bracelet to make sure it works properly and meets the required standards. In a

separate area, the bracelets are packaged for shipment. Packaging materials and

machines are used to prepare the bracelets for shipping. The plant also has a

storage area to keep the materials and finished bracelets organized. It is

important to maintain a safe working environment, so workers are provided with

safety equipment like gloves and safety glasses. The layout and equipment in the

processing plant are designed to make the production of the Life Cuff RD efficient

and safe.

Source of Materials

To make the Life CuffRD, we get the materials from different places. The

electronic components like sensors and circuit boards are usually bought directly

from companies that make them. We work with authorized distributors who have

agreements with these companies to ensure we get genuine and good-quality


For the bracelet straps, we work with companies that specialize in making straps

for wearable devices. They offer different types like silicone, leather, or fabric

straps, which we choose based on what works best for the Life Cuff RD.

Sometimes, we get the materials for the straps from suppliers who provide the

raw materials that we can customize.

When it comes to packaging, we collaborate with companies that specialize in

packaging solutions. They have options for boxes, inserts, protective covers, and

labels that we can use to package the bracelets. If needed, we can also work with

companies that create custom packaging specifically for our product.

In addition, we also get other things we need. Fasteners like screws and snaps

come from suppliers who provide those kinds of hardware. For the batteries, we

buy them either directly from battery manufacturers or from distributors who

supply the batteries that work for the Life CuffRD.

It is important for us to have good relationships with reliable suppliers so that we

can always get the materials we need. We choose these sources carefully to

make sure we have high-quality materials for making the Life CuffRD.

Production Cost

This section outlines the various expenses being generated by BioSync RD

and emphasizes the importance of allocating the monetary resources within the

company effectively. It highlights the three essential components of cost in the

manufacturing process: labor, materials, and manufacturing expenses. This

highlights the three most significant costing aspects in the operating process,

which are labor, materials, and the production process.

Cost Category Description

Materials Cost

Cost of sourcing sensors, circuit

- Electronic Components boards, etc.

Cost of acquiring straps for the

- Bracelet Straps bracelets

Cost of packaging materials (boxes,

- Packaging Materials inserts, etc.)

Cost of fasteners, adhesives,

- Additional Materials batteries, etc.

Labor Cost

Cost of skilled workers for bracelet

- Assembly Labor assembly

Cost of personnel for quality control

- Quality Control Labor inspections

Equipment and Machinery

Initial investment or ongoing leasing

- Purchase or Lease Cost cost for equipment

Cost of equipment maintenance and

- Maintenance and Repair occasional repairs

Overhead Expenses

Cost of renting or owning the

- Facility Rent or Mortgage production facility

- Utilities Cost of electricity, water, heating, etc.

Cost of insuring facility, equipment,

- Insurance materials, etc.

Miscellaneous administrative and

- Other Overhead Costs operating expenses

Packaging and Shipping

Cost of labor for packaging the

- Packaging Labor bracelets

- Shipping and Logistics Cost of shipping the finished


Operational Plan

This section presents the evaluation of suppliers, material requisition and

receiving procedure, storage and inventory control system, and function and

support services to ensure that they can provide the necessary materials and

services to support the business operations.

Evaluation of Suppliers

When choosing suppliers for BioSyncRD, we have a few important things to

consider. We want to make sure our suppliers are reliable, provide good quality

products, and work well with us. Here are the main things we look at:

a. Reliability: We want suppliers who can deliver what we need, when we need it.
It's important that they can keep up with our production schedule and provide the
right number of components, materials, and equipment without causing any
b. Product Quality: We only want to use high-quality parts and materials in our
products. So, we check that our suppliers have good manufacturing processes
and meet the necessary standards. We want to make sure our customers get the
best possible products from us.
c. Responsiveness: We need suppliers who communicate well with us. They
should answer our questions quickly, listen to our concerns, and help us if any
problems come up. Good communication is important for a smooth working
d. Pricing: We have to think about our budget when choosing suppliers. We look
for suppliers who offer competitive prices that fit within our financial goals. But we
also want to make sure we get good value for the money we spend.
e. Ethical and Sustainable Practices: We care about doing things ethically and
responsibly. That's why we check if our suppliers treat their workers fairly and
follow environmental regulations. We want to work with suppliers who share our
values and care about making a positive impact.
f. Long-term Partnership Potential: We want to build strong and long-lasting
relationships with our suppliers. We look for suppliers who can grow with us,
adapt to our changing needs, and work together with us to achieve our goals.
Material Requisition and Receiving Procedure

When a team at BioSyncRD needs materials or supplies, they fill out a form

called Material Requisition. They write down what they need and how much. The

form is given to the person in charge of managing supplies. They check if the

request follows the company's rules and if the materials are available. If

everything looks good, they start the process of getting the materials.

They find suppliers who can give us the materials we need. They compare prices

and choose the best option. Then, they create a purchase order that has all the

details about what materials to get, how many, the price, and when to deliver

them. They send the purchase order to the supplier to start the process.

When the materials arrive, we have a process to check if everything is right. The

person in charge of receiving the materials compares them to the delivery

documents, like a list or receipt, to make sure we got what we ordered. If

something is wrong or damaged, they let the person in charge of supplies know

right away.

The received materials are labeled and stored in the right place. We add them to

our records of what we have in stock. The person in charge of supplies updates

the records to show we have the new materials. They also tell the team who

requested the materials, so they can use them for their work.

Storage and Inventory Control System

At BioSyncRD, we make sure our storage area is organized and labeled so

that it's easy to find things. Each item has its own place. We use a system to

keep track of what materials and supplies we have. Each item has a special code

or barcode that helps us track it. When we receive materials, we check them to
make sure they are right and in good condition. Then, we record them in our

system to update our inventory. We regularly check our stock levels to know

when we need to order more. We use the oldest materials first to make sure

nothing goes to waste. We also count our inventory regularly to make sure our

records are accurate. We generate reports to see how much stock we have and

how it's being used. This helps us make smart decisions about managing our


By using this Storage and Inventory Control System, we can keep things

organized, know what we have, and make sure we never run out of important


Function of Support Services

Support services are vital for the success of any business as they provide

the necessary infrastructure and resources to ensure smooth operations. In the

case of BioSyncRD, a variety of support services are offered to facilitate the

company's functioning. These services encompass administrative and financial

management, marketing, and customer service, all of which play a crucial role in

driving the company's success:

a. Human Resources (HR) - Human resources handles all areas of

employee management, from hiring and training to payroll and benefits. They are

in charge of ensuring that the company has the appropriate people in the correct

roles, as well as those workers are motivated, engaged, and supported in their


b. Information Technology (IT) - The IT department oversees the company's

technological infrastructure, which includes hardware, software, and networks.

They guarantee that the organization's IT systems are stable and secure, and

that staff have the tools they need to accomplish their duties properly.

c. Accounting and Finance - Accounting and finance controls the

organization's financial operations, which include bookkeeping, budgeting, and

financial reporting. The finance section is in charge of ensuring that the

organization's financial information is correct and up to date, and that financial

resources are managed properly.

d. Marketing and Sales - The marketing and sales department is in charge of

promoting and producing money for the organization's products and services. To

recruit and keep consumers, this unit establishes marketing strategies, identifies

target audiences, and generates advertising campaigns.

e. Customer Service - The customer service function is in charge of giving

assistance to consumers before, during, and after they make a transaction. They

are responsible for ensuring that consumers have a great experience with the

business and that any issues or complaints are addressed in a timely and

satisfactory way.

f. Operations - The operations section is in control of the organization's day-

to-day operations, which include everything from manufacturing and inventory

management to logistics and distribution. This department oversees the timely

and effective delivery of the organization's products or services to clients.

g. Legal - The legal function offers legal advice and assistance to the

business, ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. This

section is also in charge of any legal disputes or difficulties that may occur.
h. Facilities Management - The facilities management function is in charge

of ensuring that the physical facilities of the company are well-maintained and

suit the demands of employees and consumers. This section is in charge of

facility-related services such as cleaning, maintenance, and security.

i. Research and Development (R&D) - The R&D function is in charge of

creating new goods or refining current ones. They perform research, trials, and

testing in order to uncover new prospects and guarantee that goods and services

match the requirements and preferences of customers.

j. Administration - The administration role provides broad organizational

support services such as record-keeping, document management, and office

management. This section guarantees that the administrative activities of the

company are performed properly and effectively.

Marketing Plan

This section outlines the strategies and tactics that the business will use to

promote its products, reach its target audience, and achieve its marketing

objectives. It will also incorporate various marketing channels and campaigns to

effectively communicate the brand's value proposition and attract potential


The Life CuffRD is an innovative wearable device that prioritizes your well-being. It

combines cutting-edge technology with style and comfort. With built-in sensors, it

continuously monitors your vital signs, ensuring you stay informed about your

health. Its user-friendly design makes it suitable for everyday use, providing

peace of mind and empowering you to take proactive steps towards a healthier



You can easily access the Life Cuff RD through our online channels. Visit our

website or find it on popular e-commerce platforms. To ensure wider availability,

we are also partnering with select retail stores and healthcare providers. Our aim

is to make the bracelet easily accessible to those seeking a reliable health

monitoring solution.


We understand the importance of offering a competitive price for the Life Cuff RD.

Our pricing strategy takes into account the value it brings to your life, as well as

the production costs. We aim to provide different pricing options to cater to

various customer segments, ensuring that everyone can benefit from this life-

saving technology.


Our comprehensive marketing campaign is designed to spread awareness about

the Life CuffRD and its incredible benefits. We'll utilize online advertising, social
media campaigns, and collaborate with influential individuals to reach you

effectively. We'll also work closely with healthcare professionals and

organizations, gaining their endorsement and recommendation, so you can trust

the bracelet as a reliable health companion.


Our dedicated customer support team is here to assist you every step of the way.

They are well-trained, knowledgeable, and committed to providing the best

experience for our customers. Whether you have questions, need troubleshooting

assistance, or want more information about the product, our team is ready to



We understand the importance of the first impression. That's why the Life Cuff RD

comes packaged in an attractive and informative box. The packaging showcases

the bracelet's features, provides clear instructions on usage, and highlights the

incredible benefits it offers. We believe that the presentation of our product

should match the quality and reliability you can expect from the Life CuffRD.


The Life CuffRD is positioned as your trusted health companion. It goes beyond

traditional wearables, empowering you to actively monitor your health. Our key

message emphasizes its ability to detect potential health issues, providing timely

alerts that can potentially save lives. We want you to feel confident in your well-

being and view the Life CuffRD as an invaluable tool in your health journey.

Financial Plan
Major Assumptions

Market Size: We estimate that there are approximately 50,000 potential

customers for our medical alert bracelet in the first year, and this number is

expected to grow to 1 million customers by the third year.

Product Pricing: Our basic model of the medical alert bracelet will be priced

at PHP 10,000 per unit. We also plan to offer additional features at higher price

points, allowing customers to customize their bracelets based on their needs and


Gross Margin: We anticipate a gross margin of 60%, which means that

after deducting the cost of producing each bracelet, we expect to retain 60% of

the revenue as gross profit.

Operating Expenses: We expect our operating expenses, which include

costs such as salaries, rent, marketing, and administrative expenses, to account

for approximately 35% of our total revenue.

Funding: We plan to secure a loan of PHP 500,000,000 to fund our initial

start-up costs and working capital needs. This loan will provide us with the

necessary financial resources to launch and sustain our operations in the early


These assumptions are based on our market research, pricing strategy,

cost analysis, and funding requirements. We believe that these projections and

assumptions will help us build a solid foundation for our business and achieve our

financial objectives.

Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Revenue PHP 500,000,000
750,000,000 1,000,000,000
Cost of PHP PHP
PHP 250,000,000
Goods Sold 375,000,000 500,000,000
Gross Profit PHP 250,000,000
375,000,000 500,000,000
Operating PHP PHP
PHP 150,000,000
Expenses 225,000,000 300,000,000
Depreciation PHP PHP
PHP 10,000,000
Expense 10,000,000 10,000,000
Interest PHP
PHP 5,000,000 PHP 5,000,000
Expense 5,000,000
Income PHP PHP
PHP 85,000,000
Before Taxes 135,000,000 185,000,000
Income PHP PHP
PHP 25,500,000
Taxes 40,500,000 55,500,000
Net Income PHP 59,500,000
94,500,000 129,500,000

Projected Statement of Cash Flows

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Cash Receipts
500,000,000 750,000,000 1,000,000,000
- Cost of PHP PHP PHP
Goods Sold 250,000,000 375,000,000 500,000,000
- Operating PHP PHP PHP
Expenses 150,000,000 225,000,000 300,000,000
- Depreciation PHP PHP PHP
Expense 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
- Interest
PHP 5,000,000 PHP 5,000,000 PHP 5,000,000
- Income PHP PHP PHP
Taxes 25,500,000 40,500,000 55,500,000
Net Cash Flow
59,500,000 94,500,000 129,500,000
Projected Statement of Changes in Equity

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Equity at PHP PHP PHP
Start 1,000,000 100,400,000 252,300,000
Net Income 99,400,000 151,900,000 204,400,000
Equity at End 100,400,000 252,300,000 456,700,000

Projected Balanced Sheet

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

- Cash and PHP PHP PHP
Equivalents 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000
- Accounts PHP PHP PHP
Receivable 50,000,000 75,000,000 100,000,000
- Inventory
100,000,000 150,000,000 200,000,000
- Property,
Plant, and
50,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000
Total Assets
210,000,000 290,000,000 370,000,000
Liabilities and
- Accounts PHP PHP PHP
Payable 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000
Payable 50,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000
Liabilities 60,000,000 65,000,000 70,000,000
150,000,000 225,000,000 300,000,000

The projected statements indicate a positive growth trend for the company over

the projected years. With increasing revenue and net income, the company's

profitability is expected to improve. The statement of cash flows shows positive

cash flows from operating activities, indicating a healthy financial position.

The balance sheet presents the assets, liabilities, and equity position of the

company. It reflects the cash and equivalents, inventory, and property, plant, and

equipment held by the business. The liabilities section includes accounts payable

and loans payable. The equity section shows the initial equity, net income, and

the resulting equity at the end of each year.

Based on the project statements, our business shows positive trends in revenue

growth, profitability, and cash flow generation. The balance sheet indicates a

strong asset base and increasing equity, which signifies a healthy financial

position. These factors support the viability and potential success of our smart

bracelet business.

I.List of figures

Figure 1: Business Logo

Figure 2: Business Products

Figure 3: Business Location

Figure 4: SWOT Analysis

Figure 5: PEST Analysis

Figure 6: Organizational Chart

List of Tables

Table 1: Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income

Table 2: Projected Statement of Cash Flows

Table 3: Projected Statement of Changes in Equity

Table 4: Projected Balanced Sheet





I, Nathaneil B. Ejares, Filipino, residing at Sudlon II, Cebu City, Head owner of BioSyncRD
located at Sudlon II, Cebu City, solemnly certify and affirm as follows:

1. That in accordance with Section 13 of Revenue Regulation No. V-I otherwise

known as the Bookkeeping Regulations, submitted herewith is the DVD-
containing the summary lists)/schedule(s) of inventory (stocks-in-trade,
materials, supplies, and other goods, etc.) and/or other schedules as of taxable
year ending (2018).
2. That the contents of the DVD-R being submitted herewith conform to the
prescribed format as required by the Bureau of Internal Revenue under Revenue
Memorandum Circular No. 57 2015. 
3. That the soft copies of the BIR Form 2316 contained in the DVD-R being
submitted herewith are the complete and exact copies of the original thereof



1 That the contents of


the DVD-R being

submitted herewith
conform to the
2. conditions/specification
requirements set by the
Bureau of Internal R
3 . That the contents of
the DVD-R being
submitted herewith
conform to the
4. conditions/specification
requirements set by the
Bureau of Internal Revenue.
5 . That the contents of
the DVD-R being
submitted herewith
conform to the
6. conditions/specification
requirements set by the
Bureau of Internal Revenue.
7 That the contents of

the DVD-R being

submitted herewith
conform to the
8. conditions/specification
requirements set by the
Bureau of Internal Revenue. Nathaneil B. Ejares
BioSync RD

SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me in the city of Cebu this 22nd day of June
(2023) by Nathaneil B. Ejares with Residence Cert. No. 238746 issued at Sudlon II,
Cebu City  on June 22, 2023.

Notary Public 
Doc. No.            .
Page No.            .
Book No.            .
Series of             .

City of Cebu, Cebu



Sudlon II, Cebu City

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