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Sure, here is a movie script for Avengers 4:

Scene 1

Location: The Barton Farm

Characters: Clint Barton, Laura Barton, Lila Barton, Cooper Barton


Clint Barton is teaching his children, Lila and Cooper, how to shoot arrows. They
are all laughing and having fun.


Clint: Okay, now you try.

Lila: I'm ready!

Clint: Aim at the target and let it fly.

Lila shoots the arrow and it hits the target.

Laura: Nice shot, Lila!

Lila: Thanks, Dad!

Cooper: I want to try!

Clint: Okay, Cooper. Your turn.

Cooper shoots the arrow and it misses the target.

Laura: That's okay, Cooper. You'll get better with practice.

Cooper: I will!

Scene 2

Location: The Avengers Compound

Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Scott Lang, Tony Stark


Natasha Romanoff, Scott Lang, and Tony Stark are sitting in the Avengers Compound.
They are all looking very serious.


Natasha: We need to do something. We can't just sit here and do nothing.

Scott: I know. I've been thinking about it too. There has to be a way to bring
everyone back.

Tony: I've been working on it, but I haven't come up with anything yet.

Natasha: We need to find a way. We can't just give up.

Scott: I know. We'll keep looking. We have to.

Scene 3

Location: The Quantum Realm

Characters: Ant-Man, Hulk


Ant-Man and Hulk are exploring the Quantum Realm. They are looking for a way to
bring back the people who were snapped away by Thanos.


Ant-Man: I think I found something.

Hulk: What is it?

Ant-Man: It's a way to travel through time.

Hulk: That's it! We can use this to bring everyone back!

Ant-Man: I know! It's the only way.

Scene 4

Location: The Avengers Compound

Characters: The Avengers


The Avengers are all gathered in the Avengers Compound. They are listening to Ant-
Man and Hulk explain their plan to travel through time and bring back the people
who were snapped away by Thanos.


Ant-Man: So, this is the plan. We're going to travel through time and collect the
Infinity Stones from different points in history. Then, we'll bring them back to
the present and use them to bring everyone back.

Hulk: It's a risky plan, but it's the only way.

Captain America: I'm in.

Iron Man: Me too.

Thor: Let's do this.

Scene 5

Location: Various points in history

Characters: The Avengers

The Avengers travel through time and collect the Infinity Stones from different
points in history. They face many challenges along the way, but they eventually


Iron Man: We got it!

Captain America: The Infinity Stones are ours!

Thor: Now let's go home and bring everyone back!

Scene 6

Location: The Avengers Compound

Characters: The Avengers, the people who were snapped away


The Avengers return to the present and use the Infinity Stones to bring back the
people who were snapped away by Thanos. Everyone is reunited and they celebrate
their victory.


Tony Stark: We did it! We brought everyone back!

Natasha Romanoff: It's over. Thanos is gone.

Steve Rogers: We won.

The End

This is just a rough outline of the movie script for Avengers 4. There would be
many other scenes and details that would need to be filled in, but this gives you a
general idea of the story.

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