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West Rail Kam Road Station Package One Property Development

Lot No. 1040 in D.D. No. 103

Minutes of Cost and Contract Administration Bi-Weekly Meeting No. 24

Held at 02:30 p.m. – 03:30 p.m. on 5th January 2023

(via Microsoft Teams)

Present : Mr. Gary Lau Grand Ample Limited (GAL) - Sino Group
Mr. Louis Wan Grand Ample Limited (GAL) - Sino Group
Ms. Mariam Nimaga Beria Consultants Ltd. (BCL)
Mr. Edward Tang Beria Consultants Ltd. (BCL)
Mr. Bobby Lam Beria Consultants Ltd. (BCL)
Mr. Keith Lee Beria Consultants Ltd. (BCL)
Mr. Larry Hon China Overseas Building Construction Limited (COBCL)
Mr. Eric Lau China Overseas Building Construction Limited (COBCL)
Mr. Kane Cheung China Overseas Building Construction Limited (COBCL)
Mr. Daniel Kwok China Overseas Building Construction Limited (COBCL)

Apology : Mr. Brian Yeung Grand Ample Limited (GAL) - Sino Group
Ms. May Chung Beria Consultants Ltd. (BCL)
Mr. Eddie Ng China Overseas Building Construction Limited (COBCL)

Distribution: All Present + Apology


1.0 Interim Payment (IP)

1.1 COBCL’s interim payment submission date shall be on the 20th of every month and the Noted
payment cutoff date and site walk (i.e., date of valuation) shall be 25th of every month.
NSCs should submit payment application to COBCL one week before cut-off date.
(PMN: IP11 QS Valuation was issued to COBCL on 12th January 2023 for information
and Architect Certificate is under processing.)

1.2 Beria reminded COBCL to take note of the following salient points :- Noted
- submit attach all related supporting including workdone demarcation, mark-up
drawings, endorsed record, etc. for IP substantiation for BCL’s assessment at least
one calendar day after formal application.
- submit substantiations for Material Off Site including but not limited to Technical
Proposal with RE endorsement, OSR Signed Record, DN and Photos, etc.

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2.0 Variation Orders (VO)

2.1 Beria reminded COBCL to attach all related substantiations for VO submission, Noted
including draft / issued AI, related Contract and AI drawings, endorsed record,
breakdown, photos, etc. for BCL’s assessment.

2.2 Beria presented Summary of Contract Instructions and Variations upto 18th January Beria / COBCL
2023. Beria to prepare and send out draft Summary of Contract Instructions for
Remeasurement to GAL and COBCL for discussion.

2.3 The following summarizes the issues of several VOs, which require further discussion Beria & COBCL
amongst BCL and COBCL :-

(a) VO Q004 – Demolition of Covered Walkway at Exit D of KSR Station

- BCL provided breakdown for some of the items as requested by COBCL via email
dated 30th Sep 2022
- BCL sent revised assessment on 14th Nov 2022. Pending COBCL’s agreement

(b) VO Q012 – Cutting Off Pile Heads and Associated Works

- BCL sent out revised assessment to COBCL on 21st October 2022
- Pending COBCL’s agreement

(c) VO Q020 – Maintain Worker During Chinese New Year

- Superseded by VO Q021R1

(d) VO Q021R1 – Acceleration Proposal During Chinese New Year

- COBCL submit revised quotation on 17th Jan 2023
- BCL’s assessment ready on 19th Jan 2023

(e) VO Q022 – Temporary Sewage Diversion

- COBCL submit quotation on 16th Jan 2023
- COBCL to provide another quotation for items excluded in VO-Q022 as per Sino
Gary Chan’s email dated 16th Jan 2023

2.4 COBCL sent out a Summary of Potential VOs [i.e. (1) Updated detail of strut preload, Noted
(2) Replace compacted backfill with mass concrete fill for EVA area, (3) Replace
hoarding along Kam Ho Road and Tung Wui Road with chain link fence for CEDD, (4)
Strain gauge and monitoring record for strut preload, (5) Take down Yee Hop sheet pile
and ELS, (6) New site entrance near MTR KTB] via email on 13th October 2022.
[PMN : Beria provided a reply to COBCL’s Summary of Potential VO via email dated
26th October 2022.]

2.5 For Remeasurement, COBCL was requested to provide the tentative date for submission COBCL
of pile cap reinforcement (by batch) and ELS struts.

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3.0 Contract Execution & Status of Main Contractor and NSCs’ submission

3.1 For the draft Contract Documents (total 16 volumes) for Main Contract Works, COBCL Beria / COBCL
only had comments on Volume 1 (i.e. Date for Possession of Phase 2 Works) and
confirmed no further comments on Volume 2 to Volume 16.
(PMN : P&T issued Clarification Letter and CI-MC-A-029A regarding the Date for
Possession of Phase 2 Works as 19th July 2022).)
3.2 PTA and other Design Consultants to compile Contract Drawings for Main Contract PTA / Design
Works. Consultants
(PMN : Additional set of Contract Drawings in A2 size were requested by MTRCL and
under preparation by PTA – exact date to be confirmed)
3.3 The Control Table for the Awarded Named Domestic Supply Contracts and Named COBCL
Domestic Sub-Contracts as at 5th January 2023 is enclosed herewith this Meeting
Minutes for COBCL to update.
- Internal tiles for Bathroom and Typical Lift lobby will be handled by the awarded
3.4 The status of issuance of LOA from COBCL to NSCs and NDSCs is presented in COBCL
control table of item 3.5 below.
3.5 Beria presented the Control Table for LOAs surety bond and warranty for MC / NSC / Beria
NDSCs updated as of January 2023.

4.0 BIM / Glodon Issue

4.1 COBCL provided TAS and TRB model for pile cap T1PC1 via email dated 26 th October COBCL / Beria
2022 and supplemented with Concrete and Rebar Summary worked out for T1PC1 via
email dated 7th November 2022.
(PMN: Beria to review TAS and TRB model provided by COBCL.).

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5.0 Correspondence

5.1 Letter for IP, VO submission and other cost and contractual issues shall be sent to Noted
Architect and copied to GAL PM/QS, BCL and relevant consultant (if necessary).

5.2 BCL clarified that hardcopy of IP and VOs is no longer required. All Main Contract Noted
correspondence shall be in softcopy provided via emails to be sent to our project email.

6.0 AOB

7.0 Next Meeting

7.1 Next Bi-Weekly Cost and Contract Administration Meeting :- Noted

Date: 19th January 2023
Time: 02:30 p.m. – 03:30 p.m.
(via Microsoft Teams)

- Summary of Contract Instructions and Variations upto 18th January 2023
- Control Table for LOAs, Surety Bond, Form Warranty to GAL and Deed of Warranty to MTRCL upto 18th January
- Control Table for Awarded Named Domestic Supply Contracts and Named Domestic Sub-Contracts as of January 2022

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