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Sure, here is a movie script for Avengers 5:

Scene 1

Location: The Avengers Compound

Characters: The Avengers


The Avengers are gathered in the Avengers Compound. They are all looking very


Captain America: We've been at peace for a while now, but I have a feeling that
something is coming.

Iron Man: What do you mean?

Captain America: I don't know, but I can feel it. There's a threat out there, and
it's coming for us.

Black Widow: What do we do?

Captain America: We prepare. We train. We get ready for whatever comes our way.

Scene 2

Location: The Quantum Realm

Characters: Ant-Man, Wasp, and Kang the Conqueror


Ant-Man, Wasp, and Kang the Conqueror are all in the Quantum Realm. They are
standing in a vast, empty space.


Kang the Conqueror: This is it. This is where it all begins.

Ant-Man: What do you mean?

Kang the Conqueror: This is where I will conquer the Multiverse.

Wasp: We won't let you!

Kang the Conqueror: Oh, I think you will. You see, I've already won.

Scene 3

Location: The Avengers Compound

Characters: The Avengers


The Avengers are all gathered in the Avengers Compound. They are listening to
Captain America explain what Kang the Conqueror has been planning.


Captain America: Kang the Conqueror is a time traveler. He's been planning this for
centuries. He's going to conquer the Multiverse, and we're the only ones who can
stop him.

Iron Man: How do we stop him?

Captain America: We have to go into the Quantum Realm and stop him there. That's
where he's going to start his conquest.

Scene 4

Location: The Quantum Realm

Characters: The Avengers, Kang the Conqueror


The Avengers arrive in the Quantum Realm. They are faced with Kang the Conqueror
and his army.


Kang the Conqueror: So, you've finally arrived. I've been expecting you.

Captain America: We're here to stop you, Kang.

Kang the Conqueror: You can't stop me. I'm already too powerful.

Scene 5

Location: The Quantum Realm

Characters: The Avengers, Kang the Conqueror


The Avengers fight Kang the Conqueror and his army. The battle is long and hard,
but the Avengers eventually prevail.


Captain America: We did it! We stopped Kang!

Iron Man: We won!

Thor: Asgard is saved!

Scene 6

Location: The Avengers Compound

Characters: The Avengers

The Avengers are all gathered in the Avengers Compound. They are celebrating their
victory over Kang the Conqueror.


Captain America: We did it. We saved the Multiverse.

Iron Man: We're the Avengers!

Thor: Asgard is forever!

The End

This is just a rough outline of the movie script for Avengers 5. There would be
many other scenes and details that would need to be filled in, but this gives you a
general idea of the story.

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