A Measurement of Wave Propagation in The Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar

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Meas. Sci. Technol. 20 (2009) 065702 (5pp) doi:10.1088/0957-0233/20/6/065702

A measurement of wave propagation in

the split Hopkinson pressure bar
C R Siviour
Department of Engineering Science, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PJ, UK

Received 28 January 2009, in final form 5 April 2009

Published 18 May 2009
Online at stacks.iop.org/MST/20/065702

This paper presents results from optical and analytical measurements of stress wave
propagation in a rod of PMMA. The rod is loaded between the incident and transmitter bars of
a split Hopkinson pressure bar. Displacements in the rod are measured using high speed
photography with digital image correlation. Independent calculations of strain and
displacement in the rod are made from the waves measured at the Hopkinson bar gauge
stations, from which all required material parameters (apart from density) can be calculated by
applying standard wave propagation theory. The paper finishes with a discussion of how these
measurements will be developed in the future.

Keywords: split Hopkinson pressure bar, high speed photography, speckle metrology

1. Introduction One method for increasing the information about elastic

properties that is obtained from the Hopkinson bar might be
This split Hopkinson pressure bar is a standard apparatus for to avoid equilibrium altogether and deliberately load long
measuring the mechanical response of materials to high strain specimens in order to measure their response to travelling
rate loading [1]. Instrumented rods are used as waveguides waves of rapid rise times. The increased sophistication
to propagate a stress wave through a specimen of the material of digital high speed photography and wide availability of
of interest. The stress waves in the bars are measured using speckle metrology allow displacements in such specimens
strain gauges placed on their surface, and a standard analysis to be calculated accurately and rapidly; a similar approach,
is generally used to calculate the forces and velocities at the using photoelasticity, was used by Flynn and Frocht in their
bar–specimen interfaces, from which the average stress and investigation of Saint Venant’s principle [3]. This paper
strain in the specimen can be calculated as functions of time. explores such a measurement and provides a comparison to
An important consideration when measuring high rate the values expected from wave analysis.
properties of materials, especially those with a low sound
speed, is the well-described requirement for a specimen 2. Experimental details
to reach mechanical equilibrium before the results of an
experiment may be regarded as valid [2]. The specimen The experiment reported here involves the optical
is loaded from one end with a stress wave, which imposes measurement of the displacement due to a single stress wave
a deformation speed of, e.g., 10 m s−1 on that end of the propagating through a rod of PMMA. The displacement was
specimen. The wave oscillates a number of times within measured optically using high speed photography and digital
the specimen, each time increasing the specimen stress in a image cross correlation. A number of previous authors have
stepwise manner (figure 1). Eventually enough oscillations described the application of image correlation techniques to
occur so that the stress does not vary significantly with Hopkinson bar experiments [4–9]. Loading was provided by
position in the specimen; the specimen is now in quasi- a split Hopkinson pressure bar system, with measurements of
static equilibrium, although deformed at a high strain rate. the input, reflected and transmitted waves provided from strain
Equilibrium is required because average specimen properties gauge stations via a National Instruments data acquisition
are calculated and because, until equilibrium is achieved, system. These waves were used in the analysis described
the forces measured in the bars are not the same as those below to calculate the wavespeed, impedance and modulus
experienced by the specimen. of the specimen; then the transmission coefficient between

0957-0233/09/065702+05$30.00 1 © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK

Meas. Sci. Technol. 20 (2009) 065702 C R Siviour

Figure 2. Example photograph from the sequence of high speed

images of the PMMA rod. The input bar is visible on the right-hand
side of the picture and the output bar is not visible. The arrows
indicate the displacement of the specimen in the x direction. In
order to produce the graphs reported below, the displacements were
averaged over the five measurements at each position along the
specimen length.

0 0


Figure 1. Lagrange diagram of the stress waves in a Hopkinson bar 1

Transmitted Force/kN
specimen. Points A and B indicate the start and end of the region of

Incident Force/kN
interest for the optical analysis in this paper. 1.5

the input bar and specimen; and finally the stress, strain,
displacement and strain rate profiles in the specimen. The 2.5
Hopkinson bar used has steel bars of diameter 15 mm (area
Ab = 176.7 × 10−6 m2 ), length 500 mm, wavespeed cb = 3

4830 m s−1 and density ρ b = 8235 kg m−3 . 3.5

Figure 1 shows a Lagrange diagram for the stress waves
in a Hopkinson bar system and indicates in the caption the 0 50 100 150 200 250
region of interest for the optical record. In order to record Time/μs
the passage of a single wave, photographs must be taken
Figure 3. Incident and transmitted stress waves time shifted
before the reflection off the specimen–bar interface at B. It is respectively to the input and output ends of the specimen. Spikes on
advantageous, therefore, to have a specimen which is long and the signals are due to the monitor signal.
has a low wavespeed, to maximize the time span of the region
of interest. For this reason, PMMA specimens of 30 mm correlation between the stress waves in the bars and the high
in length were used; these will later be shown to have a speed photographs was performed using a ‘monitor’ signal
wavespeed of 1.38 mm μs−1 . Images were acquired with provided by the camera, which shows the timing of the images
a SIM16 ultra high speed camera, using an interframe time of and is recorded alongside the strain gauge signals on the data
2.5 μs (between the start of subsequent frames) and an acquisition system.
exposure time of 0.5 μs. A further advantage of PMMA The specimen was loaded using an input stress wave as
specimens is that they are transparent; a speckle pattern was shown in figure 3; the resultant transmitted wave is also shown.
spray painted onto the specimen surface, and the specimens The input wave is equivalent to an interface speed, u1 , of
were backlit, giving a good contrast and efficient use of the ∼10 m s−1 . It should be noted that all waves will be described
available light (see figure 2). To further aid the speckle as travelling from right to left, since this means that the
analysis, specimens were cuboids of section 4.92 × 4.97 mm2 : orientation of a stress–time plot is the same as the orientation
they present a flat face to the camera. of a stress–position plot for the same wave at a specific time;
It should be noted that these steps were taken to make the two plots are interchangeable via the wavespeed cb or cs in
this trial experiment as straightforward as possible. In fact, the bar or specimen respectively.
the high speed camera can be triggered very precisely from a
strain gauge mounted on the Hopkinson bar, and there would
have been no difficulty in reducing the interframe time to 3. Results, data analysis and discussion
0.5 μs, which would allow a material with a wavespeed of
3.1. Optical analysis
7 mm μs−1 to be visualized without any alteration of the
geometrical set-up. This brings the technique into the range Sixteen images of the specimen were taken, and the algorithm
of essentially all metals, polymers and composites. described in [10, 11] was used to calculate the displacement of
For later calculation purposes, a scaling for the images the specimen in each. The subimage size used was 64 pixels,
of 44.1 pixels mm−1 was measured. The total image was and measurements were made every 32 pixels. A standard
1280 pixels wide and 960 pixels high, and the specimen representation for the results of speckle analysis is a quiver
was 4.92 mm and 217 pixels high in this image. All time plot; figure 2 shows such a plot for a frame taken when the

Meas. Sci. Technol. 20 (2009) 065702 C R Siviour

0.3 Time/μs
0 10 20 30 40 50
Displacement /mm

0.2 0.25

0.15 0.2


30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Position/mm 0.05

Figure 4. Displacement–position plots for the 16 frames taken of the

experiment on PMMA. Each line indicates data from one frame and 0
the arrow therefore indicates the direction of increasing time. The 80 60 40 20 0
crosses indicate each independent displacement value calculated. Position/mm
Figure 5. Time-shifted displacement–position plots for the 16
stress wave is a little less than half-way along the specimen. frames, showing the good agreement between the frames and also
producing a master displacement–position or displacement–time
The displacement on the left-hand side of the specimen is curve.
zero, on the right-hand side the displacement varies linearly
with position, and in the middle there is a small transition
The translation between time and position is given by the
region, corresponding to the rise time of the input wave.
equation x − x0 = cs (t0 − t), where x0 and t0 are respectively
Qualitatively, this result is as would be expected as a stress
the reference position and the reference time. Therefore, the
wave of constant amplitude and finite rise time propagates
plot in figure 5 can be thought of as the displacement of a
through the specimen. The plot in figure 4 shows displacement
specific position of the specimen as a function of time or as
as a function of initial position along the specimen in each of
the displacement of a long rod at a specific time as a function
the 16 frames; each value is the mean of appropriate quivers, as
of position.
indicated in the caption to figure 2. The wave propagates along
the specimen and the strain behind the wavefront, indicated by
the gradient of the displacement–position plot, is constant. The 3.2. Wave analysis
distance between the curves should be equal to the wavespeed It is also possible to derive figure 4 independently, using
in the specimen multiplied by 2.5 μs. the stress waves measured in the Hopkinson bars. From the
The specimen wavespeed can be calculated using the wavespeed derived above, and the measured specimen density,
signal from the output bar. The first plateau in this signal ρ s = 1177 kg m−3 , the specimen modulus can be calculated,
corresponds to the wave propagated into the output bar at B (in Es = ρ s cs 2 = 2.24 GPa; the area is also known: As = 24.45 ×
figure 1) and the second plateau contains a further contribution 10−6 m2 . Using these, and the equivalent values for the
from the wave propagated at C; the time between these waves Hopkinson bar, the stress transmission coefficient from the
corresponds to twice the transit time in the specimen. In bar to specimen can be calculated:
this case, the time is 43.6 μs; using a specimen length of
2ρs cs Ab
30 mm gives a wavespeed cs = 1.38 mm μs−1 . It should be Tb−s = = 0.081. (1)
noted that this is the least accurate measurement in the whole ρb cb Ab + ρs cs As
experimental procedure. This is partly due to the dispersion Thus, multiplication of the incident wave by the stress
of the wave in the specimen, which makes calculation of the transmission coefficient gives the stress wave that propagates
travel time less accurate than would otherwise be the case, through the specimen, again as a function of position or time.
but also because the length of the specimen changes during Dividing by the modulus gives the strain profile (figure 6)
the passage of the wave. Whilst this second error can be which is a key plot as it can be integrated with respect to
corrected, the effect is of the order 0.02 mm μs−1 , and an position to give displacement or differentiated with respect to
uncorrected value was used in the current calculations. time to give the strain rate.
Once the wavespeed has been calculated, it is instructive Initially, integrating with respect to position gives the
to time shift the results from the speckle analysis in figure 4 to displacement profile in figure 7; this is in excellent agreement
give the curves in figure 5. Each curve is shifted by n × 2.5 × with data from the speckle analysis—two independent
1.38 mm, where n = 1:16 is the frame number, to produce a measurements have therefore given the same result for both
master displacement–position or, equivalently, displacement– the specimen sound speed and the specimen displacement.
time plot. Thus, figure 5 also quantifies the interdependence of Differentiation of the strain profile is dealt with in the following
plots as a function of time and plots as a function of position. section.

Meas. Sci. Technol. 20 (2009) 065702 C R Siviour

0 0

Strain Rate/s

80 60 40 20 0
80 60 40 20 0 Position/mm
Figure 8. Strain-rate–position plot obtained by differentiating the
Figure 6. Strain–position plot calculated using the input stress wave curve in figure 6.
and the calculated transmission coefficient.

Apart from being an interesting result, the reader may

0.3 ask what the benefit is of these observations? As discussed
in section 1, there is currently no experimental technique that
0.25 can be used to calculate the high strain rate modulus of a
material. In the above experiment, the modulus was calculated
from the wavespeed; however, the analysis so far has ignored

the information carried in the reflected wave at (referring to
figure 1) A and in the magnitudes of the transmitted wave
0.15 at B and C. In principle, both the sum of the incident and
reflected waves, or the first two steps of the transmitted wave,
0.1 can be used to provide further calculations of the magnitude
of force in the specimen as the wave passes through it. With
optical measurements providing an independent measure of
0.05 strain, another calculation of the modulus is made possible.
However, in the experimental configuration used here, the
0 reflection coefficient at the bar–specimen interface is 0.99:
80 60 40 20 0
Position/mm the magnitude of the reflected wave is expected to be 99%
of that of the input wave. The force on the specimen end is
Figure 7. Comparison of the master displacement–position plot given by the difference in magnitude between the incident and
from the speckle measurements and the displacement–position plot
calculated by integrating the curve in figure 6.
reflected waves, but this difference is comparable to the error
(about 0.5%) in the force measurements; therefore, in future
experiments lower impedance bars and a larger specimen area
3.3. Discussion will be used to decrease the magnitude of the reflected wave
and investigate this further.
The results described above show how optical and analytical
But what of the strain rate? If a trapezoidal stress wave
methods can be used to calculate the displacement–
of constant amplitude, and finite rise time, passes through an
position/time profile of a stress wave in a long specimen loaded initially unstressed material, the strain in front of the wave
dynamically. is constant (zero) and the strain behind the wavefront is also
The Hopkinson bar output gauge signal, combined constant (ε); the strain rate is given by ε divided by the rise
with an independent density measurement, provides enough time. For a real wave, such as that in figure 6, the instantaneous
information to calculate the wavespeed and hence the modulus strain rate is given by the derivative (figure 8). This is not
of the specimen material. These calculated values are used constant, but future research will examine the use of pulse
to obtain the transmission coefficient at the bar–specimen shapers to load specimens with better defined waves.
interface, in turn used to calculate the stress wave propagated This technique thus opens up challenges and
into the specimen. Validation of the measurements is provided opportunities, which are the subject of ongoing investigations
by a comparison of the calculated displacement to that and will be reported in future publications. If pulse shaping
measured, independently, by the speckle analysis, which also can be used to give an almost trapezoidal stress wave, the
provides an independent confirmation of the wavespeed. rising portion of that wave can be used to calculate a high

Meas. Sci. Technol. 20 (2009) 065702 C R Siviour

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