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Walk-in Customer Transaction Integration with FIRCO and Biometric

UAT environment required:

a) Ab2 Test Server
b) Application Server
c) FIRCO webservice uat server
d) NADRA Biometric Server

Following are the main activities for the development of web application

1) Transactoin Flag Update for transaction on Hold.

2) Ab2 UAT server with transaction Reference number and table to fetch data.
3) Integration of the application with FIRCO webservice.
4) Development of biometric application and Integration with NADRA.
5) Transaction flag update for transaction posting.

Stepwise Details of activities.

Step 01: (Database Trigger – SPs)
a) Update of Cashier Limit to Zero.
b) Update trigger to hold flag of withdrawal/Cheque posting transactions.
c) Creation of

Step 02: (Application Development Screen on UBPS portal)

a) Testing server IP, Transaction reference number (Unique Field), table name.
b) Fetching Details from the table and displaying with other required fields.
c) Saving fields in the database table to maintain stages.
d) Input other optional fields required for FIRCO integration(City, address etc)
e) Consuming FIRCO webservice on UAT server with the application

Step 03: (FIRCO Integration)

a) FIRCO screening status fetching and saving in database.
b) Screening status display on the application with color change (Red, Orange, and Green).
c) Screening Status updated in the table.
d) Maintaining workflow stage update for multiple transaction on hold branchwise w.r.t firco.
e) Forwarding the application for next stage biometric / posting flag.
Step 04: (Biometric Verification Screen)
a) Biometric Application development for branches, integration with NADRA
b) Saving / Update record for verification Data in table
c) Checking status of Biometric verification for specific transaction.
d) Checking FIRCO status again for screening, in case of re-open case id.
e) Forwarding the application for final payment – update flag field in ab2.
f) Marking of transaction in the system as closed.

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