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FCU Chinese Language Center

2022 年冬季班行事曆 十二月一日至二月二十八日
日期 Date Academic Calendar – 2022 Winter Term
1 December, 2022 –28 February, 2023
新生註冊 Registration
12/1,2 -行政二館 4 樓 辦公室 - CLC Office -4F, 2nd Admin. Bldg.
新生能力測驗&選課 Placement Test & Course Selection

10:00-11:30 新生訓練 人言大樓 B1 Orientation-The 6th International Conference

12/5 第六國際會議廳 Hall, B1 Renyen Bld.
11:30-11:50 校園導覽 Campus Tour

12/6 教師研習 Teacher’s workshop (No Class)

12/7 正式上課 Classes begin

12/7-13 選課期間 Course selection period

12/30 戶外教學活動–台北 Cultural trip to Taipei

12/31-1/2 元旦放假 New Year Holiday (No Class)
Tuition refund deadline 14:30(See
1/9 14:30 退費截止(參考退費規定)
1/9-13 期中考 Mid-term exam

1/20-1/29 年假 Chinese New Year Holiday (No Class)

2/3 學期活動-才藝表演 Term Activity – Talent Show

2/6-2/10 問卷調查 Evaluation week

2/10 舊生學費折扣截止 Current student tuition discount deadline

2/13-2/17 中心獎學金申請 CLC Scholarship application

2/20-24 期末考/證書申請週 Final exam/CLC certificate application week

2/23 華語文能力模擬測驗 Final exam-TOCFL Mock Test

2/24 跳級考試(最後一天上課日) Advancement test (Last day of class)

學期結束 End of Term (No Class)
教師送交學業成績截止日 Handing in Grades Deadline for teachers
3/1,2 春季班註冊 2023 Spring Term Registration
3/3 春季班新生訓練 2023 Spring Term Orientation
3/7 春季班正式上課 2023 Spring Term Classes Begin
華語文教學中心/CLC 製表 made on: 2022.09.28

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