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Principles of Injury CHAPTER

A n important role for the sports medicine practi-
tioner is to minimize activity-related injury, that
is, to improve the benefit:risk ratio associated with
discuss other important factors that may assist in the
prevention of injury:
• warm-up
physical activity and sport. There have been many
• stretching
advances in the field of sports injury prevention in
• taping and bracing
the past decade.
• protective equipment
Sports injury prevention can be characterized
• suitable equipment
as being ‘primary’, ‘secondary’ or ‘tertiary’. In this
• appropriate surfaces
book, we use the term ‘prevention’ synonymously
• appropriate training
with what is technically known as ‘primary preven-
• adequate recovery
tion’.1 Examples of primary prevention include health
• psychology
promotion and injury prevention (e.g. ankle braces
• nutrition.
being worn by an entire team, even those without
previous ankle sprain). Secondary prevention can
be defined as early diagnosis and intervention to
limit the development of disability or reduce the risk
Systematic injury prevention
of reinjury. We to refer to this as ‘treatment’ in this Research on sports injury prevention typically fol-
book (e.g. early RICE treatment of an ankle sprain, lows a sequence described by van Mechelen et al.
see Chapter 10). Finally, tertiary prevention is the (Fig. 6.1).2 This conceptual model can be applied
focus on rehabilitation to reduce and/or correct an successfully by sports clinicians as well. Firstly, the
existing disability attributed to an underlying disease. magnitude of the problem must be identified and
We refer to this as ‘rehabilitation’ (Chapter 12); in the described in terms of the incidence and severity of
case of a patient who has had an ankle sprain, this sports injuries. If you are responsible for a team, this
would refer to wobble board exercises and graduated would involve recording all injuries within the squad,
return to sport after the initial treatment for the sprain. as well as training and match exposure. Secondly, the
The proactive clinician will initiate injury prevention risk factors and injury mechanisms that play a part
strategies, give prevention advice during consultations in causing sports injuries must be identified. For the
where treatment is being sought and devise in-season clinician, this could involve systematic steps to exam-
strategy planning sessions with coaches and during ine the athletes and their training and competition
screening of athletes (Chapter 57). program (see below). The third step is to introduce
This chapter begins with a widely used model of measures that are likely to reduce the future risk
how sports injuries occur. This is a very useful guide and/or severity of sports injuries. Such measures
to ways to prevent sport injuries in a systematic should be based on information about the etiological
manner. From there, we direct the reader to review factors and the injury mechanisms as identified in
the importance of correct biomechanics of sports for the second step. Finally, the effect of the measures
injury prevention, as outlined in Chapter 5. Then, we must be evaluated by repeating the first step. From

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1. Establish model not only takes into account the multifactorial

2. Establish
the extent of the etiology and nature of sports injuries, but also the time sequence
the injury: mechanisms of of events leading to injuries.
• incidence the injury Firstly, it considers the internal risk factors—factors
• severity
that may predispose to or protect the athlete from
injury. This includes athlete characteristics, factors
such as age, maturation, gender, body composition
and fitness level. One factor that consistently has been
4. Assess its 3. Introduce a
documented to be a significant predictor is previous
effectiveness injury—almost regardless of the injury type studied.
by repeating measure Internal factors such as these interact to predispose
step 1
to or protect from injury. Internal risk factors can be
modifiable and non-modifiable, and both are impor-
Figure 6.1 The sequence for prevention of sports tant from a prevention point of view. Modifiable risk
injuries2 factors may be targeted by specific training methods.
Non-modifiable factors (such as gender) can be used
a research standpoint, it is preferable to evaluate to target intervention measures to those athletes who
the effect of preventive measures by means of a ran- are at an increased risk.
domized controlled trial. For the medical practitioner The second group of risk factors is the external
responsible for a team, continuous surveillance of the factors the athletes are exposed to, for example, floor
injury pattern within the team will reveal whether friction in indoor team sports, snow conditions in
changes occur in the injury risk. alpine skiing, a slippery surface (running track), very
Sports clinicians who want to prevent injuries in a cold weather, or inappropriate footwear. Exposure
systematic way could base their approach on a model to such external risk factors may interact with the
of potential causative factors for injury, which was first internal factors to make the athlete more or less sus-
described by Meeuwisse,3 and later expanded by Bahr ceptible to injury. When intrinsic and extrinsic risk
and Holme4 and Bahr and Krosshaug5 (Fig. 6.2). The factors act simultaneously, the athlete is at far greater

Risk factors for injury Injury mechanisms

(distant from outcome) (proximal to outcome)

Internal risk factors:

• Age (maturation, aging)
• Gender Predisposed Susceptible INJURY
• Body composition (e.g. athlete athlete
body weight, fat mass,
BMI, anthropometry)
• Health (e.g. history of
previous injury, joint Inciting event:
Exposure to external
risk factors:
• Physical fitness (e.g. Playing
muscle strength/power, • Human factors (e.g. team situation
maximal O2 uptake, joint mates, opponents, referee)
ROM) • Protective equipment (e.g. Player/opponent
• Anatomy (e.g. alignment, helmet, shin guards) ‘behavior’
intercondylar notch • Sports equipment (e.g. skis)
width) • Environment (e.g. weather, Gross biomechanical
• Skill level (e.g. sport- snow and ice conditions, description
specific technique, floor and turf type, Detailed biomechanical
postural stability) maintenance) description

Figure 6.2 A comprehensive injury causation model based on the epidemiological model of Meeuwisse3 and
modified by Bahr and Krosshaug5 BMI = body mass index; ROM = range of motion

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risk of injury than when risk factors are present in is not usually the single training session when pain
isolation. became evident but the training and competition
The final link in the chain of events is the incit- program he or she has followed over the previous
ing event, which is usually referred to as the injury weeks or months.
mechanism—what we see when watching an injury For clinicians, this model can be used to identify
situation. Again, it may be helpful to use a compre- potential causes of injury. The key questions to ask
hensive model to describe the inciting event, which are: Who is at increased risk? Why? How do injuries
accounts for the events leading to the injury situation typically occur? When caring for a defined group of
(playing situation, player and opponent behavior), athletes, such as a soccer team or an alpine skiing team,
as well as includes a description of whole body and this can be done using a systematic risk management
joint biomechanics at the time of injury (Chapter 5).5 approach. Individual risk factors (and protective fac-
Each injury type and each sport does have its typical tors) can be mapped during the pre-season physical
patterns, and for team medical staff it is important to examination (e.g. history of previous injury, malalign-
consult the literature to reveal the typical injuries and ment) or tested as part of the team’s fitness testing
their mechanisms for the sport in question. However, program (e.g. strength, flexibility, neuromuscular
one limitation of the model is that it is not obvious control). Then it is possible to do a risk analysis to
how the team’s training routine and competitive document the parts of the season when athletes are at
schedule can be taken into consideration as potential the greatest risk of sustaining injuries as a result of the
causes, and the model has therefore traditionally been training or competitive programs (Fig. 6.3). Examples
mainly used to describe the causes of acute injuries. of situations in which risk increases are when athletes
For overuse injuries, the inciting event can sometimes switch from one training surface to another (e.g. from
be distant from the outcome. For example, for a stress grass to gravel) or to new types of training (e.g. at
fracture in a long distance runner, the inciting event the start of a strength training period). This type of

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Basic training 2 6 8

Training camp 1 3
5 7
Competition 4
Rest period

Figure 6.3 Risk profile. Examples of periods of the season when a college basketball team may be at particular risk
of injury. The comments below concern the risk periods that are circled:
1. Change of time zone, off-court training surface, climate, and altitude during training camp in Colorado. Emphasis
on defensive stance training and quick lateral movements could lead to acute groin injuries (Chapter 23).
Athletes should not increase the amount or intensity of training too much.
2. Transition to greater amount of on-court training and intensity, combined with several practise games. Floor
surface quite hard. Risk of lower leg overuse injuries such as Achilles tendinopathy, shin splints.
3. New training camp to fine-tune players before beginning the competitive season; practise games on unusually
slippery courts. Competition to avoid being cut from the squad leads to increased intensity during training and
4. The beginning of the competitive season. A higher tempo and a packed competitive schedule to which the
athlete is unaccustomed. Risk of overuse injury (e.g. patellar tendinopathy, tibial stress fracture) compounded by
heavy academic program, leading to additional fatigue.
5. High risk of acute ankle and knee injuries during the competitive season and a tough competition schedule at
full intensity.
6. Interposed period of hard basic training, strength exercises to which the athlete is not accustomed, and
plyometric training increases risk of tendinopathy and muscle strain.
7. The end of the competitive season. Worn out and tired players? This is an important time to treat low-level
‘grumbling’ injuries aggressively. Waiting for the injury to heal simply with ‘rest’ is not recommended.
8. Transition to basic training period with running on trails.

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analysis is an important basis for planning preventive regimen. In team sports there can be a group regimen
measures, particularly for the purpose of avoiding with a built-in period of ‘free warm-up’. One guideline
overuse injuries. The analysis is based on the idea for the intensity of the warm-up is to produce some
that the risk of injuries is greater during transitional mild sweating without fatigue. The effect of a warm-
periods and that each stage has certain characteristics up lasts approximately 30 minutes, so it is important
that may increase risk. The risk profile usually varies not to warm up too early.6
from sport to sport. Healthcare personnel responsible Several clinical studies, including a recent high-
for teams or training groups should do this type of quality randomized trial,9 have shown that structured
analysis in collaboration with the coaches and athletes warm-up programs designed to prevent injuries can
and create a plan for relevant preventive measures reduce injury risk by 50% or more. However, it is not
based on the risk analysis. In this chapter we examine known whether it is the physiological effects of the
strategies that are often used to ameliorate intrinsic warm-up program as described above which confer
and extrinsic sports injury risk factors or prepare the the effect on injury risk, or whether the reduced risk
athlete for potential inciting events. results from training effects on strength, neuromus-
cular control, technique or other factors.

Warm-up Stretching
Warm-up prepares the body for exercise. The type The ability to move a joint smoothly throughout a
of exercise to be performed determines the type of full range of movement is considered an important
warm-up. The most effective warm-up consists of both component of good health. There is a hereditary
general and specific exercises. General exercises may component to general flexibility, and specific joints or
include jogging, general stretching and resistance muscles may become stiff as a result of injury, over-
exercises. Specific exercises include stretches and activity or inactivity. Although increased flexibility
movements that are appropriate for the particular attained through stretching was widely believed to
activity about to be undertaken. decrease musculotendinous injuries, and minimize
The possible benefits of warm-up prior to physical and alleviate muscle soreness, and perhaps even
activity include:6–8 improve performance, research by Peter Magnusson
and others has thrown enormous doubt on these
• increased blood flow to muscles
widely held dogmas.10–17 Such relationships are dif-
• increased oxyhemoglobin breakdown, with
ficult to prove,3, 6 and studies on military personnel
increased oxygen delivery to muscles
have not shown any effect from general, systematic
• increased circulation leading to decreased
stretching programs on the overall injury risk.18, 19 It
vascular resistance
is not known whether a specific stretching program
• increased release of oxygen from myoglobin
to prevent a particular injury type, such as stretching
• enhanced cellular metabolism
the hamstrings to prevent hamstring strains, is effec-
• reduced muscle viscosity leading to smoother
tive. Because of the need to randomize elite athletes
muscle contraction and increased mechanical
to a trial of ‘not stretching’ and ‘stretching’ specific
muscles, and then waiting to see whether there are
• increased speed of nerve impulses
more injuries of that muscle in the non-stretching
• increased sensitivity of nerve receptors
group, it may be difficult to obtain definitive data
• decreased activity of alpha fibers and sensitivity
on the ‘stretching prevents injury’ hypothesis. It,
of muscles to stretch
does, however, seem unlikely that stretching, per se,
• decreased number of injuries due to increased
improves performance in sports,20–25 except in sports
range of motion
where range of motion is a key performance factor,
• decreased stiffness of connective tissue leading
such as gymnastics and diving.
to decreased likelihood of tears
Witvrouw et al.26 have raised an interesting hypoth-
• increased cardiovascular response to sudden
esis that stretching may be more important for pre-
strenuous exercise
venting injury in sports that have a high intensity of
• increased relaxation and concentration.
stretch–shortening cycles (e.g. football, basketball)
There are no data on which to prescribe intensity than in sports with relatively low demands on the
and duration of a warm-up. Thus, it may make sense muscle–tendon stretch–shortening cycle (e.g. jogging,
to allow athletes to determine their own warm-up cycling, swimming).

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There are two types of flexibility—static and that muscle relaxation is increased both after agonist
dynamic. Static flexibility describes the degree to contraction and antagonist muscle contraction.
which joints may be passively moved to the end There are a number of different PNF stretching
points of range of motion. Dynamic flexibility techniques (Fig. 6.4). PNF stretching may produce
is the degree to which a joint can be moved as a greater flexibility gains than other stretching tech-
result of muscle contraction. Low static or dynamic niques. Its major disadvantage is that there is a ten-
flexibility may be an intrinsic risk factor for some dency to overstretch. PNF stretches should ideally be
injury types. performed with a partner who is aware of the potential
Athletes commonly perform three different types dangers of the technique.
of stretching exercises—static, ballistic and proprio-
ceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF). Principles of stretching
The basic principles of stretching are:
Static stretching
• warm-up prior to stretching
In static stretching, the stretch position is assumed • stretch before and after exercise
slowly and gently and held for 30–60 seconds.7 The • stretch gently and slowly
athlete should not experience any discomfort in the • stretch to the point of tension but never pain.
stretched muscle. As the position is held, tension
A general stretching program involving stretches
from the stretch becomes strong enough to initiate
of the major muscle groups is shown in Figure 6.5.
the inverse myotatic stretch reflex with subsequent
Specific stretches used in the prevention or rehabili-
muscle relaxation. The muscle can then be stretched a
tation of specific injuries are shown in the relevant
little further, again without discomfort. This increased
chapters in Part B.
stretch should also be held for approximately 30 sec-
onds, then relaxed. If, during either stage of the stretch,
there is a feeling of tension or pain, overstretching Taping and bracing
is occurring and this may cause injury. The athlete
Taping (or strapping) and bracing are used to restrict
should ease off to a more comfortable position. Of
undesired, potentially harmful motion and allow
the different types of stretches, static stretch produces
desired motion. There are two main indications for
the least amount of tension and is probably the safest
the use of tape and braces:
method of increasing flexibility.

Ballistic stretching
In a ballistic stretch, the muscle is stretched to near
its limit, then stretched further with a bouncing
movement. The disadvantage of this stretch is that
the quick bouncing causes a strong reflex muscle
contraction. Stretching a muscle against this increased
tension heightens the chances of injury. Therefore,
this technique is not commonly used.
Ballistic stretching may be used, however, by
athletes in the latter stages of a stretching program. It
should be preceded by an adequate warm-up and slow
static stretching. It is used particularly in gymnastics,
ballet and dance where maximal range of motion is

Figure 6.4 PNF hamstring stretch. The partner

Proprioceptive neuromuscular
passively stretches the hamstring to the onset of
facilitation stretching
discomfort. The athlete then performs isometric
PNF stretching is performed by alternating contrac- hamstring contraction against the partner’s shoulder.
tion and relaxation of both agonist and antagonist The partner then passively stretches the hamstring
muscles. PNF stretching is based on the observations further to the point of discomfort

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Figure 6.5 General stretching program

(a) Gastrocnemius. Pushing against a wall or fence with
leg straight out behind, feeling a gentle calf stretch

(c) Calf (general). With the toes supported on a step or

gutter, allow the heel to drop beneath the level of the
toe. Allow gravity to impart a gentle stretch

(d) Hamstring. With the leg supported on a beam

or bench and keeping the leg straight, gently bend
forward at the hips until a stretch is felt at the
(b) Soleus. Supported by a wall or fence with knee hamstring. Do not bend the back in order to get the
flexed, bring leg to be stretched underneath body and chest closer to the knee; rather bend at the hips with
lunge forward, again feeling a gentle steady calf stretch the back kept straight

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(e) Groin. Sitting on the floor with the knees flexed,

soles of feet together and the back kept straight,
gently push the outside of the knees towards the
ground until a stretch is felt in the groin
(g) Quadriceps. In a standing position, pull the heel
to the buttock until a stretch is felt at the front of the
thigh. The stretch can be increased if necessary by
pressing the hips forward. Attempt to keep the knees
together and do not rotate at the pelvis

(f) Groin. Sitting on the floor with the legs straight

and the hips abducted, bend forward at the hips until
a stretch is felt in the groin. By bending towards either
leg, this stretch can be used to stretch the hamstrings

1. prevention—taping is used as a preventive

measure in high-risk activities, for example,
basketball players’ ankles
2. rehabilitation—taping is used as a protective
mechanism during the healing and
rehabilitation phases.27, 28
Although taping and bracing are used in the injury
management of conditions in numerous joints, they
have not been proven to be effective for primary injury (h) Gluteals/piriformis (left). Sitting on the floor, bend
prevention in the shoulder, elbow, knee and spinal the left leg up in front. Place the left heel over the
joints. However, there is good evidence to suggest thigh of the right leg and pull the left knee towards
that bracing may prevent reinjuries in athletes with the chest, until a stretch is felt in the left gluteal region.
a history of a previous ankle sprain. Attempt to keep both buttocks square on the ground

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(i) Low back. Lying on the ground or the bed, bend up

one knee and rotate towards the opposite side until
the knee touches the floor. Keep the shoulders flat on
the ground. A gentle stretch should be felt in the lower

(k) Triceps. Lifting the arm into maximum flexion and

abduction, bend the elbow to its fully flexed position.
Then, placing the opposite hand on the elbow, pull
across and back until a stretch is felt in the triceps and

(j) Pectoral girdle. Standing or in a seated position,

clasp both hands behind the back and straighten the
elbows. A partner then lifts the hands gently. Keep the
back straight. A stretch should be felt in the front of
the shoulder and in the chest

There are many different tapes and bandages available
for use by athletes. However, when the purpose is to
restrict undesired motion, only adhesive, non-stretch
(rigid) tape is appropriate (Fig. 6.6). Elastic tape
is inappropriate for restricting motion. Good tape
should be adhesive, strong, non-irritant and easily
torn by the therapist. (l) Levator scapulae. To stretch the levator scapulae,
Tape is ideally applied over joints where skin sliding place the chin on the chest and then rotate the head
can be limited to one direction. The joints most suit- away from the side to be stretched. Then apply a
able for taping are the ankle, wrist, finger, acromiocla- stretch with the hand on the side of the head. A stretch
vicular joint and the first metatarsophalangeal joint. should be felt in the neck and shoulder

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• Smooth out all folds and creases to prevent

blisters and lacerations.
• If discomfort is present after tape application,
adjust the tape.
• Remove tape carefully with the use of tape
cutters or tape scissors.
Complications of tape application include reduced
circulation from tight taping, skin irritation due to
mechanical or allergic phenomena, and decreased
effectiveness of tape with time. Tape provides substan-
tial material support but, as with any material, does
have a threshold where it fails.29 It may be necessary
Figure 6.6 Taping application—an example of ankle
to reapply tape at a suitable break during the athletic
activity, for example, at half-time. Tape application
requires practise to perfect technique.
As well as providing mechanical support, tape may
enhance proprioception. Guidelines for tape applica-
tion are given below.
Bracing has several advantages over taping. An athlete
can put a brace on by himself or herself and although
• The athlete and the therapist should be in a the initial cost of a brace may be high, a good quality,
comfortable position for tape application. strong brace will last a considerable time and may
• Tailor the taping to the needs of the individual prove to be cheaper than repeated taping.
and the sport being played. It is important Bracing also has a number of disadvantages. These
to provide support but not restrict essential include possible slipping of the brace during use, the
movement. weight of the brace, problems with exact sizing and
• Injured ligaments should be held in a shortened the risk of the brace wearing out at an inopportune
position during taping. Ligaments that have moment. Sometimes it may be necessary for braces
not previously been injured should be held in to be custom-made.
neutral position. A number of different types of braces are available.
• Shave body hair, preferably at least 8 hours prior Heat-retaining sleeves are commonly used in the
to tape application to avoid skin irritation. treatment of many chronic inflammatory conditions.
• Clean skin, remove grease and sweat. These sleeves are commonly made out of neoprene.
• Apply an adhesive skin spray prior to taping, The neoprene support offers increased warmth and
especially if sweating is likely to reduce the comfort over the affected area and may improve
adhesiveness of the tape. proprioception but provides little or no mechanical
• Use an underwrap if a skin allergy exists. support. The sleeves are available for most joints
• Care should be taken with the use of non-stretch and muscles. Increased mechanical support can be
tape around swollen joints. gained by the use of harder material or the addi-
• Use tape of appropriate width. tion of straps or laces. Certain braces are used only
to restrict movement, such as a hinged knee brace
(Fig. 6.7).30–32
• Use anchors proximally and distally, as tape Braces can be custom-made by molding thermo-
adheres better to itself than to skin. plastic material over the affected part. Such splints are
• Unroll the tape before laying it upon the skin to commonly used in the hand and wrist, particularly
ensure correct tension. over the first carpometacarpal joint after a Bennett’s
• Apply even pressure. fracture or at the first metacarpophalangeal joint after
• Overlap the previous tape by one-half to ensure a hyperextension sprain or ulnar collateral ligament
strength and even application. sprain (Fig. 6.8).

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Figure 6.9 Helmets

as in rugby football and skateboarding. The role of

helmets, and face shields33 in protection against head
injuries is discussed in Chapter 13.
Other protective equipment commonly worn
includes: mouthguards in most collision sports;
shoulder pads in American and rugby football; chest,
forearm and groin protectors in ice hockey; knee pads
when playing on artificial surfaces or while rollerblad-
ing; wrist guards in rollerblading and snowboarding;
and shin pads in soccer and hockey. It is important
Figure 6.7 Hinged knee brace that protective equipment fits correctly. Protective
equipment may provide a psychological benefit by
increasing a player’s confidence.

Suitable equipment
Running shoes, football boots, ski boots and tennis
racquets are important elements that contribute to,
or prevent, sports injuries.

Running shoes
The sports clinician must be able to assess foot type
and advise athletes on the type of shoe most suited
to their needs. The optimum shoe for a runner is
Figure 6.8 Molded braces
one that matches the runner’s specific mechanical
features. Several features of shoes may affect foot
function. The first part of the shoe to be considered
Protective equipment is the heel counter, the upper rear part of the shoe.
Protective equipment has been designed to shield vari- The heel counter should be made of rigid, firm plastic
ous parts of the body against injury without interfering to assist in rear foot stability.34
with sporting activity. Protective equipment can also Forefoot flexibility (Fig. 6.10a) must be adequate to
be used on return to activity after injury in situations allow easy motion of the foot flexing at toe-off. With
where direct contact may aggravate the injury. a rigid sole, the calf muscles may need to perform
Helmets are mandatory in certain sports such as extra work in order to plantarflex the foot during
motor racing, motor cycling, cycling, ice hockey, horse propulsion. A shoe with a lack of flexibility in the
riding and American football (Fig. 6.9). In other sports forefoot may help the individual with metatarsalgia
the use of helmets is not universally accepted, such (Chapter 35).

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The midsole of the shoe is probably the most Midsoles that are flared promote rapid and exces-
important feature (Fig. 6.10b). Midsoles are usu- sive pronation of the foot and should be avoided.
ally made of EVA, which is light and a good shock This negative aspect of lateral flaring outweighs the
absorber. The midsole houses the more complex advantage of decreased impact forces.
shock-absorbing materials such as gel pads and air Last construction refers to the method used to
bladders. The most important feature of the midsole join the upper of the shoe to the midsole. Shoes are
is its density (durometer). It should be appropriately generally slip lasted where the upper is sewn together
firm or soft depending on the mechanics and weight and glued directly to the sole. This promotes shoe
of the individual. Midsoles that are too soft permit flexibility but may reduce stability. Stroebel lasting
excessive mobility, whereas firmer ones allow a more is a technique whereby canvas or foam is perimeter-
stable platform and often extended wear. stitched to the base of the upper and then glued to
Runners requiring control of excessive motion the midsole. This lasting technique became popular
should use a midsole of dual density that is harder when manufacturers replaced the fiber boards with
on the medial aspect of the foot (Fig. 6.10c). Runners rigid plates lodged directly in the midsole to increase
requiring extra shock absorption should choose a shoe torsional rigidity. Last construction, once the primary
with a soft midsole that still provides lateral stabil- feature in footwear design, is now seen as a prime fac-
ity. Maximum impact forces vary little in magnitude tor influencing the fit of a shoe (Fig. 6.10d) but it has
between soft and hard midsoles but the maximal forces
occur at a later stage in the soft shoes.

Figure 6.10 Characteristics of a running shoe (c) Midsole: dual density. Medial side of the midsole is
harder than the lateral side. This promotes stability
(a) Forefoot flexibility

(b) Midsole: this is the part between the upper and (d) Last shape. Shoe on the left is straight while shoe
the outsole on the right is curved

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little influence on mechanics and foot function. There

is no evidence to support the commonly held view
that the shape of a shoe influences foot function.
There is a range of last shapes available in today’s
shoe market. It is important that the athlete is fitted
by a professional and is comfortable with the ‘feel’ of
the running shoes before they are purchased. Note
that footwear brands differ in their construction.
A summary of the recommended features of the
running shoe for different foot types is shown in
Table 6.1.
There is no optimal running shoe, per se.
Figure 6.11 Running spikes with negative heel (left)
However, certain shoes are optimal for an
compared with modified heel lifted with EVA material

Running spikes
as increasing the amount of compensatory pronation
Poorly designed running spikes may contribute to and midtarsal joint dorsiflexion. Running spikes may
foot and lower limb injuries but there is a dearth be modified to provide more stability by increasing
of published literature in this field. The majority of the heel lift and balancing the shoe (Fig. 6.11).
running spikes are designed so that the spike plate is
plantar grade in relation to the heel. When running Football boots
on a flat surface the heel lift is negligible and, thus,
Football boots (Fig. 6.12) require all the features
the heel is lower than the forefoot, which we call
of a good running shoe in addition to features that
‘negative heel’ (Fig. 6.11). This phenomenon is the
will allow kicking and rapid changes of direction,
opposite of a heel ‘raise’, as used in the treatment of
particularly on soft surfaces.
Achilles’ problems.
The construction of many types of football boots
When running in spikes, the athlete strikes the
provides inadequate support for the lower limb. Com-
ground on the forefoot and midfoot with the heel off
mon structural features found in football boots and
the ground. The heel does not usually make contact
the problems associated with each particular feature
with the ground while running at or near top speed.
are summarized in Table 6.2.
However, at lesser speeds, as the body weight moves
The ideal football boot should be of adequate foot
over the foot, the foot lowers to the ground with little
depth in the upper, have a rigid heel counter, have suf-
stability due to the negative heel.
ficient forefoot flexibility, have a wide sole, be slightly
The calf muscles may be subject to greater eccentric
curved in shape and the ‘stops’ or cleats should be
load due to the negative heel lift as the tibia is required
placed to allow adequate forefoot flexibility.
to dorsiflex over the foot through a greater range. In
addition, the small heel provides little stability for
Ski boots
the eccentric lowering of the heel by the calf muscles.
These factors may predispose to the development of Generally, ski boots have become stiffer. However, a
Achilles tendinopathy and shin pain in runners, as well stiff ski boot does not allow adequate compensatory

Table 6.1 Shoe features appropriate for different foot types

Shoe features Excessive pronator Normal Excessive supinator
Heel counter Rigid Rigid Rigid
Forefoot flexibility Yes Yes Yes
Midsole density Hard dual density Intermediate Soft
Last construction Combination Slip or combination Slip
Shape of last Straight or slightly curved Slightly curved Curved or slightly curved

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available that allow individual molding to the shape

of the skier’s foot.
During skiing, control is maintained by pronating
the foot to edge the downhill ski into the slope. Skiers
who have certain biomechanical abnormalities (e.g.
forefoot varus, rear foot varus) already have their
foot fully pronated in a flat position in the boot. This
forces the skier to internally rotate the lower limb
and adopt a valgus knee position to maintain edge
control. This may lead to inefficient skiing, fatigue
and medial knee pain.
Excessive foot pronation may be corrected with an
Figure 6.12 Football boots
orthosis placed in the ski boot to restore the foot to
(a) Midsole cushioned boot a neutral position. As the degree of correction pos-
sible with orthoses is limited by boot fit, additional
control is sometimes required by the use of canting or
wedging of the underside of the boot. These changes
to the boot may affect the release mechanism of the
Most equipment-related skiing injuries occur when
the ski acts as a lever to turn or twist the lower leg,
and many can be prevented with appropriate binding
release. Beginners are particularly at risk as they have
relatively tighter bindings and boots and bindings of
lower quality than the intermediate level skier.35, 36

Tennis racquets
(b) Thermoplastic outsole with cleats designed to In tennis, the impact between ball and racquet pro-
enhance rotation duces a significant amount of force, and how much
force reaches the tennis player’s arm depends on how
movement at the midtarsal and subtalar joint and hard the player swings, the speed of the incoming
places additional stress on the bones and joints of the ball, where on the racquet face the ball is struck, the
lower limb. More advanced skiers require stiff boots. qualities of the racquet, the string tension and the
Ski boots should be individually fitted and boots are stroke mechanics.

Table 6.2 Problems associated with certain structural features of football boots
Structural features Associated problems
Soft heel counter Decreased rear foot support
Narrow heel counter Heel irritation
Reinforced rigid heel counter Heel friction and irritation (especially on bony prominences)
Outsole in two pieces Decreased midfoot stability
Narrow sole (width) Decreased stability
Skin lesions—blisters
Curved shape Decreased stability/poor fit
Rigid sole Decreased forefoot flexibility
Shallow upper Decreased stability/poor fit
‘Stop’/cleat placement Often at point of forefoot flexibility
Sometimes causes pain under first metatarsophalangeal joint

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Each racquet has an area where the initial shock

is at a minimum—the center of percussion or ‘sweet
spot’. When the ball is hit in the sweet spot, the shot
feels good. If the ball is not hit in the sweet spot,
there is increased shock transmitted to the hand,
wrist and elbow.
The major factor in the etiology of tennis-related
elbow pain is incorrect stroking technique, especially
the backhand drive. However, the characteristics of the
racquet may also contribute. The older style wooden
racquets were heavy and flexible, both of which
reduced shock on impact. The modern wide-body
racquets are lighter and stiffer in order to generate
increased power but these racquets do not absorb the
shock of impact as well as wooden racquets.
There are a number of ways of altering the tennis
racquet to reduce the shock at impact and lessen the
force transmitted to the player’s arm:
• lower string tension
• increase flexibility of the racquet
• increase the size of the racquet head
• increase the weight (add lead tape to head and
• increase the grip size (Fig. 6.13)
• grip higher on the handle of the racquet.
The tennis player should choose the largest com-
fortable grip size (Fig. 6.13). A larger grip size prevents
the player gripping the racquet too tightly. Players
should also be encouraged to loosen their grip on the
racquet. It is only necessary to squeeze firmly on the
grip during the acceleration phase of the stroke.
Figure 6.13 Grip size. Optimal racquet grip
circumference should equal the distance from the
Appropriate surfaces proximal palmar crease to the tip of the ring finger
The surface on which sportspeople play is under the
spotlight as it may be a major contributor to injury
risk through excessive shoe–surface traction. This (warmer) climes. Although it was tempting to attribute
possibility was proposed as a mechanism for anterior this to hotter weather, thus leading to drier, harder
cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture in European hand- ground,40 that hypothesis was not supported by data
ball as early as 1990,37 and has later been examined from American football teams where games were
in a large, epidemiological study where the ACL played on natural grass. Further analysis of both the
injury rate was compared between two different floor Australian and the US data suggested that the type of
types—wooden floors (parquet, generally having grass itself and, thus, the tightness of the thatch, may
lower friction) and artificial floors (generally having influence ACL risk; the more northern Australian
higher friction).38 These results indicated that the risk venues had types of grass that permitted excessive
of ACL injury among female team handball players shoe–surface traction (Fig. 6.14).
is higher on high-friction artificial floors than on According to turf authority McNitt,41 perennial rye
wooden floors. However, other factors also have a grass is associated with lower shoe–surface traction
significant role in shoe–surface friction, principally than Kentucky blue grass or bermuda grass because
shoe type and floor maintenance. it creates less thatch. These studies suggest that rye
In Australian football, Orchard and colleagues39 grass generally offers a safer surface with respect to
noted the greater rate of ACL injuries in the northern ACL injuries for football than some other grasses.

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Figure 6.14 Four different types of grasses that (d) Annual blue grass surface, showing a moderate
provide the surface for Australian Rules football and thatch layer
have been associated with different rates of ACL injury. WITH PERMISSION FROM ORCHARD ET AL. 200539

(a) Bermuda (‘couch’) grass surface, showing a thick

thatch layer between grass leaves and soil To prevent all possible injuries, it is important
to consider playing surface hardness because of
its association with overuse injuries such as stress
fractures, shin pain and tendinopathy. A hard surface
such as concrete generates greater force through the
musculoskeletal system than a forgiving surface such
as grass. Sporting activities can generate extremely
high loads that may, or may not, be modulated by
the surface. Maximal impact forces during walking
have been shown to approach twice body weight,
during running three to four times and during
jumping five to 12 times.42

Appropriate training
(b) Kikuyu grass, also showing a thick thatch layer
It is essential for sports clinicians to understand
the different elements of training and their possible
relationship to injury. This familiarity facilitates
clinicians obtaining a full training history from an
injured athlete or learning about the longer term
training strategy from a coach. This makes it possible
to determine where training error occurred and to
take active steps to prevent this recurring.

Principles of training
‘Training’ is the pursuit of activity that will ultimately
lead to an increase in performance in a given sport.
A number of general principles of training apply to
all sports:
(c) Rye grass surface, showing a minimal thatch layer. • periodization
This is probably a safer surface than the others as the • specificity
blades or cleats of the football boot are less likely to be • overload
‘gripped’ by the surface • individuality.

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Periodization undertake two periods of competition in the one

year. A suggested program for athletes in these types
Periodization is an important component of all train-
of sports is shown in Figure 6.15. In other instances,
ing programs, both in the long term and short term. the competition period may last as long as eight to
Training can be divided into three distinct phases: 10 months and conditioning work must extend into
conditioning (preparation), pre-competition (tran- the competitive season. However, the same principles
sitional) and competition. of training apply. The athlete should aim for a peak
The conditioning phase emphasizes developing performance at a predetermined time in a competitive
aerobic and anaerobic fitness, strength and power. season, such as a specific championship or final.
Often during this period, the athlete is ‘training tired’ To ensure complete recovery from the physical and
and if required to compete would probably perform mental stress of competition, adequate time should be
poorly. During the pre-competition phase of train- allowed between the end of one season and the start
ing, the emphasis switches from pure conditioning of the next. This period may last four to six weeks.
to technique work. During the competition phase, In the intermediate time frame, it is important
the emphasis is on competitive performance while to introduce easy weeks into the training program;
maintaining basic conditioning (Table 6.3). these give the athlete time to recover (Chapter 7) and
In many sports, for example, basketball, football diminish the risk of injury. During these easy weeks,
and hockey, a four to six month competition season the volume and intensity of training may be decreased
is usual. In some instances, an athlete is required to and the opportunity may be taken to test the athlete’s

Table 6.3 Different types of training are performed during the three phases of the yearly cycle
Aerobic Anaerobic Plyometrics Weight Technique
Training phase training training training training training Competition
Preparation/ +++ ++ ++ +++ + –
Transitional/ ++ +++ ++ ++ +++ –
Competition + + – + ++ +++

Rest Conditioning Transitional Competition

(preparation) (pre-competition)

Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept.

Figure 6.15 Periodization of training

(a) Team sports (e.g. basketball) with five to six month season

Conditioning Pre-competition Competition Pre-competition Competition Active

(preparation) (transitional) (transitional) rest

May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept.

(b) Eighteen month program for an athlete who wishes to peak twice in that period

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progress in the form of a time trial, mini competition • Increase training load by changing the volume
or practise match. The optimal spacing of these easy (quantity or duration) or the intensity (quality)
weeks is probably every third or fourth week. of training.
In the short term, the training program must allow • Only increase volume or intensity at any
for adequate recovery between training sessions. For particular time (increases in volume should
example, an athlete whose training program involves precede increases in intensity).
weight training, aerobic and anaerobic training as well • Progress new training activities slowly so as
as technique work might plan to combine aerobic not to cause injury to muscle groups and joints
work with a weight session and technique work with unaccustomed to that activity.
an anaerobic session. A suggested weekly program for • Titrate overload to maximally improve
such an athlete is shown in Table 6.4. performance without incurring injury (this is an
• Monitor the athlete closely for signs of decreased
Overload is a variable that athletes and coaches performance or overtraining (Chapter 52).
manipulate to allow the athlete to perform work at
a greater intensity or to perform a greater volume of Specificity
work at a given intensity, or to decrease recovery time
Specificity refers to the principle of directing train-
between efforts of a given volume and intensity.
ing to performance in the athlete’s given sport. It is
Overload principles include the following:
important, therefore, to identify the most important
• Apply stress to the body over and above that components of fitness for each particular sport and
which is normally encountered. tailor the athlete’s training towards improving these
• If increased stress is not excessive and particular components. There is no advantage for a
adequate adaptation time is allowed, the power athlete in doing large amounts of endurance
work capacity of the athlete will be increased training, nor for an endurance athlete to spend con-
(‘supercompensation’). siderable time on strength training. Some sports, for
• Allow adequate recovery time to produce a example, football, require both strength and endur-
training effect. ance training.

Table 6.4 Suggested three-weekly cycle for a track and field athlete(a)
Week 1 2 3
Monday Jog Jog Jog
Weights Weights (pyramid) Test bench press
Light weights
Tuesday Interval 6 × 120 m 2 × 150 m (timed)
Technique Technique
Wednesday Jog Jog Jog
Weights Weights (pyramid) Test power clean
Light weights
Thursday Interval (e.g. 4 × 300 m) 400 m + 300 m + 200 m + 100 m 1 × 300 m (timed)
Plyometrics Technique Technique
Friday Jog Jog Jog
Weights Weights Gymnastics
Saturday Interval (e.g. 6 × 100 m) 4 × 200 m 6 × 20 m
Sunday Rest Rest Rest
(a) For example, a pole vaulter, whose training requires aerobic and anaerobic training, weight training, plyometrics and
technique work. The third week of the cycle is a ‘recovery week’.

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Individuality Guide to aerobic training

As individual differences between athletes are great, Aerobic training effects occur while maintaining
training must be tailored to the individual’s needs. a heart rate of between 70% and 85% of the maxi-
Individuals differ in their tolerance of particular mum heart rate.
training loads, response to specific training stimuli, Maximum heart rate is estimated by subtracting
speed of recovery, psychological make-up, nutritional the age of the athlete from 220 (e.g. a 30-year-old
intake and lifestyle habits. Individual responses to athlete has a maximum heart rate of approximately
training are influenced by previous training history, 190 (220 – 30). The ideal range of heart rate for a
age, current state of fitness and genetic make-up. 30-year-old to gain an aerobic effect would, there-
fore, be between 135 and 160 beats per minute.
Training methods
Types of training include endurance or aerobic train-
Anaerobic training
ing, anaerobic training, strength and power training,
flexibility training, speed and agility training, specific Anaerobic exercise utilizes the anaerobic (oxygen
skill training and cross-training. independent, i.e. without the need for oxygen) metab-
olism of glucose to produce energy. This pathway
Aerobic training utilizes ATP as its energy substrate and, as a result,
produces less energy per molecule of glucose utilized
Aerobic training is performed to increase aero-
than does aerobic exercise.
bic capacity or fitness. The aerobic capacity of an
Anaerobic training improves the capacity to main-
individual is the ability to utilize the body’s glyco-
tain a high rate of power production for short dura-
gen stores via the aerobic metabolic pathway. An
tions of exercise at very high intensities. This requires
individual’s aerobic capacity is measured by the
that muscle recruitment and muscle contractile func-
maximum oxygen consumption, better known as the
tion be better maintained after training so that the
Vo2max—the maximum amount of oxygen an indi-
onset of fatigue is developed. This may result, in part,
vidual is able to utilize in one minute per kilogram
from the increased efficiency of the body’s anaerobic
of body weight. This can be measured in the labora-
metabolism while also improving its tolerance of
tory by exercising the individual to exhaustion and
lactic acidosis. The level of discomfort experienced in
directly measuring the amount of oxygen consumed
training correlates well with measured serum lactate
and carbon dioxide produced. From this procedure,
concentrations. Physiologists and coaches regularly
the maximum amount of oxygen consumed can be
measure blood lactate concentrations during training
determined accurately. A simpler, but less exact,
to assess progress. This usually occurs in submaximal
method known as ‘the predicted Vo2max’ is estimated
exercise where the blood lactate concentration is
by measuring the heart rate at a specific workload.
plotted against speed of movement (e.g. in swim-
This predicted Vo2max is commonly performed in
ming, rowing, running, cycling). However, many
health and fitness centers. Alternatively, the rating of
other variables probably contribute to the superior
perceived exertion (RPE) can also be measured at a
performance seen after ‘anaerobic’ training.
series of submaximal workloads so that the maximal
The concept of maximum oxygen consumption
workload predicted to occur at a maximal RPE of
(Vo2max) and lactic acidosis limiting athletic perform-
20 units can be estimated. Although the athlete is
ance is currently undergoing critical evaluation.44–46
unable to monitor oxygen consumption directly
The ‘classic’ model of Hill, which still enjoys support
during training he or she can monitor heart rate
among a substantial number of exercise physiologists,
or RPE or both, which correlates well with oxygen
suggests that:
consumption during submaximal activity. Thus, heart
rate or RPE can be used to monitor the intensity of 1. progressive muscle hypoxia limits maximal
aerobic training (see box). exercise performance; as a result, the main
In muscle, aerobic activity increases mitochondrial determinant of exercise performance is the
number and activity, glycogen storage, ability to use heart’s ability to supply sufficient blood (and
free fatty acids and vascularity. Cardiovascular effects oxygen) to the exercising muscles
include decreased heart rate and blood pressure 2. anaerobiosis (lack of muscle oxygen) secondary
with increased cardiac stroke volume and improved to the inability to further increase the cardiac
endothelial function.43 output (producing a ‘plateau’ in cardiac output)

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explains the onset of lactate production by separated by periods of rest or recovery. The principle
skeletal muscle at the ‘anaerobic threshold’ of such training is to achieve a level of lactic acidosis
3. mitochondrial adaptation in the exercising with one individual effort and then allow the body to
muscles alone explains changes in performance recover from its effects before embarking on another
with endurance training. bout of exercise. There is scope for enormous variation
in the intensity and duration of the exercise bouts and
This model has been challenged with the contem- the duration of the recovery period.
porary, but certainly not universally accepted, model Interval training must be activity-specific. It is also
of Timothy Noakes, the South African physician important to note that interval training is only one
and exercise physiologist. Noakes’ data refute the component of an athlete’s training, often undertaken
classic model and he concludes that skeletal muscle in conjunction with an aerobic program. Because
recruitment and contractile function are regulated by of its increased intensity, the potential for injury
a hierarchy of controls (conceptually ‘the governor’) or accelerated chronic fatigue while undertaking
specifically to prevent damage to any number of dif- interval training is relatively greater than for aerobic
ferent organs.46–52 He argues that, according to the Hill training.
model in which a plateau in cardiac output precedes
Strength and power training
the development of skeletal muscle anaerobiosis
and lactic acidosis, the first organ to be threatened Muscular strength is the amount of force that may
by the plateau in cardiac output would be the heart, be exerted by an individual in a single maximum
not skeletal muscle. The plateau in cardiac output muscular contraction. Power is the maximum amount
would prevent any further increase in blood flow to of work an individual can perform in a given unit of
the heart, leading to myocardial ischemia, the onset time. Both of these qualities are inherent to many
of chest pain (angina pectoris) and heart failure. He athletic pursuits; therefore, the development of mus-
also provides evidence that this was, in fact, the belief cular strength and power is an important component
of the early exercise physiologists, including Hill in of training.
England and Dill at the Harvard Fatigue Laboratory Muscular strength may be increased by utilizing
in the United States, and was a central component one of three different resistance training techniques.
of their teachings. Hill conceived the presence of a These are summarized in the box.
‘governor’ in either the heart or the brain that would
Isotonic strength training
reduce heart function as soon as myocardial ischemia
developed. Noakes and colleagues have extended this Isotonic strength training is a commonly utilized
interpretation to suggest that the governor exists in the strength technique.
central nervous system, hence the central governor,
• It may be concentric (in which the muscle
and that it responds to the input of multiple sensory
shortens as it contracts to move a weight) or
inputs from all the organs in the body. In response
to those inputs the central governor regulates the
number of motor units that can be recruited in the
Three different resistance training
exercising limbs, reducing or limiting the number that
can be recruited when their continued recruitment,
necessary to maintain the work output or exercise 1. Isotonic (‘same rate of contraction’) exercise:
intensity, threatens whole-body homeostasis. Hence, resistance to movement is constant and the
Noakes suggests that during maximal exercise the speed of movement is varied.
progressive myocardial ischemia that precedes skeletal 2. Isokinetic (‘same speed of movement’)
muscle anaerobiosis must be prevented so that ‘neither exercise: a muscle group contracts to move
the heart nor the skeletal muscle develop irreversible through a range of motion at a constant
rigor and necrosis with fatal consequences’. The reader speed with variable resistance. To achieve
is directed to the publications that summarize this this, the resistance must be increased as the
argument to date.46–48, 50–52 movement progresses (i.e. with an isokinetic
Irrespective of the theoretical background that machine).
underpins the physiology, the most efficient method 3. Isometric (‘same length’, i.e. muscle does not
of increasing anaerobic fitness is to undertake a form change length) exercise: maximal muscular
of intermittent exercise or interval training. Interval contraction against immovable resistance.
training involves a number of bouts of exercise that are

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eccentric (in which the muscle contracts as it the lifting of a weight from the floor to a position above
lengthens) or utilize a combined movement. the ground. The Olympic-type lifts are the power
• Resistance can be provided by free weights, clean, snatch, and clean and jerk. These lifts exercise
rubber bands, pulleys, weight machines or the a greater number of muscle groups than conventional
individual’s own body weight. weightlifting, exercising them both concentrically
• Examples include the bench press, the dumbbell and eccentrically. The potential for injury is high and
curl, the power squat and the calf raise. athletes must learn correct lifting techniques before
attempting large weights. It is advisable to wear a
The advantages of isotonic weight training over weight belt to prevent back injuries. Because of the
isometric and isokinetic techniques include: explosive nature of the lift, Olympic-type lifting is
• tend to be more functional, natural movements an excellent means for improving power as well as
• athlete can observe the work being done as the strength.
weight is lifted Plyometric training
• may be performed over a full range of
movement or, alternatively, over a specific Another technique of increasing power is plyometric
limited range of movements training. Plyometric exercises (plyometrics) use the
• athlete/coach can measure the amount of weight natural elastic recoil elements of human muscle and
lifted and the number of repetitions performed. the neurological stretch reflex to produce a stronger,
faster muscle response. Plyometrics is a form of resist-
The potential dangers of isotonic weight training ance training that combines a rapid eccentric muscle
include: contraction followed by a rapid concentric contrac-
• athletes require adequate supervision in the tion to produce a fast forceful movement. It must be
gymnasium performed in conjunction with a resistance training
• athlete should never attempt to lift a maximal program as athletes need to have minimum basic
weight without a ‘spotter’—an assistant who is strength levels before commencing plyometrics.
able to help the athlete if problems arise There are a number of plyometric exercises avail-
• isotonic machines such as the Universal or able. These include hopping and bounding drills,
Nautilus machines may provide a safe alternative jumps over hurdles and depth jumps (see Fig. 11.18).
to free weights but these machines limit the All of these activities emphasize spending as little time
range of motion and are unable to provide truly as possible in contact with the ground.
constant resistance through the lift. Because of the explosive nature of the exercise,
plyometrics has a great potential for injury and,
Isotonic exercises in which the body weight of the therefore, an athlete’s plyometrics program should
individual is used as resistance are also safer than free be carefully supervised. Delayed onset muscle sore-
weights and are often more convenient to perform. ness (Chapter 2) may occur following this form of
Exercises such as sit-ups, push-ups and chin-ups can exercise.
be done almost anywhere and require no supervision. Plyometric training should only be performed
However, it is difficult to increase the resistance of the one to two times per week and when the athlete is
exercise and the only way to increase the effort is to fresh. The surface must be firm, but forgiving, such
increase the number of repetitions performed. as sprung basketball floors. Injury risk is minimized
Isokinetic and isometric strength training if the athlete warms up and warms down correctly
and the volume of work is built up gradually. When
Because of the need for specialized equipment, the technique begins to deteriorate, the exercise should
use of isokinetic training by athletes is usually limited be stopped.
to rehabilitation from injury (Chapter 12). Isometric
Flexibility training
training is usually discouraged because it develops
strength in a very small range of motion but it is used Flexibility training using one or more of the stretch-
in rehabilitation after injury where range of motion ing techniques mentioned earlier in this chapter is
may be restricted. an important component of training. In developing
an increased range of motion across a joint, it is also
Olympic-type weightlifting
important to develop muscle strength and power
Olympic-type weightlifting is often used as part of a through this newly acquired range of motion to avoid
strength training program. Olympic lifting involves muscle injuries.

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Speed training
Adequate recovery
Running speed, a largely inherited ability, is an impor-
Adequate recovery is essential if the athlete is to
tant component of many sports. Athletes can, however,
benefit fully from training and prevent injuries from
develop speed by improving muscular power and
occurring. This is discussed in Chapter 7.
strength, thus increasing stride length and cadence, as
well as by improving technique, which increases the
efficiency of ground coverage. Therefore, running speed Psychology and injury
can be increased by undertaking resistance and power prevention
training as well as by performing running drills. These
drills may include ‘high knees’, ‘heel to buttock’ and Excessive psychological arousal (Chapter 39) can not
‘overspeed’ work, for example, downhill running. only impair sporting performance but is also likely to
increase the risk of injury. Overarousal is associated
Agility training with impairment of natural technique, which players
Agility and rapid reflexes are also inherited charac- describe as a ‘loss of rhythm’. Loss of concentration
teristics. However, like speed, they can be improved can also predispose to injury by giving the athlete less
somewhat by training and, thus, are included in time to react to cues. This is clearly a risk in contact
training programs of all sports. There is an increasing and collision sports but can also cause injury in non-
emphasis on agility training for exercise prescription contact sports. For example, an overaroused tennis
among seniors to prevent falls.53 Examples of specific player who does not react optimally to an opponent’s
agility exercises include the classic military stepping serve will then be forced to return from a biomechani-
exercises and figure of eight running. These exercises cally poor position, which increases stress on certain
should be sport-specific whenever possible. muscle groups.
Underarousal can also predispose to injury. For
Specific skill training example, if a player has been relegated to a lower
Sports have specific skills that require training in level of competition, he or she may not warm up as
order to achieve a high level of efficiency. A propor- diligently as normal. Furthermore, visual cues may
tion of training time must be devoted to developing not cause as rapid a response as when truly focused.
these specific skills, preferably with the aid of a This may lead to injury in a body contact sport or
coach. Often, skill training requires the repetition technical errors that can lead to falls in a sport such
of explosive movements and, therefore, has a high as gymnastics.
risk of injury. To prevent injury, a proportion of skill
training should be done at an intensity level below Nutrition and injury
normal competition conditions.
Inadequate nutrition may increase the risk of injury
To prevent injury it may be beneficial to reduce the due to its effect on recovery (Chapter 7). Inadequate
amount of weight-bearing exercise. Cross-training glycogen repletion causes a reliance on fat and protein
enables the athlete to maintain aerobic fitness while stores and this may result in increased protein break-
reducing stress on weight-bearing joints, muscles down, which, in turn, may lead to soft tissue injury.
and tendons. There are several mechanisms by which inadequate
In athletes with a chronic condition such as articu- dietary protein intake may lead to muscle injury.
lar cartilage damage to a weight-bearing joint, cross- Intense training causes skeletal muscle breakdown,
training may be used to reduce the impact load while which can be exacerbated by inadequate dietary pro-
maintaining adequate training volume. Similarly, in tein. Inadequate hydration may compromise blood
a patient returning to sport from an overuse injury, flow to working muscle, which may increase suscepti-
such as a stress fracture, cross-training can reduce bility to injury. Hydration is thought to influence the
the risk of recurrence. amount and composition of joint fluid, which helps
Runners may wish to introduce one to two sessions to nourish articular cartilage.
per week of activities such as cycling, swimming or Calcium is the major mineral component of bone
water running. These alternative work-outs can mir- but inadequate dietary intake does not appear to be
ror the athlete’s usual training session (e.g. interval directly associated with bony injury, such as stress
training, aerobic or anaerobic training). fracture.54 Because of the role of micronutrients in

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bone and/or muscle metabolism, deficiencies in Olsen OE, Myklebust G, Engebretsen L, Holme I, Bahr R.
nutrients such as potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, Exercises to prevent lower limb injuries in youth sports:
chromium, copper and various vitamins may increase cluster randomized controlled trial. BMJ 2005; 330(7489):
susceptibility to injury. However, at present no data 449.
demonstrate this to be the case. Shrier I. Does stretching help prevent injuries. In: MacAuley D,
Maintaining low weight and low body fat is impor- Best T, eds. Evidence-Based Sports Medicine. London: BMJ
tant in many sports and confers an advantage in Books, 2002: 97–116.
sports such as running and gymnastics. In sports Sulheim S, Holme I, Ekeland A, Bahr R. Helmet use and risk of
such as rowing and wrestling, weight limits are set. head injuries in alpine skiers and snowboarders. JAMA 2006;
Athletes may have rapid, large fluctuations in weight 295(8): 919–24.
immediately prior to competition, which is associated Thacker SB, Stroup DF, Branche CM, Gilchrist J, Goodman RA,
with significant losses of lean body tissue and water. Porter Kelling E. Prevention of knee injuries in sports.
Another group of athletes constantly strives to lower A systematic review of the literature. J Sports Med Phys
weight. Certain female athletes with chronic low- Fitness 2003; 43(2): 165–79.
energy diets are at risk of menstrual disturbance and Verhagen E, van der Beek A, Twisk J, Bouter L, Bahr R, van
reduced bone formation (Chapter 41). These women Mechelen W. The effect of a proprioceptive balance board
have an increased risk of stress fracture. Similarly, training program for the prevention of ankle sprains: a
people suffering from eating disorders such as ano- prospective controlled trial. Am J Sports Med 2004; 32(6):
rexia nervosa and bulimia have low bone density and 1385–93.
increased risk of bony injury. Yeung EW, Yeung SS. Interventions for preventing lower limb
soft-tissue injuries in runners. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
2001; 3: CD001256.
Recommended Reading The five-part British Journal of Sports Medicine series outlining
the ‘central governor’ model of skeletal muscle recruitment and
Ahern DK, Lohr BA. Psychosocial factors in sports injury regulation is listed below:
rehabilitation. Clin Sports Med 1997; 16: 755–68. St Clair Gibson A, Noakes TD. Evidence for complex system
An overview of a variety of psychological techniques that have a integration and dynamic neural regulation of skeletal muscle
role in prevention and rehabilitation. recruitment during exercise in humans. Br J Sports Med
Arnason A, Engebretsen L, Bahr R. No effect of a video-based 2004; 38(6): 797–806.
awareness program on the rate of soccer injuries. Am J Lambert EV, St Clair Gibson A, Noakes TD. Complex systems
Sports Med 2005; 33(1): 77–84. model of fatigue: integrative homoeostatic control of
Bahr R, Maehlum S. Clinical Guide to Sports Injuries: An peripheral physiological systems during exercise in humans.
Illustrated Guide to the Management of Injuries in Physical Br J Sports Med 2005; 39(1): 52–62.
Activity. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, 2004. Noakes TD, St Clair Gibson A, Lambert EV. From catastrophe
The authoritative text on a number of fronts, and injury to complexity: a novel model of integrative central neural
prevention is at the heart of this beautifully illustrated book. regulation of effort and fatigue during exercise in humans.
Barbic D, Pater J, Brison RJ. Comparison of mouth guard Br J Sports Med 2004; 38(4): 511–14.
designs and concussion prevention in contact sports: a Noakes TD, St Clair Gibson A. Logical limitations to the
multicenter randomized controlled trial. Clin J Sport Med ‘catastrophe’ models of fatigue during exercise in humans.
2005; 15(5): 294–8. Br J Sports Med 2004; 38(5): 648–9.
Emery CA, Cassidy JD, Klassen TP, Rosychuk RJ, Rowe BH. Noakes TD, St Clair Gibson A, Lambert EV. From catastrophe
Effectiveness of a home-based balance-training program in to complexity: a novel model of integrative central neural
reducing sports-related injuries among healthy adolescents: regulation of effort and fatigue during exercise in humans:
a cluster randomized controlled trial. Can Med Assoc J 2005; summary and conclusions. Br J Sports Med 2005; 39(2):
172(6): 749–54. 120–4.
Murphy DF, Connolly DA, Beynnon BD. Risk factors for lower
extremity injury: a review of the literature. Br J Sports Med
2003; 37(1): 13–29.
Noakes TD. Lore of Running. 4th edn. Champaign, IL: Human
Kinetics Publishers, 2003.
A classic book on a number of fronts but particularly relevant to 1. Vaz D, Santos L, Carneiro AV. Risk factors: definitions
anyone interested in the history, and the physiology, behind and practical implications. Rev Port Cardiol 2005; 24(1):
training regimens for running. 121–31.

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33. Benson BW, Mohtadi NG, Rose MS, Meeuwisse WH. Head 45. Noakes TD. Maximal oxygen uptake: ‘classical’ versus
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