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Quality 101

Air Gaging Basics: The 4 W’s

What, who, why, and where of air gaging.
By Chris Koehn

All Images Source: Air Gaging LLC

November 23, 2022

What Is Air Gaging?

Air gages were first developed in France before World War II by a carburetor company that
was looking for a more reliable method of measuring its carburetor jets.

Air gaging is based on the law of physics regarding flow and pressure. They are directly
proportionate to the clearance and will react opposite to each other. In other words, if there is
more clearance there will be more flow but less pressure and with less clearance there will be
more pressure and less flow.
A Few Minutes on Air Gaging

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In order to measure this, you must have regulated air pressure that flows through a restriction,
and then through the nozzle in the air tool. As the clearance due to the workpiece is smaller,
air flow is reduced, and the back pressure is increased.

In order to calibrate the gage for the task at hand, a known artifact (MEAN) or artifacts (MIN
and MAX) are used to set the display on scale and report accurate and highly repeatable
diameter sizes. These artifacts are certified master rings and/or plugs and are typically set at
the Nominal or the MIN and MAX ranges of your tolerance. Different manufacturers use
different methods of calibration.

Who Uses Air Gaging?

Typically, air gaging is used at manufacturing companies that mass produce tight tolerance
parts. It is also used to measure complex parts such as tapers even when not in a high
production environment because of the ease and speed of which parts can be measured. This
technology is used in automotive, aerospace, and medical applications.

Why Use Air Gaging?

Air gaging is a very fast, efficient and reliable method of measuring. It is designed to be used
on workpieces with tolerances of 0.005” or smaller. The resolution and repeatability of the
measurement can be in the millionths of an inch. Because air gaging is a noncontact method,
it is useful for measuring soft, highly polished, thin walled and other materials susceptible to
marking. Air gaging is extremely easy to use and requires no special skills for the operator.
Multiple operators will achieve the same or nearly the same measuring results when
measuring the same part, thus taking operator technique out of the measurement results. This
is a problem when you are using a contact gage such as a micrometer or dial bore gage.

Air gaging can be used to measure complex geometric tolerances such as diameter, taper,
parallelism, squareness, flatness and matching of components in a very fast and efficient

Many of today’s columns and/or measuring computers can become an integral part of the
manufacturing cell with communication to robotic loaders and the ability to send offset
values to the machine, which allows for around the clock manufacturing with 100 percent
inspection of workpieces.

Air gaging systems operate at air pressures that can remove contaminates such as abrasive
particles and coolant, which will eliminate the need for a separate cleaning in most
applications. The air tooling has no moving parts and therefore has a very long and
dependable service life.

10 Benefits Of Using Air Gaging:

1. Fast. The measurement is extremely fast. Great for 100 percent inspection of
high-volume parts. Measurement takes only seconds and can be done inline,
in many operations.
2. High precision measuring results. Air gaging can repeat measurements in the
sub-micron range (millionths of an inch range) with a very high degree of
3. No special training. Multiple operators will achieve similar results in
measurements without special training. Ideal for the busy shop where
everybody multi-tasks nowadays.
4. Easy to use. Goes hand in hand with no special training, as air gaging
requires just a few quick steps.
5. Noncontact. Air gaging is noncontact and will not damage your parts.
Sensitive components and delicate webbed structures can be measured
without risk of damage.
6. Self-cleaning. Because the air is blowing across the surface being measured,
any dust or coolant will be cleaned from the part. This saves considerable
prep time and related costs for the shop.
7. No moving parts. This provides for longevity of the gaging system. If the air
supply is consistent and clean, air gages can last for many years.
8. Small diameters. Air gaging can be used to measure extremely small
diameters. Less than .6mm on an inside diameter is possible.
9. Taper measurements. Air is a quick and accurate way to measure tapers. Can
display in degrees, minutes, seconds, taper per foot and many more.
10. Small lands or thin-walled parts. Will not distort the part on thin walls.
Where To Use Air Gaging?

Air gages can be implemented on a work bench on the shop floor for quick first piece or
100% inspection depending on volume. It can also be incorporated into the measurement
process with robotic loading for lights out production. They also are commonly used in the
gaging lab for verification of parts from the shop floor.

This article is intended to give a basic understanding of when to use air gaging and how it
might be of benefit in your shop. Even though it is an old technology, it is still one of the
fastest and most accurate ways to measure. Air gaging technology is continually improving as
computer technology continues to evolve. These systems can range from simple desktop
readouts to full SPC computers with contour scanning capabilities. As manufacturing
requirements continue to become more complex, air gaging technology evolves to meet the
demand. For these reasons, air gaging will remain a viable measuring solution for generations
to come

In-Process Air Gaging

The terms in-process and air gaging may not immediately
sound like they go together, but there are advantages to this
By Chris Koehn
Air gaging can be very effective at measuring more complex features such as multiple
diameter steps, tapers and more sophisticated geometric callouts such as perpendicularity,
straightness and parallelism. Source: Stotz

Air gaging is a very effective method for checking inside diameters including extremely
small bores. Source: Stotz
This is an advanced robotic articulation of the probe, a setup often found working in tandem
with a transfer or assembly line, for in-process, noncontact gaging. Source: Stotz

May 1, 2014

In recent years, we have seen an upward trend of higher production manufacturers wanting to
integrate their air gaging quality checks from a stand-alone, outside of machine device where
the operator is performing a manual check, to an automated in-process gage. There are
several reasons for this trend, including higher quality standards and tighter tolerancesas well
as running a leaner operation. The benefits are 100% inspection of the required geometric
callout, as well as handshaking between measuring device and machine to make each piece
better than the prior one and remove any bad parts.

The terms in-process and air gaging may not immediately sound like they go together.
Typically, in-process gaging is some form of contact gage that is done very close to the
grinding wheel or cutting tool. This process is very effective, but limited in what you are able
to check. In most cases, you are simply checking a diameter. Whenair gaging is used in-
process, there is typically some simple handling systemto remove the part from the chuck or
centers and place it into the air gage. Depending on the machine type, the air gage may be
able to measure the part while still being clamped into the machine.

So, why would someone use air gaging instead of the usual contact method of in-process
gaging? As I mentioned previously, the contact method is typically used for measuring a
diameter and in most cases that is an outside diameter. Air gaging can be very effective at
measuring more complex features such as multiple diameter steps, tapers and more
sophisticated geometric callouts such as perpendicularity, straightness, parallelism and many
others. It is also a very effective method for checking inside diameters including extremely
small bores.

You also get the other standard benefits of air gaging, which include noncontact measuring so
you don’t mark the parts and wear out the gages too quickly; a high level of repeatability;and,
as mentioned before, you can measure more complex features because the air gage is
designed and built for a specific task. Most contact methods are available as an option on the
machine and are limited to simple features only.

A typical setup of an in-process air gage would consist of a lathe or a grinding machine
turning or grinding the workpiece. Once that process is completed, the part would either be
placed on or in the air gage or the air gage would be placed on or in the workpiece through
some simple handling device. We are finding that many times robots are already being used
to load and unload machines and can simply be reprogrammed to handle the air gaging task
as well. The air gage column is then handshaking with the PLC (Programmable Logic
Controller) or robot. The communication is typically handled through digital input/outputs.
Common handshaking would include the PLC communication to the column that the part is
now in the gage and to start the measurement.

The column would then measure the part and send a signal to the PLC indicating that part as
good or bad (accept/reject). The column would also send the offset values to the machine to
make the next piece equal or better than the one just measured. This would typically be done
either through the RS232 outputor via Ethernet. The handling system would then remove the
workpiece and place it in the appropriate location according to the good or bad signal it
received. The column can also save the data to any standard SPC system. There are other
options available, such as serial number tracking of each workpiece.

The return on investment (ROI) of this type of setup will happen much more quickly than you
might think. The benefit of inspecting 100% of your workpieces and automatically sorting the
good/bad parts ensures that you don’t accidentally send a bad piece to a customer. That
coupled with the fact that you are automatically making offset adjustments, which means that
each piece is equal to or better than the prior piece, would result in less scrap. Those benefits
and the labor cost saved from having a person or several people throughout a three-shift
operation manually checking each part would justify the investment in a very short
timeframe. In addition, your spindle runtime and workpiece output will both increase using
this method because while you are measuring one piece you are already making the next one.
This ROI happens even faster if a robot for loading/unloading is already present in the
manufacturing cell. If you have mid- to high-production parts that you are currently
measuring offline using air gaging, you should give a serious look at automating the process. 
Air Gaging in a High Production,
Automated Manufacturing Environment
Air gaging continues to evolve and stay relevant in today’s
automated world.
By Chris Koehn

A multi-circuited air probe is shown here. 

May 7, 2018

The biggest trend we are seeing in the manufacturing industry is automating the inspection
process using robots. According to a projection from ABI Research, the number of industrial
robots sold in the U.S. will jump nearly 300% in less than a decade. There were 40% more
robots sold in 2016 in the U.S. than in the four years prior, according to data collected from
the Robotic Industries Association. This trend continues because the cost of the robot is
declining even as the capability of the robot is rising as well as a difficult labor market
placing hiring strains across the market. Another factor for the rise of the robots is continuous
improvement and the desire to inspect 100% of the critical dimensions of a given part. Air
gaging continues to evolve and remain a relevant form of metrology in today’s automated
Here is a four channel column with digital inputs/outputs.

So how could air gaging fit into this environment? Isn’t air gaging basically used as a go/no
go gage to simply check if the parts are good or bad? The answer: not anymore. Air gaging
has evolved with the demands of customer requirements and is being used in fully automated
measuring stations to perform 100% inspection and provide feedback to the machine tool for
offsetting. The air gaging rings and probes haven’t changed much over the years except for
being able to measure smaller and smaller diameters. The major advancements have come in
the control units. They are often referred to as comparators, columns, or measuring
computers. These devices can have digital inputs and outputs, analog inputs and outputs,
Ethernet, Profibus, USB, RS232 and many others. These communication protocols allow for
the gages to function in semi-automatic or fully automatic measuring modes including

The Measurement Procedure

Here is an example of how the measuring procedure could be set up. The first thing that
would happen is the calibration of the gaging system. This can be done either manually or
automatically. Typically, if it is done automatically, the MIN and MAX masters will be in the
form of the workpiece being measured. This makes it much easier for the robot to load the
masters onto the gage because the robot is already configured to pick up and load the
workpieces. In either case, the MIN master is loaded onto the gage and then either the start
button is pushed manually or is triggered from the PLC (programmable logic controller)
through one of the communication protocols such as the digital input/outputs. The MIN
calibration can then be stopped through several procedures. You could manually press the
stop button, or it can be triggered through the digital input/output or a countdown cycle could
have been started from the start procedure. You would then remove the MIN master from the
gage and place the MAX master on the gage and repeat the cycle. This calibration cycle can
be controlled either using a timer to trigger the cycle, a parts counter, manual trigger, or some
other trigger. Calibration is typically done one time per shift, but some customers require it
more or less frequently.

A robotic cell with six measuring stations using a robot is shown here.

The Measurement Cycle

The measurement cycle of the workpieces is very similar. The robot would load the
workpiece onto the gage and then signal the start of the measurement. There could either be a
countdown cycle and then the gage would stop on its own or it can wait for the signal from
the PLC to stop the measurement. The control unit would then report a signal if the part was
good or bad. The robot would use this signal to sort good and bad parts. The control unit
could then report offset values back to the machine so that adjustments could be made
without human intervention. This is typically done using an algorithm and normally uses at
least a three piece average for making adjustments. The control device has full statistical
process control (SPC) that can be monitored to see your manufacturing process and can be
exported out of the system to be saved. 

This setup could be used to check only one diameter or there could be multiple stations for
the robot to pick and place allowing the measurement of many features. To date, the most
features we have measured on a single station is just over 200 but the capability is much
higher. We have also integrated tracking serial numbers read from a data matrix engraved on
the part so that the measurement data for each individual part is stored and can be recalled at
any time. The capability of these devices is growing rapidly and will allow for more
integration in the future to match the continued demands of today’s quality professionals. Air
gaging can measure more than just simple inside and outside diameters. It can measure
perpendicularity, taper, parallelism, runout, flatness, and many others.
This is a scanning device for measuring IDs and ODs.

Now that we have discussed some of the capabilities and a sample of how the automation
works, let’s talk a little about the cost of a system like this. With all the capabilities, you
might think that an automated measuring cell will cost a lot of money. Surprisingly with the
cost of robots and the measuring system itself declining in recent years, you can get into a
simple automated cell for under $40,000. This device can run 24/7 so the return on
investment on a system like this might be as short as three months. With that type of return, it
is hard not to take a serious look at automating your measuring system.

Does Air Gaging fit into a Modern World?

Air gaging is an extremely fast measurement method even
when measuring difficult geometries.
By Chris Koehn
September 2, 2020

All the buzz these days is about laser micrometers and vision systems. If you visit a
tradeshow or get any online advertisement, many companies are promoting these measuring
methods. While they are both highly effective forms of measuring technology, they also have
some drawbacks that still make air gaging a particularly important technology to keep in
mind. The first air gages were developed in France before World War II. Let’s discuss how a
technology that has been around that long measures up to today’s latest offerings.

First I’ll introduce air gaging, how it works, and its benefits, and then we can discuss how it
stands up to today’s latest technology.

The first air gages were developed in France before World War II by a carburetor company
for measuring its carburetor jets. This proved to be a reliable method that has continually
evolved into today’s advanced technology. Air gaging works according to a law of physics
that states pressure and flow are directly proportionate to clearance. When clearance
decreases, air flow decreases, and air pressure increases. When clearance increases, air flow
will increase, and air pressure will decrease proportionally. The pressure is determined by
using an artifact, typically referred to as a setting master, of known value. Some air gaging
systems use one master and some use two, but this article is not to argue the
advantages/disadvantages of either type. This known value is used to plot actual diameters or
other features on a scale between your upper and lower tolerance points.

The benefits of using air gaging are many. One of the biggest reasons is its relative ease of
use which requires no special training, and will allow multiple operators to get similar,
repeatable results. Air gaging is very economical and I do not think we talk about it enough,
but the tooling cost is inexpensive when compared with other forms of measurement. It is a
noncontact form of measurement, so you do not mark the part or influence thin wall parts
with contact points. This also allows for measurement of non-metallic parts such as plastic
and other material. This technology can be used to measure exceedingly small diameters
(under 1 mm).

Air gaging is an extremely fast measurement method even when measuring difficult
geometries. This can save a lot of money compared to the CMM time required to measure the
same geometry. It is extremely accurate; in fact, it is one of the most accurate measurement
systems in the world. Because it uses air for measurement, it has a built-in cleaning effect to
dissipate any coolant or cutting fluid. It relies on a simple principle that has no moving parts
and therefor the life of the product is exceptionally long.

Air gaging can be used to measure diameters, both inside and out, taper, perpendicularity,
parallelism, out of round, lobing, straightness, flatness, matching, angle in either decimal
degrees or degrees, minutes, seconds, and other geometrical tolerances.

Laser micrometers and vision systems offer the ability to measure a wide range of parts,
diameters, and tolerances, there are still some vulnerable issues such as lighting, which is the
biggest factor in how successful you will be with a vision system, shiny parts, coolant or oil
on parts and other issues that require some level of expertise from the operator to minimize
these negative effects.

Air gaging is made specifically for the application requested so it does not have the wide
range that comes with those other technologies, but it is still the fastest and most reliable
measurement method in the industry for the specific task at hand. There are also some
features that cannot be measured using vision or lasers. An example that comes to mind is a
small, tight tolerance bore. A laser cannot measure this, and a vision system is extremely
limited depending on the depth of the bore. The vision system is also limited to pixel size for
repeatability. The higher the resolution of the camera, the more expensive the system is. Air
gaging repeats in the submicron level (0.0002 mm or 0.000008”). Because the air gage is
designed specifically for the application, measurement is completed in seconds, is repeatable,
reproducible, and easy for an operator to manage.

The tooling in air gaging systems has not really changed a lot since those early days with the
exception of smaller and smaller sizes. Air gaging systems have evolved on the display side
to become a critical component in today’s 100% inspection world. Systems can become an
integral part of the manufacturing cell by keeping track of serial numbers, lot numbers, or
other important criteria and then sending offset values back to the machine to keep the
manufacturing process on track and reducing scrap. The systems can seamlessly integrate
with robots and PLCs to require minimal human interaction and offer lights out production to
increase profitability and throughput. Some of the communication protocols available today
include RS232, Digital I/O (24 Volt DC), USB, Ethernet IP, Ethernet TCP/IP and Profibus.
With all the communication protocols available, it will easily integrate into your
manufacturing cell. Although the technology is very old, air gaging has found a way to stay a
relevant metrology option in today’s demanding world. Make sure to keep air gaging in mind
on your next application! Q

Air Gages: Accurate, Easy and Efficient

Quality Control
Air gages are an accurate, reliable and inexpensive metrology
tool used in the quality control process of production.
By Gena Johnson
The instruments measure changes in air pressure by using compressed air to measure changes
in air flow. This measurement is achieved through the laws of physics.

Air gages are an accurate, reliable and inexpensive metrology tool used in the quality control
process of production.
May 1, 2013
Air gages are an accurate, reliable and inexpensive metrology tool used in the quality control
process of production.  Patented for manufacturing in 1943, historians document this tool has
been in use for nearly a century.  
“Air gages are one of the most specific and accurate tools that can measure a direct known
pressure,” says Chris Janutol, quality manager at Intra Corporation(Livonia, MI).
The instruments measure changes in air pressure by using compressed air to measure changes
in air flow. This measurement is achieved through the laws of physics. 
“As clearance increases, air flow also increases and air pressure decreases proportionately. As
clearance decreases, air flow also decreases and air pressure increases accordingly,” says
Robert Edmunds III of Edmunds Gages (Farmington, CT). 
According to Edmunds maximum air flow occurs when an air tool blows into an unobstructed
nozzle. This produces the minimum amount of air pressure which is called back pressure.
Conversely, as the obstruction gets closer to the air nozzle, the air flow is decreased and the
back pressure increases. When the air nozzle is completely closed, air flow is at zero and the
back pressure is at its maximum. This example shows how air flow and back pressure are
proportionately related, as one increases the other decreases.
Air gages are ideal to use with small spaces or products with several components to inspect. 
“It is often used when you don’t have a lot of real estate but have multiple checks within the
spindle,” says John Robson, design engineer at Birdsall Tool and Gage (Farmington Hills,
Air gages can measure tight tolerance with resolutions as small as 0.000002 inch. The tool
does not touch the part being inspected. This is ideal when checking soft, delicate, highly
polished, thin metals. 
“The steel gage and the aluminum part may mark up or put holes in the part,” says Janutol.
In addition to not scratching the part, no touch testing reduces the chance of the air gage
breaking the part or damaging it in any way. The force of the air cleans the part and removes
particles and coolants at the measurement point. This eliminates the need for separate
cleaning in most operations.
“Since air gage tooling has no moving parts, it’s virtually immune to fouling,” says Edmunds.
Air gages are cost effective because they do not require skilled training to operate. It gives a
quick assessment. This reduces operator fatigue and saves time on the production floor. Once
the initial air gaging system is purchased, it is relatively inexpensive to add reading indicators
and other tooling devices. 

Back Pressure Bleed System

Many companies have chosen the back pressure bleed method because of its versatility and
flexibility. Using a fixed regulation to control incoming air pressure, this system has a second
adjustable restriction in the feed line which is opposite the output leg. The second restriction
allows users to adjust for different air gage tooling and read out by varying incoming air
pressure. The typical adjustable restriction between the regulator and air tool controls the
magnification while the second adjustable restrictor releases excess air to adjust the zero
position. Minimums and maximums are calibrated using both ends of the tolerance range.
This system operates at higher air pressure which allows the air nozzle to be used at a farther
distance. This protects the nozzles from wear that could affect the accuracy of the
measurement. This results in the air tools lasting much longer than conventional options.

Back Pressure System

The back bleed pressure systems become back pressure systems by removing the second
adjustable restriction. If using the two-master system, it operates just as the bleed method but
requires dedicated tools with limited ranges and lacks the tool diversity of the bleed method.
As a result, the back pressure system is limited with modern application.

Single or Double Master

The single master system uses just one fixed limit standard. It measures an air gage
readout/amplifier at just one scale location. Only the nominal or zero point of tolerance is
measured with assurance. Therefore, the operator must trust the read out has correctly
translated size differences into correct scale readings at multiple scale locations throughout
the part tolerance. 
According to Edmunds, inaccurate readings are more likely to happen with a single master
especially when parts are manufactured at the edges of their part tolerance.

The Differential System

The differential system is also called the balance system. “The air stream is divided and flows
through two fixed restrictions. On one side of the system is the bled leg which ends in a zero
valve, which balances pressure to the fixed second leg of the system, terminating at the air
plug. The difference between these two legs is measured by means of the differential pressure
meter that bridges these legs,” says Edmunds.
The set up is faster because the system is set to zero. This amplifier can only be set to zero.
An inaccurate reading could occur from damaged or worn tooling especially in a single
Back pressure bleed, back pressure and differential are air gaging systems commonly used in
manufacturing.  The part, cost and operator determine what air gaging system is used.  While
each system has its advantages and its challenges, air gaging is still one of the most simple,
accurate and inexpensive ways of quality control testing.


Quality 101: All About Air Gages

By Donald Moors

October 3, 2012
Dimensional air gages have been providing highly precise part measurements for decades.

Regardless of the specific features offered by the manufacturer, all air gage readouts are pneumatic
comparator instruments, and to display a precise measured value they must be referenced to a master
artifact of known value. Source: Western Gage
Air gages, or more precisely dimensional air gages, are measuring devices that use air nozzles to
sense the surface to be measured. Using this technique, air is passed to one or more sensing nozzles
and the resulting flow is measured by the air gage readout that is calibrated to display in linear
dimensions. This technology was introduced in the 1940s, and since the 1950s has gained wide
acceptance as a highly precise means of measuring internal and external diameters as well as many
other features.

Readouts that measure the air flowing to the gaging nozzles have evolved from instruments that used
tapered glass tubes with little pucks that float up and down within the tube, or alternatively, highly
sensitive mechanical pressure gages coupled with needle valves or orifices serving as flow restrictors.
Both of these designs have been largely replaced by readouts that use piezoresistive pressure
transducers and electronic amplifiers coupled to digital or analog displays; typically these
air/electronic instruments have serial data ports facilitating data logging and statistical process

Regardless of the specific features offered by the manufacturer, all air gage readouts are pneumatic
comparator instruments, and to display a precise measured value they must be referenced to a master
artifact (or artifacts) of known value. For measurement of internal and external diameters,
ASME/ANSI standard plain ring gages, plug gages or set disc are typically used for most

Figure 1 - This shows a jet hole where air exits the nozzle and an air gap at the nozzle face. Source:
Western Gage

Single Master vs. Dual Master Air Gage Systems

Precision measurement requires controlling both the bias and the scale factor of the measurement
system. In other words, the combination of the readout and the gaging member must be zeroed, and
the sensitivity of both the readout and the gaging member must be set to a precise value. If the
manufacturer carefully controls the pneumatic sensitivities of both the readout and the associated air
gage member, one setting master will be sufficient to “zero the gage” for the application, otherwise a
second master is required to set the sensitivity (scale factor). Both factory pre-scaled (single master)
systems and user scaled (dual master) systems have tradeoffs in terms of accuracy, cost and user
friendliness; and both are offered by several manufacturers. Regardless of the readout type or the
calibration system used, it is the characteristics of the sensing nozzles that primarily determine the
benefits and limitations of air gage technology.
The Gaging Nozzles
Figure 1 shows the air gage sensing nozzle. It displays a jet hole where air exits the nozzle and an air
gap at the nozzle face. For clarity, the illustration exaggerates the air gap: normally it is 1/10 the
diameter of the jet hole or less. When limited to 1/10 the jet diameter, the area around the exit of the
jet hole becomes the dominant restriction in the air passage, and a direct linear relationship between
the air flow and the gap height exists. When connected to the appropriate air gage readout some very
useful gaging tools result; the air probe shown in Figure 2 is one such tool.

Designed to measure internal diameters, the air probe incorporates two diametrically opposed air
nozzles in a hardened steel body with air passages connecting the nozzles. (Note: Manufacturers’
nomenclature for internal diameter measuring air gage members varies; they may also be referred to
as air spindles or air plug gages. The writer prefers the latter.)

As supplied to the user the air probe body will be sized to “slip fit” in the hole to be measured,
typically with less than 0.001 inch clearance to the low product limit. Note also that the nozzle tips are
recessed below the probe’s body; and that there is a vent groove leading to the area around the nozzle
that allows air to escape the nozzle area and assures that the jet hole is the dominant flow restrictor in
the air circuit. Now let’s look at some of the neat features this measuring tool has-as well as its

Rapid, High-Precision Measurement With a Minimum of

Operator Skill
The probe is body piloted in the hole, so there is no need to centralize or rock the gage to find the true
diameter. Opposed gaging nozzles make the measurement independent of how the gage is positioned
in the hole. If the gage is displaced in the radial direction, the increase in air flow in one nozzle is
offset by a corresponding decrease in the opposite nozzle; this “differential measurement” is not
limited to two nozzle configurations, arrays of three or more nozzles can be used to inspect for lobed
out-of-round conditions or to average an out-of-round condition. Coupled with air/electronic gage
readouts, variable data is easily obtained for real-time SPC.
Figure 2 - The air probe shown here is a gaging tool. Source: Western Gage

Noncontact Measurement
Since the nozzles are recessed below the body diameter, wear on the body does not directly influence
the accuracy of the gage; furthermore, the air has a self cleaning effect, blowing debris away from the
area being measured. These features coupled with the aforementioned differential measurement
feature make dimensional air gages outperform other methods of gaging in many applications-
particularly those involving high precision IDs and ODs.

Small Sensor Size

For some applications this may be the most significant attribute: the air gage nozzle may be the only
sensors small enough and rugged enough to fit into the work pieces.

What limitations does air gage technology have? We would be remiss in not commenting on these in
this overview of air gage technology.

Limited Range, Relatively High Acquisition Cost

Without a doubt, limited gaging ranges of individual gaging members are the most significant
limitation to this technology. Unless the features to be measured are very closely grouped in size, an
air gage will be required for each feature. Whether this is cost effective drills down to the cost of the
air gage vs. the costs of passing out-of-tolerance parts forward in the production process and whether
a gage with a lower acquisition cost can perform the function with the available level of operator skill.

Comparability to Other Means of Measurement

Air gages sense the average height of the surface areas directly opposite the jet holes in the gaging
nozzles, while gages with hard contacts ride on the peaks of the surface profile. This can result in a
variance between measurements made by these types of sensors on rough surfaces. These variances
will be minimal or nonexistent on a part with a ground or honed surface, but may be significant on
parts with rough surface finishes. In general the variance will not exceed twice the difference between
the center line averages of the surface roughness of the workpiece and that of the setting master.
Air Gaging Deserves Another Look
By Andreas Blind

How do you wring the best performance from a manufacturing process if you don’t have quick,
accurate, reliable and repeatable measurement systems? The obvious answer is that you can’t. Every
manufacturing process produces variations, requiring manufacturers to employ a wide range of
metrology systems to control part quality.

If your process produces rough parts, or parts with large tolerances, then any number of measurement
systems could conceivably meet your measurement requirements. If your process produces semi-
finished and finished parts, or parts with extremely small tolerances, then your options are quite a bit
more limited.

Even though it is possible to measure reasonably small tolerances with contact and optical gaging,
pneumatic measurement systems offer reliable, cost-effective possibilities for many manufacturers.

Pneumatic gaging is like the Rodney Dangerfield of the metrology world: even though it has quite a
few stellar qualities that make it stand out from its competition, it gets a lot less respect than it
deserves. Some manufacturers have limited their use of pneumatic gaging to small tolerance in-line
gaging, mostly due to outdated perceptions of pneumatic gaging, costs associated with air
consumption, noise level, and the supposed limited interoperability (flexibility) of these “dedicated”

In fact, today’s pneumatic measuring systems offer many advantages: great accuracy, robust
mechanical construction, operator friendly interface, low cost, and superior system flexibility.

In decades past, the air compressor, the filters necessary to clean the air, the piping to deliver air to the
system, the constant air consumption required to measure parts, and the dedicated nature of the system
itself added up to a meaningful expense. Today, all of those “costs” have been severely curtailed
through better technology.

Modern high pressure pneumatic systems require only an inexpensive off-the-shelf air filter for
submicron accuracy. Screw compressors, reservoir tanks, and the ability of high pressure
measurement systems to shut air off between measurements have also sharply reduced the cost to
operate an air gage.

Finally, the flexibility of today’s air gaging systems adds a great deal of value, avoiding the dedicated
nature of previous systems. Interchangeable air tooling and other easily changeable features permit
users to reconfigure an existing system for multiple part sizes, thereby easily extending the life cycle
of the system for years.

Accuracy, repeatability and response time of air gage systems becomes a major advantage where
tolerances are less than 50 microns, for example on semi-finished parts to finished parts.

The edge in rough finish part measurement generally goes to electronic contact systems mainly due to
associated costs and the lower importance of accuracy, repeatability and response time. For semi-
finished parts, the two types of measurement processes become more equal, although that really
depends on where during the manufacturing process the measurement is actually taken (in-line, off-
line, post-process, in-process).

But for finished parts, the edge tips quite a bit more in favor of pneumatic gaging as it has
substantially better accuracy and repeatability, as well as a faster response time.

One final item that is worth mentioning, or maybe we should treat it like a question instead, is the
robust nature of any measurement system. Using modern manufacturing methods, pneumatic systems
by their very nature are quite a bit more robust than many other types of measurement systems. Since
the only real moving part of a pneumatic system is the air, it can withstand quite a bit more
punishment than other types of systems and is not affected by dirt, oil or swarf (metal shavings) on
the part.

Although pneumatic measurement systems are not used for form or contour measurements, and do not
offer the flexibility of an optical system for measuring a wide variety of part types, they can deliver
high measuring accuracy, repeatability and speed, day in and day out over thousands of parts, without
the need for constant maintenance. For high volume metrology, air gaging deserves another look.

Air Gaging
Air gages provide reliable, repeatable measurements.
By Edward McMenamin
Source: Western Gage Corporation

Source: Western Gage Corporation

Source: Western Gage Corporation

Source: Western Gage Corporation

January 1, 2016
Air gages have been reliable tools for more than 70 years, providing accurate and repeatable measures
of diameter, depth, parallelism, taper and flatness.

Air gage systems use a precision orifice (jet) at a specific distance from the surface being
measured and regulated air pressure to create a pressure-distance curve. As the clearance
between a part and the tooling’s jets is reduced, air flow is reduced and back pressure
increases. This pressure distance curve is then interpreted into a displacement and displayed
on a readout device.

The tool is designed to examine total tolerances of typically 0.005 inches or smaller, with
abilities to measure to the millionth of an inch, according to Air Gaging, LLC President Chris

“For high-volume, tight-tolerance applications, an air plug is a very good way to go,” says
George Schuetz, director of precision gages for Mahr Federal. “Plus … the air tends to blow
away water-based contaminates and so forth and cleans out the part as it makes the

Another benefit is the lack of operator influence on the measurement, unlike a caliper or
micrometer where the user has to maintain a consistent angle and approach for each part.

“With an air plug you just stick it in the hole and you make the measurements,” Schuetz

In addition, because air gages are non-contact, they are suitable for inspecting soft and thin-
walled materials.
Single Master or Min-Max Master

There are two philosophies for calibrating an air gage before measurement. One is to use a
single master to zero the gage, and the other is to use two masters to set a min-max range.

“If you can precisely control the jet characteristics, its clearance to the part and the air
pressure, you create a very accurate and repeatable pressure distance curve.” explains
Schuetz. “So with this concept, a zero master puts the air system in the very mid-point of that
pressure distance curve and ensures high performance throughout its measuring range.”

The other method uses two masters to set a min-max value.

“Now you have two slightly different back pressures, depending on how far apart those
tolerances are,” explains Koehn. “And to put it real simply, the column or the readout is like a
calculator at that point.”


Koehn says his most common customer works in high-production and is looking for high-

“They want to inspect 100 percent of the pieces and then track them,” he says. “Some of our
software has SPC built into it, so they can statistically track all of the pieces. That’s probably
the No. 1 type of customer that’s coming to us is high-production round parts.”

Automotive remains one of the largest high-production users of air gages, along with
aerospace and medical.

Koehn says his second largest customer category looks for ways to explore the complex
internal geometry of a part faster than they would with a CMM.

Rather than the approximate 15 minutes it would take a CMM to check the taper of an
artificial hip, for example, an air gage can read the measurement in a few seconds because its
tooling has been made specifically for the task.


Air gages work best with smooth parts.

“If you have a rough surface, the air has to fill in all those valleys on the surface on the part.
So if you have a very rough part, you can get a variation between the peaks and what the air
gage is measuring,” Schuetz says.

Another limitation is that air jets on the tooling must be totally covered by the part. Meaning,
“You can’t measure right up to a corner of a surface, you have to measure some distance
away from that surface, again to make sure the jet is totally covered,” he continues.

An additional limitation pointed to by Koehn is the lack of range. If a manufacturer has the
same part in three different sizes, differing by a half inch each, it will require three different
air plugs.
“And that’s the downside versus contact gages,” he explains. “Maybe a dialed bore gage will
give you a half-inch to an inch of range. We only have a few thousandth (of an inch) of

That limitation is balanced by the fact that, as previously mentioned, air gaging is fast, and
almost no operator error is possible with the air gage.

“If you have a dial bore gage and you have three operators, they will all get slightly different
readings depending on how perpendicular they held the dial bore gage to the surface they
were measuring,” he says. “An air gage doesn’t have that problem. Multiple operators will
get nearly the same reading, within the repeatability of the gage.”


While the general principles behind air gaging have remained constant, improved computer
processing and other advancements have allowed the technology to evolve and grow in the
number of suitable applications in recent decades.

“The math functions that can be done, you can check a lot more things, you can show
degrees, minutes, seconds of an angle,” Koehn says. “You can do any kind of calculation that
you want. You might take several diameter readings, even on one plane, and average them
together. They’re not just the old glass tube style anymore where it just tells you what the
diameter is of the particular plane that you’re checking. It really has evolved to become more
of a tool that can give you some correlation to a CMM.

“We also do scanning with air gages. We can actually scan the contour of a part. We’ll do
this in fuel injection. They actually scan and literally get hundreds of data points and it will
actually draw the contour and pick out those features that they want to check. So in that
circumstance, the air gage has become much more than what an air gage was initially
designed for.”

Case Study: Air Gages Validate Spindle

Interface Components
February 25, 2010

Stotz MRG air column displays all values of surface finish, taper angle and
straightness. Source: Advanced Machine & Engineering

Advanced Machine and Engineering (AME, Rockford, IL) has been a customer of Stotz USA
LLC (Freeport, IL) for a long time. Today, these two market leaders maintain a great working
relationship, for all the right reasons.
AME demands the highest level of quality in their machining and finishing departments and
Stotz air gaging systems facilitate the accomplishment of that goal, every day, according to
AME service manager Greg Hobbs. “Air gaging is the only technology we’ve found that’s
accurate enough to check the machine tooling and especially the spindle tapers we produce
here. In the past, we’d use hard gages and we still use them, but only for certain OD (outside
diameter) checks. We’d blue up the tapers, insert them, give them a good twist and do our
inspections, but there was way too much inconsistency. Today, with sophisticated HSK
tooling, this method is too hit or miss to be reliable. Air gaging provides dead stops on the
test stand and the documentation is unbeatable for validation on the straightness, surface
finish and taper angles. Plus, the Stotz system allows us to upload all the data on every part,
so we have our favorite word-documentation-for every part we produce.”

Hobbs also comments on the user-friendliness of the Stotz air column. When the program is
first input into the column for a part in the AME grinding department, for example, the Stotz
column essentially becomes a programmable logic controller, providing hard data via the
Ethernet connections to the host database. In this manner, every parameter of every part is
documented and recorded. In a classic example of the law of unintended consequences, this
process is not only used on the parts run, it also is used for calibrating the AME machines, in
a predictive maintenance function.

At AME, various testing of machined spindle interface and other components is performed
both at the machines in the grinding department, in a temperature-controlled 72 F
environment, plus in the company’s totally environment-controlled in-house testing
department, supervised by the company’s director of quality, Brad Patterson. He confirmed
Hobbs’ observation that numerous other technologies have been investigated over the years
for quality checking at AME and that air gaging has been found to be the best and most
reliable for this company’s applications, particularly inside diameter (ID) dimensions and

At AME, air gaging has been found to be reliable for the company’s applications, particularly
inside diameter dimensions and configuration. Source: Advanced Machine & Engineering
Patterson also observes, “The sophistication of the Stotz air column is unmatched in the
industry. We get all the data required and we get it in exactly the fashion needed to support
our customers. Repeatable results and elimination of error occur every time. Plus, the set-up
is much faster than on our laser mics, which can’t be used for ID measurement.”

Patterson further notes that the replacement of the bluing technique, one he termed a “black
art,” with air gaging has brought and keeps AME up to the most current industry standards
for quality evaluation.

The typical Stotz air column found here is the Model MSG, with four pneumatic channels or
10 LVDT channels operating simultaneously, pneumatic length measuring, user-specific
programming up to 18 programs per column, full statistical analysis and full data transfer
capability within the host network. All information is fed into the AME host computer by
serial number, so any job can be quickly retrieved, while historical records on any part
produced can be easily called up for evaluation, deviation claims or to dovetail with a
customer’s internal quality protocols.

Typically, as AME’s Grinding Supervisor Sam Schubert explains, the finished product will
rest for 24 hours of soaking, allowing the diameters to normalize. Though statistically
predictable for most metal materials, thermal expansion can cause off-normal readings to
occur. For checking certain bearing journals or spindle shafts, snap gages are set to
accommodate size measurements down to the 20 millionths (0.00002 inch) range. The
acceptable diameter tolerances for most AME products measured are in the one- to two-
tenths (0.0001-0.0002 inch) range.

In cases where new masters are made for setting control values, those values are preset
offline and programmed into the air column’s software, according to Hobbs. Stotz typically
performs this function for the customer in a remote manner over the Internet, through a
proprietary IP address.

Among the many products finished in this grinding department are CAT/ISO 40 taper
spindles, HSK test arbors, HSK grind quills and HSK steep taper milling tools. Often, older
and worn spindle shafts are reverse engineered by AME for retrofits and remanufacturing.
Even in these cases, air gaging is used to evaluate the finish process on the ID taper, as this
technology is easily adapted to such applications, according to AME personnel.

At AME, various testing of machined spindle interface and other components is performed
both at the machines in the grinding department and at the in-house testing
department. Source: Advanced Machine & Engineering
Schubert expands on the use of Stotz air gaging at AME.

“We have a full and very expensive inventory of hard gages with state-of-the-art indicators
attached. But the air gages can do so much more. We use them for set-up on the grinding
machines and they save us hours, every week. When you run the number of jobs we do here,
that translates into substantial, additional work product and therefore more revenue for the
company. In terms of reliability, some of the Stotz air gages we run here have been at AME
since we began using the technology, nearly 10 years ago now.” Schubert also notes the air
gaging set-ups on the grinders dramatically reduce the time to first part in his department’s
On one major spindle shaft project for an Asian machine tool builder, who was looking for a
local source of supply in America, Schubert notes, AME was
confronted with an unusually large quantity run, where tool degradation during the run would
normally impact the production at some point. After an initial batch was produced, the
machine builder claimed that everything but the taper was satisfactory. Surprised by this
claim, AME checked all the documentation and determined that the customer’s test unit was
actually out of spec, in a case where the error was repeated consistently and thus overlooked.
In that instance, the AME products were deemed better than perfect.

Schubert cites a useful analogy here. “The documentation we can produce from the air gaging
procedure is like a birth certificate on every unit we make. All our spindle shafts for
customers, for example, can be viewed as a series of genetically identical twins to each other
and we’re providing the documentation of their DNA.”

As evidence of their commitment to this technology, Schubert notes that AME is now
purchasing air gaging fixtures for all new customer applications. This quality spindle
interface manufacturer aims to “keep breathing easy” in their process and product validation,
as a result.

 Incorporating air gages with grinding machines help save set up time by saving
 Information is fed into the AME host computer by serial number, so any job can be
quickly retrieved.
 Air gaging provides dead stops on the test stand and the documentation is unbeatable
for validation on the straightness.

Calibration of Measuring Devices

Calibration of measuring devices deals with one of the three
sources of uncertainty: accuracy.
By Rob Lievense
Image Source: Apicha Thumvisead / iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Image
November 8, 2022

Data-driven problem solving is critical for organizations to remain competitive; however,

good decisions are built upon accurate measurements. A calibration schedule for instruments
must be completed at the right time to ensure minimum bias, the evaluation of as-is condition
gives light to serviceability and the adequacy of calibration efforts. This article highlights the
use of linearity and bias studies to extract information on the accuracy of measurements,
highlighting instruments that may need further investigation.

Measurement devices produce data used to ensure processes are in control and capable of
meeting requirements. Measurements include uncertainty, which may interfere with good
decision-making. Measurement uncertainty involve three components: accuracy, precision,
and random variability. The use of the stopwatch function on a personal device provides a
good illustration of each. The difference between the reading indicated and what could be
determined with device known to produce robust results denotes the accuracy of the reading.
Obtaining the same result with repeated tries or reproduction of the same result by multiple
people is considered precision. Nothing can be done about the third component, random
variability. Further study into precision involves measurement systems analysis, which is not
part of this article and strongly suggested as a follow-up topic for readers. Calibration of
measuring devices deals with one of the three sources of uncertainty: accuracy.

Calibration is most effective when the subject instrument is first studied in “as is” condition
within the typical use environment (figure 1). The graph provides initial visual evidence of
instrument accuracy. A sizeable amount of bias variation in the blue dots (observations) is
present across the reference range. The red squares represent average bias, and the red line
indicates that bias changes across the reference range. Comparison of the cloud of
observations to the Bias (y-scale) explains that the device generally provides values that are
greater than the actual measurement.
Figure 1 - Study As Is Condition | Image Source: Minitab LLC

Calibration is done to mitigate bias. Average bias is a summary of the differences in

measurement across the reference range. The reference range should be wide enough to
determine bias for measures that include out of specification results. A good rule of thumb is
a reference range that is at least 125% beyond the specifications. A review of process history
can be used to tune in the reference range through determination of the most extreme
measures likely.

Consider a digital scale used in manufacturing operations to measure the weight of

pharmaceutical tablets. Tablet weight is quantified in milligrams (mg) and the scale
manufacturer specifies that the device can measure to within 1 mg. A laboratory scale is used
to create the standard measurements as it is specified to measure to within 0.1mg.
Measurement standards that are 10X tighter than the test device should work very well for a
study. Some studies involve manufactured standards, which tend to be expensive and require
specific storage and handling to ensure continued serviceability.

The tablet samples are stored in clearly marked small containers during the study to avoid
inadvertent mixing. Great care and documentation must be involved to ensure that the
samples cannot be released into the flow of good product. Technicians agree upon handling
procedures to ensure that the test samples are not changed, which is critical to the value of the
study. The example study includes replicate measurements of samples and multiple trials by
three operators to represent typical use. The standards were created by measuring each
sample three times and calculating the average. One could argue that some uncertainty from
replication and reproduction is included in the data, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

Bias tends to not be constant across a range of measurements. Linearity is used to fit a linear
model about the bias values. The averages in bias across the measurement range are used to
calculate the intercept and slope of the trend (table 1). Statistical regression is used to test if
the slope of the average bias trend is different than zero, which is the default expectation. A
significant trend in bias does not necessarily condemn a device. Technicians must use the fit
statistic (r-square) and subject matter expertise to determine if the trend is practically relevant
to the needed accuracy when the device is applied. A significant trend of a building negative
bias of 0.11mg for each unit increase in range is not practically relevant when measuring a
specification range of 80 to 90mg.

A Flourish data visualization

Average bias can be a useful summary statistic to explain the accuracy of a gage; however, it
becomes less useful when a significant linear trend is present. The p values across the
reference range (table 2) indicate significant differences in bias, especially for tablets in the
lighter half of the reference range. The lightest tablet (standard = 73mg) include bias in
measurement that is nearly three times greater than the average bias with only a six tenths of
a percent likelihood that the difference is due to random variability (p=0.006).

A Flourish data visualization

The digital scale is clearly not performing as accurately as the instrument’s technical
specifications indicate. The problem is more severe if the instrument is used for tablets with a
standard weight less than 99mg. The organizational requirement for digital scales used in
operations is accuracy within 3mg. No further action is required per procedure; however, it
may be prudent to investigate if the unit has been used for very light tablet product to ensure
that an unacceptable quality risk is present.

The digital scale is serviced by calibration technicians and the internal load cell is adjusted
per standard procedure to “zero” the unit. Many organizations stop at this point and release
the unit back to regular use. It is prudent to replicate the study and determine the linearity and
bias of the calibrated unit to illustrate the accuracy as used in operations.
Figure 2 - Study Post Calibration Adjustments and Servicing | Image Source: Minitab LLC

The post calibration study (figure 2) illustrates that the digital scale has a much higher level
of accuracy than before. Significant linearity exists with the instrument (P=0.001); however,
it is not considered practically relevant to the weight specifications used during production.
Average bias of (-0.2 mg) can be used to summarize the performance as only one reference
weight has bias that differs significantly (100mg, bias of -1.6, p=0.005).

Linearity and bias studies provide a great deal of information about a measurement
instrument. Tracking of results over time can help organizations determine if the calibration
schedule is robust as well as suggesting possible handling problems. Well planned studies
reduce quality risk by enhancing the reliability of values obtained during quality checks.
Instruments that indicate increasing bias in as is studies should be considered for replacement
to ensure high levels of accuracy across the organization.

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