I Care About You

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THUR. 8TH - WED. 14TH JUNE, ‘23

Dr. Isaiah

Dear Pillar,
I Care About You!
be aligned.
ow are you faring in seeking the Lord in this season of visitation?
Remember that the LORD will visit everyone according to his/her
faithfulness, so be faithful by doing your best in your own unique way, to

As we began today, I had to write to look out for you because, I truly care about your
spiritual development and I know this is the best time to put all the teachings on the
fear of the LORD, seeking the Lord etc., to work, because not the hearers but the
doers of the word are blessed.
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your
own selves. - James 1:22

7 Days of Visitation and Restoration

As we observe these 7 days of visitation and restoration, we understand that people
are in different time zones, and have different livelihoods which may limit their
availability for the three sessions already created. However, to ensure that everyone
can participate, we are making an adjustment to the initial daily schedule, such that
each of the three sessions in the day will comprise of a time of;
Prayer (1hr)
Worship (1hr)
Meditation (1hr)

Full Broadcast schedule

In other words, the full broadcast schedule for the day will be as follows:
First Session: (12am – 3am GMT+1)
- 12am – 1am (1hour): Prayer Session
- 1am – 2am (1hour): Worship Session
- 2am – 3am (1hour): Meditation Session
Second Session: (9am – 12Noon GMT+1)
- 9am – 10am (1hour): Prayer Session
- 10am – 11am (1hour): Worship Session
- 11am – 12 Noon (1hour): Meditation Session
ird Session: (3pm – 6pm GMT+1)
- 3pm – 4pm (1hour): Prayer Session
- 4pm – 5pm (1hour): Worship Session
- 5pm – 6pm (1hour): Meditation Session

With this new schedule, everyone can find the most convenient session to connect
and participate.
Based on your availability, you may also choose to participate in specific parts of each
session. For instance, you can connect to pray in tongues in the 9am session, then
connect for the worship in the 3pm session.

e Most Important ing

e most important thing is what you do personally in these 7 days, to maintain
alignment with the Spirit of God. us, it is important to maintain peace in your
heart and make a sacrifice to create time to seek the Lord these 7 days.

But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not
corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit,
which is in the sight of God of great price.
- 1 Peter 3:4

Maintain an atmosphere of quietness in your heart, in your home and environment

while you redirect your thoughts to the Lord, waiting on Him.

Also, disconnect from every source of distraction that can prevent you from giving
utmost focus to the Lord. You may cut off TV time, Social Media time, etc., in a way
to starve your distractions and focus fully on the LORD.

Keep your environment clean.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. If we claim to be expecting the LORD, then we
should ensure a level of cleanliness.
e Broadcast & You
You can watch the broadcast on any of the platforms we are streaming on
- GoBox 3.0 App (Available on the Google Play Store)
- OneSound TV
- YouTube @OneSoundRevivalTV
- Facebook @OneSoundRevivalTV

However, what we broadcast from our studios is to provide support and assist you
this period. But, in your privacy, home etc., remember to create personal times of
worship, prayer and meditation.

Do not Feel Guilty

Do not feel bad if you are not able to dedicate as much time as others and if you are
not able to attend all sessions. We have scheduled our broadcasts to try to be online
for as much as we can, to support your seeking. However, the true seeking will be
done by you in your peculiar situation, sacrificially prioritizing God in worship and
dedication to do His will. Let that be your focus and you will be on track with God.
Like the wise virgins, let oil be in your lamp that you may be ready to go out to Him
whenever He comes.

And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they
that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the
door was shut.
- Matthew 25:10

I love you so much, keep praying for me as I keep praying for you.

- Sunday services will hold in all churches globally. Only Lagos will decentralize
its services. Please reach your leader for more info.
- Mystery class will resume next Friday with 4th Dimension of Trust and then
other meetings as scheduled. Stay connected and you can call our number for
more info +234 908 899 9194

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