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Reference Data for the Density and Viscosity of Liquid

Aluminum and Liquid Iron 
Marc J. Assael; Konstantinos Kakosimos; R. Michael Banish; ... et. al

Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 35, 285–300 (2006)



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Reference Data for the Density and Viscosity of Liquid Aluminum
and Liquid Iron

Marc J. Assaela… and Konstantinos Kakosimos

Chemical Engineering Department, Aristotle University, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece

R. Michael Banish
Center for Materials Research, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, Alabama 35899

Jürgen Brillo and Ivan Egry

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Raumsimulation, Köln, D-51170, Germany

Robert Brooks, Peter N. Quested, and Kenneth C. Mills

Division of Engineering and Process Control, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington TW11 OLW, United Kingdom

Akira Nagashima

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Department of System Design, Keio University, Hiyoshi, Yokohama 223-8522, Japan

Yuzuru Sato
Department of Metallurgy, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8579, Japan

William A. Wakeham
University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom

共Received 4 May 2005; revised 13 July 2005; accepted 16 September 2005; published online 10 February 2006兲

The available experimental data for the density and viscosity of liquid aluminum and
iron have been critically examined with the intention of establishing a density and a
viscosity standard. All experimental data have been categorized into primary and second-
ary data according to the quality of measurement specified by a series of criteria. The
proposed standard reference correlations for the density of the aluminum and iron are
characterized by standard deviations of 0.65% and 0.77% at the 95% confidence level,
respectively. The overall uncertainty in the absolute values of the density is estimated to
be one of ⫾0.7% for aluminum and 0.8% for iron, which is worse than that of the most
optimistic claims but recognizes the unexplained discrepancies between different meth-
ods. The standard reference correlations for the viscosity of aluminum and iron are
characterized by standard deviations of 13.7% and 5.7% at the 95% confidence level,
respectively. The uncertainty in the absolute values of the viscosity of the two metals is
thought to be no larger than the scatter between measurements made with different
techniques and so can be said to be ⫾14% in the case of aluminum and ⫾6% in the case
of iron. © 2006 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2149380兴
Key words: aluminum; density; iron; melt; reference data; viscosity.

Contents 3. Density. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287

3.1. Experimental Techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
3.2. Data Compilation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 3.3. Density Reference Correlation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
2. Primary and Secondary Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 4. Viscosity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
4.1. Experimental Techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
a兲 4.1.1. The Capillary Rheometer. . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-mail:
assael@auth.gr 4.1.2. The Oscillating Vessel Viscometer. . . . 291
© 2006 American Institute of Physics. The Roscoe Analysis. . . . . . . . 292

0047-2689Õ2006Õ35„1…Õ285Õ16Õ$40.00 285 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2006
286 ASSAEL ET AL. The Beckwith, Kestin, and 14. Percentage deviations of the viscosity primary
Newell Analyses. . . . . . . . . . . . 293 data for liquid iron from the values calculated
4.1.3. The Rotating Cylinder Viscometer. . . . 293 by Eq. 共20兲, as a function of the temperature. . . . . 299
4.1.4. The Draining Vessel Method. . . . . . . . . 294
4.1.5. The Oscillating 共Levitated兲 Drop
Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294 1. Introduction
4.1.6. Acoustic Wave Damping. . . . . . . . . . . . 295
4.2. Data Compilation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 There is an increasing use of mathematical models to
4.3. Viscosity Reference Correlation. . . . . . . . . . . . 295 simulate a variety of processes involving liquid metals such
5. Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 as ‘‘cast to shape,’’ primary and secondary metal production,
6. Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 powder production by spray forming, and welding. Depend-
7. References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 ing on what aspect of the process is modeled, a need for
viscosity data of relevant alloys exists. Historically there are
wide discrepancies in the viscosity data reported for the me-
List of Tables tallic elements and alloys 关Iida and Guthrie 共1988兲兴. For ex-
1. Data sets considered for the density of liquid ample there is a spread of about 400% in the reported values
aluminum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 for molten aluminum and about 100% for molten iron.
2. Data sets considered for the density of liquid These discrepancies prompted this work to review the val-
iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 ues in the literature and attempt to derive recommended val-

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3. Recommended values for the density of liquid ues for the viscosity of aluminum and iron. These elements
aluminum and liquid iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 form the basis of a wide range of aluminum-based alloys and
4. Data sets considered for the viscosity of liquid steels which still contribute a crucial part in manufacturing
aluminum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296 industry. It was also recognized that values of the density of
5. Data sets considered for the viscosity of liquid these elements are important information in many of the ex-
iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 periments to measure the viscosity or are needed in the con-
6. Recommended values for the viscosity of liquid version of kinematic viscosity to dynamic viscosity.
aluminum and liquid iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299

2. Primary and Secondary Data

List of Figures
1. Density primary data for liquid aluminum as a
According to the recommendation adopted by the Sub-
function of the temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
committee of Transport Properties 共now known as the Inter-
2. Percentage deviations of the density primary
national Association for Transport Properties兲 of the Interna-
data for liquid aluminum from the values
tional Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, experimental
calculated by Eq. 共19兲, as a function of the
data can be categorized into two categories according to the
temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
quality of the data: primary and secondary data. The primary
3. Density primary data for liquid iron as a
data were identified by the following criteria 关Assael et al.
function of the temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
4. Percentage deviations of the density primary
data for liquid iron from the values calculated 共i兲 Measurements must have been made with a primary
by Eq. 共2兲, as a function of the temperature. . . . . . 291 experimental apparatus, i.e., a complete working
5. Diagram of a capillary viscometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 equation must be available.
6. Diagram of the NPL oscillating viscometer. . . . . . 292 共ii兲 The form of the working equation should be such that
7. Diagram 关Beckwith 共1957兲兴 showing region of sensitivity of the property measured to the principal
interest 8⬍ ␰ 0 ⬍23, 68⬍ ␩ 0 ⬍200 to be within variables does not magnify the random errors of mea-
the large cup regime 关 ␩ 0 ⫽H/( ␩ T 0 /2␲␳ ) 1/2, and surement.
␰ 0 ⫽R/( ␩ T 0 /2␲␳ ) 1/2]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 共iii兲 All principal variables should be measurable to a high
8. Diagram of a rotating bob viscometer. . . . . . . . . . . 293 degree of precision.
9. Diagram of a draining vessel viscometer. . . . . . . . 294 共iv兲 The published work should include some description
10. Damping of shape oscillations at 950 °C.. . . . . . . . 295 of purification methods and a guarantee of purity.
11. Viscosity primary data for liquid aluminum as a 共v兲 The data reported must be unsmoothed data. While
function of the temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 graphs and fitted equations are useful summaries for
12. Percentage deviations of the viscosity primary the reader, they are not sufficient for standardization
data for liquid aluminum from the values purposes.
calculated by Eq. 共19兲, as a function of the 共vi兲 The lack of accepted values of the viscosity of stan-
temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 dard reference materials implies that only absolute
13. Viscosity primary data for liquid iron as a and not relative measurement results can be consid-
function of the temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 ered.

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2006


共vii兲 Explicit quantitative estimates of the uncertainty of In such a case bubbles of gas will detach from the tip of the
reported values should be given, taking into account capillary. The density of the liquid specimen can be deter-
the precision of experimental measurements and pos- mined by measuring the difference in the overpressure re-
sible systematic errors. quired to form a hemispherical bubble of the inert gas at the
共viii兲 Owing to the desire to produce low-uncertainty refer- tip of the capillary at different depths in the liquid. The tech-
ence values, limits must be imposed on the uncer- nique is not as accurate as the pycnometric method but al-
tainty of the primary data sets. These limits are deter- lows density measurements at high temperatures. Its main
mined after critical evaluation of the existing data disadvantages are the corrections to the spherical shape, the
sets. high precision of the maximum bubble pressure measure-
These criteria have been successfully employed to the propo- ment and the presence of nonwetting effects in the gas/liquid
sition of standard reference values for the viscosity and ther- metal systems that can lead to spreading away from an inside
mal conductivity of fluids over a wide range of conditions, nozzle perimeter and across the surfaces of the capillary
with uncertainties in the region of 1%. tube. When measurements are carried out on aluminum, alu-
In the case, however, of the liquid metals, it was felt and mina can be formed by reaction with oxygen in the atmo-
agreed that these criteria needed to be relaxed slightly, espe- sphere; this can accumulate in the capillary tube and reduces
cially since the uncertainty of the measurements is much the effective radius of the tube.
higher, primarily due to: 共i兲 the difficulties associated with The Sessile-Drop technique employs a liquid drop of
the techniques employed in such high temperatures and 共ii兲 known mass resting on a plate or substrate. Provided the

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the purity of the liquid metal sample which can be strongly shape of the drop is fully symmetrical, the volume of the
affected by the surrounding atmosphere and the container for drop and hence its density, can accurately be calculated. To
the melt. It should also be mentioned that, where data were prevent a sessile drop to be formed asymmetrically, the
given only in diagram form, values were obtained by high- ‘‘large-drop method’’ is proposed. According to this tech-
resolution digital scanning. nique, a sessile drop is formed from an accurately ground
cylindrical tube with sharp edges which is most likely to
3. Density yield a drop that is perfectly symmetrical. Very accurate
measurements have thus been performed. The best fit of the
3.1. Experimental Techniques
shape of the drop 共when it departs from the pure sphere兲 can
One of the oldest techniques employed for the measure- be calculated using various algorithms and can improve the
ment of the density is the Archimedean technique. According accuracy of the computed densities.
to this method, a solid sinker of known weight in air is sus- In the levitation technique, a small drop of the liquid can
pended by a wire attached to the arm of a balance. When the be supported by three techniques: 共a兲 aerodynamically by gas
sinker is immersed in the liquid metal specimen an apparent flow in a convergent/divergent nozzle; 共b兲 electrostatically by
loss of weight is observed, arising mainly from the buoyant electrically charging the drop and holding it steady by an
force exerted by the liquid metal sample. To obtain very electrical potential; or 共c兲 by electromagnetic forces using a
accurate data, the volumes of the sinker and the immersed high frequency coil.
suspension wire or rod must always be corrected to allow for In the case of aerodynamic and electrostatic levitation the
thermal expansion at the operating temperature, since their drop is heated by a high power laser but frequently the elec-
volumes are, in general, determined experimentally at room tromagnetic field is used to both levitate and heat the drop.
temperature. The weight loss of the sinker must also be cor- The volume of the drop is obtained from sectional images
rected for the effect of surface tension on the weight of the which are frequently taken from three orthogonal directions.
wire. Both effects can be minimized by using a fine suspen-
The density is obtained from the sectional images and the
sion wire. A modification of the Archimedean technique is to
mass of the drop. Generally the method is inferior to the
drive the sinker into the liquid and continuously monitor the
pycnometric or the Archimedean methods. It has however
weight of the sinker as function of depth. This method ne-
the advantage that it is able to be employed with highly
gates the need for a correction for the surface tension forces.
reactive metallic elements since it is effectively container-
The Pycnometric technique refers to the filling of a vessel
or pot of known volume by the liquid metal. Upon freezing, less.
the solid metal specimen contained within the pot is weighed The gamma radiation attenuation technique is based on the
at room temperature. The method is absolute and allows very attenuation of a ␥-ray beam passing through the liquid metal.
accurate measurements provided the material of the vessel is The incident beam is attenuated according to the mass of the
characterized by excellent machinability, does not react with liquid metal, and is recorded by a radiation counter. In deter-
the liquid metal and has a low and well-known coefficient of mining the liquid metal’s density the mass attenuation coef-
thermal expansion. ficient must be known. An advantage of this technique is that
The maximum-bubble-pressure technique is based upon surface tension effects and chemical contamination of the
the formation of a hemispherical bubble of an inert gas at the liquid metal’s surface are not involved, since the ␥-ray beam
tip of a capillary tube immersed to a certain depth in a liquid. penetrates the bulk of the specimen.

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2006


TABLE 1. Data sets considered for the density of liquid aluminum

Purity Technique Uncertainty Form

Reference 共mass %兲 employeda quoted/% of datab

Primary data
Smith et al. 共1999兲 99.99 X-Ray 共Rel兲 — D
Yatsenko et al. 共1972兲 99.996 Sessile Drop 共Abs兲 1.5 D
Levin et al. 共1968兲 ⬎99.996 Sessile Drop 共Abs兲 1.0 D
Coy and Mateer 共1955兲 99.997 Bubble Pressure 共Abs兲 — P
Gebhardt et al. 共1955兲 99.996 Archimedean 共Abs兲 — P

Secondary data
Sarou-Kanian et al. 共2003兲 99.99 Levitation 共Rel兲 1.5 D
Nasch and Steinemann 共1995兲 — ␥-ray 共Abs兲 0.75 E
Abs⫽absolute; Rel⫽relative.
D⫽diagram; E⫽equation; P⫽points.

3.2. Data Compilation surface tension effects are identified to be the main reason
for their high values. This data set was not included in the
Tables 1 and 2 present the data sets found for the measure- primary data set.

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ment of the density of liquid aluminum and liquid iron, re-
A pycnometer was employed very successfully by Sato
spectively. Papers prior to 1930 were not considered, as
共2003兲 and this set was included in the primary data set.
sample purity was disputed before that time. In these tables,
The maximum-bubble-pressure technique was success-
the purity of the sample, the technique employed and the
fully employed by Coy and Mateer 共1955兲, and Frohberg and
uncertainty quoted are also presented. Furthermore the form
Weber 共1964兲. These data sets are thus considered as primary
of the data is noted. The data sets have been classified into
primary and secondary sets according to the criteria pre- data sets. In the case of the measurements of Watanabe
sented in Sec. 2 and in conjunction with the techniques de- 共1971兲, the scatter of data is much higher than the uncer-
scribed in Sec. 3.1. More specifically, following the brief tainty quoted. Hence this data set was not considered as a
presentation of the various techniques employed for the mea- primary data set.
surement of the density of the two liquid metals, the follow- The Sessile-Drop technique was successfully employed by
ing can be noted. Yatsenko et al. 共1972兲, while Levin et al. 共1968兲 employed
The Archimedean technique was successfully employed the large-drop method. Both sets of measurements give full
by Lucas 共1972兲, Kirshenbaum and Cahill 共1962兲, Lucas description of methods and procedures employed and are
共1960兲, and Gebhardt et al. 共1955兲. In these papers the tech- thus considered as primary data sets.
nique is well described and these data sets are considered as The levitation technique was successfully employed by
Primary data sets. In the case of Adachi et al. 共1971兲, the Saito et al. 共1969兲 and Sarou-Kanian et al. 共2003兲. The mea-
description of the instrument is insufficiently detailed. They surements of Saito et al. 共1969兲 were included in the primary
seemed to employ an alumina sinker, which is less dense data set. The measurements of Sarou-Kanian et al. 共2003兲,
than the iron melt, attached to a tungsten wire. In this case, although of high quality, were not included as they were in a

TABLE 2. Data sets considered for the density of liquid iron

Purity Uncertainty Form

Reference 共mass %兲 Technique employeda quoted/% of datab

Primary data
Brillo and Egry 共2004兲 99.995 Elect. Levitation 共Abs兲 1.0 P
Sato 共2003兲 99.99 Pycnometer 共Abs兲 0.5 E
Lucas 共1972兲 ⬎99.96 Archimedean 共Abs兲 0.3 D
Saito et al. 共1969兲 ⬎99.9 Levitation 共Abs兲 1.5 D
Frohberg and Weber 共1964a兲 99.98 Bubble Pressure 共Abs兲 — D
Kirshenbaum and Cahill 共1962兲 ⬎99.9 Archimedean 共Abs兲 0.05 P
Lucas 共1960兲 99.9 Archimedean 共Abs兲 — D

Secondary data
Wille et al. 共2002兲 99.99 Levitation 共Rel兲 — D
Nasch and Steinemann 共1995兲 — ␥-Ray 共Abs兲 0.75 E
Adachi et al. 共1971兲 99.97 Archimedean 共Abs兲 — D
Watanabe 共1971兲 ⬎99.9 Bubble Pressure 共Abs兲 0.7 D
Abs⫽absolute; Rel⫽relative.
D⫽diagram; E⫽equation; P⫽points.

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2006


FIG. 1. Density primary data for liquid

aluminum as a function of the tem-
perature: 共⽧兲 Smith et al. 共1999兲; 共䊊兲
Yatshenko et al. 共1972兲; 共䉭兲 Levin
et al. 共1968兲; 共䉱兲 Coy and Mateer
共1955兲; 共䊐兲 Gebhardt et al. 共1955兲;
共—兲 fitted equation; 共- - -兲 melting

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much higher temperature region than all other sets of mea- where c 3 ⫽7034.96 kg m⫺3 , c 4 ⫽0.926 kg m⫺3 K⫺1 , and
surements Also the measurements of Wille et al. 共2002兲 were T ref⫽1811.0 K is the melting point of iron 关Dinsdale
not included in the primary data set as their scatter was con- 共1991兲兴. The standard deviation of the above equation at the
sidered very high 共about 5%兲, in relation to all other sets 95% confidence level is 0.77%.
considered. Finally the measurements of Brillo and Egry In Figs. 1– 4 the primary data and their percentage devia-
共2004兲 performed by the electromagnetic levitation tech- tions from the above two equations for aluminum and iron
nique fulfilled all the requirements for the primary data, and are shown, respectively. The deviations are consistent with
were thus included in that set. the quoted uncertainties.
The gamma radiation attenuation technique was employed The overall uncertainty in the absolute values of the den-
by Nasch and Steinemann 共1995兲. This data set was not in- sity is estimated to be one of ⫾0.7% for aluminum and 0.8%
cluded in the primary data sets as it was felt that the mass for iron, which is worse than that of the most optimistic
attenuation coefficient should have not been considered as claims but recognizes the unexplained discrepancies between
temperature independent. This is probably the reason why as different methods.
temperature increases, these data are systematically higher Density values calculated from the above two equations
than all other sets. Smith et al. 共1999兲 employed the x-ray are shown in Table 3.
attenuation technique in a relative manner and these data
were included in the primary data set.
4. Viscosity
4.1. Experimental Techniques
3.3. Density Reference Correlation
There is a large number of methods to measure the viscos-
The primary density data for liquid aluminum and iron, ity of liquids, but those suitable for liquid metals are limited
shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively, were employed in a by the low viscosities of metals 共of the order of 1 mPa s兲;
linear regression analysis as a function of the temperature. their chemical reactivity and generally high melting points.
The following equations were obtained for the density, ␳, as Proposed methods include: capillary, oscillating vessel, rota-
a function of the absolute temperature, T: tional bob or crucible, oscillating plate, draining vessel, and
For aluminum 共temperature range 933–1190 K兲 levitation using the damping of surface oscillations in levi-
tated and acoustic methods.
␳ ⫽c 1 ⫺c 2 共 T⫺T ref兲 , 共1兲

where c 1 ⫽2377.23 kg m⫺3 , c 2 ⫽0.311 kg m⫺3 K⫺1 , and 4.1.1. The Capillary Rheometer
T ref⫽933.47 K is the melting point of aluminum 关Preston-
Thomas 共1990兲兴. The standard deviation of the above equa- The capillary rheometer is generally thought to be the best
tion at the 95% confidence level is 0.65%. method for the measurement of the viscosity of liquids 关Iida
For iron 共temperature range 1809–2480 K兲 and Guthrie 共1988兲兴 and is based upon the time for a finite
volume of liquid to flow through a narrow bore tube under a
␳ ⫽c 3 ⫺c 4 共 T⫺T ref兲 , 共2兲 given pressure 共Fig. 5兲. The relation between viscosity and

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2006


FIG. 2. Percentage deviations of the

density primary data for liquid alumi-
num from the values calculated by Eq.
共19兲, as a function of the temperature:
共⽧兲 Smith et al. 共1999兲; 共䊊兲
Yatshenko et al. 共1972兲; 共䉭兲 Levin
et al. 共1968兲; 共䉱兲 Coy and Mateer
共1955兲; 共䊐兲 Gebhardt et al. 共1955兲;
共- - -兲 melting point.

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efflux time is given by the modified Poiseuille equation or This technique is often used as a relative, rather than ab-
Hagen-Poiseuille equation 关Nagashima et al. 共1991兲兴 as fol- solute, method, as the experimental procedures are simple,
lows: and any errors incidental to the measurement of dimensions
are thereby avoided. For a viscometer in which r, l, h, and V
␲ r 4 ␳ ght m␳V
␩⫽ ⫺ , 共3兲 are fixed, Eq. 共3兲 reduces to
8V 共 l⫹nr 兲 8 ␲ 共 l⫹nr 兲 t
where r and l are the radius and length of the capillary, ␩ C2
respectively, h is the effective height of the column of liquid, ⫽C 1 t⫺ , 共4兲
␳ t
␳ is the liquid density, V is the volume discharged in time t,
and m and n are constants which can be determined experi-
where the values of C 1 and C 2 are easily evaluated using
mentally. The product ␳ gh may be replaced by ⌬ P, the pres-
viscosity standard reference samples, but are constants equal
sure drop along the capillary, and nr is called the end-
correction, and corrects for surface tension effects as the
liquid is expelled from the capillary. For liquid metals, with
their relatively high densities, the second term, which cor- ␲ r 4 gh mV
C 1⫽ , C 2⫽ . 共5兲
rects for kinetic energy, is particularly important. 8V 共 l⫹nr 兲 8 ␲ 共 l⫹nr 兲

FIG. 3. Density primary data for liquid

iron as a function of the temperature:
共〫兲 Brillo and Egry 共2004兲; 共䊐兲 Sato
共2003兲; 共䉭兲 Lucas 共1972兲; 共䊊兲 Saito
et al. 共1969兲; 共䉱兲 Frohberg and Weber
共1964a兲; 共䊉兲 Kirshenbaum and Cahill
共1962兲; 共䊏兲 Lucas 共1960兲; 共—兲, fitted
equation; 共- - -兲 melting point.

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2006


FIG. 4. Percentage deviations of the

density primary data for liquid iron
from the values calculated by Eq. 共2兲,
as a function of the temperature: 共〫兲
Brillo and Egry 共2004兲; 共䊐兲 Sato
共2003兲; 共䉭兲 Lucas 共1972兲; 共䊊兲 Saito
et al. 共1969兲; 共䉱兲 Frohberg and Weber
共1964a兲; 共䊉兲 Kirshenbaum and Cahill
共1962兲; 共䊏兲 Lucas 共1960兲; 共- - -兲 melt-
ing point.

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In determining the viscosities of metallic liquids by the cap- absorption and dissipation within the liquid. The viscosity is
illary method, an especially fine and long-bore tube 共in gen- determined from the decrement and time period of the mo-
eral, r⬍0.15– 0.2 mm, l⬎70– 80 mm) is needed so as to tion. The main advantages of the method are that the time
satisfy the condition of a low Reynolds number for ensuring period and decrement are easily measured and the amount of
laminar flow. This in turn requires a furnace with a similarly liquid is relatively small which allows stable temperature
long and uniform hot zone. Blockage of the capillary by profiles to be attained. One of the major difficulties is relat-
bubbles or oxide inclusions is a common problem, particu- ing the measured parameters to the viscosity through the
larly with aluminum alloys, and due to materials problems a second order differential equation for the motion of an oscil-
temperature limit of 1200 °C is often imposed, but metals lating system and there are a number of mathematical treat-
such as bismuth have been successfully measured 关Iida and ments appearing to yield different results 关Knappworst
Guthrie 共1988兲兴. 共1952兲; Shvidkovskiy 共1955兲; Roscoe 共1958兲; Kestin and
Newell 共1957兲; Brockner et al. 共1979兲兴 with the same experi-
4.1.2. The Oscillating Vessel Viscometer mental data. Since this is the most commonly used method it
will be discussed in more detail below.
Most measurements of the viscosity of metals use some
form of oscillating vessel viscometer. A vessel, normally a
cylinder, containing the test liquid is set in motion about a
vertical axis and the motion is damped by frictional energy

TABLE 3. Recommended values for the density of liquid aluminum and

liquid iron

Liquid aluminum Liquid iron

Temperature Density Temperature Density

(T/K) ( ␳ /kg m⫺3 ) (T/K) ( ␳ /kg m⫺3 )

950 2372 1850 6999

975 2364 1900 6953
1000 2357 1950 6906
1025 2349 2000 6860
1050 2341 2050 6814
1075 2333 2100 6767
1100 2325 2150 6721
1125 2318 2200 6675
1150 2310 2250 6628
1175 2302 2300 6582
1200 2294 2350 6536
2400 6490
2450 6443
2500 6397
FIG. 5. Diagram of a capillary viscometer.

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2006


extrapolation of the dimensions of the crucible and the height

of liquid at high temperatures.
For a right circular cylinder that is infinitely long contain-
ing a fluid the equation of motion of the damped cylinder is:

I 0 共 d 2 ␪ /dt 2 兲 ⫹L 共 d ␪ /dt 兲 ⫹ f ␪ ⫽0, 共6兲

where I 0 is moment of inertia of empty cup and suspension;

t is the time; f the force constant of the torsion wire; and ␪ is
the angle of displacement of any small segment of the fluid
from its equilibrium position. L is a function of the density
and viscosity of the fluid; the internal radius of crucible and
height of liquid expressions for L are determined by solving
the Navier–Stokes equations for the motion of the liquid
within the vessel 共neglecting nonlinear terms兲. The working
formulas for the oscillating cup viscometer reviewed by Iida
and Guthrie 共1988兲 are Knappworst 共1952兲, Shvidkovskkii
共1955兲, and Roscoe 共1958兲. The majority of measurements

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made by this method have used the analysis by Roscoe,
mainly for reasons of simplicity of presentation of the work-
ing formulas of that reference and following other workers in
the liquid metals field. A more complete model of oscillating
cup viscometers was described by Kestin and Newell 共1957兲,
and Beckwith and Newell 共1957兲. The resulting working
equations were not stated explicitly in the early references
and required some further analysis for their derivation. These
have been adopted by chemical engineers and it has been
suggested 关Ferris et al. 共2002兲 and Wang and Overfelt
共2002兲兴 that the Beckwith–Newell model is more accurate
and comprehensive than that of Roscoe and should therefore
be adopted for future analysis, a conclusion with which the
present authors agree. We have verified that in all cases of
primary data included in this work the consequences of em-
ploying less than complete working equations are negligible
relative to the other sources of discrepancy between the re-
sults of different workers. The Roscoe Analysis. Roscoe 共1958兲 describes
the derivation of the necessary formulas for determining vis-
cosity from oscillatory spherical and cylindrical viscometers.
The logarithmic decrement of the oscillations is related to the
FIG. 6. Diagram of the NPL oscillating viscometer. properties of the fluid by the equations

R 3H
共 ␲ ␩ ␳ T 兲 1/2 1⫹冋冉
冊 冉
1 R
4 H
3 4 R 1
a 0⫺ ⫹
2 ␲ H p 冊
冉 冊 冉 冊 册
Figure 6 shows the experimental arrangement for an oscil-
lating vessel viscometer and details of this particular design 3 9 R a2 63 45 R a 4
⫹ ⫹ ⫺ ⫺ ... , 共7兲
are given elsewhere 关Brooks et al. 共2001兲兴. The sample is 8 4 H 2p2 128 64 H 4 p 4
contained within an alumina crucible 共105 mm long by 14
mm internal diameter兲, which is screwed into a molybdenum
lid and suspension rod and suspended on a torsion wire. A

再 冎 再 冎
rotary solenoid is used to impart oscillatory motion to the
crucible and an optical pointer with a diode array is used to 冑共 1⫹⌬ 2 兲 ⫹1 1/2
冑1⫹⌬ 2 ⫺1 1/2

measure the time constant and decrement of the system. The a 0 ⫽ 共 1⫺⌬ 兲 ⫺ 共 1⫹⌬ 兲
2 2
sample is heated by a two zone furnace. These authors claim
an uncertainty of measurement of ⫾9% within a 95% con- 3 3 1
⫽1⫺ ⌬⫺ ⌬ 2 ⫺ ⌬ 3 ..., 共8兲
fidence limit. A major contribution to the uncertainty is the 2 8 16

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2006


FIG. 8. Diagram of a rotating bob viscometer.

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FIG. 7. Diagram 关Beckwith 共1957兲兴 showing region of interest 8⬍ ␰ 0 ⬍23,
68⬍ ␩ 0 ⬍200 to be within the large cup regime 关 ␩ 0 ⫽H/( ␩ T 0 /2␲␳ ) 1/2, and
␰ 0 ⫽R/( ␩ T 0 /2␲␳ ) 1/2].
R 16 R 3 9R
A⫽4⫹ ; B⫽6⫹ • ; C⫽ ⫹ , 共13兲
H ␲ H 2 H

再 冎 再 冎
冑1⫹⌬ 2 ⫹1 1/2
冑1⫹⌬ 2 ⫺1 1/2 ␻ ⫽T 0 /T; p⫽1/共 2 共 ⌬⫹ 共 1⫹⌬ 2 兲 1/2兲兲 1/2; q⫽1/共 2p 兲 ,
a 2⫽ ⫹ 共14兲
2 2
⌬ 1 1
⫽1⫹ ⫹ ⌬ 2 ⫺ ⌬ 3 ..., 共9兲 x⫽R 共 2 ␲␳ / 共 ␩ T 兲兲 1/2, 共15兲
2 8 16
where T 0 is the oscillation period and 2 ␲ ⌬ 0 is the logarith-
⌬ 3 5 mic decrement for the empty cup. The other quantities are as
a 4 ⫽a 2 / 共 1⫹⌬ 2 兲 1/2⫽1⫹ ⫺ ⌬ 2 ⫺ ⌬ 3 ..., 共10兲 defined in the previous section.
2 8 16
Comparison of the oscillating viscometer with the capil-
and lary viscometer reveals some differences. Iida and Guthrie
p⫽ 共 ␳␲ / ␩ T 兲 1/2R. 共11兲 共1988兲 suggest that the finite length of the oscillating cylin-
der is inadequately weighted in the Roscoe treatment and
In Eq. 共7兲, R is the cylinder radius, H the height of the liquid should also include the effect of the liquid meniscus on the
within it, I is the moment of inertia of the suspension, 2␲⌬ height of liquid, suggesting that a correction factor, ␰, is in-
the logarithmic decrement between consecutive swings, ␳ is troduced into the 共uncorrected兲 formula of 1⫾0.04. Brock-
the fluid density, ␩ the viscosity, and T is the period of os- ner et al. 共1979兲 actually demonstrated and corrected for the
cillation. meniscus effect. Various studies 关Iida and Guthrie 共1988兲;
In his review of the equations Ferriss et al. 共2002兲, found Kimura and Terashima 共1994兲; Kimura and Terashima
that Eq. 共8兲 was printed incorrectly in the original paper by 共1995兲; Sasaki et al. 共1995兲; and Sato and Yamamura
Roscoe 共1958兲, and should read (⫺3⌬/2), as given above. 共1999兲兴, have suggested that wetting of the crucible may also The Beckwith, Kestin, and Newell Analyses. The be important, and that if the metal does not wet the crucible
analyses due to Kestin and Newell 共1957兲, and Beckwith and it may slip during the oscillation and thus provide greater
Newell 共1957兲 identify the ‘‘small,’’ ‘‘intermediate,’’ and damping. Aspect ratio of the sample may be important in
‘‘large’’ cup regimes according to the magnitude of certain both these assessments, and further work is required to jus-
dimensionless parameters 共Fig. 7兲. Ferriss et al. 共2002兲 has tify modification of the Roscoe equation.
shown that these values for the NPL design correspond to the
‘‘large cup’’ regime.
The corresponding operating equation due to Beckwith 4.1.3. The Rotating Cylinder Viscometer
and Newell, in the form of Brockner et al. 共1979兲, is

冋 册
␲␳ HR 4 1 B Cq For the rotating cylinder technique the torque on a cylin-
A 共 p⫺⌬q 兲 ⫺ 2 ⫹ 3 ⫽2 共 ⌬⫺⌬ 0 / ␻ 兲 , der rotated in a liquid is related to the viscosity of the fluid.
2I x x x Viscometers of this type consist of two concentric cylinders
共see Fig. 8兲 named a bob 共internal兲 and a crucible 共external兲.
where The viscosity is determined from measurements of the torque

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2006


generated on the rotor arm of the rotating cylinder. When

rotating the cylinder at a constant speed the viscosity can be
obtained from the following equation:

␩⫽ 冉 1

r 21 r 20 冊 M
8 ␲ 4 nh
, 共16兲

where M is the torque; n is the number of revolutions per

second; r 1 is the radius of the bob; r 0 is the radius of the
crucible; and h the height of the bob. The theory is appli-
cable to infinitely long cylinders and it is normal to calibrate
the system with reference materials using the equation:
␩ ⫽G⫽S/n, 共17兲
where S is the scale deflection and G is the apparatus con-
This is the most common method for the measurement of
slag viscosity and for several practical reasons it is more
customary to rotate the bob rather than the crucible. Probably
the most important reason is that the rotating bob viscometer

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FIG. 9. Diagram of a draining vessel viscometer.
is based upon readily available and cheap commercial instru-
ments. It is also easier to center the bob but the viscosity
range is less than for a rotating crucible instrument. Na-
kashima et al. 共1997兲 showed a modern example of a rotat- 20␲ R ␩
⌫⫽ , 共18兲
ing crucible method. 3 m
In order to obtain the necessary sensitivity to measure the
low viscosity of liquid metals the clearance between the sta- where R and m are the radius and the mass of the droplet,
tionary and rotating parts has to be made very small, and it is respectively, and ␩ is the viscosity. In order to apply the
difficult to maintain the system coaxial. In spite of the ex- above formula, the following conditions must be satisfied:
perimental difficulties the rotating bob technique has been
共a兲 the liquid drop must be spherical;
used to measure the viscosity of aluminum and its alloys by
共b兲 the oscillations must persist undisturbed for a time, t
Jones and Bartlett 共1952–1953兲.
⫽1/⌫; and
共c兲 there must be no additional damping mechanism
4.1.4. The Draining Vessel Method
It is common for comparative measurements of viscosity
to be made for oils and slurries in industrial applications by It is often thought that none of these conditions is met in
use of a flow cup 共see Fig. 9兲, where the time taken for a terrestrial experiments; the sample is deformed, and there is
volume of sample to flow through a small orifice in the bot- an overlap of self-excited oscillations, making the decay of
tom of a cup is measured and viscosity is derived from one single excitation hard to detect. Also, the electromag-
look-up tables. Roach et al. 共2001兲 have derived equations to netic fields necessary for earthbound levitation inevitably in-
adapt this method for liquid metals, and to provide values of duce turbulent fluid flows inside the sample which lead to
viscosity, surface tension, and density. Values for aluminum additional damping, although Rhim et al. 共1999兲 have
are lower than usually quoted, but the method is robust and claimed success terrestrially using this method with electro-
experiments simple to perform. static levitation. Under microgravity conditions, the external
fields can be much weaker, and a laminar fluid flow can be
4.1.5. The Oscillating „Levitated… Drop Method expected, at least for sufficiently viscous materials. In micro-
gravity an electromagnetic positioning field is used, with a
The oscillating drop method is widely used for surface separate heating coil. A pulse of power initiates the oscilla-
tension measurements of liquid, levitated samples. It is based tions which are monitored with a video camera. The tem-
on the fact that the frequencies of the surface oscillations of perature is recorded with a pyrometer. Image analysis is used
a liquid drop free from other forces are related to the surface to obtain the frequency and decay of the oscillations as
tension by Rayleigh’s formula 关Lord Rayleigh 共1879兲兴. For shown in Fig. 10. Microgravity experiments utilizing the os-
earthbound levitation, the Rayleigh formula has been cor- cillating drop technique were carried out on liquid gold in
rected by Cummings and Blackburn 共1991兲. For a viscous 1994. This material has a low viscosity and unphysically
drop, these oscillations are damped owing to the viscosity of high results for the viscosity were obtained indicating turbu-
the liquid. Therefore, it is, in principle, also possible to de- lent flows in the sample. During the MSL-1 Spacelab mis-
termine the viscosity from the damping. The damping con- sion STS-83, the same experiment was carried out on the
stant ⌫ is given by: highly viscous eutectic system Cu6 Pd78Si16 . Values agree

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2006


FIG. 10. Damping of shape oscillations

at 950 °C.

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well with one set of previously published data for the viscos- data sets that did not give details for most of the columns in
ity of this alloy near the melting point, although there is the table were also not considered as primary data.
debate as to the true viscosity of this system. More recently
Wunderlich et al. 共2004兲 has carried out measurements on
parabolic and sounding rocket flights, on the nickel based
4.3. Viscosity Reference Correlation
superalloy CMSX-4 which show reasonable agreement with
terrestrial measurements of the same alloy using an oscillat- The primary viscosity data for liquid aluminum and iron,
ing cylinder method. shown in Tables 4 and 5, respectively, were employed in a
regression analysis as a function of the temperature. The fol-
4.1.6. Acoustic Wave Damping lowing equations were obtained for the density, ␩ 关mPa s兴, as
a function of the absolute temperature, T 关K兴:
The viscosity of a liquid can be measured by measuring for aluminum 共temperature range 933–1270 K兲
the damping of an acoustic wave. There is one example of
this technique 关Nozdrev et al. 共1979兲兴, for the measurement a2
of aluminum and some alloys using hole theory to interpret log10共 ␩ / ␩ 0 兲 ⫽⫺a 1 ⫹ , 共19兲
the results.
4.2. Data Compilation where ␩ 0 ⫽1 mPa s, a 1 ⫽0.7324, and a 2 ⫽803.49 K. The
standard deviation of the above equation at the 95% confi-
Tables 4 and 5 present the data sets found for the measure- dence level is 13.7%:
ment of the viscosity of liquid aluminum and liquid iron,
For iron 共temperature range 1809–2480 K兲
respectively. As in the case of the density measurements,
papers prior to 1930 were not considered, as sample purity
was disputed before that time. In these tables, for every data a4
log10共 ␩ / ␩ 0 兲 ⫽⫺a 3 ⫹ , 共20兲
set, the sample purity, the technique employed, the uncer- T
tainty quoted, the form of data, the material in contact with
the sample, the density source, and the equation employed where ␩ 0 ⫽1 mPa s, a 3 ⫽0.7209, and a 4 ⫽2694.95 K. The
are also shown. The data sets have been classified into pri- standard deviation of the above equation at the 95% confi-
mary and secondary sets according to the criteria presented dence level is 5.7%.
in Sec. 2 and in conjunction with the techniques described in In Figs. 11–14 the primary data and their percentage de-
Sec. 4.1. viations from the above two equations for aluminum and
In the case of the viscosity data sets and in relation to the iron, are shown, respectively.
discussion in Sec. 4.1, the following points can be noted: Viscosity values calculated from the above two equations
Data sets that employ the equation of Knappwost 共1952兲 are shown in Table 6. The uncertainty in the absolute values
have not been considered as primary data sets. Furthermore, of the viscosity of the two metals is thought to be no larger

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2006


TABLE 4. Data sets considered for the viscosity of liquid aluminum

Form in contact
Purity Technique Uncertainty of with Density Equation
Reference 共mass %兲 employeda quoted/% datab sample sourcec employed

Primary data
Sato 共2004兲 99.99 OV 1 P Graphite L Roscoe
Mills 共2002兲 99.995 OV 2.5 D Alumina L Roscoe
Wang and Overfelt 99.995 OV 4 P Graphite M Wang and Overfelt
Yamasaki et al. 共1993兲 99.99 OV — D — — Roscoe
Arsent’ev and Various OV 5 D Alumina — Shvidkovskiy
Polyakova 共1977a兲
Pakiewicz 共1970兲 99.999 OV 1 P Graphite L Roscoe
Rothwell 共1961–1962兲 99.9 OS ⬍1 P Graphite L Brewer modified Andrade
Gebhardt and Becker 99.996 OV — P Carbon M Calibration
Secondary data
Efimenko et al. 共1988兲 — — — D — — —
Arsent’ev et al. 共1987兲 Various OV — D — — —
Kisun’ko et al. 共1983兲d — OV 4.5 D L —

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Popel 共1983兲 — OV — D BeO M —
Kisun’ko et al. 共1980兲d — OV — D — L —
Nozdrev et al. 共1979兲 — AC — D — — —
Arsent’ev and Various OV — D Alumina — —
Polyakova 共1978兲
Novokhatskii et al. — — — D — — —
Arsent’ev and Various OV — D Alumina — —
Polyakova 共1977b兲
Levin 共1971兲d 99.99 OV — D — L —
Petrushevskii et al. 99.99 OV 5 D — — Shvidkovskiy
Kononenko et al. 99.7 OV — D Graphite L Empirical
Lihl et al. 共1968兲 99.99 OV — D Alumina — Empirical
Vignau et al. 共1967兲 99.996 OV — D — — Roscoe
Lihl and Schwaiger 99.99 OV — D — — —
Gebhardt and Detering 99.996 OV — P — L Empirical
Secondary data
Navarro and Kondic 99.996 OV — P Alumina or — Empirical
共1956兲 Graphite
Shvidkovskiy 共1955兲d 99.7 OV — D Graphite L Shvidkovskiy
Gebhardt et al. 共1953兲 99.996 OV — P — M —
Jones and Bartlett — OV 0.5 D Graphite — Empirical
Yao and Kondic 共1952–1953兲 99.9935 OV — P Graphite — Empirical
Salceanu 共1948兲 — OV — P — — —
Sergeev and Polyak — OS — D — — —
AC⫽acoustic; OV⫽oscillating vessel; OS⫽oscillating sphere.
D⫽diagram; P⫽points.
M⫽measured; L⫽literature.
Kinematic viscosity was measured.

than the scatter between measurements made with different the formation of the oxide of aluminum on the surface of the
techniques and so can be said to be ⫾14% in the case of melt and its subsequent entrainment in the body of the liquid.
aluminum and ⫾6% in the case of iron. It is exceedingly unlikely that any experiments have suc-
In the particular case of aluminum it is necessary to add ceeded in achieving a partial pressure of oxygen in the atmo-
one caveat to this statement of uncertainty. Some of the ex- sphere that approaches the 10⫺23 that is necessary to avoid
periments that we have characterized as primary have used oxide formation. Accordingly, it is likely that alumina was
an inert gas atmosphere when studying aluminum to prevent present to some extent in all samples. It can also be expected

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2006


TABLE 5. Data sets considered for the viscosity of liquid iron

Form in contact
Purity Technique Uncertainty of with Density Equation
Reference 共mass %兲 employeda quoted/% datab sample sourcec employed

Primary data
Sato et al. 共2002兲 99.8 OV 1 D Alumina M Roscoe
Brooks et al. 共2001兲 99.8 OV 4.5 D Alumina L Roscoe
Kaplun and Avaliani 99.92 OV 5 D Zircon or — Shvidkovskiy
共1977兲 Alumina
Cavalier 共1959兲d 99.996 OV — D Alumina L Calibration
Secondary data
Arsent’ev et al. 共1987兲 — OV — D — — —
Sroka and Skala 共1979兲 — OV — D Alumina — Knappwost
Arsent’ev 共1978兲d — OV — D — — —
Arkharov et al. 共1977兲 99.997 — — P — — —
Frohberg and Cakici 99.91 OV — D — — Modified
共1977兲 Roscoe
Ershov 共1976兲 — OV — P Alumina — —
Borgmann and — OV — D Alumina L Modified
Frohberg 共1974兲 Roscoe

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Ogino et al. 共1973兲 — OV — D — — —
Kisun’ko et al. 共1973兲d 99.98 OV 1 D — — —
Arsent’ev and Filippov 99.97 OV — E — — —
Adachi et al. 共1971兲 99.97 OV — D Alumina M Knappwost
Ogino et al. 共1971兲 99.97 OV — D Alumina M Knappwost
Orecki et al. 共1971兲 — OV — P — — Shvidkovskiy
Adachi et al. 共1970兲 99.97 OV — D — M —
Arsent’ev et al. 共1974兲 99.91 OV — D — — —
Ogino et al. 共1970兲 99.97 OV — D — M —
Saito et al. 共1967兲 99.987 OV — D Alumina — —
Frohberg and Weber — OV — P — — —
Lucas 共1964兲 — OV — P — — —
Romanov and 99.95 OV — D — L —
Cavalier 共1963兲 99.992 OV — P — L —
Primary data
Vatolin et al. 共1963兲 99.95 OV — P Alumina L Shvidkovskiy
Schenck et al. 共1963兲 99.995 OV — P — L Knappwost
Wen Li-Shih and 99.91 OV 5 — Alundum — Shvidkovskiy
Arsent’ev 共1961兲
Romanov and Kochegarov — — — D — L —
Barfield and Kitchener 99.94 OV 4 D Alumina L Toye and
共1955兲 Hopkins
Salceanu 共1948兲 — OV — P — — —
OV⫽oscillating vessel.
D⫽diagram; P⫽points.
M⫽measured; L⫽literature.
Kinematic viscosity was measured.

therefore that there would be some differences between the propriate to circumstances created in a well-controlled gas-
use of alumina vessels for containment and that with other eous atmosphere. These are likely to be the circumstances
materials such as graphite. These observations are supported encountered in usual industrial practice.
by the fact that experiments have shown that the apparent
viscosity of aluminum increases as the partial pressure of 5. Conclusions
oxygen in the atmosphere increases and with increasing time
of exposure 关Mills 共2002兲, Vigneau et al. 共1967兲, Shvidk- The available experimental data for the density and vis-
ovskiy 共1955兲兴. For this reason we suggest that our stated cosity of liquid aluminum and iron have been critically ex-
values for the viscosity of aluminum be taken as those ap- amined with the intention of establishing a density and a

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2006


FIG. 11. Viscosity primary data for liq-

uid aluminum as a function of the tem-
perature: 共䊊兲 Sato 共2004兲; 共䊐兲 Wang
and Overfelt 共2002兲; 共⽧兲 Mills
共2001兲; 共䉭兲 Yamasaki et al. 共1993兲;
共䊏兲 Arsent’ev and Polyakova 共1977兲;
共䊉兲 Pakiewicz 共1970兲; 共䉱兲 Rothwell
共1961–1962兲; 共〫兲 Gebhardt and
Becker 共1955兲; 共—兲 fitted equation;
共- - -兲 melting point.

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FIG. 12. Percentage deviations of the
viscosity primary data for liquid alu-
minum from the values calculated by
Eq. 共19兲, as a function of the tempera-
ture: 共䊊兲 Sato 共2004兲; 共䊐兲 Wang and
Overfelt 共2002兲; 共⽧兲 Mills 共2001兲;
共䉭兲 Yamasaki et al. 共1993兲; 共䊏兲
Arsent’ev and Polyakova 共1977兲; 共䊉兲
Pakiewicz 共1970兲; 共䉱兲 Rothwell
共1961–1962兲; 共〫兲 Gebhardt and
Becker 共1955兲; 共- - -兲 melting point.

FIG. 13. Viscosity primary data for liq-

uid iron as a function of the tempera-
ture: 共䊊兲 Sato 共2003兲; 共䉱兲 Brooks
共2001兲; 共䊉兲 Cavalier 共1959兲; 共䊐兲 Ka-
plun 共1977兲; 共—兲 fitted equation; 共- - -兲
melting point.

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2006


FIG. 14. Percentage deviations of the

viscosity primary data for liquid iron
from the values calculated by Eq. 共20兲,
as a function of the temperature: 共䊊兲
Sato 共2003兲; 共䉱兲 Brooks 共2001兲; 共䊉兲
Cavalier 共1959兲; 共䊐兲 Kaplun 共1977兲;
共- - -兲 melting point.

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viscosity standard. All experimental data have been catego- 6. Acknowledgments
rized into primary and secondary data according to the qual-
ity of measurement specified by a series of criteria. The pro- The work described in this paper was carried out under the
posed standard reference correlations for the density of the auspices of the International Association for Transport Prop-
aluminum and iron are characterized by 0.65% and 0.77% erties 共formerly known as the Subcommittee of Transport
percentage standard deviation, at the 95% confidence level, Properties of the International Union of Pure and Applied
respectively. The standard reference correlations for the vis- Chemistry兲. The authors gratefully acknowledge the partial
cosity of aluminum and iron are characterized by 13.7% and financial support of the International Union of Pure and Ap-
5.7% percentage standard deviation, at the 95% confidence plied Chemistry 共Contract No. 2003-005-1-100, titled: Vis-
level, respectively. To lower this viscosity uncertainty, more cosity of molten iron and aluminum兲.
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