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Lab Guide:
Adding SLAs with IVGM
Document Introduction

In this lab you will create an SLA template.

Hardware and Software required to complete this exercise

Laptop/Desktop Computer connected to the IBM InfoSphere VDP Global


Education Virtual Lab environment.

InfoSphere VDP Global Manager VM.


Lab Worksheet

Consult your lab worksheet and determine the names and addresses that
you will be using for this lab.


If you are not sure which addresses to use, please contact your

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IVGM 10c Lab Guide

Student Lab Exercise Guide
Here is the required information for performing the lab activity in the
education virtual lab environment:

SLA Template

Template Name: Local Protection Only

Description: All day local protection

Production to Snapshot

Policy Name: Snap Daily

Scheduling: Windowed

On These Days: Everyday

Except: Never

Within This Window: 00:00 to 23:59

Run Once Per Window: On

Retain for: 2 Day(s)

Priority: Medium

Snapshot to Dedup

Policy Name: Dedup Daily

Scheduling: Windowed

On These Days: Everyday

Except: Never

Within This Window: 00:00 to 23:59

Run Once Per Window: On

Retain for: 14 Day(s)

Priority: Medium

3 IVGM 10c Lab Guide

Student Lab Exercise Guide
Document Purpose

The purpose of the document is to provide the learners with the exact
steps that they will need to perform while adding SLAs with IVGM.

Presentation Technique

This document contains screen captures of all the screens that the
students will be viewing during the Lab session and the corresponding
steps listed underneath the screen describing the action to be performed.
Additionally, there will be highlighted areas to bring focus to the activity
areas of the screen.

IVGM 10c Lab Guide

Student Lab Exercise Guide
Steps to be performed
Creating an SLA Template

1. From within the Education Virtual Lab, log in to your assigned
IVGM system.

5 IVGM 10c Lab Guide

Student Lab Exercise Guide
2. You will be presented with the Dashboard screen.

3. From the SLA Architect screen, select Create Template from the
top-left of the screen.

1. 2.

IVGM 10c Lab Guide

Student Lab Exercise Guide
4. You will be presented with the Create Template dialogue screen.

5. Enter in the correct Template Name and Description for your

defined template.

7 IVGM 10c Lab Guide

Student Lab Exercise Guide
6. Click on the plus sign (+) located between the Production and
Snapshot icons.

7. Enter in the Snapshot policy information from the table at the

beginning of this guide.

IVGM 10c Lab Guide

Student Lab Exercise Guide
8. When you have entered all the appropriate information, select
Update Policy at the bottom of the screen.

9. You will now see that the Snapshot icon has changed color, and
that the policies table on the right-hand side of the screen indicates
that there is one Snapshot policy.



9 IVGM 10c Lab Guide

Student Lab Exercise Guide
10. Click on the plus sign (+) located between the Snapshot and
Dedup icons.

11. Enter in the Dedup policy information from the table at the
beginning of this guide and select Update Policy.

IVGM 10c Lab Guide

Student Lab Exercise Guide
12. You will now see that the Dedup icon has changed color, and that
the policies table on the right-hand side of the screen indicates that
there is one Dedup policy.



13. Now, save your work by clicking the Save Template button at the
top-right side of the screen.

11 IVGM 10c Lab Guide

Student Lab Exercise Guide
14. When you now view the list of templates. You will see the
template that you created.

15. Return your system to the Dashboard screen.

Do not proceed to the next lab until directed by your instructor.

IVGM 10c Lab Guide

Student Lab Exercise Guide

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