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ELSEVIER Earth-Science Reviews37 (1994) 89-134

Review: the atmospheric boundary layer

J.R. Garratt
CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research, PrivateBag No. 1, Mordialloc, Victoria 3195, Australia
Received 28 December, 1993;revised and accepted 27 April, 1994


An overview is given of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) over both continental and ocean surfaces, mainly
from observational and modelling perspectives. Much is known about ABL structure over homogeneous land
surfaces, but relatively little so far as the following are concerned, (i) the cloud-topped ABL (over the sea
predominantly); (ii) the strongly nonhomogeneous and nonstationary ABL; (iii) the ABL over complex terrain. These
three categories present exciting challenges so far as improved understanding of ABL behaviour and improved
representation of the ABL in numerical models of the atmosphere are concerned.

1. Introduction factors controlling the erosion and ultimate

breakdown of this inversion.
1.1. Role of the atmospheric boundary layer (b) Control and Management of Air Quality is
closely associated with the transport and disper-
The atmospheric (or planetary) boundary layer sal of atmospheric pollutants, including industrial
plays an important role in many fields, including plumes. Processes of concern include turbulent
air pollution, agricultural meteorology, hydrology, mixing in the ABL, particularly the role of con-
aeronautical meteorology, mesoscale meteorol- vection, photochemistry and dry and wet deposi-
ogy, weather forecasting and climate. We can tion to the surface. In this general area, research
summarise just a few of the problems for which on atmospheric turbulence has a very important
boundary-layer knowledge is important, as fol- practical application, and local meteorology, in-
lows cluding the role of mesoscale circulations (sea
(a) Urban Meteorology is associated with the breezes, slope winds, valley flows) and the phe-
low-level urban environment and air pollution, nomenon of decoupling of the low-level flow and
including air pollution episodes involving photo- the large scale upper flow, is also of major rele-
chemical smog and accidental releases of danger- vance.
ous gases. The dispersal of smog and low-level (c) Aeronautical Meteorology is concerned with
pollutants depends strongly on meteorological boundary-layer phenomena such as low cloud,
conditions. Of particular importance is informa- low-level jets and intense wind shear leading to
tion on the likely growth of the shallow mixed high intensity turbulence, particularly for aircraft
layer resulting from surface heating, and on the landing and take-off. In the case of low clouds

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90 J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134

and low-level jets, factors affecting their forma- turbulence is strongly influenced by the diurnal
tion, maintenance and dissipation are of great cycle of surface heating and cooling, by the pres-
importance, ence of clouds and by horizontal variability in
(d) Agricultural Meteorology and Hydrology surface properties. Neutral flow, in which buoy-
are concerned with processes such as the dry ancy effects are absent, is readily produced in the
deposition of natural gases and pollutants to wind tunnel, and may be closely approximated in
crops, evaporation, dewfall and frost formation, the atmosphere in windy conditions with a corn-
The last three are intimately associated with the plete cloud cover. The unstably-stratified ABL,
state of the ABL, with the intensity of turbulence or convective boundary layer (CBL), occurs when
and with the energy balance at the surface, strong surface heating (due to the sun) produces
(e) Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP)and thermal instability or convection in the form of
Climate Simulation based on dynamical models thermals and plumes, and when upside-down
of the atmosphere depend on the realistic repre- convection is generated by cloud-top radiative
sentation of the Earth's surface and the major cooling. In strongly unstable conditions driven by
physical processes occurring in the atmosphere. It surface heating, the outer region of the boundary
has been said (Stewart, 1979) that no general layer in particular is dominated by convective
circulation model is conceptually complete with- motions and is often referred to as the mixed
out the inclusion of boundary-layer effects, and layer. In contrast, the stably-stratified ABL oc-
that no prediction model can succeed without a curs mostly (though not exclusively) at night, in
sufficiently accurate inclusion of the influence of response to surface cooling by long wave emission
the boundary. The boundary layer affects both to space. The unstable ABL is characterized by a
the dynamics and thermodynamics of the atmo- near-surface superadiabatic layer, and the stable
sphere. There are a variety of dynamic effects: ABL by the presence of a surface inversion.
more than a half of the atmosphere's kinetic
energy loss occurs in the ABL (Palmen and New- 1.3. Boundary-layer depth
ton, 1969). Boundary-layer friction produces
cross-isobar flow in the lower atmosphere, whilst The top of the boundary layer in convective
boundary-layer interaction permits air masses to conditions is often well defined by the existence
modify their vorticity. From the thermodynamic of a stable layer (capping inversion) into which
perspective, all water vapour entering the atmo- turbulent motions from beneath are generally
sphere by evaporation from the surface must en- unable to penetrate very far, though they may
ter through the ABL. Even the oceans are strongly continually erode it, particularly where latent heat
influenced by the ABL, since it is through the is released in rising elements of air. The height of
boundary layer that they gain most of their mo- this elevated stable layer is quite variable, but is
mentum so influencing the oceanic circulation, generally below 2 to 3 km. The top of a convec-
tive boundary layer is well defined in Fig. 1 by the
1.2. Turbulence sharp decrease in aerosol concentration at a
height of about 1200 m, and coincides with the
From both a climate and local weather per- base of a deep and intense subsidence inversion.
spective, the most important ABL processes that Over deserts in mid-summer under strong surface
need to be parametrised in numerical models of heating the ABL may be as much as 5 km deep,
the atmosphere are vertical mixing and the for- and even deeper in conditions of vigorous cumu-
mation, maintenance and dissipation of clouds, lonimbus convection. In stable conditions, in con-
Those land-surface properties that are potentially trast to the above, the boundary layer is not so
crucial to accurate climate simulation include readily identified, turbulence is much weaker than
albedo, roughness, moisture content and vegeta- in the unstable case, and consequently the depth
tion cover, no more than a few hundred metres at most. At
Over land in particular, the structure of ABL night over land, under clear skies and light winds,
J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134 91

20~ a capping stratocumulus layer and a depth on the

order of 0.5 kin. Such a shallow boundary layer is
also found in coastal regions when warm air flows
from land over a relatively cool sea. In the trop-
150o ics, the mean structure is very much dependent
on the season, and whether conditions are dis-
turbed (in the vicinity of the inter-tropical conver-
i~0 gence zone) or undisturbed. In the former, devel-
oping cumulus clouds result in poor definition of
the ABL top, whilst in undisturbed conditions,
the ABL top is well defined by the trade-wind
5~x~ inversion. Under special circumstances, the ABL
depth over the ocean can be comparable to that
over land in the middle of the day. This can occur
~- 0
100 200
during intense cold-air outbreaks over the ocean,
~. Aerosol concentration when large "jumps" in temperature and humidity
~ that identify the ABL top are particularly notice-
-v 2000 , ' ~j2 able, and are the result of cold, dry air flowing
J out from the continent over relatively warm sea.
The purpose of this review paper is to provide
1500 the reader with an overview of boundary-layer
structure and behaviour over land and sea (in the
~b) latter case, often cloud-topped), for homoge-
1000 neous and heterogeneous surface conditions. In
addition, some aspects of b o u n d a r y - l a y e r
parametrisations for use in regional and global
climate models are discussed. For more intensive
500 reading, the classical texts should be consulted,
e.g. Sutton (1953), Priestley (1959), Lumley and
Panofsky (1964), Zilitinkevich (1970), Tennekes
0 ' and Lumley (1972), Haugen (1973) and Brown
285 290 295 300 305
Potentialtemperature(K) (1974). Advanced texts dealing with specialised
Fig. 1. Vertical profiles of (a) aerosol concentration in arbi- aspects of the ABL include Wyngaard (1980),
trary units and (b) potential temperature observed overland in Nieuwstadt a n d V a n Dop (1982), Stull (1988),
convectiveconditions (see Garratt, 1992; fig. 1.2). Sorbjan (1989) and Garratt (1992). For a general
overview up to the late seventies consult McBean
et al. (1979), and for a comprehensive introduc-
it may be even smaller, perhaps no more than tion to instruments and techniques for making
50-100 m and strongly influenced by internal measurements in the ABL see Lenschow (1986).
wave motions. In recent times, Hess (1992) reviewed aspects of
Over the open oceans, where low-level layer observations and scaling of the ABL, with atten-
cloud (stratus and stratocumulus) is prevalent, tion given to the analysis of observations based
the ABL depth may be no more than a few on a framework of similarity scaling. The treat-
hundred metres and, in extratropical latitudes, ment for inhomogeneous surfaces was particu-
may have a structure quite similar to that over larly emphasised. Most recently, an up-to-date
land. According to results from the north-east review of roll vortices in the ABL has appeared
Atlantic (the JASIN experiment - - Businger and (Etling and Brown, 1993), following on from that
Charnock, 1983), the stability is near-neutral, with by Brown (1980). Etling and Brown (1993) review
92 J.R. Garratt / Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134

recent advances in our understanding of organ- lidars (light radars) and a range of Doppler radars.
ised large eddies in the ABL and on their role in These mainly involve transmitted acoustic, light
the vertical transport of momentum, heat, mois- or radio energy, and the detection of the scat-
ture and chemical trace substances within the tered energy due to (i) natural or artificial atmo-
lowest part of the atmosphere, spheric targets (dust, salt, rain) as in Doppler
radars and lidars; (ii) clear air refractive index
fluctuations, as in acoustic sounders and FM-CW
2. Observations radars. All of the above techniques are called
active, since they involve transmission of acoustic
Much of our knowledge of the ABL can be or electromagnetic radiation to the region of in-
related to observations of turbulent flows made terest and measuring the backscattered fraction
both in the laboratory and in the atmosphere, that is returned to the instrument. In contrast,
Such observations are important for understand- passive techniques involve the measurement of
ing ABL processes, for the validation of numeri- radiation naturally emitted from the atmosphere,
cal models and for placing suitable constraints on e.g. as in infrared radiometry.
the behaviour of models. Remote sensing techniques are attractive
Investigation of the structure of the lower part where in situ methods will not work or are uneco-
of the ABL has mainly utilized sensors located on nomical, and where the atmosphere interacts with
tower structures. These towers have ranged in the transmitted or received radiation allowing the
size from relatively short masts of a few metres meteorological variable of interest to be mea-
height, to the 200-300 m tall structures that may sured. Remote sensing utilises spatial averages,
support a very comprehensive suite of instrumen- usually over volumes, and so is especially suitable
tation. For studies of the whole boundary layer, if spatial averages are desired.
early approaches had to rely on balloon-borne A brief summary of important field experi-
instrumentation - - free and tethered sounding merits may be of interest to the reader. In the
balloons, or constant volume free balloons - - early 1950's, the Scilly Isles field experiment of
until aircraft techniques and facilities became Sheppard et al. (1952) focussed on vertical mo-
more widely available, mentum transfer processes over the ocean in the
For measurements throughout the ABL, the Northern Hemisphere westerlies. Major land-
aircraft is now a well-established observational based ABL experiments commenced with the U.S.
platform, although balloon platforms have been Great Plains observations in 1953 (Lettau and
used with some success. One of the major advan- Davidson, 1957), followed by the Australian Wan-
tages of using aircraft as an atmospheric mea- gara (Clarke et al., 1971) and Koorin (Clarke and
surement system is their mobility and capacity for Brook, 1979) observations in 1967 and 1974 re-
making extended line averages of turbulent quan- spectively, and by the U.S. Minnesota experiment
tities (most aircraft flights occur at speeds of in 1973 (Izumi and Caughey, 1976). Interspersed
about 80 m s-l). It can be used for both vertical with the above were the surface-layer experi-
profiling well above the tower layer, and for hori- ments of Swinbank and co-workers in the 1960's
zontal traverses. In many field experiments the at Hay and Kerang in southern Australia (Swin-
two are combined. The main disadvantage of bank, 1968), and the Kansas experiment in 1968
aircraft measurements is the need to measure (Izumi, 1971). Major international efforts with a
accurately the aircraft motion, since corrections strong ABL focus include B O M E X in 1969
to the velocity and temperature measurements (Kuettner and Holland, 1969), G A T E in 1974
must be made for this motion. (Kuettner and Parker, 1976), A M T E X in 1974
In the last decade or so, ABL observations and 1975 (Lenschow and Agee, 1976), and JASIN
have been enhanced by remote sensing tech- in 1978 (Charnock and Pollard, 1983) - - all relat-
niques. The newest instrumentation includes, for ing to the ABL over the ocean - - H A P E X in
example, a range of sodars (acoustic sounders), 1986 (Andre et al., 1986) and FIFE in 1987
ZR. Garratt~Earth-ScienceReviews37 (1994)89-134 93

(American Meteorological Society, 1990). In Stull For the non-homogeneous ABL, horizontal
(1988), a list of major ABL field experiments can variations of properties in the ABL may arise
be found with associated references, from non-uniform surface features (Zo, TO varia-
There have commenced or are planned a num- tions due to soil moisture, albedo, land-water
her of major international land-surface/ABL ex- contrast) or in the presence of orography, and be
periments with emphasis on the mesoscale (see associated with thermally forced mesoscale circu-
Shuttleworth, 1991 for details). Of those com- lations (e.g. sea breezes), internal boundary layers
pleted, HAPEX-Mobilhy and FIFE are probably (at the coast) and slope flows. Important terms to
best known, whilst EFEDA took place in central be included in a mathematical description of the
Spain in 1991. There are several other experi- ABL are those describing advection, e.g. in the
ments affiliated to the International Satellite 2D system, terms such as ua/ax and wa/az.
Land Surface Climatology Program (ISLSCP). Of For ease of discussion, we limit ourselves to
those planned or recently commenced, HAPEX- the 2D case, and start with the equations for the
Sahel in Africa (1992) and BOREAS in Canada set of mean field quantities (u, v, ®v, q, ql) most
(1994) are the most noteworthy (see ISLSCP, relevant to the cloudy, 2D ABL. The five basic
1993). prognostic equations are, in scalar form,
au/at + uau/ax + wau/az
3. Theoretical framework = - P - lOP/OX + fu - 0(u-r-~)/0z ( 1)
3.1. Basic equations Or~at + uOv/ax + wOv/az
= - p - 10p/ay - fu - a(b-'-~)/az (2)
The presence of clouds leads to considerable aOv/at+ uaOv/ax + waOJaz
complications compared to a dry ABL because of
the important role played by radiative fluxes and = (pCp) -lOgN/i)z -- i)(W--~v)/t)z -- A M / p c p
phase changes. In a dry ABL, the turbulent struc- (3)
ture, the mean variables and their evolution in aq/at + uaq/ax + waq/az = -O(w--~7)/az + M / p
time are controlled by the large-scale external
conditions and by the surface fluxes. In a cloudy (4)
ABL, the surface fluxes may be important, but Oql/Ot + UOql/OX + Waql/OZ
radiative fluxes produce local sources of heating
or cooling within the interior of the ABL and = -°(W-~l)/az + W q / p - M / p . (5)
therefore can greatly influence its turbulent Here, M is the mass of water vapour per unit
structure and dynamics. The state of equilibrium volume per unit time being created by a phase
of a cloud-topped boundary layer (CTBL) is de- change from liquid or solid, and Wq is a net liquid
termined by competition between radiative cool- water source/sink term (e.g. it is negative for net
ing, entrainment of warm and dry air from above precipitation leaving the air parcel). The turbu-
the cloud, large-scale divergence and turbulent lence terms of the form ~ f f ' / a z are of the great-
buoyancy fluxes. The phase change of water in a est importance in the ABL and represent the
cloudy ABL introduces, in addition to O~ and q, effects of small-scale turbulent mixing on the
a third variable in the form of the liquid water mean fields. Additional equations required to
content ql (refer to the Table of symbols for close the set include the gas equation, the conti-
explanation). In the presence of liquid water nuity equation, and possibly a turbulent kinetic
clouds within the ABL, equations for mean tern- energy (TKE) equation relevant to the turbulence
perature and water variables must take into ac- closure, viz.
count the possibility of phase changes, and in- De~at + uOe/Ox + wae/Oz
clude a conservation equation for mean liquid = _-h-r~ou/Oz _b-r-Cav/Oz + (g/Ov)W-~
water content (either as a specific humidity or
mixing ratio). - a(W-e +-W-~/p)/Oz - e (6)
94 J.R. Garratt~Earth-ScienceReviews37 (1994)89-134

where e is the mean TKE (e = u '2 + ~ + W'~) and temperature, T , , are used where w3, =
and E is the molecular rate of dissipation of TKE. g(-~oh/®v and T 3 = O v ~ Z / g h where h
Note that on the RHS of Eqs. 1 to 50/Ox terms is the depth of the CBL. In highly stable condi-
in turbulent quantities are neglected (this is an tions, well away from the surface (z > L), local
excellent assumption for horizontal length scales scaling is more appropriate and relies on scaling
>> vertical scales). We can reduce this set so as to turbulence properties using local flux values, not
simplify the equations if we confine the problem surface values.
to a (i) clear, 2D, (ii) clear, 1D (homogeneous) With u , o serving as an intrinsic internal veloc-
ABL. The following simplifications can be made ity scale, suitable scaling of Eqs. (1) and (2)
when not dealing with the cloudy, 2D ABL: (i) in simplified to the clear, 1D case leads to the
the clear case, q~ = M = Wq = 0; (ii) in the 1D logarithmic wind law in neutral conditions (Ten-
case, ~/Ox = w = 0. nekes, 1982), whilst Monin-Obukhov theory in-
The above equations provide a sound frame- troduces the length scale L to take account of
work for study of the physical aspects of the buoyancy effects. Thus, in the surface layer, over
ABL, and of its modelling. In solving the set Eqs. surfaces that are not too rough (typically, this
(1)-(6), considerable attention must be given to implies values of the aerodynamic roughness
the closure problem - - this involves parametrisa- length z o no more than a few tens of centime-
tion of the covariance or higher-order terms. In tres) and at heights where Z/Zo >t 10-100 (e.g.
addition, two options so far as ABL study is Garratt, 1980, 1983),
concerned are generally available (see Clarke, (kz/u,o)OU/OZ=~M(~) (7a)
1970; Deardorff, 1972), (i) the requirement for
internal structure, hence the height variation of (kz/O,o)OOv/Oz = ~rl(~) (7b)
mean and turbulent quantities; (ii) treating the
ABL as a slab, of variable height h. In both, the or in integrated form,
behaviour and knowledge of surface fluxes is an k u / u , o = ln(z/Zo) - ~ M ( ~ ' ) (8a)
important requirement.
k(0va - 0o)//0, o = l n ( z / z T ) -- * H ( ( ) (8b)
3.2. Surface fluxes and profile relations where subscripts "a" and "o" refer to the air and
surface respectively, and for humidity Eqs. (7b),
The surface values of the covariances are of (8b) apply, with ®v or ® replaced by q, and z r
particular importance, both as a basis for scaling replaced by Zq. The functions IffiDM,H(~'),XI'rM,H(~)
purposes and as lower boundary conditions for are well known (Brutsaert, 1982; Garratt, 1992;
solution of Eqs. (1)-(5). The surface fluxes define see also Beljaars and Holtslag, 1991), but at lower
a set of turbulent scaling parameters used in heights ( z / z o < 10-100) within the roughness
Monin-Obukhov theory as follows: UZ.o = sublayer (sometimes called the transition layer),
[(h-~)o2 + (v-r-~o2]1/2 = -(-dr-~o if surface-wind the • and • profile functions must be modified
coordinates are used, with v = 0. Here, U,o is (e.g. Garratt, 1980, 1983; Raupach et al., 1980).
the surface friction velocity. Temperature and The details are not pursued here. In general, the
humidity scales, ® , o and q , o are defined by roughness lengths z o and ZT (or zq) are not
@,o = - ( w ~ ) o / U * o and q , o = -(w--r~)o/U*o, equal; discussions on their relative values can be
with a stability length scale L (the Obukhov found in Brutsaert (1982; ch. 4), Garratt (1992;
length) defined by L = U,ZoOv/(kg®,o) with k ch. 4); also see, Garratt and Hicks (1973), Bel-
the von Karman constant. The above scaling ap- jaars and Holtslag (1991), Betts and Beljaars
plies in neutral, moderately unstable and stable (1993), Garratt et al. (1993) and Mahrt and Ek
conditions, but in highly convective conditions, (1993).
particularly well away from the surface, mixed- The above equations form the basis of the bulk
layer or free convection scales for velocity, w , , transfer relations for surface fluxes (% is the
ZR. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134 95

surface stress, H o the surface heat flux and E o is functions of h / z o and /~. Note that these curves
the surface evaporation), written as follows strongly reflect observations since the functions
A and B are directly inferred from these for a
To/p = - (-ffr~)o = U2 o = C o u2 (9) range of experiments.
HolpCp = (w -AT" = - u , o0 , o = C H U ( 0 o -- Ova) Recently, Walmsley (1992) has proposed a new
(10) ABL resistance law for neutrally-stratified flow
which, in essence, has strong similarities to that
E o / p = (-W~) o = - u , oq * o = CEU ( qo -- qa) generally accepted. However, comparison against
(11a) observations reveals no significant improvement
to the geostrophic drag law as represented by
-- (q*o - q a ) / ( r s + ra) (llb) Eqs. (12) and (13).
where q* is the saturated humidity, r s is a sur-
3.3. Vertical variation o f fluxes and the K approach
face resistance, the aerodynamic resistance r a =
(CEU) -1 and the coefficients C o, C H, C E are
readily deduced as functions of z / z o and ~" from The covariances (vertical fluxes) can be
manipulation of Eqs. (7) and (8). By setting the • parametrised as
functions tO zero, the neutral values CON , CHN , Tx = _p~-~-v = PKmOVt/O z (16)
CEN a r e also defined. In the above, surface-layer
wind coordinates are used, so that u is the sur- ~-r = -p-dr--~=PKmO'~/Oz (17)
face-layer (total) wind. H = pCpW-W-r-~v= --pCpKHOOv/OZ (18)
The above transfer relations can be written in
terms of ABL-averaged quantities, incorporating E = p~-r~ = _ p K w O ~ / O z (19)
ABL transfer coefficients (e.g. geostrophic drag
where K M is the eddy viscosity, K H the eddy
coefficients). The result is (e.g. Garratt, 1992)
thermal diffusivity and K w is the eddy diffusivity
kfig/U, o = kfi/u, o = ln(h/zo) - A(lz, Mx, R) for water vapour. In contrast to the molecular
(12) case, the eddy diffusivity is not a property of the
fluid but may be a function of many quantities,
k~g/U , o = k~ / u , o - k u , o / f h including position and flow velocity. Here simple
forms for K may be used (e.g Garratt, 1992; ch.
= -B(lz, M y , R)sign(f) (13) 8), or calculated by consideration of the TKE
k(/~v - 0 o ) / 0 . = l n ( h / Z T ) -- C(I~, M , R ) equation (Eq. 6) with K a el/2l, l being a mixing
o length. Alternatively for numerical purposes, we
(14) can carry equations for the covariances them-
k( ~ -qo)/q.o = ln(h/zq) -D(l~, M, R) (15) selves (second-order closure).
For modelling purposes, vertical fluxes of mo-
which, in analogy with the surface-layer manipu- mentum, heat and water vapour and other scalars
lation of Eqs. (7) and (8), leads to relations for can be evaluated using either local or non-local
the surface fluxes in terms of geostrophic or closure schemes. It is apparent that convective
boundary-layer transfer coefficients (Garratt, mixed-layer turbulence is one of the more diffi-
1992; ch. 3). Here, M is a baroclinity parameter cult regimes to model using local closure, because
whose magnitude is defined as I M 12 = M E + M E, the important eddy length scales are comparable
I-~ = h / L and R = I f I h / u . o. Variables with the with the thickness of the CBL. Rather, the valid-
circumflex are vertical averages. Functional forms ity of K-theory and mixing length assumptions
for the A, B, C and D can be found in the requires eddies that are much smaller than the
literature (Brutsaert, 1982; Garratt, 1992), with scale of interest. In the presence of large eddies
Fig. 2 showing the ABL drag coefficient and and intense mixing, the CBL can often be as-
cross-isobar flow angle (from Eqs. 12 and 13) as sumed to be well-mixed, though on some occa-
96 ZR. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134

sions over land and sea it is distinctly unmixed in The application of K-theory to the O V profiles
one or more of the properties. This lack of mixing in particular has obvious limitations, since the
is apparent in the profiles of potential tempera- heat flux may often appear to be countergradient
ture and specific humidity shown in Fig. 3. on average, and therefore will require K to be

C~× 103


I -

0 ;'~e I I I I I Iog,~ (h/z,)

3 4 5 6 7


3040 1 0 0

10 ~ ~-1
0 ~ I I 1 I 1 log m (h/z~)
3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 2. Variations of (a) the boundary-layer drag coefficient (Cg) and (b) cross-isobar flow angle (C~o) as functions of h / z o and
stability parameter p. (negative tz corresponds to unstable conditions) - - see Eqs. (12) and (13). Here Cg -- u,2o/(%2 + vg2)and
tan(a o) = v J u v See Garratt (1992; fig. 3.12).
J.R. Garratt~Earth-ScienceReviews37 (1994) 89-134 97

negative, and in parts of the profile (in mid-re- from bottom-up (through (w-~)o) and top-down
gions of the CBL usually) may even be singular, diffusion (through (W--~)h)"
The nature of the scalar mean profiles in the If we associate eddy diffusivities K b and K t
CBL determines whether local closure will be with bottom-up and top-down diffusion respec-
appropriate. The presence of entrainment pro- tively, then it is readily shown under the assump-
foundly influences the mean temperature and tion of superposition of properties that
scalar mixing ratio profiles (O v and q, for exam-
ple) through what is referred to as "top-down Oc/Oz = - ((w---~)o(1- z / h ) / K b
diffusion". This type of diffusion differs from the + (~Td)h ( z / h ) / K t ) (22)
familiar "bottom-up" diffusion because the buoy-
ant forcing of the convective turbulence occurs which shows that
with vertical asymmetry. Numerical simulations (a) If both fluxes are of the same sign, the
reveal that the flux-gradient relationship (involv- vertical gradient of c will tend to be large - - this
ing an eddy diffusivity) for a passive scalar in a is characteristic of the humidity profile.
mixed layer depends on the boundary from which (b) If the fluxes are of opposite sign, the verti-
the flux originates (e.g. Wyngaard and Brost, cal gradient may be close to zero - - this occurs
1984). To see this, and how it relates to the K with the temperature profile.
problem, consider a passive, conservative scalar We also have for K, using Eq. (22),
whose mean concentration c satisfies
K = -wr~/(Oc/Oz)
Oc/Ot = - O(-~-~)/Oz (20)
where ~ is the scalar flux. If temporal changes =
in the scalar gradient Oc/Oz are assumed negligi- Kt(~--F)o(1 - z / h ) + Kb(-W~d)h(Z/h) "
ble then the flux profile is linear, and described (23)
Since K depends on the fluxes, this shows that
w'c'= (w---~)o(1 - z / h ) + ('ffrd)h ( z / h ) (21) the closure is inherently non-linear with 0 < K <
so that the flux at any level has contributions ~. The poor behaviour in K can occur even when

(a) (b)
1.5 ~-
Jh ,

0.5 q

,, . . . . . . . ,\,,,
0 0 0.5 1 q/qs 0 0.5 1 q/qs
I i I i I i I t I t I i
-20 0 20 0-0~ (°C) -20 0 20 0-0K (°C)

Fig. 3. Mean O and q profiles in unstable conditions in (a) Colorado and (b) south-eastern Australia; in (a) ABL height h = 1710 m
and in (b) h = 915 m. Subscript s denotes "screen-level" values. After Mahrt (1976).
98 J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134

Kb and Kt a r e w e l l ' b e h a v e d ' b u t d i f f e r e n t ( s e e ~ / / /

Holtslag and Moeng, 1991). :/h -0.2
For the determination of the c profile, Eq. • 0 0.4
(22) requires knowledge of the eddy diffusivities 0.8 - 0.6

before integration can be made. The form of the

diffusivities has been obtained from large-eddy
simulations (e.g. Moeng and Wyngaard, 1984;
Holtslag and Moeng, 1991), with K t = 1.4 w , z(1
- z / h ) 2 and K b = w , h ( 1 - z / h ) / g b. The top-
down diffusivity is well-behaved and positive o.6-
throughout the convective boundary layer. In
contrast, the mean gradient function gb is posi-
tive in the lower regions of the mixed layer and
near the surface, but changes sign near z / h = 0.6
and is negative above (Moeng and Wyngaard,
1984). This is a clear illustration of the break- o.4 -
down of the K b model, with K having a singular-
ity in the mid-regions of the mixed layer. The
result for K shows that the bottom-up process -
generates a countergradient flux in the upper
mixed layer.
With suitable bottom boundary conditions, the o.2 -
c profile for various values of the ratio R =
(W-~)h/(W----r~o is shown in Fig. 4. Small negative
R values give a profile form similar to that for -4 -2 0
potential temperature (e.g. with R = -/3 = -0.2)
and illustrate the countergradient heat flux prob- [c ~.~0.I)] w,/~w'c') o
lem in the upper regions of the CBL. Positive R Fig. 4. Scaled concentration profiles for four values of the
values yield distinctly "unmixed" profiles, as oc- parameterR -- see Garratt (1992; fig. 6.10). Here c(0.1) is
curs with humidity at times, the concentration at z/h=O.1, calculated from the inte-
grated form of Eq. (22).
Local closure has problems because it relates
the flux of a quantity at a given level to properties
at that level. The alternative approach uses non-
local closure, either in the form of a non-local K
(e.g. Holtslag and Moeng, 1991; also see Holtslag velocity, temperature and humidity. This can be
and Boville, 1993) as discussed above or in the illustrated for temperature, where,
form of integral (e.g. Fiedler, 1984) or transilient OOv/at = [(W---~v)o -- (W---'~v)h]/h. (24)
methods (Stull, 1984, 1993; Stull and Driedonks,
1987). This, and other analogous equations for slab
properties, contain entrainment fluxes at h. These
can be formally related to the jumps at z = h,
3.4. Slab approach and rate equation f o r A B L (e.g. AOvh for virtual potential temperature) so
depth that for heat transfer,

(W-~vv)h = -- AOvh( ah / a t - Wh ) . (25)

Where the ABL is treated as a slab, of depth
h, vertical integration of Eqs. (1)-(4) in the 1D Here the mean vertical velocity at z = h is
non-cloudy case leads to equations for the slab represented by w h.
J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134 99

assume w h and Te are given, and the surface heat

/i flux is specified, closure is achieved by relating
the e n t r a i n m e n t heat flux to that at the surface.
1.2 ~ ~ o ~ . Such a relationship may be based on the T K E
--'~- z--g ........ ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . equation (e.g. see Manins, 1982), and usually
I leads to the simple form (w--r-~h = - / 3 ~ ) o.
0.8 ' ° ° Observations above surfaces of low roughness
suggest that in convective c o n d i t i o n s / 3 --- - 0 . 2 +
0.6 0.1 (Stull, 1988, ch. 11 - - see also Manins, 1982),
° ~ with tentative evidence of values closer to - 0 . 5
0.4 ~x o o over large roughness surfaces (e.g. Clarke, 1990).
0.2 T h e observed heat-flux profiles in Fig. 5 are
o consistent with the low-roughness value of - 0 . 2 ,
0 ~ , and model results tend to confirm this too (e.g.
-0.5 o 0.5 ~.o
Nieuwstadt et al., 1993 for L E S models; C h r o b o k
et al., 1992 for 1D and 2D boundary-layer m o d -
Fig. 5. Vertical variation of the normalised sensible heat flux els).
based on experimental data from aircraft - - see Garratt
(1992; fig. 6.2). Expressions for h range from the simple en-
croachment-only form, where Oh/Or = (W-O-~)h/
Toh, to the m o r e detailed descriptions e.g. that of
As the slab properties change, so do the re- D e a r d o r f f (1974). Observed and simulated A B L
spective jumps across the top of the CBL. In the growth u n d e r convective conditions are shown in
case of temperature, this is given by Fig. 6, revealing the relative behaviour of a range
of formulations.
O(AOvh)/Ot = T o ( O h / O t - - W h ) - OOvm/~Jt, (26) Applications to the nocturnal b o u n d a r y layer
where To is the vertical O gradient above h. Eqs. (NBL) are not so well developed, but the ap-
(24)-(26) n e e d to be solved for h and Ovm; if we p r o a c h is equally as valid, except that h is differ-

1500 I I I I 1

1000 - ~ I - - ~ . . . . . . . . -

h • ~~ T. . . . . . . ;
(rn) £


0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Local time

Fig. 6. Observed (e) and predicted ABL growth in unstable conditions - - from Manins (1982). Predictions are from an
encroachment model, with (-- - --) and without (--) thermal wind; a flux-ratio closure model ( - - - - - ) and from a Froude
dynamics model ( ).
100 J.R. Garratt~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134

ent. A suitable rate equation was described by cal expressions in both stable and unstable condi-
Nieuwstadt and Tennekes (1981), tions can be found in table 4.2 of Sorbjan (1989).
In the case of @M and @H over a wide unstable
Oh/~t = - A0-1(he _ h)OOo/Ot (27)
range, the observations presented in Kader and
where A® is the temperature change from the Yaglom (1990; fig. 1) confirm Monin-Obukhov
surface to h, and h e is the equilibrium height predictions and the approach to free convective
given by the Zilitinkevich (1972) relation; behaviour - - see Fig. 7. Any of these gradient
h e = ] / e ( U , L / I f I) ]/2 (28) functions can be used to infer the stability func-
tions in Eq. (8) and thus the stability depend-
This relation evolves naturally from scaling of ences of the transfer coefficients in Eqs. (9)-(11).
the momentum equation, with the constraint of The reader should also refer to e.g. Brutsaert
constant gradient Richardson number with height (1982), Stull (1988), Garratt and Pielke (1990)
(Nieuwstadt, 1984). and Garratt (1992). There is now widespread,
though not universal, acceptance of a value of the
von Karman constant in the range 0.38 to 0.41.
4. Homogeneous continental abl
4.1. Surface-layer For a discussion on the scaling of variances,
and a summary of observations, the reader should
Flux-gradient relations consult e.g. Garratt (1992). For observations of
Much observational evidence now exists in ~rw and ~rr in unstable conditions, the stability
support of the M o n i n - O b u k h o v theory, and its dependence based on a number of field observa-
breakdown in highly stable or unstable condi- tions can be found in Kader and Yaglom (1990)
tions. A summary of the multitude of qb analyti- - - see Fig. 8. For observations over a wide range

lot ! I |

(~)mk 2.6 O.7~"I

._ __ q _ / _ o* °*
, ~

10 o

l°"I o?-,
,o,;. ,'o, ,'o. ,'o, ,o.
Fig. 7. Dimensionlessvelocity and temperature gradients (@M/k and ¢}H/k) as a function of ~"= - z / L in unstable conditions
based on observations,with specificfunctional forms shown -- from Kader and Yaglom (1990).
J.R. Garratt / Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134 101

[ ,
Io' , , , [ Spectra and cospectra
~ I 1.3~l ! The curves of Kaimal et al. (1972) based on
~" Ii- " - 0 " ¢ " ~ - ~ ~ _.~.'~1..0.¢~ [ observations made during the Kansas experiment
I ~ (Izumi, 1971)are still the most comprehensive,
10oF ° 1.6s~t -t covering both unstable and stable conditions.

(/1. t °'Z°°"c-,,
2.9 o o~ _ _ | I-"'d~"/J 4.2. ABL and mixed layer over land
10u 1.4~-t ~ ' ~ ~ Mean profiles
I i I Validation of ABL similarity theory was pro-
10-, 10-' l0~ i0 vided in an analysis of Wangara observations by
Yamada (1976), who determined normalised wind
Fig. 8. As in Fig. 7, for ~w/U, and trr/O ,. and temperature profiles in both unstable and
stable conditions. His analysis provided the first
substantial experimental evidence for the stability
dependences of the A, B and C functions ap-
in z / A (here A is the equivalent of L, but pearing in Eqs. (12)-(14). For further information
defined in terms of local not surface fluxes) at on these functions, and the tendency for stability
low levels throughout the stable NBL, where effects to be dominant, the reader should consult
Monin-Obukhov scaling breaks down and local e.g. Brutsaert (1982) and Garratt (1992). Some
scaling is appropriate (i.e. where local values of estimates of these functions over non-homoge-
u . and O , are relevant), the reader should con- neous terrain have been provided based on analy-
suit Sorbjan (1989; his figs. 4.20, 4.21). sis of observations from FIFE (e.g. see Sugita and



l.O ~-________.~.¢..... ....~ o

zlzi °

2 .i .s /

10 .2 10 l 1
w,--2/ M
Fig. 9. Dimensionlessprofile of vertical velocityvariance in convectiveconditions for a range of observational data and specific
functional forms -- over land and sea, and in the laboratory. See Hess (1992) for details.
102 J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134

Brutsaert, 1992). They are useful for estimation profiles, and in Caughey et al. (1979) and Sorb-
of regional surface fluxes, jan, (1989, figs. 4.23, 4.24) for variances. For the
neutral ABL, LES results for the covariance pro-
Variances files can be found in Mason and Thomson (1987),
Variances and higher-order moments have as summarised in Garratt (1992, p. 48).
been measured throughout the ABL in both sta-
ble and unstable conditions, and modelled suc- Spectra/cospectra
cessfully using LES models in neutral conditions. Suitably nondimensionalised, the observed
Systematic behaviour of a range of turbulent spectra and cospectra described by Kaimal et al.
statistics is evident if the appropriate scaling is ( 1 9 7 6 ) (also see Sorbjan, 1989; p. 143) for the
used (e.g. see Hess, 1992). Thus, in unstable unstable mixed layer, and by Caughey et al. (1979)
conditions, this is achieved using convective scal- for the stable ABL (also see Garratt, 1992, p. 82)
ing; typical results can be found in e.g. Sorbjan represent the most comprehensive set of curves
(1989, figs. 4.32, 4.33) and Garratt (1992, p. 77) to date.
for profiles of crw (also u and v components) and
~rr. Composite sets of data for both land and sea
have been discussed in Hess (1992) and profiles 5. Marine/cloudy ABL
of crw and trT suitably nondimensionalised are
shown in Figs. 9 and 10. Also shown are labora- In many situations, clouds exist within or im-
tory data which, in the lower half of the CBL, mediately above the ABL over the ocean. Put
agree well with atmospheric observations. Differ- another way, most observations of the cloud-
ences aloft are probably related to the effects of topped boundary-layer (CTBL) have been ob-
clouds and vertical wind shear in the observa- tained over the ocean where ABL clouds, particu-
tions, both which affect entrainment dynamics, lady in the form of stratocumulus, are common
In stable conditions, local scaling is required, and often persistent over many days at any given
and typical results appear in Caughey et al. (1979) locality. Experimental studies have tended to fo-
and Nieuwstadt (1985) for the covariance (flux) cus on three boundary-layer types

. \

1.0 -...-.~.-~.~.~,-~, . . . . . . . . Oo-,~-,. . . . . . . . . . .

.... ~ . ~°" o o o oo

0',.. \ ~ •
05 o

O 600 @
° .~t...
0 1 ]. J_ 1 " ~ . [ I I II
I I0 10 2
~ ' 2 / T 2*

Fig. 10. As in Fig. 9, for dimensionless temperature variance. See Hess (1992) for details.
J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134 103

(i) The tropical and sub-tropical marine ABL, radiative cooling. The cloud forms part of a de-
usually associated with cumulus (Cu) and stra- tached turbulent layer, whose base is separated
tocumulus (Sc) clouds, from the true ABL (i.e. the mixed layer adjacent
(ii) The mid-latitude marine ABL (open ocean), to the surface). Surface fluxes are usually quite
associated with Cu and Sc clouds, small;
(iii) The sub-tropical and mid-latitude marine (iii) a fully mixed single layer, or layer in which
ABL generated during cold-air outbreaks to the two or more separated turbulent layers exist,
east of the continental land masses, associated which supports multiple cloud layers (not neces-
with Sc and Cu cloud formation, sarily all being stratocumulus). If more than one
The marine ABL during cold-air outbreaks cloud layer exists, the intervening layer of clear
can be highly unstable with latent heat fluxes well air may serve as a barrier to vertical mixing.
in excess of the sensible heat fluxes (e.g. Francey
and Garratt, 1978; Chou, 1993). Absolute values Fully-coupled single layer
of the evaporation rates can reach nearly 1000 W This layer may be predominantly surface driven
m -2 in extreme conditions, due to heating or friction associated with strong
Major boundary-layer cloud types are stratocu- winds, or it may be cloud-top driven due to strong
mulus, stratus and fair-weather cumulus, and radiative cooling. In the latter case, cloud-top
these serve as suitable loci for a discussion of the radiative cooling may be intense enough, in situa-
cloudy ABL. tions where surface fluxes are small, to support a
convectively mixed layer extending from the cloud
5.1. Stratocumulus top to the surface.
Examples of mean profiles of thermodynamic
Observations reveal the following broad cate- variables are shown in Fig. 11 for a thick stra-
gories of stratocumulus-topped ABL tocumulus layer. The ABL is fully mixed because
(i) a fully mixed ABL, with a single elevated of the combination of non-negligible surface
cloud layer fully coupled with the sub-cloud layer, fluxes in moderate to strong winds, and the exis-
This type of CTBL is usually associated with tence of cloud-top radiative cooling. Through the
either significant surface heat fluxes or strong cloud layer O or ®v increases according to moist
radiative cooling at cloud top; adiabatic ascent, whilst ®e is approximately con-
(ii) a single cloud layer decoupled from the stant. Of particular significance are the large
surface, in which mixing is the result of cloud-top jumps in properties across the ABL top.

p (hPa)


960 -- i

iooo i i
280 3iX) 2 8 295 3i 5
0(K) q (g kg -I) 0e (K)
Fig. 11. Vertical profiles of several thermodynamic variables in the CTBL offshore from California in a situation of thick
continuous stratocumulus cover (denoted by pecked lines). See Garratt (1992; fig. 7.3) for further details.
104 J.R. Garratt / Earth-Science Reuiews 37 (1994) 89-134



, I , i

, i , i cause of small surface heat fluxes related to
near-neutral stability conditions. The local con-
densation level coincided with the top of the
shallow ABL and, in the presence of conditional
instability above (OOe/OZ< 0), a field of cumulus
clouds extended into the overlying stratocumulus.
Even though the cumulus was observed to be
intermittent and irregularly distributed in the
horizontal, it acts to transport mass (water vapour)
from the ABL towards the stratocumulus layer.

5.2. Stratus
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I Observations of stratus cloud layers have

0 ~ , I , , ~ , ~,,I A I t I ~ I tended to concentrate on the Arctic region in
300 305 310 288 2 4 6 s summertime, with very few comprehensive data
(K) IK} (gkg J~ from elsewhere. Nevertheless, observations to
date seem to suggest at least two main categories
Fig. 12. Vertical profiles of several thermodynamic variables o f stratus-topped ABL
in the CTBL over the north-east Atlantic for a decoupled (i) a fully mixed ABL, with a single elevated
stratocumulus layer (top pair of pecked lines). Here, qt = q +
ql. The bottom pecked curve corresponds to the top of the cloud layer fully coupled with the sub-cloud layer.
Ekman layer. See Garratt (1992; fig. 7.5), This type of CTBL is associated with moderate to
strong winds and negligible buoyancy effects. The
vertical velocity variance typically shows little en-
Decoupled single layer hancement near cloud top so that buoyancy ef-
An example of a decoupled stratocumulus layer fects are probably not significant (Nicholls and
is shown in Fig. 12. The cloud layer is barely 150 Leighton, 1986);
m thick and located beneath a sharp inversion. (ii) an ABL above which several low-level cloud
The dry adiabatic lapse rate and fluctuations in layers exist.
the wind components indicate that turbulent mix-
ing extends beneath cloud base and into the 5.3. Cumulus
sub-cloud layer. This whole mixed region has
essentially the same values of O~ and total hu- Boundary-layer cumuli are cumulus clouds
midity qt, and is decoupled from the true ABL or whose vertical extent is limited by the main subsi-
surface-based Ekman layer (of height = 0.2 dence or capping inversion. Such clouds are gen-
u . / I f I), in which turbulence is maintained to a erally non-precipitating, and are usually referred
height of about 280 m by surface-related pro- to as fair-weather cumulus, cumulus humilus, or
cesses, as a result of an intervening stably strati- trade-wind cumulus. Boundary-layer cumuli are
fled layer, often composed of an ensemble of forced, active
or passive clouds (Stull, 1985) with the deepest of
Multiple layers these, the active clouds, ascending no more than
Though not shown in diagrammatic form here, a few km above the main inversion.
a good example of multiple layers can be found in Forced cumulus clouds form within the top of
Nicholls (1985). In this case (from the JASIN mixed-layer thermals while the thermals are over-
experiment in the north-east Atlantic), coupling shooting into the overlying stable layer. These
between a stratocumulus layer of thickness about thermals remain negatively buoyant during the
350 m and the surface-based ABL of depth 400 m overshoot, even though there is warming from
was generally weak and intermittent, mainly be- condensation. Thus, the visible thermal rises
J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134 105

above the local condensation level, but fails to clouds? It is apparent from both observations
reach its level of free convection (where a parcel (usually involving aircraft) and modelling studies
will have positive buoyancy relative to the envi- that, where clouds are present and particularly
ronment). Active cumulus clouds ascend above fair-weather cumulus, the moisture flux near
the level of free convection and thus become cloud base is a significant fraction of the surface
positively buoyant. Because of this they tend to evaporation, In contrast, entrainment moisture
ascend to greater heights than forced clouds and fluxes near the mixed-layer top in clear skies are
develop circulations that are independent of the usually small. This is evident in the observations
original triggering thermals. In the forced case, described by ImMone (1980) - - see Fig. 13 - -
little or no transport (venting) of A B L air into the which also reveal small virtual heat fluxes at
free troposphere occurs whilst, for the active case, cloud base. These data, in fact, illustrate the
transport does take place. Finally, passive clouds slightly unstable conditions often found over trop-
are the decaying remnants of formerly active ical and sub-tropical open ocean areas, under
clouds and, in general, have no interaction with fair-weather conditions, where h / L is typically in
the ABL, except that they shade the ground (as the range - 1 0 to - 1 . The surface sensible heat
do other non-ABL clouds), flux and virtual heat flux are small, but evapora-
How is the turbulence structure and the verti- tion rates relatively large; the radiative cooling
cal fluxes affected by the presence of cumulus near cloud base tends to maintain a sub-cloud

I 253i
600 - _ . . . . . .

0 ' 'd''' ]

! 58
600 . . . .


200 -- •

0 I
-().()l 0 O.OI 0 0.05 x 10-3
w'T v w'q"
(m s -I K) (m s-l)
Fig. 13. Profiles of heat and moisture fluxes for two GATE days, the upper for a cloudy ABL and the lower for clear skies. Pecked
curves show the approximate level of cloud base and/or ABL top - - based on LeMone (1980).
106 J.R. Garratt~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134

layer cooler than the sea (Betts and Ridgway, and there are additional sources and sinks of
1989). TKE associated with radiative effects and phase
We can summarise important observational as- changes. It is unlikely that any single method of
pects of the stratus- and stratocumulus-topped scaling data obtained in convective layers contain-
ABL as follows ing stratocumulus will yield results which have
(i) As with the clear ABL, strong jumps in ®v universal applicability since the TKE balance is
and q occur across cloud top (defined as the potentially much too complicated. At other times,
ABL top), with O e often showing both positive particularly under strong wind conditions, the
and negative jumps. The change in Oe across the CTBL is indistinguishable in a dynamical sense
cloud top is an important parameter characteris- from the neutral ABL without clouds.
ing entrainment, and is closely associated with
strong cloud-top radiative cooling and cloud-layer
stability. 6. Non-homogeneous abl over land
(ii) In the presence of strong winds, large sur- 6.1. Introduction
face fluxes or large entrainment effects (related
to cloud-top radiative cooling), the CTBL is well Significant horizontal variations in ABL struc-
mixed, with the cloud layer coupled to the sub- ture and properties usually arise from hetero-
cloud layer and to the surface. The top of the geneity in surface properties, though they may
ABL usually corresponds with cloud top. also be induced by horizontal variations in cloudi-
(iii) In light to moderate winds, with negligible ness. Even at the microscale (order of tens of
surface fluxes of sensible heat and momentum, metres), surface variations can induce an organ-
the cloud layer is decoupled from the surface. In ised response in the form of internal boundary
this case, the CTBL is not well mixed, layers, though these are usually confined to the
(iv) The CTBL may consist of more than one lowest few metres or tens of metres. Indeed, for
cloud layer, surfaces whose heterogeneities are disorganised
(v) Precipitation in the form of drizzle may at length scales somewhat less than 10 km, there
occur, with a tendency towards stabilization of is no apparent organised mesoscale response in
the CTBL. The stability is affected because the the lower atmosphere. For surfaces that have
cloud layer is associated with the latent heat of organised heterogeneities at scales greater than
condensation, whilst in the sub-cloud layer evapo- 10 km, there may be an organised mesoscale
rative cooling occurs, response throughout the ABL and above. Fig. 14
(vi) In some instances, the cloudy stratiform illustrates this schematically. The response of
ABL is convective in nature and has a number of area-averaged evaporation at these two scales to
similarities with the clear CBL heated from be- the imposed available energy, surface and atmo-
low. Generally though, the main source of buoy- spheric conditions may also be different (Shut-
ancy for this CTBL is at the entraining boundary tleworth, 1991).


oooo.. 6660 .oo o .00000000000000 ,L

10 km
fl 4
10 km
Fig. 14. Classificationof land surface types (two) based on Shuttleworth(1991). In type A, the surface structure is disorganisedat
length scales of 10 km or less; in type B, there is organisationat length scales greater than 10 km.
J.R. Garratt / Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134 107

The problem of surface heterogeneity can be work of the World Climate Research Programme
considered on several scales. On the smallest (WCRP) of WMO. The focus was on a program
scale, the response is confined to the surface of observations and modelling aimed at studying
layer and is dominated by local advection effects, the water budget and evaporation at the scale of
The A B L as a whole can then be taken as hori- a G C M grid. One main objective was to provide a
zontally homogeneous. At the next larger scale, data base against which parametrisation schemes
the effects of the surface disturbance can be for the land surface water budget can be tested
followed downwind until the whole of the A B L is and developed. Several aspects of the experiment
affected. This is the case of mesoscale advection, and results have been reported, including an
Finally, at this scale and larger, the A B L adjusts overview (Andre et al., 1986), initial results
to the new surface conditions and, under opti- (Andre et al., 1988); regional estimates of fluxes
m u m large-scale conditions, mesoscale circula- and comparisons of aircraft fluxes with surface
tions develop (sea breezes, lake breezes, inland measurements (Andre et al., 1990); application of
breezes) which interact further with the horizon- a mesoscale model using an advanced surface
tally varying ABL. Surface heterogeneity can also parametrisation (Bougeault et al., 1991a, b; Noil-
be identified with changes in surface elevation, as han et al., 1991); canopy processes and applica-
occurs in regions of hills, ridges and valleys. Un- tions (Mehrez et al., 1992a; Pinty et al., 1992);
der these conditions, large scale changes in the calibration of a bare soil energy model (Mehrez
pressure field are induced producing a complex et al., 1992b). In addition, the complete data set
response in the A B L flow. is readily available from the French group (see
e.g. Andre et al., 1990).
6.2. M a j o r f i e l d experiments There is no doubt that the H A P E X - M o b i l h y
experiment has resulted in a high quality compre-
HAPEX-Mobilhy took place in south-west hensive data set focussing on aspects of A B L
France for 3 months in 1986 under the frame- structure on selected days, and surface energy

1.5 " o []


1 oo~MS 1989

o I I
10 100 1000 10000
rc (sm -1)
Fig. 15. Dependence of the Priestley-Taylor coefficient a upon canopy stomatal resistance re; a value of 1.26 is the accepted value
for homogeneous saturated surfaces. Of particular interest is the mean values for the FIFE (F) and ARME (A) experiments - -
both type A surfaces - - and for the HAPEX (H) experiment - - a type B surface. Other observational data, and the curve, are from
McNaughton and Spriggs (1989). After Shuttleworth (1991).
108 J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134

and water budgets at several locations over a significant mesoscale advection and circulations
period of 3 months. The data have proved invalu- reducing the regional evaporation relative to the
able for validation and calibration of new surface net available energy. This has important implica-
and ABL schemes used in mesoscale and climate tions for the parametrisation of regional energy
models, fluxes.
FIFE - - the first ISLSCP field experiment
(see e.g. Sellers et al., 1988) took place in east 6.3. Internal boundary layers
Kansas in 1987 and 1989, with major observing
periods focussed within a 15 X 15 km region of General
Konza prairie. One of its major objectives con- Internal boundary layers (IBL's) in the atmo-
cerned the use of satellite observations to infer sphere are associated with the horizontal advec-
climatologically significant land-surface parame- tion of air across a discontinuity in some property
ters. of the surface. Studies usually specify the surface
The first set of major results has been de- forcing in terms of a step change in surface
scribed recently in a special issue of Journal of roughness, temperature or humidity, or in the
Geophysical Research (Vol. 97, No. D17, 1992). surface flux of heat or moisture. Several classes
Studies have focussed on six areas, as follows: (i) of IBL problem can be readily identified in the
ABL, with particular emphasis on airborne fluxes literature, concerning both laboratory and atmo-
and measurement techniques; (ii)Surface Fluxes, spheric flows, and related both to the thermal
with emphasis on heat, moisture and CO 2 fluxes stability characteristics and horizontal scale of the
and sensor performance; (iii) Correction and cali- flow.
bration of satellite sensor data; (iv) Surface radia- Earlier work (from the late fifties to the mid-
tion and biology; (v) Soil moisture; (vi) Integrative seventies) was concerned mainly with the prob-
science. The results to date have led to improved lem of neutral flow across a step change in sur-
understanding of the exchanges between the land face roughness. Later in this period, attention
surface and atmosphere at the local scale (1-100 turned to the effects of thermal stratification
m) and at the intermediate scale (100 m to 15 upon the flow across a roughness change, and to
kin). In addition, much is being learnt on the the growth and structure of the IBL related to
application of remote sensing science at these step changes in surface heat flux and tempera-
two scales, and the use of remote sensing and ture. Throughout this period the main emphasis
modelling at the intermediate scale. The applica- was on the small-scale aspects of the flow i.e. on
tion of FIFE data to validation of model simula- relatively small downwind fetches and where, in
tions has recently received some attention, with the atmosphere for example, the IBL was con-
emphasis on aspects of surface and boundary- fined to the atmospheric surface layer of the
layer behaviour (Betts et al., 1993). advected planetary boundary layer. Such a con-
Both HAPEX and FIFE observations of evap- straint allowed for several simplifying assump-
oration have been used by Shuttleworth (1991) to tions in analytical and numerical treatments, and
illustrate the impact of land heterogeneity upon confined the downstream fetch to maximum val-
regional evaporation, and its relation with avail- ues of about 1 kin.
able (net radiant) energy and bulk canopy resis- In more recent times (the mid-seventies to the
tance (rc). Fig. 15 shows the dependence of the present), the emphasis moved from the microme-
Priestley-Taylor parameter a upon r c, based on teorological (and local advection) problem associ-
observations and predictions of a simple 1D ABL ated with relatively small fetches to mesoscale
model with a range of initial conditions (note that advection, and in particular to the effects of
a is directly proportional to A E / ( R N - G ) ; the buoyancy and the development of the thermal
reader is referred to Priestley and Taylor, 1972). IBL towards an equilibrium boundary layer far
It is thought that the HAPEX anomaly reflects downstream of the leading edge (relatively large
the impact of larger-scale heterogeneities, with fetches). The main topic has been on the growth
ZR. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134 109

of the convective thermal internal boundary layer pollution problems in the coastal region. AI-
(TIBL) at the coast, mainly because of practical though the advection of air across the coastline
concern on the influence of the IBL on coastal relates to both surface roughness and tempera-
pollution from industrial sites located in the ture changes, the primary consideration is often
coastal region. Less attention has been given to the response and growth of an IBL to a marked
the parallel problem of a stably stratified IBL, step-change in surface temperature. It is recog-
whose full development may require fetches of nised that in real world situations roughness
several hundreds of km. For a recent review of changes also are present. The emphasis generally
the topic, and many relevant references, see Gar- has been on the growth equation for the IBL
ratt (1990). We limit the present discussion to the depth in both convective and stable conditions,
problem of mesoscale flow and IBL growth as and the factors affecting the depth. Definition of
schematically shown in Fig. 16. the thermal IBL is usually in terms of the marked
Most mesoscale studies focus on the structure changes in temperature and humidity gradient
and growth of the TIBL, and stem from the found near its top, and this seems to be most
perceived relevance of the IBL to diffusion and appropriate for the stable case. Observations of

/~z) /Ov(z)
! !


[• 0v(:) (b)


Land ~
0vs X

Fig. 16. (a) Schematic O v profiles under conditions of onshore flow and formation of a convective 1BL of depth hb(X); (b) As in (a)
but for offshore flow and formation of a stable IBL.
110 J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134

convective T I B L structure (usually for fetches tram, 1977). For practical application, the heat
less than about 50 k m ) d u r i n g sea-breeze events flux may be parametrised in terms of a bulk
and for general onshore flow conditions have relation using suitable transfer relations.
found that the top defined from the (9 profiles Most observational studies have been confined
can be well below the level of minimum turbulent to inland fetches in the range 5 to 50 km, since
kinetic energy. Such observations of the mean this is the typical distance required to approach
and turbulence structure reveal the IBL as a the full depth of the ABL. Growth of the T I B L
fairly well-mixed layer, with large horizontal gra- over this fetch range has generally supported the
dients in ®v and turbulent kinetic energy for relation h b = ax 1/2, with h b and x both in me-
several tens of km inland from the coast. In tres, and with a in the range 2 to 5 approxi-
contrast, turbulence closure-model studies of the mately. These numerical values can readily be
T I B L structure and growth (e.g. Durand et al., shown to be consistent with that implied in Eq.
1989) reveal that the T I B L top defined in terms (29a). If we take/3 = 0.2, and 3'o = 0.01 K m - 1 (a
of the Ov inversion layer tends to coincide with rather large value), then
the level of near-zero heat flux and turbulent
kinetic energy, and with maximum temperature h~ = (2.8/O.O1)(w-r-~)oX/Um . (29b)
variance. Realistic values of u m = 5 m s - ~ and H o = 100
W m -2 give a = 2, whilst u m = 2 m s -~ and
The convective thermal IBL H o = 400 W m -2 give a = 7. Decreasing Yo to a
The convective IBL (depth h b) usually forms low value of 0.001 K m -1 increases these a
over land under clear skies during the daytime values by a factor 101/2. Thus, a values lying in
when there is an onshore flow of air. Simple the range 2 to 22 can be expected and are compa-
models of convective IBL growth can be devel- rable with observed values (Hsu, 1986).
oped from a slab-model approach, based on This x ~/2 behaviour is found because station-
mixed-layer dynamics. This can be used to derive arity is assumed as well as horizontal uniformity
a set of governing equations from which hb(X) of the heat flux. The effect of a time varying heat
can be determined, where the fetch is designated flux can be readily deduced if the heat flux is
as distance x from the coastline (Fig. 16a). Equa- assumed to vary sinusoidally through the day (a
tions for mixed-layer wind components and tem- good approximation). Let H o = H om~x
perature, the continuity equation and an equa- sin(27rt'/T), where T = 24 hours and t' is the
tion for h b permit numerical solution, with ap- time elapsed since sunrise and also the time at
propriate boundary conditions. The h b e q u a t i o n which air crosses the coastline. If t is the travel
required for closure results from applying the time from the coast to a point x inland, the T I B L
T K E equation (Eq. 6) at the inversion level and height at time t can be found from (Garratt,
utilising a suitable entrainment assumption. 1992; p. 188)
For practical application, it is possible to de-
rive a suitable model, based on the steady state, h 2 = 23'o1(1 + 2 / 3 ) i f + e ( HmaX/pco )
pure advective case, with equations identical to Jt"

those for the growing CBL over a homogeneous ×sin(2~rt"/T) dt"

surface. The reader is referred to Garratt (1990) = 23'o1(1 + 2/3)(Hornax/pco)(T/2~r)
for details. If we assume that the lapse rate 3'o is
constant and that the surface heat flux is inde- × { c o s ( Z ~ r t ' / T ) - cos[Z~'(t + t ' ) / T ] } .
pendent of x, and use the initial condition that (30)
h b = 0 at x = 0, then, with u m the slab velocity,
we have The depth of the T I B L after a travel time t
h~ = 2(1 + 2fl)(w-~v)oX/yoU m (29a) ( = X / U m ) depends on t' since this sets the aver-
age level of the heat flux during the passage of
so revealing an hb~ X 1/2 behaviour (e.g. Venka- the air to a point x inland from the coastline. For
J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134 111

t ' = 0, the air crosses the coast at sunrise when historical d a t a and d i m e n s i o n a l analysis
the heat flux is zero over the land surface whilst if (Mulhearn, 1981; Hsu, 1983), by use of numerical
t'= T/4 the air crosses at midday when the heat and simple physical models (Garratt, 1987), and
flux is maximum. Growth of the TIBL will be by analysis of detailed aircraft data (Garratt and
greater near midday than near sunrise. What Ryan, 1989). Growth rates are found to be small,
typical travel times are appropriate? For the TIBL with fetches of several hundreds of km required
depth to approach the "equilibrium" CBL depth to develop an IBL several hundred metres deep.
expected "far inland", t of order 1 hour suffices, The nature of the ®v profiles within the IBL over
noting that for t ' = 0, the CBL will be shallow the sea is found to be quite different to that
( ~ 100 m) and for t'= T/4, the CBL will be found in the stable boundary layer over land.
approaching its maximum daytime depth ( = 1-2 Over the sea, the O v profiles are found to have
km). Two solutions of Eq. (30) serve to illustrate large positive curvature with vertical gradients
the problem, increasing with height, interpreted as reflecting
(i) With t' = 0 and t = x / u m ( << T), the dominance of turbulent cooling within the
h2 = 23,o1( 1 + 2fl)(n~aX/pcoUm)(27rx2/umT) layer. The behaviour contrasts with the behaviour
in the nocturnal boundary layer over the land,
(31a) where curvature is negative (vertical gradients
(ii) With t' = T/4, decreasing with height) and where radiative cool-
ing is dominant (Garratt, 1990).
h 2 = 23,o'(1 + 2[3)(HomaX/pcpUm)X. (31b) A suitable model of IBL growth can be formu-
lated based on the basic structure shown in Fig.
Thus, after one hour's travel time inland from 16b. We assume for simplicity that the advected
the coast ( x / u m = 1 hour) the midday IBL will be continental mixed-layer air of virtual potential
greater than the early morning IBL by a factor temperature Ovc remains constant. Above the
(umT/27rx) 1/2 = 2. The analysis also shows that IBL we take 3'o = 0. The starting point is the 2D,
the stationarity assumption is likely to be much steady-state O v equation (Eq. 3) integrated be-
better around the time of maximum heat flux tween the surface and hb, with an assumed linear
when, for an assumed sinusoidal variation, the flux profile and assumed self-preserving forms for
heat flux undergoes its minimum rate of change the profiles. The result for hb(X) is (Garratt,
with time. 1990)
At very large fetches, boundary-layer heights
must tend towards an equilibrium value. That is, h 2 = alUZ(gAO/Ov) - i x (32)
the square root dependence must ultimately be where
invalid at large enough x where h b tends to a
constant value. In addition, the lapse rate 3"o is al = 2Aof(Z/hb)R--fCg
likely to vary with x, particularly at fetches where and, U is a large-scale, or geostrophic, wind at a
the IBL top approaches the level of the subsi- small angle to the IBL mean wind direction along
dence inversion. In the context of Eq. (29a), whose which the x-axis is defined (thus, x is the actual
differential with respect to x constitutes an IBL fetch); AO is the temperature difference between
growth equation, a large increase in 3'o at the the IBL top and the surface; Cg is a boundary-
inversion will reduce the rate of growth of the layer heat transfer coefficient; R--f is a critical
IBL considerably, layer-averaged flux Richardson number and A o
is a positive profile shape factor with a value
The stable thermal IBL O(1).
Much of the interest in the stable case is The x 1/2 prediction in Eq. (32) and the de-
related to offshore flow in the coastal region from pendence on other parameters, is generally con-
warm land to cool sea. Growth of the stable firmed by observations and numerical simula-
thermal IBL has mostly been studied by appeal to tions, for a~/2 in the range 0.014 to 0.024 (Gar-
112 J.R. Garratt / Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134

ratt, 1990). It is readily apparent that growth Table 1

rates implied in Eq. (32) for the stable IBL are Observed values of the Zilitinkevich constant Ye (Eq. 28)for 4
much less than those implied in Eq. (29) for the sites, togetherwith numericalvaluesbased on 1D NBL simu-
lations, illustrating the effects of slope (magnitude a). Model
unstable IBL. calculations incorporate the observed wind direction relative
to the sloping terrain, with appropriate values of latitude (4~)
6.4. Flow over orography and roughness length (zo). Data from Garratt (1982)
Site ~h zo a Ye
(m) Observed Calculated
Theory and other considerations Koorin -15 0.1 0.002 0.13 0.14
Minnesota 45 0.01 0.001 0.37 0.38
Sloping terrain. In the presence of uniform slop- Wangara -30 0.001 0 0.39 0.37
ing terrain many aspects of ABL structure remain Cabauw 45 0.1 0 0.42 0.39
unchanged from that over horizontal surfaces. At
nighttime, however, the presence of slopes can
affect significantly the depth of the nocturnal a significant slope angle and a cross-slope
boundary layer (NBL) and induce shallow geostrophicflow.
drainage or katabatic flows almost independent
of the overlying NBL. By day, upslope flows tend Flow over hills. The study of flow over ridges and
to be deep and the CBL little affected by the hills represents an extra degree of complexity
underlying slope, compared with flow over horizontal or sloping
The presence of sloping terrain is represented terrain, or even flow across a simple change in
in Eqs. (1) and (2) by an additional buoyancy surface conditions. The pattern of flow around a
term; thus, with the x-axis taken along and down hill is determined not only by the hill shape but
the slope, the RHS of Eq. (1) contains a new also by its size. If the hill is large enough (usually
term, of the form -(g/O)O'sina where the tern- of height > 100-500 m) and occupies a signifi-
perature deviation O', which is negative in stable cant fraction of the daytime ABL depth then flow
conditions, produces a height dependent local disturbances throughout the ABL and into the
pressure gradient. The slope of the terrain is stable region above will result (both day and
represented by the angle a. night). For smaller hills, flow disturbances within
In the presence of sloping terrain, and hence and above the NBL only can be expected.
of slope flows and interfacial mixing, NBL char- To a greater degree than in many other areas,
acteristics are modified compared with flow over our understanding of hill flow has been shaped by
a horizontal surface. Both numerical models and mathematical modelling. This is not surprising
observational studies have been used to study the when instrumentation used in 1D micrometero-
effects of slope. For example, Brost and Wyn- logical experiments must be located in a multi-
gaard (1978) used a simplified second-order ABL tude of locations to capture the complex (3D)
model to show how slope inclination and the flow field around even simple topography (see
relative direction of the large-scale wind affected the review by Taylor et al., 1987). At Askervein
NBL depth and internal structure. Garratt (1982) Hill, the site of the most complete field experi-
summarized observations and model results of ment to date, 50 towers were deployed with 27 of
the nondimensional NBL depth for a range of them equipped with three-component turbulence
slope angles. Table 1 summarises these results sensors (Taylor and Tuenissen, 1987). The most
and shows how the non-dimensional height pa- influential theoretical work to emerge has relied
rameter is sensitive to both the slope magnitude upon techniques of asymptotic matching applied
and the angle between the wind direction and the to flow over low hills, where the equations of
slope fall vector. The impact of katabatic flow in motion (Eqs. 1, 2) can be linearized (Jackson and
the Koorin case is clearly evident, with the re- Hunt, 1975; Hunt et al., 1988a, b). There is a
duced value of Ye (see Eq. 28) being the result of great deal more structure to be explored in the
J.R. Garratt / Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134 113

mean flow above an arbitrary hill than in the and described by Kustas and Brutsaert (1986)and
horizontally homogeneous and advective situa- Brutsaert and Kustas (1985, 1987). The Pre-Alps
tions discussed above. In the lowest layer, the region is characterised by hills of the order of 100
inner layer, whose thickness depends on the size m above the valley elevations and by distances
and roughness of the hill, the Monin-Obukhov between ridges of the order of 1 km. The empha-
similarity theory can be used in modified form, sis in the first study was on the near-neutral wind
but farther from the surface the presence of profile and the relation between Zo, the zero-
advection does not allow the condition of local plane displacement and the surface geometry.
equilibrium in the turbulence that such scaling This profile was found to be logarithmic over a
requires (see Kaimal and Finnigan, 1993; ch. 5). substantial part of the ABL depth, leading to
consistent results in estimating z o (about 3.5 m),
Field experiments and observational studies in com- d (about 45 m) and the friction velocity. In the
plex terrain second study, neutral humidity profiles were
We summarise below several relevant experi- analysed, yielding values of Zq some 10 to 15
ments and results of observational analyses that times smaller than z o. In the third study, surface
provide some insight into ABL structure and fluxes in unstable conditions were evaluated from
behaviour over regions of complex terrain, measured vertical profiles using surface-layer re-
(i) SESAME ( 1 9 7 9 ) - this included, inter alia, lations (Eq. 8, for wind and humidity) applied
studies of the low-level jet over the Great Plains throughout the lower half of the ABL. However,
of the USA (e.g. Lenschow et al., 1988a, b). best results were found with the z / L dependence
(ii) ALPEX (1982) - - the emphasis, inter alia, ignored and the • functions replaced by a non-
was on ABL aspects of flow around and within zero constant.
the European Alps (e.g. see Smith, 1986 for re- (iii) ASCOT (1984) - - the overall objective of
search in the US; see volume 36, pp. 1-296 of this major US dispersion-focussed experiment
Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 1987). The main ALPEX seemed to be a better understanding of pollutant
experiment was held during March and April in transport and diffusion associated with valley
1982. flows, with particular emphasis on the transport
Studies related to the ABL were mainly con- of pollutants from energy related facilities to pop-
cerned with diurnal heating effects, particularly ulation or agricultural centres set within valleys.
on valley and slope winds, and on the local wind The original programme was developed in 1978,
systems themselves. For example, Hafner et al. with major studies held in 1979, 1980 and 1981 in
(1987) studied the diurnal variation in ABL struc- the Geysers geothermal area in northern Califor-
ture on both sides of the Alps in the context of nia, USA (Gudiksen and Dickerson, 1983) and in
the regularly observed elevated heat low. 1984 in the Brush Creek valley in western Col-
Vergeiner and Dreiseitl (1987) summarised val- orado, USA (see Journal of Applied Meteorology,
ley-wind research, emphasising the importance of Vol. 28, 1989).
quasiperiodic thermal forcing in driving local wind (iv) MESOGERS (1984) - - this ABL experi-
circulations, and the role of slope winds and ment involved studies of flow properties over
topographical relief. They found that the diurnal inhomogeneous terrain and regional-scale fluxes
variation in the horizontal thermal contrast be- (e.g. Durand et al., 1987; Weill et al., 1988).
tween plains and valley induces a like pressure (v) AUTAN (1984) - - this ABL experiment
gradient variation, thus forcing both up- and studied the orographic influence on large-scale
down-valley winds. Finally, Hennemuth (1987) flow and its consequences on the dynamics of the
discussed the role of small valleys in the interplay local ABL (e.g. see Benech et al., 1987).
of thermal circulation systems, and how these (vi) FIFE (1987, 1989) - - see above. The es-
related to heating of the mountain ABL. sential requirements for FIFE were the need for
ABL observations from ALPEX in the Pre- simultaneous data acquisition and multiscale ob-
Alps region of Switzerland have been analysed servations and modelling. Main ABL data con-
114 J.R. Garratt / Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134

sisted of measurements of surface and near- found that during daytime the thermal effects of
surface fluxes from ground-based and aircraft surface heating and entrainment on form drag
systems, and of thermal and biophysical proper- were more significant than dynamic effects in an
ties of the vegetation, and soil moisture. A strat- adiabatic, non-entraining ABL. Typical form-drag
egy for optimum station distribution within the coefficients, for the example chosen of intermedi-
experimental area, and a discussion of estimating ate terrain variations, reached 0.005 in the middle
regional-scale surface fluxes from local values, of the day, greater than the frictional coefficient
can be found in Mahrt (1987). relative to a reference height of about 100 m. The
(vii) HAPEX ( 1 9 8 6 ) - see earlier discussion, work suggests how form drag might be
parametrised in GCM's, a problem under fairly
Theoretical~numerical studies in complex terrain intensive study at present. These authors cer-
A number of these in the past few years have tainly question the use of effective roughness
given new insight into ABL evolution over sloping lengths in the standard ABL formulations, since
or mountainous terrain, into ABL structure and they do not reflect the influence of ABL height
terrain-induced mesoscale motions, and into the and mixed-layer temperature variations at the
evolution of thermally-induced valley circulations, mesoscale.
For example, Banta (1984, 1986) was con- Nevertheless, much work has been reported on
cerned with evolution of the daytime ABL over the problem of effective roughness lengths. For a
the Rockies, McNider and Pielke (1984) with mixed-cover landscape, the vertical flux of too-
general slope and mountain flows, and Segal et mentum to the surface is proportional to
al. (1988) with the effects of vegetation on ups- [ln(lb/Zoe)]-2, where Zoe is the effective rough-
lope flows. The ALPEX and ASCOT experi- ness length and l b is a blending height above
ments have stimulated many theoretical and nu- which the effects of local IBL's are not felt. The
merical studies related to ABL behaviour on the following summary is taken from Hess (1992).
mesoscale - - for example the work of Egger The effective roughness length for momentum
(1987a, b) and papers in the 1989 Journal of can be estimated from a weighted average rela-
Applied Meteorology (Vol. 28) related to ASCOT. tion
Egger's work involved the modelling of
thermally-induced valley-plain circulations, with [1/ln2(IJzoe)] =~i,i[fi/lnZ(lb/Zoi)] (33)
emphasis on clarifying the dependence of these where fi is the fractional cover of local roughness
upon the valley's geometry; stratification; advec- length zoi. Consideration of Eq. (33) for typical
tive processes and the diurnal cycle of heating, values of l b in the range 10-100 m shows that the
Model simulations which were highly resolving in areal roughness length, and hence stress, is domi-
the horizontal were able to produce the gross nated by the roughest sub-areas and tallest
features of observed flows near the mouths of roughness elements. Where orographic influences
valleys, are present, terrain can play a significant role in
Of particular relevance are the numerical stud- determining surface roughness. Recently, Wood
ies of Han et al. (1982) and Deardorff et al. and Mason ( 1 9 9 3 ) - see also the earlier study by
(1984) on the heated mixed layer over a mesoscale Grant and Mason (1990) - - parametrised the
region of complex terrain. In part, they were total drag by a sum of the shear-stress contribu-
interested in the problem of topographically-in- tions associated with the small-scale roughness
duced form drag, and evaluation of the related elements and form drag created by the terrain:
drag coefficients, over irregular terrain in the ln-Z(Zm/Zoe) = Ca/k2+ ln-Z(Zm/Zoi) (34)
presence of a well-defined mixed layer. Their
results are highly relevant to the problems of where C a is a form-drag coefficient and z m is a
effective roughness lengths or drag coefficients scale height approximately equal to the height of
for use in GCM's, and of sub-grid variability and the obstacles (trough to peak for a ridge-valley
how this should be represented in models. They system). A comparison of the predictions from
J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134 115

....................... numerical modelling. The sea breeze is basically a

lo0 .~_. . . . . . . . ~ . / / . . . . " J - boundary-layer phenomenon and is a response to
t ~ : ,, ..""
" thermal forcing; it is driven by the differential
lOO Z o e / h surface heating between land and sea that occurs
during the daytime. This induces a sea-land tem-
perature difference of several Kelvins throughout
the ABL, with the corresponding horizontal pres-
1.0 zx
sure gradient producing the sea-breeze circula-
tion. Its intensity, longevity and inland penetra-
tion is significantly dependent upon several major
factors including, dryness of the land surface,
large-scale flow, terrain slope, latitude, insolation
0.1 I [ I I I
over land (e.g. Pielke, 1984 (ch. 13) and Arritt,
o0o o b~ o.~o o'1~ 02o 1989 for general overviews; Physick, 1980; Kondo,
A/Sd 1990; Bechtold et al., 1991; Arritt, 1993; for spe-
Fig. 17. The variation of g o e / h (h here is the terrain height) cific studies).
as a function of a parameter A / S d closely related to hill A r e c e n t review by A b b s a n d Physick (1992)
slope (here, A is the frontal or silhouette area of the hill, S a discusses several aspects of sea breezes, including
is a base area). The squares are observed values from Grant fine-scale structure, behaviour in complex terrain,
and Mason (1990), triangles from Hopwood (1991). The solid
line shows the prediction of Eq. (34) for two-dimensional hills inland penetration, role in internal-bore g e n e r a -
with z o = 0.3 m, A = 1000 m; the dashed line is for hills with tion and numerical modelling. We summarise
Zo = 0.5 m and A = 1000 m. From Wood and Mason (1993). these issues here.
The sea-breeze front over land has strong simi-
larities with a density current structure, the dense
Eqs. (33) and (34) with observations (Fig. 17) sea air that flows towards the front at low levels
shows general agreement. Note that values of Zoe being swept up and backwards at the leading
of several metres are implied under some circum- edge in the region referred to as the "head"
stances, and that the ALPEX derived z o of 3.5 m (Simpson 1969, 1972). Mixing between cool moist
(second part of Section 6.3), with the terrain sea air and warm dry land air takes place at the
height h = 100 m and a terrain horizontal wave- rear of the head through breaking billows (see
length A = 1 km, is entirely consistent with the Nakane and Sasano, 1986 for observations of
results of Fig. 17. these), generated at the front of the head by
Kelvin-Helmholz shear instability. The mixed air
6.5. Mesoscale circulations flows back towards the coastline above the inflow
and constitutes the return flow. A number of
Sea breezes studies are relevant to the relation between the
The diurnal cycle of onshore winds during the depths of the boundary layer, the inflow and the
day and offshore winds at night is a characteristic raised head (see e.g. Simpson and Britter, 1979).
weather feature in many coastal regions when Typically, the inflow of depth several hundred
synoptic-scale winds are light. This wind regime is metres flows into a mixed layer ahead of the sea
generally referred to as the sea- and land-breeze breeze of depth 1 to 2 km, with the head about 2
circulation (Mak and Walsh, 1976). to 3 times the depth of the inflow and extending
Much has been learnt in the past three decades back several kilometres only behind the leading
of the behaviour of sea breezes, and the ABL edge (see e.g. Simpson et al., 1977; Nakane and
structure pertaining to the sea and land compo- Sasano, 1986; Kraus et al., 1990). Along the front
nents of the complete sea-breeze circulation. In during the day, the leading edge consists of a
that time considerable research has been devoted continually changing pattern of lobes and clefts
to theoretical and observational aspects, and to about 1 km across. These arise from convective
116 J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134

instability caused by the overrunning of warm the cold air flattens and spreads inland propagat-
land air at the ground by denser sea air (Britter ing as an unsteady gravity current.
and Simpson, 1978), and disappear at night when Abbs and Physick (1992) have reviewed the
radiative effects lead to cooling of the near- history of sea-breeze modelling much of which
surface air. The first fine-resolution modelling comprises numerical simulations in both two and
study of the sea breeze to appear in the literature three space dimensions. Many of the numerical
was published by Sha et al. (1991). They were studies utilise hydrostatic mesoscale models on
able to simulate all the fine-scale features found horizontal grids ranging from 2 to 20 km spacing.
in laboratory experiments and verify the empiri- A number of authors (Pielke, 1972; Martin and
cal relations involving the inflow and head depths, Pielke, 1983; Song et al., 1985; Yang, 1991) have
and billow amplitudes and wavelengths, concluded that the hydrostatic assumption is valid
The topography of the coastline has an impor- for grid spacings as small as 1 km, with non-hy-
tant controlling effect on the sea breeze. As well drostatic effects tending to weaken the sea breeze
as influencing the inland penetration it affects when compared to a hydrostatic simulation. Most
convergence/divergence and consequently the recently, Sha et al. (1991) used a non-hydrostatic
sea-breeze intensity and associated weather (see model with a horizontal grid spacing of only 100
Abbs, 1986; Abbs and Physick, 1992). Coastal m to examine the mixing processes in the head
orography may also act as a barrier to the inland region. This clearly showed the entraining of
penetration of the sea breeze (Abbs and Physick, warmer ambient air into the cooler low-level sea
1992). There is much evidence, both from obser- air by the breaking of Kelvin-Helmholz billows.
vations and numerical experiments, that sea
breezes do indeed travel large distances inland Land breezes
from the coast, the size of the penetration de- The land-breeze phenomenon needs to be dis-
pending upon several factors including time of tinguished from other nighttime flow or circula-
year (hence surface heating and moisture con- tion phenomema. For example, katabatic or
tent) and latitude. Sea breezes have been ob- drainage flows usually occur at night under light
served as far as 280 km inland (Garratt and wind, clear sky conditions wherever there exists
Physick, 1985), with many studies reporting pene- sloping terrain, inland or at the coast. In addi-
trations of about 200 km (see references in Abbs tion, Coriolis effects acting upon the sea-breeze
and Physick, 1992). Movement of the sea breeze circulation may induce an offshore component
inland is not uniform, but is dependent in part during the night.
upon the pre-frontal ABL structure. Three dis- As with the sea breeze, the land breeze is a
tinct phases appear to exist (e.g. Simpson et al., shallow boundary-layer phenomenon resulting
1977; Sha et al., 1991) - - initial uniform move- from the differential surface heating between land
ment followed by deceleration in the early after- and sea that occurs during the night. The induced
noon; acceleration about sunset; deceleration and horizontal pressure gradient produces the land-
decay late at night. The first phase corresponds breeze circulation. This tends to be somewhat
to Clarke's (1984)immature stage when the rela- weaker and shallower than the sea breeze be-
tive flow is through the isentropes and is far from cause there exists no lower heat source to enable
steady state. The second phase is Clarke's early penetration of the circulation to heights found
and late mature stages, when the sea-breeze surge with the sea breeze (e.g. see table 23 and fig. 69
has not reached steady state but, with increased in Atkinson, 1981 for observations and theoreti-
density contrast across the front, acceleration has cal predictions relating to the depths of both sea
commenced. During early evening the supply of and land breezes).
cool air from the sea ceases, decoupling of the In contrast with studies of the sea breeze, the
frictional link with the surface occurs and accel- land breeze has not been studied extensively.
eration continues. In the last phase, correspond- Indeed, the studies that do exist are often carried
ing with Clarke's early and late degenerate stages, out jointly with those of the sea breeze (e.g.
J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134 117

Neumann and Mahrer, 1971; Mizuma and time history of the surface sensible heat flux
Kakuta, 1974; Mak and Walsh, 1976; Mizuma, across the region.
1985). For general discussion relating to the land In analogy to the above, significant spatial
breeze, the reader is referred to chapter 5 in variations in the daytime surface sensible heat
Atkinson (1981) and chapter 13 in Pielke (1984). flux ( H ) are probably quite common over sub-
stantial areas of land. Thermally induced circula-
Non-classical mesoscale circulations tions (termed NCMC's to distinguish them from
the classical sea-breeze circulation) can be ex-
General. Sea breezes (and the analogous lake pected under such conditions (e.g. Segal and Ar-
breezes) are associated with significant and spa- ritt, 1992). Following the terminology of these
tially coherent horizontal differences in surface authors, we refer to areas in which H values are
temperature, hence surface sensible heat flux. suppressed or enhanced relative to the surround-
Most importantly they are associated with hori- ing region as Perturbed Areas (PA's). These are
zontal pressure differences related directly with most likely to occur due to spatial variations in
temperature differences between distinctive air surface evaporation or evapotranspiration, solar
masses of significant depth. The marine air mass irradiance absorption or reflection, thermal stor-
comprises a shallow cool, moist weakly stratified age by the subsurface. Perturbed areas inducing
ABL and the terrestrial air mass a deeper, dry significant NCMC's are usually clearly distin-
convective ABL by day, and (with the sea-breeze guishable from the surroundings, though they are
front further inland by nightfall) a shallow, dry not likely to be as uniform as water surfaces in
but stably stratified ABL by night. The air mass the sea-breeze case. When they are large enough,
density differences are largely dependent on the the induced circulations may be as intense as a

9= 00~ -_- 0

[ Hsl

Fig. 18. Illustrative vertical cross section of an NCMC, showing vertical temperature profiles and surface heat fluxes at various
locations across the circulation. From Segal and Arritt (1992).
118 J.R. Garratt~Earth-ScienceReviews37 (1994)89-134

seabreeze Fig 18schematica y i ustratesa pi . . . . . . .

cat N c M c vertica cross section and situa
tions (from Segal and Arritt, 1992). In most cases,
the PA is associated with reduced H to the
atmosphere (positive) compared with the region . , "
around the PA. In some situations, the sensible 2 9 ~ . ~ C. ~ a.' a . ., , ' . . " . ". . ' . - -. . .~ . L J
heat flux H over the PA may be towards the ~ [ - - - " - ' ~ ~ - ~ [,I t
surface (negative). In both cases, a suppressed
CBL or a stable boundary layer will develop over 28.m . . . . . , , I !
the PA. Figs. 19 and 20 illustrate clearly the SNOW
differences in t e m p e r a t u r e above adjacent snow- Fig. 20. Horizontal variations of surface heat flux and low-level
covered and clear surfaces, and the horizontal o across a snow- to bare-surface transition - - from Segal et
variation of H (inferred from a low-flying air- al. (1991).
craft) between the two regions (see Segal et al.,
and Arritt (1992). Development of an N C M C
Effects of PA size on generation of NCMC's. The requires that the induced pressure-gradient force
following arguments are largely based on Segal be sufficient to counteract the imposed ambient
wind. We consider an initial O stratification/30 =
aO/az which evolves over the surrounding area
2000 (0') ' , ' ,/' , towards a mixed layer (/3 - 0) of depth h. Using
the Exner function, with II = cpT/O, we can
15o0 SNOW ~ scale the pressure perturbation II' over the PA as

- /
I I ' = - f ( g O ' / d 2) d z = -g/3oh2/202

where O is the average potential temperature


-r within the ABL. Taking a sinusoidal variation in
500 H through the day, and using typical growth
models for the CBL (e.g. Tennekes, 1973), we can
deduce an expression for the time varying scaled
, t , , t , . , . . J • pressure perturbation, viz.
03 236 aa90(K292l 295 293
I I ' = - 1.2g~'Ho[1 - cos(Trt/~')]/pco~'02. (36)
2000 ; _ ~
(D'J , , , ~ • ~ ,

Here, ~" is the duration of sunshine hours, H o

NO SNOW ~ is the heat flux over the PA surroundings at noon
I~oo (t = 0 at sunrise). To simplify matters, we assume
"~ that the time scale for the development of the
-- pressure perturbation is limited to the advective
~o l o o o time scale L/Ug, where L is the minimum width
"x' of the PA that produces an N C M C countering
the background flow, Ug. We also assume the
ideal case of unheated air over the PA ( H = 0).
The pressure perturbation that can be produced
0~3' ' za6i, , 2891 , ' ' ' 295J "298 during the advective time scale over the PA can
8(K)292 be estimated by evaluating Eq. (36) for t L/Ug. =

Fig. 19. Vertical profiles of ® over adjacent snow-coveredand It is then assumed that the N C M C will exist if the
bare surfaces - - from Segal et al. (1991). perturbation pressure gradient at distance L is at
J.R. Garratt / Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134 119

50 I I I I ../'1 / / f l / U . _ ] km).lati°ns for surface irregularities of scale > 1 0

3o - / .-"// I

Io-- ' ®......, F /// // - --'1

I Recent studies on NCMC's
; 200# / I The generation of significant horizontal heat
8- - ./ado/ -7 flux differences will lead to differential
6 -- ,~/////,0o -1-3 boundary-layer evolution, and to horizontal tem-
_3 _.. / / / ] perature gradients throughout the lower atmo-
4 -- j ~ / ~ sphere, resulting in a sea-breeze-like circulation.
2 ~-- ,.." Sharp contrasts in surface temperature are read-
0 - ~ I I ] I I ] ily observed from satellite imagery (Segal et al.,
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1989). The intensity of this circulation will be
U9 (m s -~ ) critically dependent upon the synoptic flow and
on the presence of topographically-induced
Fig. 21. The m i n i m u m P A width, L, needed in order to
develop an N C M C flow for a range of opposing synoptic mesoscale flows.
winds, Ug, and several values of the surface heat flux - - Theoretical and conceptual evaluations of the
shown for values from 100 to 400 W m -z. Note the change in kinematic and thermodynamic processes associ-
ordinate scale at L = 10 kin. From Segal and Arritt (1992). ated with NCMC's have been provided, in r e c e n t
years, by Smith and Mahrt (1981), Anthes (1984),
Segal et al. (1984), Pielke and Segal (1986). For
example, Anthes (1984) hypothesised that bands
least equal to the pressure gradient associated of vegetation in semi-arid areas, of optimum
with the opposing background flow Ug. Thus, spacing ~ 100 km, could, under favourable
fUg = - 0 a I I ' / a L large-scale conditions, result in enhanced convec-
tive precipitation. The basis of this related to (i)
= 1.2gH o sin(vcL/Ug';)/pcpOUg, (37) increase in low-level moist static energy, (ii) in-
crease in ABL water vapour due to increased
where L provides the minimum PA width for evaporation and decreased runoff and (iii) gener-
development of an NCMC. Note that the above ation of NCMC's associated with the surface in-
analysis assumes that the heat flux H over the homogeneities created at this scale by the vegeta-
PA is zero. Where H > 0, or the PA has a num- tion. These ideas were broadly confirmed in a
ber of small-scale patches with H > 0, the effec- numerical study (Han and Anthes, 1988) which
tive H o in the above equation will have to be showed that strips of dry and wet surface with
reduced. Fig. 21 provides values of L for various width and separation ~ 100-200 km can, in a
combinations of Ug and H o. It suggests that for convectively unstable environment with weak syn-
Ug = 3 ms -1 and H = 100 Wm -2 the impact of optic flow and plentiful moisture, initiate convec-
the opposing background flow on the suppression tive rainfall.
of the NCMC is noticeable for L = 10 km. Thus, Numerical model studies by Mahfouf et al.
PAs having L > 10 km are needed in this case for (1987) and Segal et al. (1988) suggested that for
the NCMC to counter the background flow. For prescribed dense, well-watered and extended crop
Ug = 4 ms-1 and the same value of H, suppres- areas, mesoscale circulations of an intensity close
sion of the NCMC occurs for L < 26 km. For the to that of a sea breeze may be produced under
ideal extreme case where H = 400 Wm -z (typical optimum conditions. In Segal et al. (1988) for
of mid-summer, inland, dry surrounding condi- example, the presence of vegetation on extensive
tions with H = 0 over the PA), NCMC's would be sloping terrain significantly reduced the upslope
noticeable with similar background flows for PA's flow existing under ideal conditions. Where dense
as small as several km (otherwise these results are vegetation was introduced into dry-soil areas, and
consistent with Fig. 14, suggesting coherent circu- covered an extensive area under optimum envi-
120 J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134

ronmental conditions, circulations close to sea- Integral (slab)models

breeze intensity were developed. The require- The integral approach predicts the vertically
ment for weak synoptic and upslope flows was averaged properties of the ABL, so that details
emphasised in the observational study of Sega! et on the vertical profile structure of any property
al. (1989) related to the irrigated crop areas of are unavailable. The approach is particularly
north east Colorado in the USA. The expected suited to cases where vertical gradients are small
thermally-induced NCMC's were never unam- throughout much of the ABL, or where vertically
biguously identified, though wind-field changes averaged quantities are specifically required. In
across the contrast region were observed, and the former case, the daytime entraining CBL is
coincident with the thermal and moisture hori- the best example whilst GCM schemes that have
zontal gradients. It was concluded that the synop- limited vertical resolution are examples of the
tic flow and the daytime, terrain-induced upslope latter. Closure of the slab equations for both the
flow combined to mask the NCMC. clear and cloudy ABL requires knowledge of sur-
face and entrainment fluxes and the ABL depth.

7. Numerical modelling and parametrisation

schemes High-resolution models
"High resolution" as used here implies multi-
7. l. Models ple levels in the vertical, so allowing the internal
structure of the ABL to be evaluated. To solve
Numerical solutions of the averaged conserva-
for the mean fields, the Reynolds flux-divergence
tion equations require both a suitable closure
term must be approximated at each level. There
scheme to account for the turbulent flux terms,
are two main categories of this type of model: (i)
and usually a set of physical parametrisations of
those utilising the ensemble-averaged equations,
the Earth's surface, clouds and radiation. Both
or volume-averaged equations that approximate
one-dimensional ABL models, and two and
ensemble averages because the averaging scale is
three-dimensional atmospheric models with hori- much greater than the ABL scale and (ii) LES
zontal grid scales much greater than the typical models with volume averaging and explicit repre-
ABL length scale ( ~ 1 kin), utilise ensemble aver-
sentation of the large eddy structure. The ensem-
aged equations. In contrast, in large eddy simula-
ble-averaged models may be structured either as
tion (LES) models (which potentially represent
a specific ABL model, or as an interactive corn-
the best approach to calculating the 3-D, time
dependent structure of the ABL), true volume ponent of a mesoscale or general circulation
averaging is incorporated. In LES models, sub-
grid turbulence parametrisation in the limit of
small grid scale (relative to the turbulence length Large-eddy simulation models
scale) is likely to be far simpler, and universally In these, the averaging volume is sufficiently
more applicable, than in the ensemble-averaged small that the largest energy containing eddies
case. This is so, since large eddies are explicitly are resolved explicitly, at least well away from the
resolved and small eddies are likely to take on a lower boundary and the overlying inversion layer.
more universal character. Unfortunately, in many This is of paramount importance, since turbulent
applications, LES is i m p r a c t i c a b l e - in mesoscale flows tend to differ from one another mainly in
and large-scale models, for example - - and em- their large-eddy structure whereas the small scales
phasis here will be given to the details of closure in all turbulent flows tend to be statistically simi-
schemes used with the ensemble averaged equa- lar. The large eddies are very sensitive to the
tions, environment (geometry and stratification), and in
ABL models are usually structured in integral particular to the buoyancy forcing. Thus, only the
(slab) form, or in high (vertical) resolution form less sensitive small scales need to be parametrised.
utilising either first-order or higher-order closure. LES models allow the use of relatively simple
J.R. Garratt~Earth-Science Reviews37 (1994) 89-134 121

sub-grid closure schemes, including the first-and Alternatively, it may be computed using a full
second-order schemes used in ensemble average treatment of soil heat diffusion in a multi-level
models, soil model, with the SEB equation solved itera-
Solution of the volume-averaged equations tively using the N e w t o n - R a p h s o n method (e.g.
provides variables that are partly random. Thus, Jacobs and Brown, 1973; Pielke, 1984 - ch. 11).
to compute mean (in the ensemble sense) vertical In the prognostic case, soil heat flux may be
profiles of any variable, there is a need to average crudely parametrised or even set equal to zero.
over a series of horizontal planes a n d / o r over a One method which is widely used is the force-re-
number of time steps, a n d / o r several runs or store method, where the surface temperature is
simulations. For area-averaged turbulent statis- approximated by the temperature of a thin upper
tics the total value of the property will be the sum layer (e.g. Deardorff, 1978; Dickinson, 1988).
of the resolved and unresolved (parametrised
sub-grid) parts.
Before one can determine the surface fluxes, 7.3. Surface humidity (soil moisture)
and fluxes throughout the ABL (e.g. through Eqs.
1 to 4), in any model it is often necessary to In determining the surface humidity for a bare
evaluate a number of surface characteristics, soil surface, two quite different approaches need
Some properties, including roughness length and to be recognised - - interactive and non-interac-
albedo, are most likely specified, but this is not tive. The non-interactive approach means that
generally the case with surface temperature and the surface humidity or soil wetness does not
humidity. If we are dealing with the sea surface, respond to atmospheric forcing in a realistic way,
the surface temperature may well be prescribed if at all. Several examples can be found in Carson
and the surface humidity taken as the saturated (1982) - - see also Garratt (1992 - - ch. 8).
value at this temperature. The interactive approach allows for feedback
between the surface and the prevailing atmo-
spheric conditions. Two common approaches are
7.2. Surface temperature the "bucket" approach, where surface moisture is
identified with that of a single thick slab. Its main
Numerical models of the atmosphere usually shortcoming is that the evaporation does not re-
compute the ground surface temperature (To) spond to short-period occurrences of precipita-
from either a diagnostic form of the surface en- tion, which in fact change the moisture content,
ergy balance (SEB) equation or from a prognostic and hence evaporation, only gradually (Deardorff,
form, i.e. a rate equation for To. The diagnostic 1978). The thick layer is analogous to a bucket
form is usually written, which holds, say, 15 cm of water at saturation (it
overflows if more water is added from rainfall).
R N - G O= H o +AE,, (38a) The other approach is force restore, where
where RN is the net radiation and the prognostic near-surface soil moisture can be treated in an
form, analogous way to that of surface temperature
using a two-layer soil model. As with tempera-
CgOTo/Ot=R N - H o - A E o- G 1 (38b) ture, the model must represent the rapid re-
sponse of the near-surface moisture to forcing by
where Cg is a volumetric heat capacity per unit precipitation or evaporation and must also in-
area of ground, and Go. 1 are soil heat fluxes at clude a source of moisture from the deep soil to
the surface and some small depth respectively, the surface when there is no precipitation (e.g.
In the diagnostic case, the ground heat flux Deardorff, 1977). The evaporation may be evalu-
may be parametrised very crudely - - e.g. as a ated as a fraction of the potential rate, where the
constant fraction of R N or by assuming the heat fraction is dependent on the near-surface soil
capacity of the ground is zero and setting G o = 0. moisture content (see Noilhan and Planton, 1989).
122 J.R. Garratt~Earth-Science Reviews37 (1994) 89-134

7.4. Canopy parametrisation canopy cover, either as a sparse uniformly dis-

tributed cover or as full cover occupying only a
Simple canopy models fraction of the grid area, more complexity is in-
The presence of vegetation over an area of volved. Discussions on multi-level canopy models,
ground modulates the evaporation from the soil, where the variation of fluxes through the canopy
and contributes further to the vertical flux of is evaluated, can be found in e.g. Finnigan and
water vapour into the ABL through transpiration. Raupach (1987) and Raupach (1988).
A realistic canopy formulation must ultimately For a complete vegetation cover, the simplest
represent the effects of vegetation (averaged over canopy model uses a constant r s in Eq. (1 lb) for
the grid square in a 3D numerical model) upon evaporation, with r s values consistent with known
evaporation, energy partitioning, rainfall inter- bulk stomatal resistances, together with the speci-
ception and soil moisture, as well as albedo and fled albedo and z o. In contrast, a complex
aerodynamic roughness. Inclusion of canopy ef- single-level canopy model contains many parame-
fects allows the deep soil moisture (in the root ters with which to evaluate fluxes from the soil
zone) to act as a source for evapotranspiration, beneath the canopy, from open areas between
Except when completely wet, the canopy foliage the canopy elements as well as from the foliage
exerts some degree of physiological control upon itself (e.g. the SiB model of Sellers et al., 1986;
the evaporation rate, and the surface humidity the BATS model of Dickinson et al., 1986). In
becomes indeterminate. Under these conditions, addition the component fluxes are averaged over
a canopy or surface resistance (conductance) is the grid area in some realistic way. With this
introduced into the evaporation formulation, and approach, quite sophisticated treatments for the
the resistance (conductance) concept is at the surface resistance can be used.
heart of most canopy models. Simple, but realistic, canopy models can be
Single-level, canopy formulations are the most formulated for both isothermal and non-isother-
appropriate for use in mesoscale and general real surfaces. In the isothermal case, both canopy
circulation models, and these will be emphasised and surface-soil layers are assumed to have the
here. GCM's, for example, have the option of full same temperature, but in the non-isothermal ap-
canopy or bare soil grid coverage. For partial proach, the canopy and soil temperatures are

EO p

I I ra
Pg rs


Fig. 22. Schematicrepresentation of an isothermal soil/canopy model (near-surface soil layer and canopy are at temperature Toe).
P is precipitation rate.
J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134 123

allowed to differ. These models are essentially fluxes at the top of the canopy, the canopy/soil
1D formulations applied to a grid area that might surface temperature must be evaluated. This is
comprise either uniform cover (soil or vegetation) done through a surface energy balance equation,
or an assumed distribution of patches of bare soil with the soil/canopy system treated as a two-layer
and full canopy, structure, and canopy temperature (Toe) calcu-
The isothermal canopy/soil model represents lated from the force-restore method.
a combined overstorey and soil layer, and as- In contrast, the major features of the non-iso-
sumes that the soil surface and the foliage are at thermal canopy/soil model are shown schemati-
the same temperature Tof (Noilhan and Planton, cally in Fig. 23. In this, the soil surface tempera-
1989). Fig. 22 sketches the main elements of this ture (Tg) is allowed to differ from the foliage
approach. The main task is to compute the turbu- temperature (Tf), resulting in fluxes from both
lent fluxes of heat and water vapour, H o and AE o underlying ground (Eg, Hg) and foliage (El, H e)
respectively, from the canopy to the air. The heat to the atmosphere (Deardorff, 1978). The total
flux is given by the surface-layer relation Eq. (10), fluxes, H o and Eo, are given by H o = Hf + Hg and
with Oof the canopy (surface) potential tempera- E o = Ey + Eg. In order to solve for the component
ture, and for evaporation, a distinction is made fluxes, the temperature TO must be evaluated
between dry and wet canopies. Thus, for a wet from a solution of the SEB equations applied at
canopy, evaporation is at the potential rate, and the canopy top (for Tf) and at ground level (for
for a dry canopy, with evapotranspiration under Tg).
physiological control, evaporation is given by Eq.
(11b). The relative amounts of dry and wet evapo- Models o f partial canopy cover
ration are made to depend on the amount of The canopy formulations discussed above are
liquid water residing on the foliage, due either to best applied to vertical exchange from an area of
rainfall or dewfall. In addition, the soil moisture uniform, dense vegetation cover. Their extension
depends on precipitation reaching the ground, to sparse or partial canopy cover is not straight-
and so the effects of canopy interception of rain- forward, although progress has been made in
fall should be included, recent times (Shuttleworth and Wallace, 1985;
In order to solve for H o and E o, the turbulent Shuttleworth and Gurney, 1990). In the real



Fig. 23. As in Fig. 22, but for the non-isothermal case -- the canopy and upper soil layer are at temperatures Tf and Tg
124 J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reuiews 37 (1994) 89-134

world, partial canopy cover is structured in an equations and volume-averaged equations used in
infinite number of ways, but two extreme struc- LES modelling. Their principle aim is to allo~
tures suffice to illustrate the problem. In the first, calculation of vertical fluxes throughout the tur-
a low-density uniform cover exists across the grid bulent ABL, covering the whole range of stabili-
area; in the second, the area is comprised of ties.
patches of dense canopy and bare soil. From a
grid area perspective, the fractional canopy cover First-order closure (ensemble models)
o-f may be the same for each. However, there is First-order closure is often referred to as K-
obviously a great deal of difference between E r closure and uses a flux-gradient relation such as
and Eg when they are the foliage and ground that expressed by Eqs. (16)-(19), and transfers
evaporation in a 1D layered system (uniform the problem of the unknown covariances to that
sparse cover), and when they represent spatially of specifying, in a physically realistic manner, the
separate areas. Yet in many schemes used in eddy diffusivities.
large-scale models, no allowance is made for such
differences in sub-grid distribution of vegetation. One-and-a half order closure (ensemble models)
Irrespective of the distribution, the simplest In this approach, the diffusivity is related di-
schemes evaluate the area-averaged turbulent rectly to the turbulent intensity. In fact, it is
fluxes as contributions from both canopy and physically realistic to expect that K will be closely
bare soil. One approach assumes a linear combi- related to the TKE (e), and this is usually as-
nation of these component fluxes, whilst also sumed. The approach requires solution of the
incorporating suitably modified equations for sur- prognostic TKE equation, using either a set of
face temperature (the SEB), intercepted water empirical length scales A to be specified for each
and individual fluxes. The total fluxes away from property or a prognostic equation for a master
the surface are then given by relations such as length scale or dissipation rate (e.g. see Holt and
H o = orfHfc-+- (1 - o'f) H g o (39a) Raman, 1988).

Eo = ~rfEfc + ( 1 - ~f) Ego (39b ) Second-order closure (ensemble models)

if the isothermal canopy model is used. Here, Hfc Second-order closure has been used in turbu-
and Eft are hypothetical fluxes from a full canopy lence calculations for at least two decades, ini-
occupying a fraction ~rf of the grid area; //go and tially for shear flows and then progressively for
EgO are fluxes from bare ground. The above rela- ABL modelling in general (see Zeman, 1981).
tions ensure the correct asymptotic approach as The second-order approach avoids directly the
trf tends to zero and unity, need to parametrise the fluxes using K coeffi-
Highly detailed, single-level, non-isothermal cients in flux-gradient relations. Rather, the co-
canopy models have been developed in the last variances and variances are evaluated by solving
few years for incorporation into GCM's. Their their respective rate equations. As with one-and-
performance should exceed that of their isother- a-half order closure, the complete set of equa-
ma! companions, particularly where temperature tions must be closed by parametrisation of the
differences between foliage and ground are likely pressure covariance, third-order transport and
to be significant. That is, in partial canopies where molecular dissipation terms. Usually, second-
shortwave radiation penetrates to the ground. To order closure involves downgradient-diffusion ap-
date, detailed comparisons between model simu- proximations for the third moments, and length-
lations and observations have been few. scale assumptions for the dissipation rates (e.g
see Mellor and Yamada, 1982: Mellor, 1985).
7.5. Turbulence closure schemes
Non-local closure (ensemble models)
We consider here the closure schemes used in The concept of a first-order nonlocal closure
association with both the ensemble-averaged for turbulence becomes attractive in the light of
J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134 125

the failure of local K-theory in the CBL. This ber of K formulations can be found in the litera-
closure is nonlocal in the sense of relating the ture [see Wipperman's (1973)monograph for work
flux of a quantity at a given level to properties at up to the early seventies, for example]. To some
levels throughout the ABL. Two approaches can extent, this reflects the difficulty of expressing K
be found in the literature related to nonlocal flux analytically, or measuring it, above the surface
parametrisation: layer. The eddy diffusivity, being a flow property,
(i) in terms of an eddy-diffusivity profile incor- cannot be accurately prescribed from the outset
porating the nonlocal effects of transport by large because it depends on the flow structure to be
eddies in a simplified manner (e.g. Holtslag and determined. The principal problem in first-order
Moeng, 1991) - - see Section 3.3; closure is finding a rational basis for parametris-
(ii) in terms of transilient turbulence and spec- ing the diffusivity. Nevertheless, most eddy-
tral diffusivity theories, involving an integral clo- viscosity models appear to be quite satisfactory in
sure model which can physically account for the the neutral and stable ABL. They can reproduce
nonlocal effects causing upgradient diffusion and many features of the mean structure, but of course
a source-dependent diffusivity in the CBL (e.g. can give no information on the turbulence statis-
Stull, 1988, ch. 6; Stull, 1993). tics. In strongly stable conditions, K formulations
The basis of this latter approach rests on the may fail when decoupling of the flow aloft takes
concept of advection by large eddies, such that place. More importantly, the local K approach
the concentration of a passive tracer at level i is fails in well-mixed layers where mean gradients
affected by air mixing in from many adjacent are close to zero, and usually therefore in the
levels. Although the nonlocal approach has a buoyancy dominated convective boundary layer.
number of attractions, for many purposes local This has been well demonstrated in the case of
higher-order closure is seen as the alternative to bottom-up and top-down diffusion and its impact
K-theory, particularly with increased use of LES on mean scalar gradients (Sawford and Guest,
models. 1987). In the CBL, turbulence may become en-
Closures in L E S modelling tirely decoupled from the mean gradients and the
It is well to note several features of LES concept of eddy viscosity based on local proper-
ties then becomes physically meaningless. This
models that affect the nature and accuracy of the
breakdown seems to be related to the large time
solution, in addition to the turbulent closure as-
scales (the large eddies have a "memory") and
sumption that is adopted. Firstly, the pressure the vertical inhomogeneity of the turbulence
field must be evaluated nonhydrostatically (be- (Weil, 1990). A nonlocal K approach (Troen and
cause of the small grid scales involved) and, sec- Mahrt, 1986; Holtslag et al., 1990; Holtslag and
ondly, the prescription of boundary conditions at Boville, 1993) has been used in some modelling
all boundaries has a significant influence on the applications, as discussed earlier in this paper.
solution. Surface values of turbulent fluxes are
So far as the ABL is concerned, second-order
usually determined from standard surface-layer closure is, in principle, less restrictive than inte-
similarity theory, gral modelling and it provides information on the
Values of the subgrid-scale fluxes appearing in
vertical distribution of turbulence statistics. Fur-
the volume-averaged equations (which essentially ther, second-order models remedy some of the
have the same form as the ensemble-averaged shortcomings of the K-approach (in the CBL, for
equations) are generally based on K-theory in
association with the TKE equation (one-and-a- example) by shifting the problem of closure to
half order closure), or second-order closure higher-order moments. The second-moment
(rarely). equations can also give useful insight into K
behaviour, by suitable scaling of the higher-order
Comments on turbulence closure terms and recasting the steady-state covariance
The application of first-order closure (K-the- equations into flux-gradient form (e.g. Garratt,
ory) has been widespread, and an enormous num- 1992; ch. 2).
126 J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134

In many respects, the second-order closure and the associated constants relating it to sub-
problem reduces to the approximations for the sidiary length scales is at the heart of the prob-
molecular destruction, turbulent transport, and lem. Although length-scale prescriptions cause
pressure covariance terms in the second-moment fewer problems in modelling, they often oversim-
equations. The pressure transport term in the plify the physics by constraining the modelled
TKE equation is typically either neglected or turbulence to an expected state. When multiple
simply absorbed into the turbulent transport term. scales are present (as in any complex flow, e.g. in
Closure for the pressure covariance in the flux the ABL with shear and buoyant forcing; in hori-
equations is usually an extended version of Rotta's zontal flow over a heterogeneous surface) there
return-to-isotropy hypothesis, are advantages in using a differential equation for
The turbulent transport (triple correlation) l. Physically, the alternative approach of using a
terms are not significant in the neutral and stable differential equation for the dissipation rate E
ABL, but in the CBL they may dominate the flow has theoretical problems and may not improve
dynamics, and the entrainment at the ABL top. the physical realism over the equation for l. But
The most commonly used closure for the trans- there is evidence of improved simulations of the
port terms is the downgradient diffusion model, turbulence in complex flows when using a prog-
involving a suitable turbulent length scale (Moeng nostic equation for l or E rather than the diag-
and Wyngaard, 1989). Finally, many second-order nostic (algebraic) approach (e.g. Mellor, 1985;
closure models parametrise molecular dissipation Holt and Raman, 1988).
rates in terms of velocity and length scales based Second-order modelling of the ABL is still
on standard scaling arguments, thus avoiding the evolving, though the increasing use of volume-
need to carry a rate equation for the dissipation averaged models which resolve the large-eddy
itself, structure in the ABL (LES models) suggests that
Closures summarised above were originally de- the refinements to second-order schemes will not
veloped to model turbulent neutral shear flows, be so crucial in the future. The approach has
and the associated adjustable constants were been called "turbulence engineering" (Wyngaard,
mostly obtained from laboratory data. Although 1982), and a wide variety of models can be found
transport modelling contains some fundamental in the literature, some based entirely on shear-
problems, these are nowhere as critical as the flow closures and some tuned specifically for
problems associated with modelling the pressure buoyancy-dominated turbulence. A recent inter-
and dissipation terms. In the case of the transport comparison of four LES models based on CBL
closure, the downgradient diffusion assumption is simulations can be found in Nieuwstadt et al.
clearly inadequate in the CBL where K theory (1993).
fails. For most atmospheric model applications Finally, a number of studies have been re-
this is not important because the mean-flow char- ported involving comparisons of simulations of
acteristics are not much affected. In fact, LES mean and turbulence fields in the ABL which
results have verified the poor performance of the give some insight into the relative performances
downgradient assumption in the CBL, particu- of first-order (K), one-and-a-half order (TKE)
larly in the prediction of some turbulent statistics and second-order closure schemes. Thus, the
(Moeng and Wyngaard, 1989). The simulation of reader is referred to Holt and Raman (1988) - -
turbulent second-order statistics using a TKE-dis- K vs. TKE; Chrobok et al. (1992) - - local K vs.
sipation closure approach has also been de- nonlocal closure in a cold air outbreak; Smith
scribed by Andren (1991) who compared the re- and Hess (1993) - - K vs. second-order closure in
sults with observations for a range of stabilities, the oceans.
Another major deficiency lies in the use of
7.6. A B L cloud parametrisation
length scales, and the fact that all process scales
are ultimately related back to one master turbu- In many ABL and larger-scale models, ABL
lent scale (l). Determination of this length scale layered cloud is assumed to exist if the ABL top
J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134 127

lies above the local condensation level, i.e. if the marine case, the clear ABL far more than the
relative humidity at z -- h is 100%. In many cloudy case and the homogeneous or weakly non-
GCM's, low-level stratiform clouds are assumed homogeneous ABL far more than the strongly
to be present when the grid-point relative humid- nonhomogeneous case, particularly over complex
ity at a specified level in the model exceeds some terrain.
critical value (about 85-95%). Between this criti- We have attempted to summarise current
cal value and saturation, fractional cloudiness is knowledge on a number of these issues in order
allowed to increase according to some empirical that the reader might appreciate the range of
relation (e.g. a quadratic relation), becoming full problems for which knowledge of boundary-layer
cover at 100% relative humidity. Some schemes processes is an important prerequisite for solu-
then introduce a dependence of cloudiness upon tions of these problems.
other factors e.g. (i) low-level stability; (ii) the Much effort has been, and is likely to be,
cloud-top entrainment instability, expended on the incorporation of surface and
In both slab and high resolution ABL models, ABL processes in numerical models of the atmo-
incorporation of moist thermodynamic equations sphere. In this context, and possibly for other
allows the presence of cloud to interact both with applications, several areas of research are likely
the radiation and turbulence fields, and to affect to be given emphasis over the coming years:
both the surface energy balance for example, and (i) area averaging of ABL properties in hetero-
the depth of the ABL. geneous terrain;
In many GCM's in use today, the depth of the (ii) the structure and behaviour of the strongly
ABL is not governed by a. suitable rate equation time-varying and nonhomogeneous ABL;
and may not even be computed (although it may (iii) the application of ABL theory over com-
be set equal to a fixed value). Hence, the pres- plex terrain, and the influence of sub-grid orogra-
ence of stratiform cloud is unaffected by bound- phy on regional transport;
ary-layer dynamics. Such a non-interactive system (iv) the structure, behaviour and parametrisa-
can never aspire to simulate the real-world be- tion of the cloudy ABL.
haviour and distribution of boundary-layer cloud. These four areas extend investigation beyond
Because the ABL controls the evaporation and the steady, homogeneous ABL for which exten-
turbulent redistribution of water substance into sive theoretical and observational treatments ex-
the atmosphere, it strongly determines the global ist. Even so, significant problems still exist in
distribution of both cumuliform and stratiform relation to the ideal ABL that have resisted corn-
clouds. A comprehensive parametrisation of ABL pletely acceptable solutions. A good example is
processes for a numerical model of large-scale the turbulence closure problem, recently dis-
atmospheric circulations must take into account cussed by Hasse (1993) who emphasised the lack
the interaction of the ABL with clouds. This of a commonly accepted ABL theory analogous
aspect of the ABL parametrisation problem has to the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory of the
an importance comparable to that of determining surface layer. He noted that the lack of conver-
the turbulent fluxes, gence of ABL theory towards a consensus is of
practical relevance, e.g. in application of theory
8. Final comments within larger-scale atmospheric and oceanic nu-
merical models. His paper was intended to stimu-
Recent texts provide the reader with copious late discussion on whether the ABL community
information on the atmospheric boundary layer needs to search for an established ABL theory, or
(e.g. Stull, 1988; Sorbjan, 1989; Garratt, 1992), whether different theories should be adapted ac-
but with the emphasis predominantly on the sta- cording to the problem to be solved.
tionary and time-varying horizontally homoge- All of the above suggests that much still re-
neous cases. For practical reasons, the continen- mains to be learnt about the atmospheric bound-
tal ABL has received far more attention than the ary layer.
128 J.R. Garratt ~Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134

List of symbols HAPEX Hydrologic A t m o s p h e r i c Pilot

u, c, w c o m p o n e n t s of velocity along x, y, z ISLSCP International Satellite L a n d Sur-
axes face Climatology Project
x, y, z Cartesian coordinates (z is the vertical JASIN Joint Air Sea Interaction (Pro-
axis) ject)
p density of air LES Large-eddy simulation
p pressure MESOGERS Mesoscale experiment in the
7" absolute t e m p e r a t u r e Gers region
O potential t e m p e r a t u r e NCMC Non-classical mesoscale circula-
Or, ®e virtual and equivalent potential temper- tion
atures SESAME Severe E n v i r o n m e n t a l Storms
q specific humidity and Mesoscale Experiment
qL liquid water content WMO World Meteorological Organisa-
@o, qo surface values of 0 and q tion
f Coriolis p a r a m e t e r (N.B. s i g n ( f ) = + 1)
s generic quantity for u, v, w, T, q
~ standard deviation of s fluctuations
e m e a n turbulent kinetic energy
zo aerodynamic roughness length
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134 J.R. Garratt / Earth-Science Reviews 37 (1994) 89-134

up diffusion of a scalar in the convective boundary layer. J. ~ John Garratt, ARCS, BSc, DIC, PhD,
Atmos. Sci., 41: 102-112. ~ spent seven years at Imperial College,
Yamada, T., 1976. On the similarity functions A, B and C of University of London in the Depart-
the planetary boundary layer. J. Atmos. Sci., 33: 781-793. :~ ments of Physics and Meteorology be-
Yan, H. and Anthes, R.A., 1988. The effect of variations in fore emigrating to Australia to take
surface moisture on mesoscale circulations. Mort. Weather up a 3-year fellowship with CSIRO.

Rev., 116: 192-208. He has been a research scientist at
Yang, X., 1991. A study of nonhydrostatic effects in idealized the CSIRO Division of Atmospheric
sea breeze systems. Boundary Layer Meteorol., 54: 183- Research since October 1970, and is
208. currently leader of the Atmospheric
Zeman, O., 1981. Progress in the modeling of planetary Processes Programme. His career has
boundary layers. Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., 13: 253-272. included visiting appointments to the
Zilitinkevich, S.S., 1970. Dynamics of the Atmospheric National Center for Atmospheric Research (1980-1981),
Boundary Layer. Hydrometeorol., Leningrad, translated Boulder, Colorado and to Colorado State University (1987-
by C. Long, 239 pp. 1988) in Fort Collins.
Zilitinkevich, S.S., 1972. On the determination of the height His current research interests include the representation of
of the Ekman boundary layer. Boundary Layer Meteorol., soil-canopy and boundary-layer cloud processes in numerical
3: 141-145. models, and the validation of numerical simulations (in gen-
eral circulation models) of the surface energy and surface
radiation budgets. Each year he gives a full lecture course on
the atmospheric boundary layer to honours and postgraduate
students in the Department of Mathematics, Monash Univer-
sity. Cambridge University Press published his book The At-
mopsheric Boundary Layer in 1992 (softback in 1994).

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