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Title: Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves


 Ali Baba
 Morgiana (Ali Baba's clever servant)
 Cassim (Ali Baba's brother)
 Baba Mustafa (a blind and elderly tailor)
 Captain of the Forty Thieves
 Thieves (various members of the gang)
 Townspeople

Scene 1: Ali Baba's House

(Ali Baba is sitting outside his house, deep in thought. Morgiana


Morgiana: Master Ali Baba, what's troubling you?

Ali Baba: Morgiana, I overheard a secret today. The notorious Forty

Thieves hide their stolen treasure in a cave. I want to see it for myself.

Morgiana: Master, that's dangerous. But if you insist, I have an idea. Let's
mark the cave entrance so you can find it again.

(Scene fades out.)

Scene 2: The Cave

(Ali Baba enters the cave, marked by a special sign. He sees the treasure
and is amazed.)

Ali Baba: So much wealth! I must take some back with me.

(As Ali Baba starts to fill his bag with gold, the Captain of the Forty
Thieves and his gang arrive.)

Captain: (grabbing Ali Baba) You've made a big mistake, my friend.

Ali Baba: Please spare me! I have a family to feed.

Captain: (laughs) Fine, but remember, if you breathe a word about our
hideout, you won't survive.

(Scene fades out.)

Scene 3: Ali Baba's House

(Ali Baba returns home, carrying some of the stolen treasure.)

Morgiana: Master, what have you done? You've brought the thieves'
treasure here!

Ali Baba: We must hide it. No one must know.

(Scene fades out.)

Scene 4: Cassim's Greed

(Cassim visits Ali Baba and sees the treasure.)

Cassim: (envious) Ali Baba, where did you get all this wealth?

Ali Baba: It's a secret, brother. But remember, you mustn't tell a soul.

(Scene fades out.)

Scene 5: Cassim's Demise

(Cassim cannot contain his greed and heads to the cave.)

Cassim: (excited) So this is where Ali Baba found the treasure!

(Cassim enters the cave and starts collecting gold. He forgets the secret

Captain: (entering the cave) Intruder! You won't leave here alive.

(Scene fades out.)

Scene 6: Morgiana's Quick Thinking

(Morgiana follows Cassim to the cave.)

Morgiana: (whispering) Master's brother, I must save you.

(Morgiana sees the Captain and his men preparing to kill Cassim.)

Morgiana: (thinking quickly) I'll pretend to be a dancer and distract them.

(Morgiana performs a captivating dance, distracting the thieves.)

Morgiana: (quietly to Cassim) Brother Ali Baba sent me to save you.

Follow my lead.
(Scene fades out.)

Scene 7: The Thieves' Downfall

(Morgiana and Cassim return home safely.)

Ali Baba: Morgiana, you've saved my brother! How can we repay you?

Morgiana: Master, let's expose the thieves. We'll invite the town's people
to our house and reveal their secret.

(Scene fades out.)

Scene 8: The Thieves Exposed

(The townspeople gather at Ali Baba's house.)

Ali Baba: Ladies and gentlemen, behold the stolen treasure of the Forty

(Townspeople gasp in astonishment.)

Captain: (entering) You've betrayed us, Ali Baba!

Morgiana: No, Captain. It is you who betrayed your fellow thieves.

(Morgiana explains how she tricked the Captain and saved Cassim.)

(Scene fades out.)

Scene 9: The Happy Ending

(The Captain and his gang are arrested.)

Townspeople: Ali Baba, Morgiana, thank you for your bravery!

Ali Baba: We must distribute this treasure to the poor. It was stolen from
them in the first place.

(They distribute the treasure to the townspeople.)

(Scene fades out.)

Scene 10: Finale

(All characters gather on stage.)

Ali Baba: Greed leads to ruin, but kindness and courage triumph.

Morgiana: Together, we have defeated the thieves and brought justice to

our town.

(Characters bow as the audience applauds.)

End of play.

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