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Fluctuations on top of relativistic viscous hydrodynamics

Monideepa Maity
Project Advisor: Prof. Subrata Pal
Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research


In this project we study the propagation of pressure fluctuations, associated with energy-momentum deposition by a
jet, within causal second-order viscous hydrodynamic evolution of matter formed in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
We first formulate a general theory of fluctuations that is treated perturbatively on top of a boost-invariant longitudinal
expansion of matter. Numerical results for the evolution of fluctuations and pressure-pressure rapidity correlations are
studied and compared for an ideal and viscous fluids.

1 Introduction
Relativistic heavy ion collision at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and Large Hadron Collider
(LHC) have led to the discovery of a hot deconfined form of strongly interacting matter, referred to as the
quark gluon plasma (QGP) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. The production of QGP verifies the predictions made by quantum
chromodynamics. The matter so formed has very high initial energy density and temperature (T ∼ 400 − 500
MeV), it expands with a large collective velocity, and finally cools down. As the plasma freezes-out at a
proper time (τ ∼ 15 fm), hadrons are produced which are ultimately detected. Since the matter formed
is non-perturbative in nature analytical calculation to explain the entire process, from the collision till the
hadronisation, is challenging.
Relativistic viscous hydrodynamics surprisingly was found to be a very useful approach to study these
phenomena [6, 7]. The validity of its application depends on the fact that although the size of the system (L) is
around 10 fm, the mean-free path (l) of the constituents are very much smaller. This ensures that the Knudsen
number Kn = l/L is much smaller than 1, which validates hydrodynamic approach. At these scales it is not
possible to track the particles on an individual or statistical level. Hence we consider ” f luid elements” which
are characterised by certain averaged physical quantities pertaining to the underlying microscopic picture.
Jets can be very useful to infer about the thermal and transport properties of the expanding QGP [8, 9].
These high-transverse momenta (pT ) partons produced in hard nucleon-nucleon collisions within the collid-
ing nuclei have much smaller production times as compared to the bulk partons produced in soft-collisions
which eventually form the QGP. The hard jets while traversing the medium loses energy by elastic and in-
elastic collisions with the medium partons. The modification of the jet energy and momentum, commonly
referred to as jet quenching can be used to study the properties of QGP.
In principle, the jets deposit energy and momentum that excite the medium and results in particle pro-
duction during the propagation of the jet within the QGP. The finally observed pT distribution of the hadrons,

obtained from the lost energy and from the propagating jet, can provide information of the equation of state
of the medium, viscosities etc [10].
In this project, we study how a single fluctuation (that mimics energy deposited by a jet) evolves in an
expanding hydrodynamic viscous medium [11]. In particular, we embed fluctuation through the pressure
field of a viscous fluid undergoing one-dimensional Bjorken [12] expansion. Since jet production are rare
processes, the small energy deposited by the jet can be treated as a perturbation as compared to the under-
lying expanding hydrodynamic fields. For the baseline medium we have considered second-order viscous
hydrodynamic evolution within the causal Müller-Israel-Stewart (MIS) formalism [13, 14]. We have studied
the effects of viscosity on longitudinal propagation of the sound wave and the resulting pressure-pressure
rapidity correlation in the expanding medium.

2 Formalism
In this project we study the propagation of fluctuations on top of expanding quark gluon plasma. As the
sources of these fluctuations represent the energy-momentum deposited by a traversing jet, it can be treated
as a perturbation to the background hydrodynamic medium [11, 15]. In other words, the fluctuations will not
affect the background flow in any way as the magnitude of initial fluctuating field is small compared to the
corresponding physical quantities of the background. With time the magnitude of these fluctuations further
decrease, so this assumption holds for the entire observed period of evolution.
The energy-momentum tensor of the underlying viscous fluid undergoing hydrodynamic expansion is
given by
T µν = ( + p)uµ uν − gµν p + πµν . (1)
Here,  is the energy density, uµ is the velocity field, p is the pressure, πµν is the viscosity tensor at any xµ ,
and gµν is
√the metric associated [16]. We consider a conformal equation ofµνstate ofµνthe system p = c2s , where
c s = 1/ 3 is the speed of sound in the medium. We use this to write T as, T = 4pu u − gµν p + πµν .
µ ν

Following the assumption of small fluctuations, the energy-momentum tensor for the system of background
and fluctuating fields can be written as,

T µν = 4(p0 + p1 )(uµ0 + uµ1 )(uν0 + uν1 ) − gµν (p0 + p1 ) + πµν µν

0 + π1 , (2)

where p0 , uµ0 , πµν µ µν

0 are the background fields. The fluctuating fields p1 , u1 , π1 are considered to be small
enough to be treated as a perturbation series, and we shall keep terms only up to first order. Eq. (2) can
re-written as

T µν = p0 (4uµ0 uν0 − gµν ) + πµν µ ν µ ν µ ν µν) µν µν µν

0 + 4p0 (u0 u1 + u1 u0 ) + p1 (4u0 u0 − g ) + π1 = T b + T f , (3)

where T 0µν = p0 (4uµ0 uν0 −gµν )+πµν µν µ ν

0 represents the background energy momentum tensor, and T f = 4p0 (u0 u1 +
uµ1 uν0 ) + p1 (4uµ0 uν0 − gµν) ) + πµν µν
1 being the fluctuating part. As the two parts of T are not coupled, they will
individually satisfy the energy-momentum conservation equation T ;µ = 0. So we have,

T µν
f ;µ = 0. (4)

Here ; µ is a covariant derivative given by T ;µµν = ∂µ T µν + Γµkµ T kν + Γνkµ T kµ . Γµkl are the Christoffel symbols
associated with the chosen coordinate system.

For the relativistic viscous hydrodynamic evolution equations, we employ the second-order Müller-
Israel-Stewart formalism [13, 14],
πµν 4
π̇<µν> = − + 2βπ σµν + 2π<µ
γ ω
+ 2π<µ
γ σ
− πµν θ, (5)
τπ 3

where τπ = η/βπ , βπ = ( + p)/5 = 4p/5, σµν = ∇<µ uν> , ωµν = (∇µ uν − ∇ν uµ )/2 and θ = uµ;µ . Also,
Aµν = uk Aµν;k , A
= ∆µν αβ α µν
αβ A , ∇ A = ∆kα Aµν
;k , ∆
= gµν − uµ uν , ∆µν µ ν ν µ 1 µν
αβ = 2 (∆α ∆ β + ∆α ∆β ) − 3 ∆ ∆αβ =
µ µ ν ν µ ν ν ν 1 µν µ ν
2 {(δα − u uα )(δβ − u uβ ) + (δβ − u uβ )(δα − u uα )} − 3 (g − u u )(gαβ − uα uβ ).

These two sets of equations must be sufficient to understand the evolution of the quantities introduced in
the form of fluctuations. We will be able to see that clearly once we write the equations in suitable coordinate

3 Construction of Evolution Equations

We will consider the one-dimensional boost-invariant expansion (Bjorken flow) of QGP [12], i.e., the ex-
pansion is only along the longitudinal z-direction. The flow velocity then becomes vz = z/t and v x = vy = 0.
We write our equations in the Milne coordinate system x, y, ζ, τ, where ζ = 21 ln t−z
is the space-time rapidity
√ µν
and τ = t − z the proper time. In the τ, x, y, ζ coordinates, the metric tensor g is given as,
2 2

gµν = Diag(1, −1, −1, ).
The only non-zero associated Christoffel symbols are
1 τ
Γζζτ = Γζτζ = , Γ = τ.
τ ζζ
The system also has some other constraints that limit the number of independent variables. These are as
• uµ uµ = 1
This is the definition of the velocity vector since in a frame of reference, co-moving with the fluid cell,
we have the velocity field as (1,0,0,0). For Bjorken flow we have u x = uy = 0,. Therefore, we have

(uµ0 + uµ1 )(u0µ + u1µ ) = 1,

⇒ uµ0 u0µ + uµ1 u0µ + uµ0 u1µ + uµ1 u1µ = 1.

By definition for background flow uµ0 u0µ = 1 holds, and uµ1 u1µ is rejected as we are keeping terms up
to first order only. This gives us uµ0 u1µ = 0.
This implies, uτ1 = 0. As the expansion is only longitudinally, u1x = uy1 = 0. The velocity field for the
fluctuation will then have the form (0, 0, 0, uζ (τ, x, y, ζ)).
• πµν uν = 0
After the expansion, we get the following form,

(πµν µν
0 + π1 )(u0ν + u1ν ) = 0,

⇒ πµν µν µν µν
0 u0ν + π1 u0ν + π0 u1ν + π1 u1ν = 0.

Since the background flow is not affected by fluctuations in any way, πµν 0 u0ν = 0 always holds. It is
known that uµ0 = (1, 0, 0, 0) and uµ1 = (0, 0, 0, uζ ). Hence πµτ
0 u0τ = 0 ⇒ π µτ
0 = 0 for all µ. For the other
terms we have,

u0τ πµτ µζ
1 + u1ζ π0 = 0,
⇒ πµτ µζ
1 = −u1ζ π0 .

Since πζτ 0 = 0, we have πττ µτ µζ

1 = 0, π1 = −u1ζ π0 . This gives the viscosity tensor as,
−u1ζ π0xζ −u1ζ πyζ −u1ζ πζζ
   
0 0 0 0   0 0 0 
π0xx π0xy π0xζ  −u π xζ π π xy
π xζ 
 xx
  
µν µν
π0 =  yx yy yζ  , and π1 =  1ζ 0 1 1 1 .
0 π0 π0 π0  
 −u1ζ π0yζ
π1yy yζ 
π1 
πζ0x πζy πζζ −u1ζ πζζ πζ1x πζy πζζ
   
0 0 0 0 1 1

• πµν is traceless.

πµµ = 0,
⇒ glµ πlµ = 0,
⇒ gττ πττ + g xx π xx + gyy πyy + gζζ πζζ = 0, (8)
ττ 2 ζζ
⇒π −π −π −τ π xx yy
= 0,
⇒ −(π0xx + π1xx ) − (πyy
0 + πyy
1 ) −τ 2
0 + πζζ
1 ) = 0.
Due to axial symmetry of the system, and considering order by order, we can write

τ2 ζζ
π0xx = πyy
0 =− π ,
2 0
τ2 ζζ
π1xx = πyy
1 =− π .
2 1
• Rotational invariance :
The system has rotational invariance, so π xy = πyζ = πζ x = 0. Since the background is not affected by
the fluctuations, π0xy = πyζ
0 = π0 = 0 still holds. Hence,

π1xy = πyζ
1 = π1 = 0.

With these constraints, we find that p0 and πµν τ ζζ τ ζζ ζζ 2 2

0 = Diag(0, − 2 π0 , − 2 π0 , π0 ) are required to describe the
background flow. Since we are working in a co-moving frame for the background flow, the velocity field is
uµ0 =(1,0,0,0). For the description of fluctuations we need to specify the pressure field p1 , the velocity field
(0, 0, 0, uζ ) and the viscosity tensor given as

−uζ πζζ
 
 0 0 0 0 
− τ2 πζζ
 0 0 0 
πµν =  1  .
− τ2 πζζ
1  0 0 1 0 
−uζ πζζ πζζ
 
0 0 0 1

We shall now write the conservation equations explicitly for the fluctuating field.
The components of the energy-momentum tensor for the fluctuating field, in Milne coordinates, from Eq.
T ττ ττ
f = 3p1 + π1 = 3p1 ,

T τζ ζ τζ ζ 2 ζ ζζ
f = 4p0 u1 + π = 4p1 u1 + τ u1 π0 ,
T ζζ
f = + πζζ
1 .
The conservation equation for the energy-momentum stress tensor,for the fluctuating part, T µν
f ;µ = 0 gives us
the following equations:
for ν = τ,
ζτ ζ ζζ
∂τ T ττ ττ τ
f + ∂ζ T f + Γζτ T f + Γζζ T f = 0,
4 p1 π0 π1 (9)
⇒ ∂τ p1 = − ( + p0 ∂ζ u) + ∂ζ u + ,
3 τ 3 3τ

where uζ = u, πζζ 2 ζζ
0 = −π0 /τ , π1 = −π1 /τ .

for ν = ζ,

∂τ T τζ ζζ ζ τζ τ τζ
f + ∂ζ T f + Γζτ T f + 2Γζζ T f = 0,
3u 1 (10)
⇒ (4p0 − π0 )∂τ u = −u(4∂τ p0 − ∂τ π0 ) − (4p0 − π0 ) − 2 (∂ζ p1 − ∂ζ π1 ).
τ τ
We have three unknown functions p1 , u, π0 and two equations from conservation of energy-momentum
tensor. The third equation is provided by the evolution equation of viscosity. The fluctuating field and the
background degrees of freedom are written explicitly in Eq. (2), after the expansion we get the following
• π̇<µν>
2 ζζ 4 ζ ζζ 4 ζζ
π̇<ζζ> = ∂τ πζζ ζζ ζ ζζ
0 + τ π0 + ∂τ π1 + 3 u π0 ∂τ uζ + 3τ π1 + u ∂ζ π1

• πµν /τπ

πζζ πζζ
 
0.13  14 ζζ 1
4 ζζ
=  p0 π0 + p0 π1 + p0 p1  ,
0 

τπ α 4 
α being the η/s ratio for the fluid considered.
• βπ σµν
! !
ζζ 8p0 ζ 1 8p1 ζ 1 8p0 ζ ζ
βπ σ =− ∂ζ u + − ∂ζ u + − u ∂τ u
15τ2 τ 15τ 2 τ 15

• π<µ
γ ω

γ ω

• π<µ
γ σ

π0 π1 τ2 πζζ
0 u
! !
1 1
γ σ
= ∂ζ uζ + + ∂ζ uζ + + ∂τ uζ
3 τ 3 τ 3

• πµν θ
! !
1 1
πζζ θ = πζζ ζ
0 ∂ζ u + + πζζ ∂ ζ uζ
+ .
τ 1 τ

If we set the terms of the fluctuating field to zero, we shall get the evolution equation for the viscosity of
the background flow,
 ζζ 
 π0  4  πζζ
!  
ζζ 2 ζζ 0.13 14 ζζ 8p0 1
∂τ π0 + π0 = − p0 π0 + 2 − + 2   −  0  ,
τ α 15τ τ
2 3τ 3 τ

We make the substitution πζζ

0 = −π0 /τ , and after some algebra Eq. (11) takes the form,

dπ0 0.13 1 16 p0 38 π0
=− π0 p04 + − , (12)
dτ α 15 τ 21 τ
The equation for conservation of energy-momentum for the background field, T b;µ = 0, gives
d p0 4 p0 π0
=− + . (13)
dτ 3 τ 3τ
We shall know p0 (τ) and π0 (τ) after solving Eqs. (12) and (13). Now, Eq. (5) after the expansion becomes,
2 ζζ 4 ζ ζζ 4 ζζ
∂τ πζζ ζζ
0 τ π0 + ∂τ π1 + 3 u π0 ∂τ uζ + 3τ ∂1 + u ∂ζ π1
ζ ζζ

   ( ! ! )
 0.13  14 ζζ
 1
4 ζζ
−3  8p0 ζ 1 8p1 ζ 1 8p0 ζ ζ
= −  p π + p0 π1 + p0 p1 0 
 + 2 − ∂ζ u + ∂ζ u + u ∂τ u
 4

− −

 α  0 0 τ τ

 4   15τ2 15τ2 15
π0 π1 τ2 πζζ0 u
( ! ! ) ( ! !)
1 1 4 ζζ 1 1
+2 ∂ζ uζ + + ∂ζ uζ + + ∂τ uζ − π0 ∂ζ uζ + + πζζ ∂ ζ uζ
+ . (14)
3 τ 3 τ 3 3 τ 1 τ

After substituting p0 (τ), π0 (τ) obtained, the background part of Eq. (14) will reduce to zero giving us the
evolution equation of π1 ,
! !
6 16 16 38 16 0.13 − 34
∂τ π1 = uτ2 π0 + p0 ∂τ u + (p0 + p1 ) − (π0 + π1 )∂ζ − u∂ζ π1 + − p0 π0 p1 . (15)
7 15 15 21 15τ 4α

This reduction was possible as the fields, of background and fluctuations, were not coupled together. Hence
we have three equations, Eqs. (9), (10), (15) to solve for three variables p1 , πζζ ζ
1 , u1 .

4 Results
We will study the propagation of the fluctuation in the pressure field on top of second-order viscous hydro-
dynamic medium undergoing one-dimensional boost-invariant expansion.

ideal fluid
viscous fluid, η/s=1/4π
0.05 η/s=2/4π
x0.5 x0.5





-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 0
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
ζ ζ
(a) δ = p1 (τ)/p0 (τ) at τ =
(b) δ = p1 (τ)/p0 (τ) at τ = τ0 (black), 2τ0 (green), 5τ0 (red),
τ0 (black), 2τ0 (green), 3τ0 (magenta),
20τ0 (blue), for studying the effect of η/s.
5τ0 (indigo), 10τ0 (red), 20τ0 (blue) for comparison of
ideal fluid with a viscous fluid.

Figure 1: Effect of viscosity

The set of evolution equations obtained do not have analytical solution, hence they are solved numeri-
cally. The following initial conditions were used:
−(ζ−ζ 0 )2
1. The perturbation was added in the form of a Gaussian in the pressure field, p1 (τ0 , ζ 0 ) = 0.1p0 (τ0 )e 2σ2 ,
at proper time τ0 and rapidity ζ 0 , with vanishing values of the flow field and shear pressure i.e. u1 (τ0 , ζ 0 ) =
π1 (τ0 , ζ 0 ) = 0.
2. The evolution of the background flow starts at proper time τ0 = 0.3 fm.
3. The initial temperature at τ0 = 0.3 fm is taken as T 0 = 0.5 GeV consistent with that formed at RHIC and
4. Therefore, p0 (τ0 ) = aT 4 , π0 (τ0 ) = p0 /3. Here, a = 16 + 212 N f 90 . N f is the number of quark flavours,
here taken to be 3, which gives a = 5.21.
First, Eqs. (12), (13) were solved for the hydrodynamic background. p0 and π0 are functions of τ,hence
we need to solve a set of coupled ordinary differential equations. We used Runge-Kutte-4 method and the
simulation was performed in C++. Once p0 and π0 were obtained, we solved for the fluctuating field using
Eqs. (9), (10), (15). This is a set of couple partial differential equations which are solved following the
MacCormack (a predictor-corrector) method, using C++.
For numerical solution we need to discretize the differential √ equations in space and time. The step
should be chosen so that it satisfies the condition ∆x ∆t > c s = 1/ 3 = 0.577, c s being the speed of sound in
the medium. This is a necessary condition for stability of the solutions, known as Courant − Friedrichs −
Lewy(CFL) condition. In any medium, c s gives the maximum speed at which any signal can propagate in
that medium, CFL condition ensures that the signal does not propagate faster than the grid points. Here we
take ∆ζ = 0.025 & ∆τ = 0.02, this gives ∆ζ/∆τ = 1.25, which is greater than c s .
• Comparison of ideal fluid and viscous fluid
The fluctuating pressure field, normalised with respect to background pressure δ = p1 (τ, ζ)/p0 (τ), is
plotted as a function of spatial rapidity ζ (Fig. 1(a)) at different proper times τ to see the evolution

0.06 0.06
ideal fluid ideal fluid
ideal foreground, viscous background viscous foreground, ideal background
0.05 0.05
0.04 0.04

0.03 0.03

0.02 0.02

0.01 0.01

0 0
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
ζ ζ
(a) δ = p1 (τ)/p0 (τ) at τ =(b) δ = p1 (τ)/p0 (τ) at τ =
τ0 (black), 2τ0 (green), 3τ0 (magenta), τ0 (black), 2τ0 (green), 3τ0 (magenta),
5τ0 (indigo), 10τ0 (red), 20τ0 (blue) for studying 5τ0 (indigo), 10τ0 (red), 20τ0 (blue) for studying
the effect of viscosity present in the background. the effect of viscosity present in the fluctuation.

Figure 2: Influence of viscosity from background and fluctuations

of fluctuation. This plot is compared with the one that was obtained considering an ideal fluid. It is
seen that the introduction of the viscosity term lowers the amplitude of the fluctuating field. Secondly,
in the ideal case we have a single peak which moves forward in ζ with increasing τ, and diminishes
in magnitude. When viscosity is added the magnitude diminishes but the single peak also breaks up
into multiple ones with increasing τ. The presence of viscosity prevents the uniform propagation of
the peak, part of it is trapped at the point of addition and some of it propagates. This is the second
smaller peak in the green curve in Fig. 1(a), but the viscous damping of the fluid will try to restrict
this propagation as well. This causes the secondary peak to gradually lose its shape, leading to the
flattening in rapidity at later times.

• Studying the effect of viscosity from background and due to fluctuations

The individual effects of viscosity from the background and from fluctuations have been studied. Fig.
2(a) compares the propagation of fluctuations when the viscosity is present only in the background, and
Fig. 2(b) shows the fluctuations when the underlying background follows ideal hydrodynamics and
viscosity is present solely in the fluctuation. The viscosity present solely in the background evolution
does not affect the propagation of the sound wave in a significant way. The single peaks maintain
their shapes perfectly, but their magnitudes increase by a small factor due to the presence of more
terms in the energy-momentum tensor of background flow. The fluctuations initially find themselves
in a background with higher energy compared to the ideal case. When the fluctuations themselves
have a viscous component in them, the fragmentation occurs despite an ideal background flow. So the
fluctuations’ evolution are highly sensitive to their internal structure compared to the medium of their
• Effect of different values of η/s
Fig. 1(b) compares the fluctuations with the different values of η/s. The plots follow the same trend

ideal fluid
viscous fluid, η/s=1/4π η/s=1/4π
0.75 0.75 η/s=2/4π
x0.5 η/s=3/4π
10 C(∆ζ)

10 C(∆ζ)
0.5 0.5

0.25 0.25

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
∆ζ ∆ζ
(a) Pressure-pressure correlations at τ = τ0 (black), (b) Pressure-pressure correlations at τ = τ0 (black),
2τ0 (green), 3τ0 (indigo), 5τ0 (orange), 10τ0 (red), 2τ0 (green), 3τ0 (indigo), 5τ0 (orange), 10τ0 (red),
20τ0 (blue) for comparison of ideal fluid with a 20τ0 (blue) for studying the effect of η/s.
viscous fluid.

Figure 3: Effect of viscosity on correlations

with the highest η/s retaining the pressure field at the point of addition for the maximum interval of
• Correlations
The equal-time pressure-pressure rapidity correlation of the fluctuating fluid,
C(τ, ∆ζ) = dζ 0 δ(τ, ζ 0 )δ(τ, ζ 0 + ∆ζ), (16)

have been studied with varying ∆ζ in Fig. 3. In general, at early times the correlation gives a large and
narrow peak at ∆ζ = 0 due to short-range correlations. With the expansion of the background fluid
and hence the perturbation, the amplitude of the peak decreases with time and spreads over a large
rapidity separation leading to long-range rapidity correlations. The extent of the rapidity correlation
at any given time is bounded by the maximum distance travelled by the sound wave, namely the sound
horizon that results in a much smaller peak at large ∆ζ.
For the ideal case this plot shows a peak corresponding to that in the pressure field. For the viscous
fluid the correlations flatten much faster than in the case of ideal fluid Fig. 3(a). The flattening of
pressure field leads to a higher magnitude of the correlations despite the pressure field in the viscous
case having a lower value compared to the ideal case. We plot the correlations also for different
η/s values Fig. 3(b). The plots have the same trend with difference in magnitudes, with the highest
correlations corresponding to the maximum η/s value.

• Perturbations occurring at different τ

In ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions there may be several fluctuations associated with energy-
momentum deposition from multiple jets produced. In that case, we can observe the effect of these
multiple perturbations at a fixed τ. We show in Fig. 4(a) the pressure of the fluctuating field at

0.04 0.03
ideal fluid η/s=1/4π
viscous fluid, η/s=1/4π η/s=2/4π
0.025 η/s=3/4π




0 0
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
ζ ζ
(a) δ = p1 (τ)/p0 (τ) for fluctuations arising at τ = 0.3 f m (b) δ = p1 (τ)/p0 (τ) for fluctuations arising at τ = 0.3 f m
(black), 0.6 f m (red), 1.2 f m (green), 3 f m (blue) for (black), 0.6 f m (red), 1.2 f m (green), 3 f m (blue) for
comparison of ideal fluid with a viscous fluid. studying the effect of η/s.
ideal fluid
viscous fluid, η/s=1/4π η/s=1/4π
0.5 0.5 η/s=2/4π

0.4 0.4
10 C(∆ζ)

10 C(∆ζ)
0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
∆ζ ∆ζ
(c) Pressure-pressure correlations at for fluctuations (d) Pressure-pressure correlations at for fluctuations
arising at τ = 0.3 f m (black), 0.6 f m (red), 1.2 f m (green), arising at τ = 0.3 f m (black), 0.6 f m (red), 1.2 f m
3 f m (blue) to compare ideal fluid with a viscous fluid. (green), 3 f m (blue) to study the effect of η/s.

Figure 4: Fluctuations injected at different τ

τ =6 fm normalized to background pressure p0 (τ) for fluctuations injected at different initial time τ0 .
In the case of an ideal fluid the peaks move uniformly, while retaining their shape, with decreasing
amplitude. For the viscous case the flattening is present.
We also show in Fig. 4(b) the effect of η/s on the addition of multiple fluctuations. The higher the
viscosity coefficient, the more difficult it is for the peak to propagate. This is evident from the case
with η/s = 3/4π (solid black line), which has the most clearly defined peak amongst the three cases.
• Correlations at a fixed τ due to perturbations injected at different τ
We also exhibit the pressure-pressure rapidity correlation for initial fluctuations added at the same
rapidity but at different times τ. We compare the case of ideal fluid with the MIS viscous fluid in Fig.
4(c). The sharp peak of the pressure field for the ideal fluid is reflected for the correlations as well,
whereas for the viscous case the correlations is constant over ζ. Due to the flattening of the pressure
field we see higher magnitude of correlations for lower value of pressure field in case of viscous fluid.

These correlations are also shown for different values of η/s in Fig. 4(d).

5 Conclusions and future direction

We have derived the evolution equation for fluctuation of the hydrodynamic (pressure) field on top of ex-
panding viscous fluid for Bjorken flows. We studied numerically the propagation of the sound wave and the
pressure-pressure correlation in rapidity. The results show that the presence of viscosity in the background
does not affect the propagation of the fluctuations in a significant way. As compared to an ideal background
fluid, the presence of viscosity within causal Müller-Israel-Stewart theory causes damping of the sound ve-
locity leading to a plateau at about mid-rapidity at longer propagation times. This leads to larger extent of
pressure-pressure correlation in rapidity separation.
The evolution of the studied fluctuation resembles the energy-momentum deposited by a hard-jet at any
spatial point in an evolving hydrodynamic viscous medium. In future, we shall formulate the evolution of
energy-momentum lost by jet as well as the propagation of the jet within a coupled jet-hydro model. In this
model the energy lost by the jet, which creates a wake in the medium, depends on the thermal and dissipative
properties of the medium. This energy-momentum lost acts as a source terms of the hydrodynamic evolution
equations. The final aim to study within the coupled jet-hydro model the jet suppression and the modification
of the jet structure [17, 18] in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.

6 Acknowledgement
I would like to acknowledge Prof. Subrata Pal for his guidance which helped me to complete this project,
and for the discussions which resolved several doubts. I thank Rana Nandi, Sukanya Mitra and Sunil Jaiswal
for useful discussions.

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