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PCP 806332.302 806321.

302 Quick Start Checklist

Initial Setup
 Observe current operating conditions. Note the current operating speed, current usage, motor direction, etc.
 Verify incoming power to the drive before powering up the system.
 (Optional) Install the Analog Interface Module.
 (Optional) Install the Mass Data Storage Module and formatted SD-RAM.
 Turn on the circuit breaker and re-verify incoming power.
 At the DSP, using the test points, verify power supplies: +5VDC, +15 VDC, -15 VDC, +24 VDC
 Upload an ‘Initial’ Archive, if necessary.
 Verify Software and Revision. From the Setup Menu, Choose Help, verify the software revision. Update if
 Download ‘Initial’ Archive or default memory (optional). Cycle Power. Download Archive again. Cycle Power
again (to make sure setups won’t be lost on next power cycle).
 From the Setup Menu, Choose Help (7): Calendar (6): Verify that date and time are correct.
 In UEdit, in the Project window, right-click on the Device and choose Units. Select RPM-ENGLISH or RPM-
 In the Quick Start Menu: Choose appropriate values for:
 Set drive model = drive type
 Set mtr nameplate parameters (power, voltage, frequency, current, rpm (includes slip))
 pump max speed (as chosen by the operator) – this is rod speed, not motor speed
 pump min speed (as chosen by the operator) – this is rod speed, not motor speed
 overall gear ratio
 Perform AC Test using NON MOVING Option
a. Select 1 for induction motor
b. Select Non-Moving and press ENTER
c. Verify motor rated horsepower and press ENTER (if any of the following motor parameters need to
be changed, they have to be changed on the quick start menu – editing isn’t allowed in AC test)
d. Verify motor rated voltage and press ENTER
e. Verify maximum required frequency and press ENTER
f. Verify motor rated current and press ENTER
g. Verify motor rated rpm and press ENTER (takes into account slip)
h. Regen/DB press 0 for no
i. Verify ramp time, 6 seconds default is OK and press ENTER
j. Select STARTUP (#1)
k. When the drive asks to turn the motor on, do so (set switch to HAND and press START).
l. When the AC test is complete turn the switch to OFF and press any key.
 Run the motor in Hand and verify that the motor is turning in the correct direction. If not, stop immediately to
prevent unwinding the rod string. In the Quick Start Menu, use change motor dir if needed.
 In the Quick Start Menu: Verify motor operating limits: start/run speed/current limits, mtr uld, mtr ovld, low speed.
 In the Quick Start Menu: Choose appropriate values for:
 hand speed source: KEYPAD or ADC POT
 auto speed source
 if using a pot:
 ADC pot source
 ADC pot min
 ADC pot max
 ADC pot min volts
 ADC pot max volts
 Verify the value in ADC pot value as the pot is changed from minimum to maximum position
 ANALOG if a potentiometer is installed.
 If using KEYPAD, set keypad speed
 Turn on the motor.

Unico PCP Application Quick Start Checklist

PCP 806332.302 806321.302 Quick Start Checklist

Optional Settings
 Analog Outputs. In the Signals out Menu: Setup the analog outputs for external devices or output meters.
 Sensors. Wire all Sensor Devices to the Drive.
o In the Signals In Menu: Set up all optional Sensor Inputs.
 Display Units. In the Display Menu: Select the display units.
 Define the Pump Curve. In the Pump Menu: Enter the pump and well data obtained from the operator. If the
flow rate data is in GPM, in the display Menu, temporarily change fluid flow units from BPD to GPM for easier
parameter entry.
 Define the Fluid Properties. In the Reservoir Menu: Enter the fluid and reservoir data obtained from the
operator. If the flow rate data is in GPM, in the Display Menu, temporarily change fluid flow units from BPD to
GPM for easier parameter entry.
 Password Protection. In the Global Dictionary: Set level 1 password, level 2 password, level 3 password and
lockout time.
 Main Menu Items: If desired, change the items shown on the main menu (Graphics display only) on the Display
menu: user menu item x.

Optional Controllers
 Calendar Controller. In the Control Menu: Use time of use limit to enable or disable. Adjust calendar
parameters as necessary.
 Timer Controller. In the Control Menu: Use timer mode to enable or disable. Adjust timer parameters as
 Fluid Level Controller. To control to the estimated fluid over pump level:
o On the Pump Menu, enter pump intake depth, pump base speed, pump base flow, pump rated lift,
and pump torq at rated lift.
o Run the pump in auto. Make sure that fluid is to the surface.
o On the Fluid Level Test Menu, set well id enable to ENABLE. It will take a few minutes to
complete. (It ramps to pump max speed, dwells, slowly ramps down to pump min speed, dwells,
then returns to the requested speed)
o After it finishes and well id enable reverts to DISABLE, it will take a minute or so for the fluid over
pump monitor to stabalize.
o Shoot the well to determine the fluid level.
o Set fluid level calibrate to the fluid from the surface value. It takes about 30 seconds for the fluid
over pump estimate to change.
o Observe the fluid over pump estimate to verify that it is reasonable.
o Now the fluid level controller can be enabled by setting auto speed source to LEVEL PIP EST. Set
the desired target fluid level in Pump Speed Menu, fluid over pump setpt.
o If the drive reacts too quickly to changes in level, lower the tuning gains: PID Kp and PID Ki. If it
acts too slugishly, increase the gains.
Finalizing Setup
 In the Fault/Event Menu: Enter a non-zero value in power up restart delay to enable.
 In the Fault/Event Menu: Enter a non-zero value in restart attempts to enable Auto-Restarts. If enabled, enter
appropriate values in run verify time, fault restart delay and restart min delay.
 Clear Fault and Event Histories. From the Setup Menu, choose Faults(5), choose the F/W History(4) and, using
Fn(1), clear the entire fault log. Then choose Event History and, using Fn(1), clear the entire event log.]
 Store values to flash memory (Motor must be off). At the Drive Setup Menu, choose 6, Archive. Choose 5, Store
to flash Press Enter. Choose 0, then 1.
 Upload a ‘Final’ Archive.

Unico PCP Application Quick Start Checklist


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