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Open the AS Java Telnet


Command for deploying SDAs and SCAs.

In order to get an overview of the available options in the deploy command, execute: deploy -h or man deploy.

This will give you a description of the available options.


deploy C:\my\app\App1.sda on_deploy_error=stop

deploy list=C:\my\list\DeployItems.txt on_deploy_error=skip_depending on_prerequisite_error=stop


Command for undeploying SDAs.

In order to get an overview of the available options in the undeploy command, execute: undeploy -h or man undeploy.

This will give you a description of the available options.


undeploy name=MyApp on_undeploy_error=stop

undeploy list=C:\my\list\UndeployItems.xml on_undeploy_error=skip_depending


explore [name=<...> vendor=<...>]

This command lists All Deployed Components. Only components which are currently deployed on the system will be returned.

The arguments 'name' and 'vendor' are optional. If they are not specified all the deployed components (SCs & DCs) will be returned.


name = Specifies the name attribute of a development or software component.

vendor = Specifies the vendor attribute of a development or software component.

remove_app [<applicationName> | <-all>]

The command can be used for removing an application from the server


<applicationName> - The name of the application to remove.

<-all> - Removes all applications from the cluster.

get_result <sessionId>

This command can be used for printing offline deployment or undeployment result by session id, if result for the specified session id was not garbage collected.


<sessionId> Specifies the session id for a particular deployment or undeployment except active one if deploy controller is in process in order to
prevent failures on operation. If no sessionId is specified then the active one is used.

app_refs_graph [<applicationName_1> <applicationName_2> ... <applicationName_N> | :-all] [:-level=<depth>]

This command can be used for printing the reference graph for all applications.

The graph contains application references to other applications, services, libraries and resource references. For more information


Gives a list and status of all applications

get_status <-a applicationName>

list_app | grep <applicationName>

Use this commands to get the status of a certain application

deploy_info <application name>

Gives you a lot of information for a certain component deployed on the current server node. The most useful info is the current STATUS - if it is started or not,
and if it is NOT STARTED - the reason is displayed.

Increasing the severities of deploy logs

Deploy service -

Deploy controller -

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