Delhi Public School Vadodara: Academic Session 2020-21

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Academic Session 2020-21

Class VI / Science / Assignment 17

Chapter 2: Components of food

1. Given below is a picture of different food items, that is labelled as 1, 2 and 3. Identify and label 1,2,3 as:

1. Protein rich food

2. Carbohydrate rich food

3. Fat rich food.

2. Match the following items given in Column A with that in Column B:

Column A Column B Answer

(a) Energy giving food (i) Vitamins and minerals (a) -
(b) Body building food (ii) Iodine (b) -
(c) Protective food (iii) Fats, carbohydrates (c) -
(d) Test for fat (iv) Copper sulphate and caustic soda (d) -
(e) Test for starch (v) Oily patch on paper sheet (e) -
(f) Test for protein (vi) Proteins (f) -


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