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Unit 1: Lesson 1.

8 The Self from Various Perspectives | The Differentiated Self

Activity Sheet 15
Name: __Edrian B. Tacmoy_______________________ Date : ________________
Year and Course: ___1ST YEAR BSI_______________ Score: ________________
Time and Section : TF 10:30- 12 PM___K2__________


Instructions: Look at the picture in Activity Sheet No. 15 and carefully analyze what the picture is
all about. Answer the following questions briefly (2 sentences maximum).

1. What do you think about the picture?

I think the picture might be telling us that the brain and heart are both important but they need to work
together in order to make a human working properly. I don't think it means that one is better than the
other because I don't believe either one can survive without the other.
2. How do you feel about this picture?
I feel curious because I don't know how the brain and heart talk is working out. I am curious about
whether my brain is telling my body what to do or whether it's telling myself what to do.
3. What is the picture all about? What does it try to convey?
This image provides a visual example of how someone else's emotions or thoughts can affect your own
mood through physical reactions. A specific "brain" or "heart" is shown, specifically meant for reference so
that one can better understand the process of how this occurs. The overall message here is that
understanding others will help you gain a better understanding of yourself.
4. What insights can you draw from the picture?
The insights in this picture are about the self. The picture is about the brain and heart; it includes
information about what is going on inside the brain, our thoughts, and our emotions, all in one picture
form. It also talks about how to learn from mistakes you make, like self-criticisms like "I always think that I
am not doing well with anything new", or "I've been struggling with my personal life recently.”

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