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Background of the study

The concept of procrastination was recognized and recorded in 800 BC, when the ancient Greek poet

Hesiod stated “do not put your work off till tomorrow and the day after; for a sluggish worker does not fill his barn,

nor one who puts off his work: industry makes work go well, but a man who puts off work is always at hand-grips

with ruin” (Works and Days, 1. 143). Procrastination was subsequently referred to in the ethical teachings of

Rabbias in which he stated, “Do not say that when I will be free, I will study because you may never be free” (50

C.E.; Ethics of the Fathers, 2.4), with the Roman statesman Cicero calling procrastination “hateful” (44 B.C.;

Philippics, 6.7), and the Bible referring to it as a sin (James, 4.17). Throughout history, procrastination has been

labeled as a negative and undesirable behaviour in denoting a lack of moral character and weakness of will

(referred to in Greek as “akrasia”; Pychyl, 2011). Despite being antiquated in origin, these definitions and

explanations of procrastination are consistent with modern conceptualizations of procrastination that are presently

understood as referring to actions that go against one’s own better judgement in unnecessarily impeding goal

attainment for oneself.

Procrastination refers generally to avoidant behavior, which manifests itself in the frequency of

postponing or delaying the commencement or completion of everyday behavioral tasks or activities (Grund& Fries,

2018; Fernie et al., 2017; Ferrari & Roster, 2018). Laeus (2015) explains that the procrastination is avoidance of

doing a task that needs to be accomplished. He further states that procrastinate is the process of doing more

pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, or carrying out less urgent tasks instead of more urgent ones,

thus putting off impending tasks to a later time. However, there are discrepancies as to the assumed role of anxiety

as being a consequence of academic procrastination (procrastination leading students to feel more anxious about

approaching deadlines) or a correlate and/or antecedent of procrastination (procrastination as a response to anxiety

over academic tasks). Overall, the current literature on academic procrastination is unclear as to whether anxiety

predicts or is predicted by procrastination, if they are co-occurring, or if there is a reciprocal relationship between
these variables, with further research required to more explicitly examine these mixed assumptions concerning

such relations (Rahimi 2019).

According to (Yared Fentaw 2022 et al.,) Although, it has been difficult to get consensus on definitions

of the notion, there is still a plethora of definitions in the literature [1]. Some define academic procrastination as the

knowledge that a student has to complete one or more tasks or administer any activity, such as writing a term

paper, fishing a class project, completing a reading assignment, or preparing for examinations, but lacks motivation

to do so within a specified time frame [2]. Procrastination is also defined as any deliberate but unreasonable delay

in carrying out an anticipated course of action [3], and it commonly leads to poor academic achievement [4, 5].

Thus, academic procrastinators are students who are aware of what is required of them, are capable of doing it

because the work is within their curricular experience, and are attempting to do it, but do not accomplish it [6].

They appear to be engaged in non-academic, generally enjoyable activities rather than the academic objectives

outlined in the curriculum. According to such definitions, some authors claim that the intentionality of delay is a

critical component.

In addition, procrastination is a pervasive issue among students that can have significant negative effects

on their academic performance and psychological well-being. It is a phenomenon that is prevalent among high

school students, particularly in grade 10, as they experience a range of academic and social pressures. Sanlibo

National High School is no exception to this phenomenon, and many students struggle with procrastination, which

can lead to poor academic performance, stress, and anxiety.

Moreover, the aim of this study is to investigate the experiences and perspectives of grade 10 students at

Sanlibo National High School regarding their procrastination habits and the influence of procrastination on their

studies throughout the 2022-2023 school year. This study's goal is to provide useful insights into the variables that

contribute to procrastination, the influence of procrastination on academic achievement and psychological well-

being, and students' experiences and opinions on procrastination and its impacts on their studies.
Additionally, this study will collect data from grade 10 students at Sanlibo National High School using

qualitative research methods. The study will include the development of interview questions and prompts to

encourage students to share their experiences and perspectives on procrastination and its effects on their education.

The study aims to uncover the numerous aspects that contribute to student procrastination, such as time

management abilities, self-regulation, motivation, and stress. The study will also look at how procrastination

affects academic success, such as grades, test scores, and assignment completion. Furthermore, the study intends to

investigate the psychological repercussions of procrastination on students, including anxiety, despair, and self-


In conclusion, this research will be investigated qualitatively using approaches such as topic analysis and

content analysis. The study's data will be reviewed in order to draw conclusions on the effects of procrastination on

the academic performance and well-being of Sanlibo National High School's grade 10 pupils. The study will

provide valuable insights into students' experiences and perspectives on procrastination and its impact on their

studies, which will help to inform the development of interventions or programs to help students overcome

procrastination and improve their academic performance and well-being. 

Statement of the study

Many students who procrastinate frequently struggle with impulse control and high levels of anxiety. Even

medical illnesses have been related to procrastination. People that procrastinate tend to be more stressed out and

put off getting medical care, which can lead to a cycle of ill health.

The objective of this research is to find out the effects of procrastination among Grade 10 students in Sanlibo

National High School.

1. What is the Profile of the selected Grade 10 students in terms of:

a) Name (Optional)

b) Gender

c) Age
2. What are the most common factors that contribute to procrastination among grade 10 students, and how can

educators help students overcome these challenges?

3. What are the specific negative effects of procrastination on grade 10 students' academic performance, and

how can these be addressed?

Significance of the study

The significance of the study is to identify the factors that contribute to procrastination among Grade 10

students at Sanlibo National High School during the school year 2022-2023. This study can help students, teachers,

and parents to understand the root causes of procrastination and to develop effective strategies to overcome it. The

result of this study will be beneficial to the following:

Students. This study can help raise awareness about the negative effects of procrastination. By understanding the

consequences of this behavior, students may be more motivated to address it. The study can also provide insights

into the specific challenges faced by grade 10 students, helping them to develop strategies to overcome

procrastination and achieve better academic outcomes.

Teachers. This study can provide valuable information on the factors that contribute to procrastination among

grade 10 students. Armed with this knowledge, teachers can develop strategies to help students overcome

procrastination and achieve better academic outcomes. This can include developing targeted interventions,

providing additional support to students who struggle with procrastination, and educating students and parents on

the negative effects of procrastination.

Parents. This study can provide insights into the challenges their children face in terms of procrastination and

academic performance. With this knowledge, parents can provide better support and guidance to their children,

helping them to overcome procrastination and achieve better academic outcomes.

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