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Submitted by: Castañeda Angel

Submitted to: Dela Cruz Marites

"The Sound of Waves"

by Yukio Mishima

"The Sound of Waves" by Yukio Mishima is a beautifully crafted novel that explores

themes of love, tradition, and social class. The story is set on a small fishing island and

tells the story of a young man named Shinji who falls in love with a beautiful girl named

Hatsue. Their love is complicated by the fact that Hatsue comes from a higher social class

than Shinji, and her family disapproves of their relationship.

Mishima's writing is lyrical and poetic, and he paints a vivid picture of life on the

island. His descriptions of the sea and the natural world are particularly evocative, and he

captures the rhythms of life on the island with great sensitivity. The island is a place where

the sea is both a source of life and a source of danger, and Mishima uses this setting to

explore the themes of love, sacrifice, and the power of nature.

One of the strengths of the novel is its exploration of the tension between tradition

and modernity. The island is steeped in tradition, and the characters are all deeply

connected to their cultural heritage. However, they are also aware of the changes that are

taking place in the wider world, and they struggle to reconcile these two opposing forces.

This tension is particularly evident in the relationship between Shinji and Hatsue, who are
both drawn to each other but are also aware of the social and cultural barriers that

separate them.

In addition to its exploration of tradition and modernity, the novel also explores the

themes of love and sacrifice. Shinji and Hatsue's relationship is a powerful example of the

transformative power of love, and their struggles to overcome the social and cultural

barriers that separate them are both poignant and inspiring. The novel also explores the

theme of sacrifice, as the characters are forced to make difficult choices in order to protect

their families and their way of life.

Overall, "The Sound of Waves" is a beautifully written novel that explores timeless

themes of love, tradition, and social class. Mishima's writing is poetic and evocative, and he

captures the rhythms of life on the island with great sensitivity. The novel is a testament to

the enduring power of love and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. It

is a powerful reminder of the importance of tradition and the need to balance tradition with

the changing demands of the modern world.

Submitted by: Castañeda Angel

Submitted to: Dela Cruz Marites

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