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Forms Personalization in Oracle HRMS

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Written by Anil Passi Thursday, 07 September 2006 For quite some time I was thinking about publishing an article about forms personalization in Oracle HRMS. The Metalink note on Forms Personalization is helpful, but what it lacks is a pictorial approach to implementing Forms Personalizations. I am a visual animal, so I like to explain in that manner too. My first article in the series of Forms Personalization is in response to a question raised in Oracle Forum under Oracle Human Resources (HRMS ). As per the Oracle forum request, If the Person Type is Employee, their clients wants Person Title field to become Mandatory ( lets assume it is the title field for now). When the Person Type field changes to a value that is anything but Employee, the person title field should then toggle back to become optional. Please note that when Person type Employee is selected, value in field PERSON.D_PTU_USER_PERSON_TYPE is assigned a value of Employee Now the requirement is that for Employee field PERSON.D_TITLE must be made mandatory. There are two possible ways the Person Type can change. Either by picking a dropdown list of Action (e.g. Create Employee) or by directly picking up a value from LOV on field Person Type for Action. Whenever the person type changes, WHEN-NEW-ITEMINSTANCE is fired for one for the below fields(depending upon how its changed). Hence forms personalization must check conditions for below three fields PERWSHRG.PERSON.PTU_ACTION_TYPE PERWSHRG.PERSON.D_PTU_USER_PERSON_TYPE PERWSHRG.PERSON.SHOW_NUMBER The demo below contains conditional check on WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE of PERSON.PTU_ACTION_TYPE When implementing this, you will have to replicate the steps in the demo for WNII on both PERWSHRG.PERSON.D_PTU_USER_PERSON_TYPE & PERWSHRG.PERSON.SHOW_NUMBER I have tested the steps below myself, and they appear to work. OK, here we go..... STEP 1 Create Personalization as below( to make Title field mandatory) Sequence: 50 Description: Make Person Title Mandatory when Person Type is Employee. Trigger Event: WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE Trigger Object: PERSON.PTU_ACTION_TYPE

Condition: ${item.person.d_ptu_user_person_type.value} = 'Employee

Check if Person Type is Employee in When New Item Instance

Action Sequence: 10 Action Type: Property Action Object Type: Item Action Target Object: PERSON.D_TITLE Action Property Name: REQUIRED Action Value: TRUE

Make Title mandatory when Person Type is Employee


Create another Personalization as below ( to make Title field Optional) Sequence: 51 Description: Make Person Title Mandatory when Person Type is Employee. Trigger Event: WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE Trigger Object: PERSON.PTU_ACTION_TYPE Condition: NVL(${item.person.d_ptu_user_person_type.value},'xxyyzz') != 'Employee'

Check if Person Type is anything other than Employee in When New Item Instance

Action Sequence: 10 Action Type: Property Action Object Type: Item Action Target Object: PERSON.D_TITLE Action Property Name: REQUIRED Action Value: FALSE

Make Title option when Person Type is not Employee

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