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Leader's name: ______________________

Member's names: ______________________, ______________________

______________________, ______________________

______________________, ______________________

______________________, ______________________

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The experiences of ICT11-B towards their chosen strand

Hello this is Group 1 doing this practical research with this topic.

Today we will really explain the background of the study,

just to specifically understand the definitely

whole research on this topic namely chosen

"The experiences of ICT11-B towards their chosen strand."

The significance of the study is needed to express the whole

meaning of this study.

This study is needed for the understandable information

of this specific section that will

be easily understood due to the fact

that this section is easily misunderstood.

Another reason why this section is great for its "teamwork" in specific subjects

such as this particular subject.

and now we are here doing this particular subject with this experiences that we have to strive through it.
This study started escalating at the first day of school

where we don't know each and anybody.

likely after introducing ourselves we get to know each other.

we did what other students did study everyday.

everyday is almost fun,we take everything seriously even doing quizes but

the others doesn't take it much seriously,

they take other's answers and put it in theirs like

nothing happened, likewise others who have answer are kind,

so we let it just happen, they don't take it seriously but they participate much likely,

with group activities like reading something outloud,

because other's have teeny tiny voices or lower tone or can't stand socializing,

like i do.

but everyday is not complete without them.

the difficult part that we struggled at is when we did literal actions with the subjects like

making/fixing a powerbank,

learning other difficult functions of any technologies.

but we did everything with sheer will and teachings of our teachers.

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