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I. Identify what kind of text type is the following paragraph. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

II. Read the paragraph and answer the question that follows.
_____5. It was the first football game for the Gators. The coach asked if everyone was ready. The players
jumped and replied, “Yes!” In what tone did the Gators’s reply?
a. calm b. serious c. happy d. enthusiastic
_____6. The blue jay is jumping on the tree singing and dancing happily. What is the blue jay’s tone while
singing? a. joyful b. dreamy c. confused d. hurt
_____7. The alarm buzzed. Jordan smashed her first down on it-hard. It flew off the nightstand and
bounced off her cat, Armstrong. The cat yowled indignantly and rocketed out the room.
a. eerie b. sarcastic c. passionate d. humorous
_____8. Wow! With a top speed of one hundred fifty miles per hour, that car can almost fly! Which tone
is represented in the following passage?
a. calm b. annoyed c. scary d. excited
_____9. If the author has no emotion regarding the story he is telling; his tone can be described as.
a. playful b. objective c. ironic d. mysterious
_____10. What is the tone of the following text? “I will not!” she shouted. “I will not be left at the mercy
of our enemies while you slink away!”
a. pleased b. angry c. happy d. suspicious
_____11. She hesitated, listening for sounds of the creature. The forest seemed empty, but she could sense
something else out there. Something watching and waiting. What is the mood for the passage?
a. romantic b. depressing c. joyful d. suspenseful
_____12. Which word accurately describes the son’s tone in the following dialogue?
Father: We are going to Disney World!
Son: Yehey!
a. irritated b. annoyed c. uninterested d. excited
Cause and Effect text or Problem-Solution text?
_________________________13. Many people think that they can get sick by going into cold weather
improperly dressed; however, illnesses are not caused by temperature- they are caused by germs. So while
shivering outside in the cold probably won’t strengthen your immune system, you’re more likely to contract
an illness indoors because you will have a greater exposure to germs.
________________________14. Students are not allowed to chew gum in my class. While some students
think that I am just being mean, there are many good reasons for this rule. First, some irresponsible students
make messes with their gum. They may leave it on the bottoms of desks, drop it on the floor, or put it on other
people’s property. Another reason why I don’t allow students to chew gum is because it is a distraction. When
they are allowed to chew gum, students are more worried about having it, popping it, chewing it, and
snapping it then they are in listening, writing, reading, and learning. This is why I don’t allow students to chew
gum in my class.
________________________15. In the most part of the world, there are not as many crocodiles as there used
to be. This is a problem because crocodiles are becoming endangered. In order to preserve these mighty
creatures, people must take care of the crocodiles environment and help put a stop to the needless shooting
of these animals.
16. My friend and I will PART company after dinner. I won't see him until he returns from vacation. What does
the word part mean in this sentence?
a. Separate c. a line where hair is combed in different directions
b. actor's role in a play d. piece
17. Brady tried to QUELL the rumors about his illness, but they continued. What is the meaning of the word in
all caps?
a. Stop b. Begin c. Change d. Spread
18. We had our doubts about the new member of our team; and yet, she surpassed our expectations at every
In this sentence, 'she surpassed our expectations' means that:
a. she did better than our expectations c. she made progress in our expectations
b. she met our expectations d. she didn't meet our expectations
19. Cherry pie made Leon ecstatic; on the other hand, blueberry cake made him feel sad.
In this sentence, 'ecstatic' means:
a. overly lonely b. especially jumpy c. very happy d. quite tired
20. Sue discovered that her favorite dress, which she had hung out to dry on a clothesline, had fallen and
become bedraggled in the mud. What does BEDRAGGLED mean?
a. small and helpless b. limp and dirty c. fresh and clean d. smooth and colorful

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