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WHATTSAPP : 9867792792

1) The solid circular section of a shaft has 60 mm diameter. When a twisting moment of 5
KN-m is applied on the section. Find the shear stress induced at points a, b and c which is
at a distance of 30mm, 15mm and 0m from the center of circle along the radius. Also draw
a sketch showing distribution of shear stress. Discuss about the results.

2) A 1.5 mm long, solid shaft with circular section of 50mm diameter is fixed at one end
and is subjected to a twisting moment of 2 KN-m. Determine maximum shear stress and
angle of twist induced in the shaft. Take modulus of rigidity of shaft material as 80 Gpa.

3) A 1 m long wire is hung in vertical position and a disc is attached at the bottom end.
Diameter of wire is 2 mm. Material of wire has yield stress in shear of 150 Mpa. Determine
the angle through which the disc can be rotated so that the wire does not yield. Take G =

4) A 2 meters long hollow cylinder shaft has 80 mm outer diameter and 10 mm wall
thickness. When the torsional load on the shaft is 6 KN-m, determine 1) maximum shear
stress induced and 2) angle of twist. Also draw the distribution of shear stress in the wall
of the shaft. Take G as 80 Gpa.

5) A brass solid circular shaft of diameter 40 mm is 1.0 m long. Determine 1) torsional

strength and 2) torsional rigidity. Take the modulus of rigidity of shaft material as 40 Gpa.

6) A solid shaft rotating at 500 rpm transmits 30 KW. Maximum torque is 20% more than
the mean torque. Material of shaft has the allowable shear stress 65 Mpa and modulus of
rigidity 81 Gpa. Angle of twist in the shaft should not exceed 1° in 1 meter length.
Determine the diameter of shaft.

7) A hollow shaft is subjected to a torque 8 KN-m. The angle of twist in the shaft is to be
limited to 1.7° in a length equal to twenty times the outer diameter. Taking the inner
diameter to outer diameter ratio as 0.7, determine, i) inner diameter and outer diameter and
il) maximum shear stress induced. Take the modulus of rigidity for the shaft material as 80

8) A hollow shaft with inner diameter to outer diameter ratio of 0.8 is to transmit a torque
of 2500 N-m. Taking the allowable shear stress for the shaft material as 45 Mpa and the
limiting angle of twist in 2 meters length of shaft as 1.5°, determine the inner and outer
diameters of the shaft. Take G = 81 KN/mm2

9) A 60 mm diameter shaft is subjected to the torques at various sections as shown in fig

Determine (i) Total angle of twist and (ii) Maximum shear stress induced in each portion.
Take G = 0.8 x 105 Mpa.
WHATTSAPP : 9867702792

10) Compare the mass of solid shaft with that of hollow shall of same length, when they
are made of same material and are to transmit same power at same speed. The outer
diameter of hollow shaft is 1.4 times its inner diameter. Maximum shear stresses induced
in both cases are equal.

11) A solid shaft is to transmit 192 KW at 450 rpm. Taking the allowable shear stress for
the shaft material as 70 Mpa, find the diameter of the solid shaft. What percentage of saving
in weight would be obtained, if this shaft were to be replaced by a hollow shaft, whose
internal diameter is 0.8 times its external diameter. The length, material, power to be
transmitted and speed are equal in both cases. Torsional strength of both solid and hollow
shafts should be equal.

12) A solid shaft of 60 mm diameter is to be replaced by a hollow shaft of same length. The
outer diameter of hollow shaft is same as that of solid shaft. If the angle of twist per unit
torsional moment is same in both cases, determine the inner diameter of the hollow shaft.
Take the modulus of rigidity of the hollow shaft to be three times that of solid shaft.

13) A solid shaft of 50 mm diameter is to be replaced by a hollow shaft. Determine the

diameters of hollow shaft, so that the same torsional strength is maintained. Inner diameter
of the hollow shaft is 0.7 times its outer diameter. Determine the torque carrying capacities
of the both solid and hollow shafts, when (i) both shafts are made of steel and have equal
maximum shear stresses induced (il) solid shaft is made of steel and hollow shaft is made
of aluminum. Take the allowable shear stresses for steel and aluminum as ζs= 100 Mpa and
ζAl, = 60 Mpa.

14) A solid shaft has 50 mm diameter. Determine the inner and outer diameters of a hollow
shaft such that it's area of cross section is same as that of solid shaft. The inner diameter of
hollow shaft is 0.8 times its outer diameter. Compare the torsional strengths and torsional
stiffnesses of solid shaft and hollow shaft. Length and material are same in both cases

15) A hollow shaft has inner diameter to outer diameter ratio of 3: 5. Compare the torque
carrying capacity of hollow shaft with that of solid shaft. Both shafts have same material,
equal masses and are subjected to equal maximum shear stresses.

16) A 60 mm diameter solid brass shaft is to be replaced by a hollow steel shaft. The outer
diameter of hollow shaft is equal to the diameter of solid shaft. Considering length, angle
of twist and torque transmitted to be equal in both cases, determine the inner diameter of
the hollow shaft. Modulus of rigidity of steel is twice that of brass.

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