Week 2

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Computer Assisted Language Learning

Computer is everywhere, dont think about it just a machine

1- Basics of CALL

CALL refers to the use of technology to enchance language learning; computer programs,
mobile apps, language learning websites and more

Call can be used for a variety of purposes, including grammar practice, vocablary building,
communication skills development

(google translate)

2- History of CALL

CALL has its roots in the 1960s, when researchers began to explore the use of computers
language learning

In the 1980s and 1990s, CALL began to gain popularity as computers became more widely
and affordable

Today, CALL is an important component of language teaching and learning around the world

3 main stages;

Behaviorustic CALL

Computer: mechanical tutor – never tired judgmental, allowed individual pace

 Repetitive language drills drill-and-

 Grammatical explanations
 Translation tests at various intervals

Communicative CALL 1970s – 80s

Personal computers – greater possibilities, individual work

 Cognitive theories: learning through discovery, exprression, and development

 Focus more on using forms than on the forms themselves
 Implicit rather explicit grammar instruction
 Generation of original utterances rather than prefabricated language

Integrative CALL (late 1980s till now)

 Criticism of Communicative CALL: computer used in ad hoc, discon, fashion need to

 Integrate technology more fully in language learning process

Why changes in CALL paradigms?

Pedagogical theories (gtm, clt, audio lingual… now: post method era)

Economic and social changes: shift to information-based economies and need to deal with
large amount of information

 Memorization is less important than effect search strategies

 Response and adaptation to changes rather than approach to task
 Communication across language and cultures

Teacher Roles
Benefits of CALL

Limitation of CALL
Types of CALL Activities




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